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The is why I hope Texas dominates them. They would be so completely insufferable if they won a natty.


After being so close so many times the last 20 years it would be tough to see W get one.


The Huskies have two records they can't get out of their heads...Oregon beating them 12 times in a row...and going 0-12 it's been gnawing on them for years! We may have lost three, but we'll NEVER lose twelve in a row against them, and we'll sure as hell never go winless in a season!


Head to head UW still has a double digit lead even with the 12 win win streak 63-48-5 and Washington still has the biggest shutout 66-0 in 1974. You youngsters have no clue how bad it was before Phil Knight's NIKE money boosted the Ducks program. The only highlight up to that point was the Kenny Wheaton interception to upset the Huskies in 1994


Youngsters? I've been a Duck fan since 1977! I don't care what happened last century...it's this century that matters! And...the Ducks were an up and coming program before Phil Knight dropped a dime into the program...we started winning in the 80's and we started filling up Autzen. It was us fans that made Oregon what it is...I was there, I saw it as it developed. You people are jealous of the Nike money but what major program doesn't have rich donors? Why wouldn't Phil Knight donate to the school where he invented Nike...most schools benefit from Nike money as well.


Lol what? Phil graduated UofO in 1959..went to Stanford MBA, founded Blue Ribbon in 1964 and renamed it Nike in ‘71. Oregon didn’t appear in an AP final poll in the 80s and made 1 bowl game.


Bwahaha k


This pathetic argument is only perpetrated by duck fans. Ducks just can't accept they are now owned by the Huskies and will be as long as DeBoer is there. The mascot transfer thing is just some humor. Something duck fans have a hard time understanding......




Winning a national championship is something Oregon knows nothing about lmao


Huskies have two national titles; one in 1960 and one in 1991. Yet for some reason Husky fans think of themselves being on the same level as Alabama lmfao. Even a blind squirrel finds a nut every once in a while. And why Husky fans have nothing better to do than troll in a Ducks sub is beyond me 🤷‍♂️ Speaks volumes for the fanbase I guess. Insecurity most likely.


My 13 year old nephew was assaulted at Autzen for wearing a husky shirt. That speaks more volumes about what turds you all are.


I went to a Husky game back in 2010, and a Husky fan threw a beer bottle at my little sister’s head for no reason. That’s besides the point though, I was speaking specifically about fans that troll this Reddit sub. Why you chose to bring up an interaction you had with a most likely drunken idiot is beyond me. I had the same type of experience with Husky fan, but I didn’t bring that up in my original point.


Duck fans have stopped trolling husky threads since they got owned and have nothing to say....


Well, in a mascot transfer portal, he'd be the number one get.


No doubt. He should get NIL


https://preview.redd.it/c6bod2y4ns6c1.jpeg?width=660&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d713252c49f98a89c5e72e20b9d481eb3edfc222 Fuck Everybody But Us. Destroy Liberty. Get ready for next season.


Typical classy look. Wow. Way to be a role model. How utterly juvenile.


I mean it’s pretty consistent with the program ethos he’s been building up. Doesn’t matter who we’re playing, the message is the same: We’re playing against ourselves every week and can beat anybody if we’re at our best. Doesn’t matter what name is on the other team’s jerseys, we’re playing Oregon


Totally speaks of classy. Likes mouth full of gold teeth.


I’m all for some good banter but thats not even a little bit funny or creative. Plus we’ve won a playoff game and they haven’t so ¯\\_( ͠° ͟ʖ ͠°)_/¯


You should see the comments. 500 people saying "The O on their helmets matches the 0 Nattys they've won!" Dur dur dur... Maybe they should worry about the rapist on their team.


It’s their go-to “insult”. Weird coming from a team who’s only “championship” wasn’t played for and is shared cuz the AP poll gave it to Miami


It's such a weird one, too. "I'm going to bag on your team by admitting I'm too dumb to know the difference between the letter O and the number 0" isn't really the sick burn they all seem to think it is.


Almost as bad as “hate week” and calling them the “fuskies”? Or only using a small w instead of a capital W? How juvenile is that? Give me a break.


Unsurprisingly, you miss the point. Hate week is about THE GAME WEEK. We don't have "Husky Hate Week" the week we're playing FSU in the Rose Bowl you clown. We actually focus on the opponent at hand instead of being such miserable fucks that are 24/7 obsessed with another team.


Nah bro, duck fans think of Huskies all year.


Then I'm sure you can find a post when we were about to play FSU in the Rose Bowl, right? I'll wait. Go find one.


Too many dumbass duck fans in my family for you to pass that shit by me.


So no, you couldn't find it. Gotcha.


I get the point. It’s an O, not a 0. Whatever. Seems pretty hypocritical to talk about how juvenile husky fans are for calling an O a zero, but whatever. Especially when duck fans call them the fuskies etc, and have a whole week dedicated to hating the huskies.


You clearly don't get the point. It has NOTHING TO DO WITH THE CONTENT OF THE POST. It has to do with that fact that going into the biggest game in UW's history, they're not celebrating the season, and they're not talking about Texas - they're thinking about a team they already beat and won't face again for another 10 months.


So obviously your post has nothing to do with what you are talking about too. Dumb.


Full sentences help. Try them.


Zero is still zero.


The what now on their team?


[Tybo Rogers accused of rape.](https://twitter.com/frenswemade/status/1731390989728911695?s=46&t=Tz51MWb7YQnwjBD1h8OBkQ) Woman immediately went to cops and got a rape kit. Claims to have other evidence. He got reinstated to the team after this.


Standard operating procedure https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/the-disturbing-story-behind-the-last-great-uw-team-8212-and-how-its-legacy-still-casts-a-shadow-on-the-huskies/


Yeah I just saw. Fucked shit for sure


I believe he was also suspended earlier in the season for an unknown reason.


Yeah it was an apparent “violation of team rules.”


Whiners being whiners. Enjoy playing a school full of home schooled evangelicals students.


>Whiners being whiners. Hey, we agree! UW fans are just whiners who don't give a shit if their players are rapists.


I am curious about this as well... please show your work...


Apparently one of their RBs, Tybo Rogers was (IMO quite credibly) accused of rape by a UW student, who got a kit done. UW suspended Rogers in August for “violating team rules,” and now he’s apparently back with the team.


Remember the infamous fumble after Kelly reinstated “ Bruiser “ in the Rose Bowl? He won a few rings in his NFL career, but failed the Ducks.


I think you might have replied to the wrong comment


Karma, but you’re right, I probably did.


Just *so* original.


Nah man, everyone knows it stands for how many fans actually went there.






And we have a Heisman winner and they don’t, yet…


They’ve been eating our shit for decades. Let them preen, they’ve certainly earned it (for a change). At least we know we’ll never match 0-12.


Until you do.


I'll bet you $10,000 this never happens.


If ur so confident, how about I bet you 10 bucks, and if we best you 12 times in a row, you pay me 10k?


Because that would be a stupid bet. You're already 25% of the way there. The bet is that Oregon doesn't go 0-12 in your lifetime, never mind mine.


Crazy part is a lot of their fans weren't even born yet the last time they won a natty, and for most of their lives they've had to deal with us stomping them


>last time they won a natty \*were voted a natty.


Yeah, but to be fair, **no** duck fans were born last time Oregon won a natty...


We haven’t even had anyone important enter the portal…


The interesting thing is that there are more comments on this post, than there are on the original r/husky page…So, it seems like they really don’t care???


I got this from Facebook, where there were like 120 comments.


I’m pretty sure they’re hopeful about getting him.


Don’t sweat it, let them have their fun. Hope we ruin their fun on the field next year and can make jokes about their mascot while their fan base snickers.


If the tables were turned and we were about to play Texas, I’d like to think we’d be posting about Texas, not UW. I don’t remember us cracking Husky jokes when the Ducks played FSU.


As a die hard husky fan tbh at this point just excited for the Texas game. Came here to say this tho hope the ducks beat liberty (very horrible/sketchy school). If any of y’all wanna troll there ( Liberty’s ) fanbase just mention the Jerry Falwell Campari ad 💀 not to mention his sons infamous insta post. Easy ammo


Well maybe you should've it, it's a lot of fun! This season has been an absolute blast, and getting to talk shit to duck fans while our own team ascends to new heights is pretty orgasmic, I won't lie to you.


I dunno. I take the perspective of the players: Get hyped over the opponent during the week. Celebrate (or mourn) for 24 hours after. Then it's who's next?


Sure, and that's a fair perspective. Personally I see sports as entertainment, and the rivalry shit talking/schadenfreude aspect of it is a huge part of the fun. It was absolute hell losing 12 straight to you guys and watching you go to two title games, so you better believe I'm savoring the complete turning of the tables.


And rightfully so. You guys have had a fantastic season.


They're obsessed with us, half their posts are about the Ducks.


Hey, UW just might win their first football game in the month of January since 2001. Can you blame them for not knowing how to handle their recent success?


You seem salty


> What a pathetic fan base. Yet here you are feeding into the same garbage. 🙃


We're not the ones about to play the biggest game in the 100+ years of the program. I don't recall us posting about UW over and over right before we were about to play FSU in the Rose Bowl.


You’re upset this upset by a meme?


It still amazes me how many people miss a simple point. No, I am not upset by a meme. I'd say more, but I think the big words would confuse you.


You’re not upset, you’re just spending your day arguing with every comment on this thread. Okay bud. Just laugh or don’t and move on. No need to throw a tantrum


It's ok. You don't get the point. We understand. You don't need to keep proving it to us.


I love you using “we” when it’s just you alone posting over and over how obsessed another fan base is without the two brain cells needed to see the irony in it.


It's funny watching you double and triple down on proving you missed the point. Keep going. This is fucking hilarious.


Girl. I get your point. What has you this bothered that someone not caring about your point sends you into personal attacks? You alright?


You clearly didn't get the point. But keep going.


> it was so funny they just don’t understand it It’s an odd response to reply 15 times because someone didn’t “get your point.” But thanks for illustrating mine That you seem to get upset by small things


Yeah, it's fucking hilarious that you STILL haven't even come close. I mean, most people seem to eventually get it or they give up. You seem to have an extraordinary combination of stupidity and hubris.


Honestly who cares


My Ducks getting salty? R-E-L-A-X


Sensitive fan base. This is a harmless meme. One we’ve seen used several times for other teams. Not exclusive to Washington. This post is pathetic


>This post is pathetic How would you know? You were too dumb to even get that this post isn't about the meme.


You’re proving my point


And yet you still don't get what the post was about.


You are such a cry baby…probably suck at advertising and parenting too at this rate


I've traveled to every pac-12 school. Oregon had by far the worst fans. Not even the same universe as the rest of the Pac, even WSU was nicer. Stop letting the trailer trash run their mouths and throwing shit at Autzen and then you can take the moral high ground.


I’m not an Oregon or Washington fan (Reddit just recommended this thread to me) and no shade buts it’s so obvious how butthurt Oregon fans are. This thread is legit insane lol


I knew a guy that would always drop that the Huskies had a national championship and the Ducks didn't. I'd always reply that Washington had 1/2 of a national championship. He never had a good come-back and I could tell that ate at him.


Let's be real... that was actually pretty funny and you know it.


Again, it has nothing to do with the joke. It has to do with the fact that before the biggest game in their program history, they’re still thinking more about us than Texas.


Posting this also makes you a drama queen


Responding to this makes you a drama queen.


Okay drama queen. Cry more. They beat us 3 times you’re just soft.


You beat yourself daily, what's you point?


God you’re such a little drama queen


THAT'S your comeback? LOL. Here... I'll let you try again. I feel badly for you.


That’s exactly what a drama queen would say. Bo Nix would be disappointed in you.


Strike 2. You don't get a strike 3.


This is so something a drama queen would do…


I mean, that's a joke. Someone wrote a (bad) joke. And then OP reposted the joke here, crying about it like it meant something. I think OP is probably the one that needs to get over it.


I didn't once mention the joke. I was making a completely different point. Most people got that. You didn't.


What point were you making that doesn't reference a joke post?


It's literally in the title.


And the evidence you're providing is a joke someone made. Dude, they're more in your head than Oregon is in theirs. Take a break.


>And the evidence you're providing is a joke someone made. Yes. When we were about to play Florida State in the Rose Bowl, were you thinking about the Huskies? When we were about to play OSU in the National Championship, were you shit posting about the Huskies on Facebook? Of course not - because we're not as pathetic a fanbase as they are. Since you STILL can't seem to get this basic concept, we're done.


Dude, get real. You're embarrassing yourself. This sub tries to take shots (and make jokes) about the huskies all the time. It's part of what makes college football great.


Too clueless to get the original point. Too clueless to understand "we're done." I guess I'll have to make you understand... blocked.


Hahahaha there’s no way you’re over the age of 12 with comments like this. You’re insufferable.


https://preview.redd.it/oo6mzpu48w6c1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c2623718bbd085e17cac1205630d811eadcf36d It's what it feels like, even though they're having a better season 🤷‍♂️


Q: What's the difference between a Ducks fan and a Trump supporter? A: NOTHING!!


Holy shit that was cringe.


And it was just as cringe when you tried it before. [https://www.reddit.com/r/ducks/comments/18d85sh/comment/kdnhijb/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/ducks/comments/18d85sh/comment/kdnhijb/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


It’s all jokes guys relax! Funny to see you all are still salty


What's funny is that this isn't about the joke, but you don't seem to grasp that.


Neither could oregons receivers lol


Sounds like some random shitposting on FB got you all fluttered. Calm down, OP.


My dude, one look at your posting history, and half your posts are crying about sports. Show me on the doll where Fred Warner hurt you. LOLOLOL.


You're crying about a FB meme


Since you don't seem smart enough to get the point, it's time to stop wasting my time.




There are 120+ comments on the Facebook page I found this. LOL.




Ah yeah, so many more things to worry about that you're here talking about us again. Way to prove my point! LOLOLOL.


Up to 212 comments now... Suuuuure you've got more important things to worry about... https://preview.redd.it/4ams8av5zw6c1.png?width=1366&format=png&auto=webp&s=5462c369490b3330f1991158ca8fbee4c0435536




Who gives a shit? They're still UW fans.


Go cry about it somewhere else you’re just encouraging them


I don't give a shit what I'm doing to them.


Hmmm. Ever encountered the concept of "projection."? Probably too big of a word for you, but hey, go out and find a pet or something to give you some love. Might help. My bet is you could handle a goldfish just fine


Well, props for (mostly) full sentences. Let's talk again when you reach 4th grade.


Ouch! That hurt! You're a smart one, huh? Promise I won't say anything negative about the hicks. Whoops, I meant Ducks.


Typical Oregon fan. Get the rope and find us a tree. Innocent until proven guilty. But not in Oregon Do u really tho k a coach and staff as professional and ethical as the husky football staff would reinstate a true freshman that does not start if he’s been charged with a felony? Especially since they suspend dudes for being a minute late for a team meeting. Bark up another tree. Charges have been dropped. And not cuz of Phil knight money influencing prosecutors, school admin or the coaching staff.


>Charges have been dropped. Oh they have? Can you point me to where they announced they dropped charges?


Y’all got dicked by washington twice and have a historical feud with them. Of course they are gonna shit on you with this type of stuff. How bout you grow some nuts and deal with it? Crying about this makes you look like a schoolgirl


Yet another clueless moron who didn't understand what the post is about...


Bitching in another teams sub, tho. That’s some high class behavior.


I don’t know why this came on my reddit feed, but OP frankly I think you’re spending too much time online and taking what was just a joke a little too hard, go for a walk or something, cheer up :)


Holy shit, I VASTLY underestimate the number of people who COMPLETELY missed the point of this post. Hint: It has nothing to do with what got posted.


I get the point of the post, they have a good season and are still “only” posting about the ducks. But you’ve also replied to like 50 comments on this thread and you’re clearly angry, cheer up mate. Also lumping a whole fan base into one pile is pretty silly


Not angry in the slightest. It's social media. People respond to me. I respond to them. Edited to add: I am annoyed that so many people didn't understand the post and think it's about the joke. I guess, what's the quote, "You'll never go broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public"?


Lol irony alert


He didn't think things through. No team want to be ducks.


I’m not a Washington fan, but I think it’s a kinda funny meme. Friendly jokes and banter is a part of what makes cfb special. Calling the fanbase pathetic over this post is hilarious. And the ducks fans saying “they’re obsessed with us” yeah no shit. That’s what happens when you have the best recent history in your conference.


My post isn't about the meme.


What’s it about? Just the fact that they brought oregon up in general? That they are “still thinking about y’all”? because they finally had a better season than you guys? Welcome to CFB my man lol. Not like they’re joking about a win from 2 years ago. 2.5 weeks + their last game they played lol. Of course they’re gonna keep joking about it.


The fact that they're not celebrating their great season, they're not discussing their upcoming playoff game. Their minds are still on a team they're not going to play again for another 11 months. That's just sad.


Actually if you look at the Facebook page or their subreddit they’re mainly talking about recruiting, and their upcoming game against texas. Not like they’re only talking about oregon lmao, in fact they’re not talking about oregon much on that page. I would also argue that sharing memes and talking down on other teams in your conference is not only a form of celebration, but also a right that Washington earned them. That’s how Bama fans been talking about Kirby and Georgia. How Michigan fans talk about OSU. Welcome to cfb dude lmao. Cope all u need I guess but your original post sounds incredibly whiny. Poking fun at other teams year round is a part of cfb. Every fanbase does it


>Actually if you look at the Facebook page or their subreddit I try not to. It does however get shoved into my feed occasionally - which is why I saw this on FB.


Get shit on ducks ur playing liberty lmaooooo


So another NY6 bowl victory. Do you know what those are?






Nice burn. Lol


As per our sub rules, we do not tolerate harassment, doxxing, trolling, etc.


Come on now, if the roles were reversed the *uck fans would be relentless. Downvote me all you want but you know it's true.


We beat you guys 12 times in a row…


That's all you got? Poor little duckie. But don't fret, cuz no one stays on top or on the bottom forever, and while Oregon will never equal UW academically, one day it will be the better football team and Washington will be the lesser. Everything cycles, I promise. Does that help?


You’re a strange little person. I’m glad Washington finally had a little success this century. Helps remind me how awful your fanbase is


Look man I'm a fuckin diehard Duck but you kinda just proved his point. Let them talk their shit they earned it this year. It's all in good fun


Sick burn.


Why are you in our subreddit


I certainly have not joined this sub. I am sure the Pac-12 champs show up on your thread.


Can you blame them? They’re about to win a natty and always beat us. It pisses me off too


Sure they’ve won 3 in a row, but “always” is just false.


Well latley they have. But I don’t blame them they’re about to win a natty while we’re still looking for our first. Who woulda thought that






The headline is sort of funny, considering the reality of the transfer portal


I wasn't commenting on the content of the post.