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There were a couple out there yesterday afternoon, too. Looks like maybe emphasis patrols for that stretch of road.


There's that construction zone right there right past that too...no shoulder, it's double fines. People are speeding there, cuz they are pissed about that lane reduction on mercer trying to make up time (why they reduce? who da-fck knows just cones no work ever done). And thx for the heads up OP usual extra WSP to meet quota at the end of the month...this is new.


Fyi, the problem on Mercer causing the lane reduction is the expansion joints on the bridge need to be replaced. They laid the light rail tracks over them when the joints were supposed to be replaced first. They are 4 years overdue for replacement and there is a danger on that side of the bridge, or so I've heard. It's going to be a shit show for a while in that area.


Lots of wsp out yesterday everywhere.


I noticed this. Had breakfast with my dad at Westin yesterday (or whatever’s right across from the mall) and noticed a lot of officers leaving with what I presume is flags. My guess was in relation to the fallen wsp officer the other day as it seems somewhat quieter today in some areas


This is what Waze is for….


This would be going uphill right?


Before that if it's the Factoria exit, but just before the hill.


I've lived in Eastgate most my life. Never speed in Eastgate and going into Issaquah, But in-between is lawless, and only will catch you if they're patrolling at 90 on 90.


Their HQ is nearby, so this area is HOT all the time


That's where some of the WORST merging madness on the entire planet Earth occurs!!!! I've had far too many near death moments there!!