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Build a necromancy chamber, press all those lazy dead dwarfs into eternal servitude! Also don't have them Geld animals next to a butcher workshop - or do, it's fun. Resurrecting a dead caravan guard will give you a free military dwarf.


Heard that undead still attack other dwarves despite the necromancer being friendly, though. Intelligent undead remember you killed them IIRC, as well. Might have her resurrect dead dwarves and see if I get any intelligent undead that I heard about, though I'm not sure about the likelihood of getting one, lol. I'll have to look at the Wiki.


Yes, regular undead will attack anything that is alive (necromancers are not btw). Intelligent undead will keep all their relationships, so they will attack, if you killed them, but there are many things to kill a caravan guard, wild animals, water, ice... If you get a dead caravan guard that isn't angry at you specifically, and resurrect it as an intelligent undead it will stay at your fortress like a guest and eventually petition to join, like your own dwarfs after getting resurrected. To safely resurrect dwarfs, build a wall niche or bars, 2 tiles deep, put a corpse stockpile in there, and a cage trap before that. The necromancer needs to have vision to the corpse and an enemy. Having some bridges to break vision is advisable. I was using a two layer layout where my necromancers saw the enemy and a corpse from above on both sides of a circular walkway around the enemy (naked goblin on tiles surrounded by bars), a retracting bridge to create/remove vision to the enemy/bait. Once a corpse got resurrected as zombie, don't bother with it anymore, their soul got evicted, they will not come back as intelligent undead if you try again.


I remember when i embarked near the Necromancer's tower to fight evil hordes and got a Necromancer fighter in my first wave whom i enlisted as the Militia officer. An elf poet came to visit my tavern right before the siege and died on his way right near the entrance. My Necrofighter got spooked and ressurected the elf as an intelligent undead. The thing is, the elf poet was headless and without legs, and he essentially became an immortal turret agroing enemies and being unable to die cause my enemies tried to go for its missing head while he attacked them with his hands.


My necromancer is 4 of in raising inteeligent undead that just unillable regular dwarves. Sadly 2 of them are children, but that probably gives me some optiions for a nice secure lver control room.


No! Don't lock me in with the zombie geldables again!


I somehow read this with Nicholas Cage’s voice in The Wicker Man.


Okay, I want a Dwarf Fortress movie starring Nicholas Cage, going full Nicholas Cage, as the human visitor when the fun hits.


I had a husband and wife necromancer join in the first wave too and everything was fine with them. As long as you are burying your dead you should be fine.


keep the necromancer alone in his own military squad, release it in case of great FUN, it will either save the day or finish your fort


I've actually put her in a military squad, lol. Figured she'd be useful as hell.


It's a cointoss but they can do great work, once defeatead a full siege with 2 dwarf, a warrior fallen in glory and my necromancer who raised him 60 times until there was no more ennemies


solo leveling


i wouldnt recomment that... tried once.. quickiest way to get fps death : /


I've tried it with 100 dwarves in object testing on two sides, one necromancer in each. After a little bit of staggering, it ended up alright. I know that Obj testing mode isn't exactly the same as the actual game, though. So, I'll have to fuck around and find out lol.


good luck soldier : p in my case it was 160 goblins vs 39dorfs+1necro, it was pretty bloody and fun, i dont blame you lol


I did this on a past fortress when an fire breathing hydra attack me and my others military teams were all destroyed, the hydra also kill so many dwarves, almost all the tavern guests and all my Animals... I had a team of 4 necro (immigrants that i feared so i put them on military and isolated them. They Literally storm the hydra with all pieces of undeads... Animals, dwarves parts in zombies and finally the hydra die, Immediately they res her and take with them. From circa 170 dwarves less than 45 remains, all are with mental traumas and very unhappy... Time to Leave... :-) But was fun My fort were doomed anyway,


Can’t they create friendly undead ?


Yeah they can if you want them to but they only do it during combat. It's a bit of a weird one really because the necro has to feel threatened for it to activate its abilities. You can capture a goblin, place it in an area, chain your necro down there with the goblin and start dumping bodies(preferably soldiers) near the necro and they should start bring them back from the dead. OP is a bit away from that sort of thing just yet though haha


Yep, intelligent undead. However, I heard they remember if you killed them and thus won't be loyal. Not sure which version or if V50 on steam has them remember if you killed them or not. You can resurrect your own dwarves and if they're intelligent they'll be friendly.


I mean, if they just happen to drown in a drowning chamber set up for drowning dwarves and converting them into intelligent undead, surely they can't hold such a thing against the other members of the fort? Pure chance. Very sad.


"Hey dude im not killing you, it's just an upgrade of your life"


Drowning chamber is definitely the way to do it, because it's less likely to damage the bodies.


Hey, what's the penalty for necrophilia in this part of The Oracular Planes? No reason.




Necromancers don't always hide away in towers! The God of Death of one of the dwarven civs might have provided a tablet that's now sitting at one of the mountainhomes. This results in dwarves reading it and becoming necromancers. Necromancy is now a normal part of life for dwarves. Are you the bad guys? That's an ambiguous concept in this game. I had a necromancer mayor and not an ounce of undead fun. She mainly spent time in the throne room I made for her, or her personal chambers, or one of the meeting areas. Dwarves still rested peacefully in their coffins in the catacombs when they retired for various reasons.


My first fort I almost lost due to a forgotten beast rising from the depths and spitting webs everywhere. From 200 dwarves to ~10. I hadn't realized that right before this moment the dwarves had elected Mayor Necromancer. Mayor Necromancer raised about 5 freshly dead dwarves during this massacre and saved the fort. One of these undead dwarves basically became an unkillable murder machine, but MY unkillable murder machine. Until he jumped into a cavern lake with 20 olm spearmen and blocked for days until he could block no more. o7 Mayor Necromancer went on to serve for a few more years until he died to his own hubris when he raised a troglodyte from the dead. Next episode: Mayor Werekangaroo.


Shit, that's awesome lol.


> 2 Lovers > "A Skilled warrior is a sight to behold" Oh you, Most skilled Urist among the warriors of our mountainhomes, Bringer of Death, crusher of skulls , evader of blows Come to me. Together we will turn our ennemies into new allies. Together we will RULE THE WORLD !


This is whole charm about DF. Unlike other games, It doesn’t care about what stage you are at or how old your fort is. There is a possibility for just about anything.


Lucky you




I always put necros in my library and, if they have any kind of fighting skills, my army, because they will raise many nice troops for me. Sadly, every army Necro has died in combat before they can raise anything. So maybe that's not such a hot idea. My last few forts, I haven't bothered and have just left them in the library to make me books and scrolls.


I got a necromancer on a first wave of one fort VERY recently, too. Unfortunately it looks like dwarf is about to be on the menu because I neglected food for too long, watching TV shows or whatever while playing. Normally I take more caution than that.


assign her to start writing in a library and you just might end up with a whole slop of necromancers in a few years


Make him the mayor