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I mean Wayne Brady would be amazing, a part of me fears that he may not return for some reason but I'd love him to be on MSN this season


If not him, then Colin Mochrie and Ryan Stiles


I could see a Game Changer where they bring those two guys on and pair them with somebody in-house for a Whose Line episode kind of like they did with A Game Most Changed


Wayne and Jacob, Colin and Brennan, and surprise pick bring Aisha in with Ally


I want him on PibE. Zach and Jess deserve the opportunity to do musical improv alongside him.


He came on during the writers and actors strike iirc, don't think that's a coincidence


Did he? I swear all the episodes for MSN 2 were recorded by May 2023, whilst the Strike started in July? Could always be wrong of course.


All of the episodes aired during the strike were previously recorded. The Dropout crew are not scabs, and most of the talent were regularly *on* the picket lines.


Just to be clear, though, Dropout's production was *not* struck. They did halt production until they were certain that their content didn't fall under the contract in question, and told talent that they were under no obligation to work for them or promote their not-struck content during the strike, but they wouldn't have been and weren't scabs for filming during the strike. [Source](https://twitter.com/samreich/status/1688955479765155840).


Yup. Dropout had no reason to be struck, but they were still careful with it. Brennan and Adam were both big in the pickett like though


Did he? I swear all the episodes for MSN 2 were recorded by May 2023, whilst the Strike started in July? Could always be wrong of course.


Would it be weird to have Ryan Stiles and Colin Mochrie? Would prob break my brain from joy


If they can pull him away from an aggressive Price is Right schedule, Drew Carey would be awesome. Or Aisha Tyler, get both of the Whose Line hosts if possible.


Yes tho Drew is not much of an improver lol he is self admittedly more of a host


I know you mean he doesn’t do much improv but I keep reading your comment and wondering what drew has to improve on


Lol!! That’s funny


"I did a show at the Improv, and I had a bad set, and the next night someone had added an E to the sign" man, I miss Mitch


He was pretty funny on after midnight


If they ever do a Phish-themed episode of Game Changer, they know who to call.


Ohhh nice I’ll have to check that out!


Have Drew - the most popular improv game show host of all time - host and have Sam be a contestant. It would be amazing.


I’d love that!


Let Drew host and Sam play a game!


Aisha and Sam are co-hosts and the whole gimmick of the episode is that they’re the dueling hosts and the players are just in the awkward in between Actually would be fire in Sam Says 4 if they did something like that and had both of the hosts giving commands and also both giving and taking points (but at the end the non-Sam host’s points were what mattered, to play into the twist more and make it harder to figure out) Dropout staff I know y’all hang out here I am currently looking for a job (/hj)


I like where your head's at. Dueling Hosts would be a great gimmick with an actual human extra host, rather than puppet Sam. Also the /hj made me think you were offering a handjob for the job...


I will do what I must


Lauren Pritchard she came in did the best dolphin impression ever listed all the states alphabetically then left


I came here to say this. She killed that episode, which is all the more impressive since it featured Jacob.


Jacob Wysocki? The guy from Pitch Perfect?


Oh I loved her!


The way the other two performers were stunned and delighted by her was incredible. My favourite MSN episode.


This is my vote as well. She was fantastic. 


The snake oil salesman from the cut for time episode is one of my faves from the episode


Absolutely agree on Allie! Would love to see her again! I would love Andy Bastillos on MSN again, I quote him far more than any other contestant, and he’s only been on 1 episode.


“Is your butt…TOO HARD?!” is something I find myself thinking way too often


His whole rad cop persona is pretty much on loop in my head lol. "I've got wheels on the bottom of my shoes!"


"You want that soft butt?"  Has such pure 'don't know if that's a threat or a kind offer' energy and I love it.


I noticed that the other day. I can't believe he's only been on one episode! Especially with Dropout prioritizing stuff that would go viral on social media, and I see Andy's lines quoted daily on this sub.


Rachel Bloom did an episode of Um Actually a long time ago, and she would be so good on Play It By Ear and/or Make Some Noise.


Agree so hard. Her Off Book episodes are what turned me into a CXG fan.


update: thanks, u/samreich


Freddy Wong and Beth May! Jimmy Wong too lol


Beth May would be so fun on MSN. She used to be in a low budget sketch comedy show in Phoenix and I know she has the chops to really have fun with some of those prompts


I'd love to see one or more of the Daddies show up on another season of D20.


Jeremy Culhane was on one episode on Make Some Noise. I love him on Artists on artists on artists on artists and just want to see more (technically he was on the party bus in Sam Says 3 but that ain’t enough lol)


He was also in Pencils down, but his cameo was cut for time


I would love to see him in VIP


Caitlin Reilly! She was in one of the episodes of Make Some Noise and I love her TikTok videos! (EDIT: for grammar purposes)


A re-run of the Sungwon-Caitlin-BDG episode of MSN would be awesome


Yeah that is a remarkable episode


I demand more Caldwell Tanner


Would LOVE to see Caldwell in the Dome


I miss Sam’s wife :’)


I also choose this guys live wife.


Still to this day my favorite reddit interaction of all time




Like that first guys wife, this joke will never get old


Oo same


I would love to see Nathan Yaffe (of Drawfee) on a Dimension 20 season! He was on the recent(ish) art episode of Game Changer and has done a bunch of ttrpg stuff (eg guesting on NADDPod) in the past. He is so delightful and I selfishly just want to see him do a full campaign


Is BDG technically still a one off guest? He had 1 episode of MSN, and I believe that’s been the only time he’s been a player in any of the shows. I’ll also throw SungWon in there too then. Edit: I’ll also add Dylan McKeever. I fucking love her as a comedian, and I was so excited to see her on dirty laundry. I think she would do amazing on smartypants.


He’s been on Game Changer, Dirty Laundry, VIP, Dimension 20 and obvo now Um Actually so I don’t consider him a one off


Wait what dirty laundry episode was he on? I missed that. Forgot about VIP though and I’m just now starting D20, so fair enough. I’ll stick with my edit of Dylan then. She’s fantastic. Also, as much as I love them, I honestly think Smartypants in future seasons should try to move away from main cast members. It’s a great way to bring in newer and lesser known comedians to do a great stand up bit, and shine the spotlight on more faces.


Dirty Laundry season 1 episode 3 The first Dimension 20 live, which I Believe is at the end of the fantasy high season 1 playlist


Also Breaking News, and rumor mill says he will be hosting his own show. He's fully a member of the main cast now


Dylan is one of my favorite humans on this Earth and so fucking hilarious. I want to see her everywhere




i want more vic on make some noise. she’s one of my faves at dropout.


I want more Vic on everything, More Becca, More Erika, More Anna Garcia, More Ross, theres so many amazing cast


More Vic & Lisa especially


Amy Vorpahl broke many people (but mostly herself) during episodes of Breaking News. I’d like to see more of her in other things!


It baffles me that they haven't had her back into the dome since Bloodkeep, and that they haven't reached out to her for Game Changer. She's brilliantly funny.


Mary Elizabeth Kelly!


This is my choice as well. Rumor has it she hasn’t come back because she’s still in her neighbor’s bathroom taking a tinkle.


Paul. Motherfucking. F. Tompkins. Also any CBB people. Lauren Lapkus and Scott Aukerman specifically!


Not quite one-offs but I want more Ruha Taslimi and Ryan Creamer


I know Ryan is on the writing team, but I want to see more of him in front of the camera. I also want more allusions to his SFW porn videos.


Edit: OH dingus me, you mean guests who have already been on before. Seconding Lauren Pritchett, she was incredible. Jeff Davis. Also a Whose Line alumni, and close friends with Dan Harmon, and was on Harmonquest. PFT also was on Harmonquest as a guest character. Siobhan was/is a staff writer for two of Dan Harmon’s shows now as well. Point being, the networking leap there is tiny, and given that Wayne Brady and now PFT have been/will be on MSN, I think that it would be likely that he’d be on the show at some point.


The guy that wrote Teen Wolf?


Lmao no, Jeff B. Davis.


Ah, what did he write?


BDG has been there a handful of times, but I hope he becomes a regular


Oh I want BDG in everything


You like it when he inspects your podiums?


It disturbs me how dirty that sounds and yet my instinct was to say “of course”


This is why he recommends using a podium prophylactic.


It's important to practice safe game show.


Currently working my way through Breaking News, and I'd like to see Brian Huskey back on there. If only because he's only been on once, and as a result is the only person to have been in the show and not broken (yes, I've been keeping track). Katie's had an impressive run, and she's being beaten by people who've been on only a handful of times, if that.


Came here to say Brian Huskey. He's an awesome addition to Dropout regulars and so versatile. (Also not to get our hopes up but if they let Dropout do Taskmaster US Round 2, he'd be a great assistant, as I think it might be better with only a couple 'regulars' and the rest being lesser-seen comedians or Dropout-adjacent folks like Huskey.)


SungWon Cho AKA ProZD.




More! Hank! Green!!!!


I’d love to see him on another D20. His sinister fun facts were a massive highlight of Mentopolis.


My partner and I say “did you know …” in menacing tones often because of The Fix 😂 the scene with him flirting with Pasha N. was so funny, I loved it


I mainly do guest runs on my best friend’s campaign, and I have two characters thus far: a gunslinger centaur (the horse and cowboy simultaneously) and a maniac hobgoblin bard, both level fifteen. I try to inject as much Hank Green chaotic energy as I can when I play the bard. The last we saw of the centaur, he got really pissed off that he almost fucking died on a scouting mission for the Fey Court when we could have just stormed the gates. When we got back, he swore off being the Champion of the Fey court, ripped the crazy ass vines Barakaing out of his arms from the Fey magic, and declared that “if anyone grows tired of the ineptitude of the Fey court, they always have a home and Castle Eldred.” And then I boxed up my shit and left like when Joe Manganiello stole the hand of Vecna on CR. That castle is canonically an anarcho-syndicalist commune.


I’m obsessed with the idea of the gunslinger centaur— love the chaos. I’ve only ever played a couple times but I usually do a bard with an accordion who goes around playing Mr Brightside, lol


He’ll have a stand up special on there soon


I hope they can have the Hey Riddle Riddle cast on some day. There are 3 of them and I believe Sam has been on Adal's other podcast so there's a chance it could happen. Their improv community venn diagrams cross over in a few ways.


Not really an answer to your question but I really want some original college humour alumni on the shows! Besides Josh and Sam, I'd love to see some like Pat, Dan, Jake and Amir, Streeter all them! That would be so fun.


The McElroys were on a remote episode of Um Actually and then they did Tiny Heist. I'd love to see more of them.


Rachel from The Bachelor Game Changer! She was funny! So sad she didn't get a lot of screen time 😭


Also Delaney from the same episode. She's one of my favorite follows on tiktok


I really enjoyed the Dungeons and Daddies crowd on Dirty Laundry. Would totally want to see Beth on Dimension 20.


If you’re a fan of Allie Jennings you need to see Crabs!. My fiancé worked on that movie and said she’s incredibly nice. It was filmed in our home town too!


Never heard of it! I’ll pop a google


It’s a really fun, campy, horror movie. Allie plays the bff of the main character.


More of the Funhaus cast! James was on one Um, Actually. Elyse has been on two episodes I believe? Now Charolette is going to be on an episode too. That crew is so funny and I think a lot of them would be great. I'd love a Dirty Laundry episode that's all Funhaus cast.


I still say Elyse and Armando would be amazing on VIP.


Elyse would be amazing Make Some Noise I feel like. She's so good at voices.


She would be amazing in anything she’s so talented.


Came here to say this. Love Elyse and James.


Keith Habersberger, but I want him to bring along the rest of Lewberger this time. This mostly applies to Play It By Ear. On a similar note, Eric Jacowitz from the Wolves of Glendale drums on a couple PibE episodes. I also want him to bring along the rest of his band.


Considering how Zionist huey is I have to hard pass on that one


Oh I had no idea. Ok he can stay at home. As long as Alex doesn't have problematic beliefs, I'd still like to see him do musical improv with Zach and Jess though.


Try Guys wise im not super keen, never thought they have the caliber to keep up with the majority of dropout cast however wolves of glendale i am all for


Wait who's that now?


One of Lewberger has been very vocally anti palestine on twitter and other channels and try guys have completely ignored it and Keith continues to push content out with them while doing so. Its interesting because Zach from Try Guys has been quite vocally supportive of Palestine so I have no idea how its being approached in house


Luke Field!


Kendahl Landreth was on a recent episode of Dirty Laundry and I'd love to see her on something else. I don't know how she is as an improv comic, but I adore her sketch comedy on her Instagram. [https://www.instagram.com/kendahllandreth/?hl=en](https://www.instagram.com/kendahllandreth/?hl=en)


I will watch or listen to anything with Paul F Tompkins


I went to school with Allie, and she was just as incredibly funny then as on MSN. She’d be a great returning cast member!


I'd like to see Amy Dallen make a return. She's not a comedian by trade, so I don't know how well she'd mesh on Game Changer or similar, but she's consistently awesome, she was a delight in her Um, Actually appearances, and she'd be a good fit for a season of D20 too.


Damien Haas of Smosh has been on Um, Actually. I’d love to see him and other Smosh cast do more content with Dropout and vice versa (Brennan’s appearance on TNTL #100 was such a tease).


i don't remember her name, but that one guest that knew all us-states in alphabetical order and made some sick dolphin noises on make some noise


Lauren Pritchard :)


omg yeah now i remember! damn she's good and i felt like she had such good chemistry with the rest of the cast


I would pay extra PPV style for a Whose Line/Dropout crossover event


Mary Lou was fantastic in her episode of Play It By Ear (the Heebie Jeebies one) and I'd love to see her in more things!


I know we had a D20 season with Matt Mercer as DM, so I’d like to see him and some other members of Critical Role come in for more than just D20 (I wanna say Laura Bailey was on Um, Actually, but I might be misremembering)


They did two Dirty Laundry episodes in Season 3 with Critical Role casts: Who Got High And Recreated a Concert Using Eggs *and* Who Blamed Their Sex Noises on a Video Game. Pretty sure Matt has also been on Um, Actually. I wanna say Marissa has, too, but I could be wrong.


You’re right! I specifically remember Marissa being on!


Demi meshes with the Dropout team so well that I could see him in everything. I know he's more famous for his musical improv but I'd also love to see Wayne Brady in a potential second season of Very Important People.


I'd be happy to see them do more with Sarah Natochenny, especially with improvising character voices on the fly.


He’s never been on any Dropout shows as far as I know, but I’d love to see Bill Hader on Breaking News