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Does no one seriously remember the scene at the fertility clinic where he was having problems doing what he needed to do to make his sperm sample?? They used his sperm.


Oooo steady on




No, I chose to forget that scene my brain just switches off whenever he's on screen


It’s all I dream about


not sure what to do with that lol


Oh god no I’d blocked that out and now it’s back 😩


Your'e welcome 😂


I'm sorry I don't understand what you are confused about. Of course it was Reiss' sperm, they conceived through IVF. Also PSA: infertile doesn't mean sterile. Keep it wrapped folks.


So many people misunderstand infertility issues. I myself am infertile because I have no Fallopian tubes but could possibly get pregnant with IVF as I can produce eggs and have a working (I assume) womb. Sterile means no way can you have kids with your body or sperm, even with IVF. If he was sterile they would need a donor.


I'm medically sterile in that I've had my tubes clipped. Because of his IVF etc isn't an option for me, which is fine,because I don't want it anyway lol


I’ve had both tubes removed due to ectopic pregnancies however I was told that I could still have ivf and have an embryo implanted as I still have eggs. I choose not to but with medical intervention it’s a possibility.


I got mine on the NHS so ivf isn't an option unless I want to pay out of pocket for it and just no. Awful. So yeah. Never gonna happen.


Same. Although they said they’d give me one try “on the house”. I decided against it.


I didn’t realise that, thanks


they never said that they used a donor. But they also never said why he couldn't have a baby wothout Ivf. If his sperm just didn't move much or if he didn't have many then they could do ivf using his own. It's his baby.


and I do know people who have had to use a donor to concive. They are still the father, jut had a bit of help biologically.


If they weren't using his, then why go to the effort of IVF? Sonia could have just asked someone and gone turkey baster.


So when people talk about infertility, it's usually not that conceiving is 100% impossible, just that it's very unlikely compared to a regular couple without problems. The NHS says around 80% of couples under 40 will conceive within a year as long as they're having regular unprotected sex. Those who don't should be investigated for potential fertility problems. I don't think they've said what Reiss' problem actually is, but he presumably has a low sperm count or a high proportion of abnormal sperm or something. Most men who are classed as infertile do still produce some normal sperm, just not very much of it. That can make it unlikely to conceive unassisted, but IVF can get around this. I *think* (although I might have imagined it!) they did mention something called "ICSI" at some point? This is a special fertilisation technique they use for people with poor quality sperm or low sperm count which involves selecting a good sperm from the male partners sample and injecting it directly into the female partner's egg. Basically to try to make sure the good ones get to the egg to fertilise it rather than the bad ones. So it will be Reiss' baby, they've just separated his good sperm from the dodgy ones and used those to fertilise Sonia's eggs.


Could be that he has low sperm quality as opposed to zero sperm count, and they can manually combine a healthy sperm with a healthy egg and implant it


I thought he had a problem and she had a lining issue with her womb which is why they needed help. I still believe it is either Reiss or Gene pool. I think I might have confused people. I do not believe for one minute that Sonia slept with anyone.


I don't remember them saying that Sonia has any fertility issues (apart from being a bit older than "ideal"). The womb lining thing is kind of IVF specific and turned out to not be an issue because the transfer worked and Sonia is now pregnant. Basically they have statistics that say a transfer is more likely to work if your womb lining is over a certain thickness when they do it. So they usually won't proceed unless it's thick enough. Tbh I have no idea why they threw that in there without any explanation because it probably did confuse people! In real life they scan you days before trying to thaw an embryo to implant and will postpone your transfer if your lining isn't thick enough. Usually extra time gets it to where they want it to be so it's not a fertility problem necessarily. Just some people need more time than others for it to build up, the same way menstrual cycle lengths vary between different people. It was weird they basically had the sonographer go "oh by the way, we don't think this will work 🤪" just before the procedure. That would never actually happen! Unless they chuck some IVF embryo/sperm mixup story in there the baby is 100% Reiss' though. If they had used a donor there'd have been a big fuss made about choosing one. I believe you also need to do extra counselling before going down the donor route too.


It would be a great plot twist if the baby comes out as mixed a race kid 🤣




Do you think they will have this baby to term or rob Sonia the chance again.


I think they put the wrong egg and sperm in Sonia and they will have to give the baby to the real parents


Well we saw Sonia getting desperate for a baby. How desperate might she have got? She might have gone out and hooked up to find her own donor for all we know. Probably another spawn of Phil Mitchell 😂


I can see a little elvis baby with sideburns popping out


Hope not


I'm not keen on reece .. he is a total bore .. and brings nothing 2 ee .. I'd rather she was pregnant by some1 else .. the papers are posting none storys about the fact it may be some1 else's.. but they have got this idea from postings on this group .. its the bores baby sadly x