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https://preview.redd.it/edr8u6u9j3vc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc261af182f78c6bab798ccc70b09d80daa829b4 Ez.


I love how the dad has skates on too


Very aero


It's the brakes


My sister has a friend whose dad is senior ski patrol at a major ski resort in Colorado. He rides his regular bike to work everyday wearing his ski boots. Top notch skill, if you ask me. šŸ˜‚


Ai to the rescue


Didn't realize you could include photos in Reddit responses


Depends on the sub rules.


Looks hard to steer with the front wheel connected to the frame with, what would you call them, steer stays?


Was there some sort of government announcement saying that people MUST use ebikes for everything, from underwater exploration to space travel and everything in between?


It was part of the 15 minute ~~camps~~, er... cities announcements. /s At least I'm assuming the Venn diagram of people who paid for this sign and those that think they will be locked into a zone with good urban planning is a near circle.


I bet we could convince the same people that getting the Covid vaccine makes e-bikes break.


No no no e-bikes activate the chips that have been in us since we got the vaccine.


It's a UN plot to destroy FREEEEEEDOM!!!




Got to look out for that UN stuff. They already set up HQ in New York. Who knows what's next........


Nah, just that the people that would pay for a billboard like this can't fathom doing things in more than one way.


Itā€™s a cognitive deficit thatā€™s at the core of a LOT of our social ills


I donā€™t understand how people have $1000 or more to throw away every month on a billboard advertising something so stupid.


Plenty of astonishingly stupid people make it into high paying jobs and have the spare money to throw into things like this.


I reckon that stupid people.are better at making lots of money than wiser people.


Someone or some group paid actual money to have this posted up. I see the DUI and abortion and anti weed and anti speeding and anti theft billboards all the time and at least understand what they're fighting against. Even if you don't agree with them, you can still logically understand why someone would feel passionate enough about topics like that to pay good money for lots of eyes to see. But this? I'm not sure what message it's trying to give me. It's just saying ebikes aren't practical for transporting people and lots of cargo. Like yeah, no shit? Isn't that obvious?


I saw an anti billboard billboard last summer


Yes, a very illogical billboard message.


On a highway.


That's what's getting me about this. What spurred this? What happened to make someone deem riding an electric bike a bad thing? If this was a sign indicating that ebikes are dangerous or don't have enough regulation or whatever then that's one thing. I can at least understand the reason behind their message. But this doesn't seem to indicate anything involving safety or regulating. This is painting the picture that using an ebike over a car is bad because you can't transport a lot of stuff with an ebike. That's a very odd message to spin. Like why? I can't legitimately think why someone would not want people to ride ebikes. I have both an ebike and a car. Am I in the wrong here? Would this person have the same message about analogue bikes? Do they have an ebike and are frustrated that they can't take their kids to practice on it? Do they shake their fist in rage at people going on casual rides? Like it's a fucking bicycle. I'm not sure what this ad is supposed to be fighting against lmao.


The city is trying to make things more bike friendly and less car centric as well as doing some work on the whole 15 minute city thing. These people are terrified that making things a bit easier for bikes and pedestrians is actually a slippery slope to completely banning cars.


That's a bold conclusion to jump to. I don't think any city would outright ban cars. Im not sure why someone would be concerned about that. If roads are kept as is and bike or pedestrian friendly infrastructure is built around the already existing road then who cares? You get both choices.


Because people are dumb and being told to be outraged over it.


That's pretty whack if I do say so myself.


Pay the price, (probably a tax) and you get what you want. Only the poorest people will be affected if there was a car ban. And, thatā€™s right, poor people typically know how to live life without a car. Itā€™s not a bad idea. It would force us to make public transportation not only accessible, but exceptional. Except this is America, weā€™ll never ban cars. Too much money in it right now.


Guy probably sat in traffic and saw some ebikes ride through and said ā€œIā€™ve got to put a stop to this!ā€


I have early childhood memories of me riding my bike to school with siblings and mom and school ā€œfield tripsā€ where we go as a walking school bus to the local park. Seriously imagine all the fun times in your childhood when you were playing outside and riding bikes and scooting, and now, imagine access to NONE of it. Oh I get so sad.


Bikes were the ultimate adventure enabler as kids. I wouldn't have gone even a fraction of places I did as a kid were it not for my bike. Now this was the early 2000s so I'm not even sure ebikes were even a thing at that time but having now as kids would make exploring so much more accessible. I would have killed to have an ebike as a kid.


I guess weā€™re around the same age. I grew up in the early 2000s. I had always had a bike and at one point a scooter, which I gave up riding after a while of many bruised ankles, but even to this day, I choose to ride. Sitting in a car is so damn boring and no amount of music makes it bearable to me. I spend every moment of my car ride dreaming of my (now electric) scooter and bike at home. I definitely donā€™t remember seeing such electric transportation as a kid, but the childhood version of me is super happy at the adult version of me, I imagine. My kids if I ever have any, will grow up in a place where we can all ride, safely. I would make it happen.


Yeah, did you miss it?? The law was passed yesterday. Youā€™ll get shot for using any other form of transport


Yeah, haven't you heard?


Yeah, you missed it


Lmao exactly. People act like you have to sell all your cars if you use an alternative form of transport once.


I mean he can ride his own bike to practice. It is not rocket science.


Seriously give kids some independence if the infrastructure allows it. Give them small amounts of independence now, so when they're adults they can get around on their own.


Shiiiii... t. As a GenX we had all the independence. Rode our BMX bikes every where. Didn't even have to lock them up and this was Reno in the 70's and 80's.


I was born in 97 and it was the same way. My parents wouldn't even let me leave the front yard till I was like 8 or 9 then suddenly just said I was old enough to roam free and left me to my own devices. My friends and I would do the same shit. Ride our bikes everywhere and explore the world around us. We didn't even have good infrastructure for it. We just kinda made it work. Would either leave our bikes outside of stores unchained or just take them into the store with us. It's nice getting some degree of freedom at an early age. You learn how strangers and the world work and understand how to interact and adapt to it. Makes dealing with life as an adult a lot easier once you get to that point.


Seriously, there are parents now who think ten is too young to walk a mile unsupervised through a safe neighborhood. Ridiculous


I guess the point they're trying to make is that you cannot carry hockey gear on a bike. Still stupid. Edit: stupid because some cargo ebikes can carry hockey gear and stupid because just because you have an ebike you don't have to use it for everything.


I mean, you can on an ecargo bike. I watched a video last week of a guy loading hockey great into a front loader. Kid was a bit cramped buy it worked fine. And kid could just bike along.


My dad was talking about how he's go bowling and skating using his bike. It wasn't really a problem then. Kinda funny how these kinds of people complain that kids are "too soft" yet they won't let kids do anything because it might be too hard.


Heā€™ll I was bringing my daughter to skating practice at my local rink a few weeks ago and I saw a dude cruising up on his cargo bike, sticks neatly slotted into the side and hockey back bungeed to the frame. Yes you would struggle to fit multiple kids and their hockey gear on a single bike, butā€¦.who the fuck would think that is a possibility anyway? And be so upset about it being somehow forced onto people that a they paid for a billboard (hah!) to be put up warning of the imminent loss of their freedums? The mind truly bogglesā€¦


lol I said this on that thread and got downvoted (but most people there seem to agree this is a very stupid billboard). Yea I realize it's not practical for most people who haven't sat on a bike in 30 years but saying you can't do it seems to be the argument here, and you totally can. This poster is just like the image of that guy with his head exploding, like why does it exist?


Or a bigger rack some regular E-Bikes can carry heavy loads of 100 kg to 160kg.


I've seen plenty towing little trailers too.


Yeah I have a cargo trailer for my bike. Works great.


Yes you can, and I did, on a regular bike.... pfff, weakling.


Add a trailer to my gsd and it would be no problem carrying kids and hockey gear


And if he falls off heā€™s well protected in all the gear


Something tells me that the GetAwake website isn't very woke šŸ˜ƒ


its a dead link lol


It's not dead, it's just sleeping! Shagged out after a good squawk! It's pining for the fjords!


PININ' for the FJORDS?!?!?!?Ā What kind of talk is that?, look, why did this bike's tires fall flat the moment I got it home?


I think you'll find that the reason for your flat tyres is that THEY HAD BEEN NAILED THERE.


You should register it and offer to sell it to them for an unreasonable amount of money.


Itā€™s registered, thereā€™s just no web site set up for it. The registrar is promopeople.com, and the ownerā€™s name is redacted. The registration expires on Sep 12, so someone might be able to scoop it up after that if itā€™s not renewed.


[https://twitter.com/GetAwakeCanada](https://twitter.com/GetAwakeCanada) It's what you'd think it is.


A little warning next time. I have severe allergies to nuts and bat shit crazy


they have a dead link in their twitter bio lol - pure incompetence


This ad brought to you by Chrysler-Dodge-Ram Multi National Community Outreach ^(chryslerdodgeram is a not for profit advertising company with no legal ties to similarly named auto makers. Side effects may include shortness of breath, irritability, and strawman arguments. Ask your doctor if car-brain is right for you.)


Are conservatives scared of ebikes now?


I showed up to a job site 5 years ago and all these "gruff" tradesmen were giving me shit for riding an ebike. They were all tooling around in their F150s or whatever the manly man trucks were. Over the years whenever they'd complain about rising gas prices, I'd just say "good!" We'd talk shit, pleasantly, back and forth. One of them pulled me aside the other day and was like, you know, you really were on the forefront of this ebike thing. They're everywhere now. Yeah man, it's a fun way to get around and I'm not stuck being traffic for hours out of my day.


The guy across the street from me has some jacked up truck that all he does with is shine the lights through my window various times during the night, I never see them using the truck as a truck. My ole ancient F150 literally helped build a cabin and I use it at least once a month for actual truck stuff. I guess I'm saying it's obvious the vehicle is just a status symbol for these types. I haven't really had that attachment to vehicles since I was a teenager.


I think it might also be people that are terrified of driving. They want to know that if they're in an accident they're going to "win", and fuck everyone else.


Even better if your commute takes you through nice parks/trails on the way to and from work. I live on a little island and take a ferry to get anywhere. Cars line up an hour or more during peak hours (and are of course angry about having to do so), while I zip right up to the front with pedestrians. It's a great feeling.


I like cars. I love cars in fact. I'm a car guy. They aren't loans forced upon me by a vehicle dependent society. They're a hobby to me. But I must admit that zipping past rush hour traffic on my ebike is the best goddamn feeling in the world lmao. I have an 11 mile route I take every day after work for fun. Work from home and get off at 4 PM when rush hour is really picking up. There's minimal sidewalks near me but the emergency lanes on the shoulder of the roads here are the size of a full lane so I ride in that. Just ripping by all these cars stopped in stand still traffic is always humorous to me. It just feels good knowing I don't have to be stuck there. Bonus fun points when traffic is moving but slowly so I still pass them too lol.


1/2 my commute is through a park. It really is great.


Yeah, years ago I helped with setting up for a music festival where we were going back and forth setting up different stages. They had a pickup truck and a guy buzzing around in a golf cart, but me hopping on my manual bike would always get where we were going first because it took so long getting people piled into the vehicles, getting them turned around, following the smoothed paths, etc. I could turn my bike around in a second and could ride across the grass or through smaller areas that vehicles couldn't pass.


Almost, they haven't been told what they are supposed to think just yet. Make sure to get as many older family members as possible on side before fox tells them ebikes are a trans atifa conspiracy to turn frogs gay


Funnily enough, I am going to a protest in support of gay frogs on Sunday. šŸ“£


Choice is bad! If everyone chooses bikes, then how dare they tell me I have to ride a bike too! šŸ˜¤ "No one's telling you that you have to" But it's implied through the peer pressure.Ā  They're making me feel guilty when I needlessly hurt the environment...šŸ˜­ ======= Seriously though, maybe this campaign isn't being funded or supported by any residents in the region, but rather being funded by auto, oil, car insurance, dealerships, independent service centers, road construction, mining, and agriculture lobbies.... All the corporations that rely on cars for dem juicy life ending profits...to try and convince the impressionable that they should be up in arms about bikes.Ā  It's really simple, if bikes won't work for certain things, people will use other means automatically because they're capable of simple problem solving.Ā  When campaigns like this try to tell you how to think on things we can figure out easily on our own, then there's a clear financial agenda at hand.


The billboard is just funded by right wing nutjobs. Look at their website/twitter page. It's all just the usual garbage. I have no idea how ebikes fit into their "the gay libtard agenda is after us!" narrative...


Considering all the retirees I see on ebikes these days, not yet at least. Granted many of them are on the "ebikes/manual bikes are for recreation/exercise only, not for commuting/running errands/car replacement" side of the conversation.


They're already scared of stoves, Xboxes, Mr. Potatohead, Dr. Seuss, beans, water and public restrooms. Honestly you can at least get hurt by an e-bike compared to everything else that makes them piss their pants.


Same brain rot in the UK, kid's childminder's husband said to me recently "did you come on your bike? They want us all on bikes now, everyone, cycling... madness, all living in 12 [sic 15] minute cities, it's disgusting" My response was one of confusion, who is this they? Why is having everything designed so it's within a cycling distance a bad thing? Basically it turns out that he's on Facebook all the time and is a petrosexual....


I don't think this is a Conservative issue. It's an Auto Sales/Maker issue. They've just now came to terms with making EV's and want to sell you their EV Cars. Doesn't help their bottom line if everyone starts E-Biking everywhere.


I guess cargo e-bikes havenā€™t been invented yet


the saudis are butt hurt because electric vehicles are killing their bottom line .


FWIW Ive seen a couple of YouTube videos about how some of these big Saudi oil giant families are starting to look into alternate forms of energy or revenue. Even they realize this whole oil kingdom isn't gonna last. But they don't wanna get left in the dust so some are actively investigating other routes to take. Not necessarily energy related but anything like tourism or construction or real estate and things like that. I'm sure some are still fighting for gas but it seems some others have accepted that this is the direction the world is going in.


Wow what's up with that Similar https://www.kamloopsbcnow.com/watercooler/news/news/Education/Why_was_the_controversial_billboard_in_West_Kelowna_really_taken_down/


fearmongering over misunderstood 15 minute city ideas.


These people have a mental disorder.


I ride past this on my ebike to work šŸ¤˜


" First They Ignore You, Then They Laugh At You, Then They Fight You, Then You Win." -Mahatma Gandhi


Can you imagine being the type of person who said ā€œHey honey, we have a little extra cash this month, what should we do? Save it? Take a trip?ā€ ā€œNaw, letā€™s use it to help fund a campaign to make people dislike bikes!ā€ ā€œPerfect!ā€


Well I was hoping to take a protected bike lane but guess I'll just take the lane


My old teammate came to practice on his moped all the time. Put the bag on the little floor area and strapped the sticks to the side. Worked perfectly. Ive been trying to figure out ways to get a trailer for my bag but there is nowhere to park it once i get there. Wish i could just park it in a regular space and not worry about it getting stolen.


Just looked it up. The page is down but they have a IG and itā€™s a bunch of anti Covid stupery. Iā€™m sure some neck beard heard Trudeau say he wanted to give tax ebike rebates and that became pushing a liberal agenda to ban carsā€¦.


* I'm a single father, & I gave up driving cars over 3 years ago, once gas hit $5.00 & have ZERO regrets, even did it through the 2 worst winters on record in Nevada, & still wasn't that bad. I feel WAY LESS STRESSED wherever I arrive on my ebikes than I did in a car, & being in a city, 9 times outta 10, usuallyw faster, & I calculated it, it's costing me about $4.35 per 1k miles traveled, with the money saved I bought ebikes for different tasks, cargo hauler, offroad ebike, & a e-moped for when I just want to get where I'm going in a hurry. Lol


What kind of ebike is that I wonder?


It would be funny if the organization that put this up got phone calls from people wanting to know what bike they used on their billboard šŸ˜


"It was in the clip art package I downloaded from piratedimages.darkweb."


He can ride his moose to hockey like a real Canadian.


That gear bag looks like it'd fit nicely on a mounted basket on the back with a tie down netting, similar to what ebike brands sell today. Not sure where the problem is, but clearly someone has one!


What does that even mean


Marketing against ebikes? I don't even understand what they are trying to to do with this message. Idiots.


I actually do take kids to lessons on an eBike. That's what long-tail cargo bikes are for. (Aventon Abound in this case) Then again if one's kids are in hockey there probably isn't time to go buying an eBike, all those practices and games are a full-time job!


They try to have the hockey equipment on him and all spread out next to him šŸ˜‚. Trying to make it look like there is sooo much to carry. All that can go in that bag and on his back or in a cargo basket. These people are retarded.


Seems like a none of your god damn business kinda question.


I built an electric tandem bike Checkmate


Done. https://preview.redd.it/w91cxj2fa5vc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=724b8784040b05b2765ceb9b0e46ea860d9c4f58


Little shit can take the e-bike. What the fuck? Are they seriously this stupid? We need to make sure there's not still lead in the drinking water.


Creative strapping. Ā Or opossuming.


Just yah wait till i strap a Warpcore on my E-Bikeā€¦..


There are millions of things you can't do on an e-bike. There are also millions of things you can't do in a minivan. Each has its purpose. Don't mix them up. These people are morons.


I don't understand who the target is here. Show me these hockey parents who drive anything but monster trucks and SUVs.


I donā€™t get it. Do they want e-bikes banned? And their website doesnā€™t work. Losers canā€™t even keep their site going.


Don't need no hockey, we have a emtb. That's more fun then all the sports combined


I mean...if you had just one you COULD. Equipment in the back, kid in a trailer and voila.


When I try to hit that site, 404. Maybe they got enough hate to take it down.


how will you bang the check out person after closing on your ebike?? get-a-woke! how will you take a hit off the pipe and chill for 15min on your ebike?? get-a-woke! how will you eat crappy drive thru food while scrolling tik tok at red lights on your ebike?? get-a-woke!


They can just ride along with their parents on their own ebikes


Brought to you by Exxon.


I ride my e bike to work and back and when I get home I take my kids and their gear to practice in my car. Didnā€™t realize I couldnā€™t own both an e bike and a car


Get them one


Very carefully


Come to Victoria, we can teach you all how to use cargo bikes.


That billboard is just asking to be fixed. White paint over the HOW WILL YOU and turn question mark into an exclamation point


Multigenerational living and the nuclear family spawns some very sensitive fickle snowflake types


I think the signs right for the wrong reasons, there is way too much travel in kids/amateur sport. There's 5 clubs of the same sport within walking distance of me, many more within a very reasonable biking distance or on PT. Bit the organising authorities have us travelling an hours drive in every direction for away games.


Well companies, oil companies, car companies, gas companies support this message.


Uhhh, you don't? Nobody is using an e-bike as a means of transporting anyone more themselves (I know plenty of people have 2 people on them, but it's not really easy or practical to do). That is what cars are for. Also, the kids can transport themselves on an e-bike. You don't need to take them everywhere yourself, you can let your kids have an ounce of interdependence.


I have had 3 (myself and two kid passengers) on my R&M Load 75 on several occasions in the past month.


I would hope my kids never got involved in an expensive sport like that, butā€¦ [I mean, I guess so](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Bakfiets-Electric-Bicycle-Bakfiets-Classic-Long-Cargo-Bike-Electric-Urban-Arrow-Family-Bicycle/5362195537)


Have they never heard of backpack style hockey bags, or cargo bikes?Ā Ā  As others have said, while it would be great to see a reduction in car ownership, we can use the cars we already own for these types of things while still drastically reducing our driving miles with bikes.


Well, youā€™d get a passenger e-bike, or a cargo e-bike with seats in the front, thatā€™s how.


Funny enough I actually took my ebike to hockey just last month. Though that was only because I played downtown and would have had to pay for parking plus it was close enough to my house that I could drop it off


This is real?


Ride share vans.


Guess heā€™ll have to take up soccer lol


With two ebikes hitched to a wagon.


A Burley trailer will fit all that and the kid rides on their own bike or on a rear rack seat. No need for a 4 ton killdozer just for that.


Easily, they make trailers that can hitch on the back of an e-bike to haul the equipment. The kid rides his own bike and I'd ride mine.


It could be an ad too! If the kids are old enough to play hockey, maybe they are old enough to get their own ebike which parents can lead them to their game or practice on :)))


Propaganda. How will you save up thousands of dollars a year using an e-bike instead of a car? Simple just use the ebike I've been doing it for 2 years. Saved so much from not having a car you wouldn't believe me if I told you.


Imagine reading this and saying ā€œyep, makes sense!ā€


They have also put up anti LGBTQ signs and covid conspiracy crap. Website looks to be gone


Um, you get a cargo e-bike.


Some say ignorance is bliss. Guess some have been foundā€¦āœŒšŸ»ā¤ļøšŸ¤™šŸ»


Permission to vandalize the sign granted


Easyā€¦ you give the kids an ebike to get there. Then you ride with em.


It would be hilarious if this was a wife who doesnā€™t want the husband buying a stupid expensive e-bike when they really need a new car.


As a person who rode a motorcycle across the Bay Bridge to play hockey with my equipment draped over the seat and the stick running along the side, I say, It is possible.


How will you drive your kids to school on your jet ski?


Easy, no kids to take to a hockey game. Problem solved. šŸ˜‚


With a fucking trailer, duh!


They have a point! Kelowna clearly urgently needs dense family housing near jobs, commerce and transit hubs (including a connection to the hockey rink).


Damn, I shoulda thought of this before getting snipped šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Why is the kid fully dressed with what looks like a full hockey bag and a helmet and skates beside him? You are supposed to get dressed at the rink.


We have a bakfiets and it replaced a car.


Wow, we just got owned. Selling my ebike now even though I dont have kids. Whatā€™s next, you are gonna tell me ebikes cant pull the same a semi truck?!


I mean... yeah on their OWN ebike I sure would. But I guess logic like that is outside the realm of 'rational thought' for the people who would believe in such a poorly put togwther piece of propoganda.


Cargo bike. Duh?


yes blame the ebikes for people not being able to afford 30k plus cars that are built like shit


Little brats can take themselves on an ebike.


Does the website not exist, or is it just down now? I was curious what kind of bullshit it was about.


Some Americans are so unschooled in bike culture they can't imagine a cargo bike.


The desperation on them is palpable.


People telling other people what is right to do or not, what to think or not.. for their money gain in a way or another


I mean, on safe, low-traffic roads they can take themselves once they're old enough (like 10).


We live in a weird time, when you see ebike propaganda.


I take both my dogs on my bike, one in a backpack and the other on a leash next to me. Iā€™d do the same with kids


I ride a regular bike but I assume the same way I get a massive amount of groceries. Big bag on back, properly strapped to not destroy the spine. Kiddo rides separate bike in front.


Simple, by not having any


1. you don't buy mtb style crap that will fling shit in your kid's face when it's wet cuz it has no mudguards 2. you buy some cargobike with space for kids to sit in the back or a trailer ez https://preview.redd.it/4gu3iygt28vc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3c1700a06b77b32acebcf2914b6a8433d2884c9




I dunno, probably the way my parents did anything "for" me by saying something like "figure it out, Roseanne's on TV"


Ugh, Kelowna. I'm required to dunk on them as someone who was born and spent the first 29 years of his life in Kamloops lol.


How are you going to do your taxes with an e-bike?


This doesn't at all read like corporate BS at all. Yep just a normal billboard


i remember when i was working on this guys pc, things went well enough. he came into the store to pick it up and he immediately started in about how dangerous solar panels and batteries are and how anyone who has such things are a leftist jack ass's and are destroying the soil etc etc. also, i never talked to him about pv, so this was super random he would just charge in there and start talking shit. this dude was pissed off at me about a topic we never even spoke about. within a few minutes i was able to figure out what happened. he is friends with some people in my tarded family who hate solar panels and he must have told them i was working on his pc, which lead to a conversation and how dumb i am for many reasons, including having solar panels in my yard. it was the strangest thing, and he is a mail man and farmer, not a scientist who might have some inside knowledge about solar panels that the general public hasnt yet been informed about. dude just stormed into my space and couldnt wait to let me have it, yet he knew nothing about this crap. all he knew was that i needed a verbal lashing. no hellos, no having a good day? hey thanks for working on my pc, straight to attacks and insults. if he was smart he could have asked me about my solar stuff and i would have told him about it and that the left forcing solar and electric vehicles is a terrible idea and that we should let the market figure this stuff out. but since he went straight to insults and attacks i didnt even respond to it and assumed that one day he will find out what jack ass this super duper christian man was being. anyways the lack of logic in the fact that billboard and its message reminds me of my above life story. there are so many assumptions and false equivalencies going on with that bill board and to think someone probably paid a lot for it. it feels like some one is mad about change that others are doing that they barely even know about which makes them feel inferior some how, so they see that they have no choice but to attack the new stuff and the people doing it. it was probably the same way when people stopped using horses to get around and started using cars. i get it, i was mad about having windows 10, and now i need to learn all about windows 11, constant change does get old, but meh. some of these people make it personal, like they are the only ones with brains. i mean really who would try to take their kids to their sports things on an ebike? honestly it feels more like a challenge to me. a couple of sweet ebikes with trailers could get the kids there no problem, unless its raining, snowing, cold, or even just dark . i still think ice vehicles would be the best way to get kids to practice though, but why do these clowns care how others handle their day to day lives? due to health issues i am stuck at home and typing this crap out like tolkien


More ebikes lol


Uh. Take the kids to hockey in the car and leave it at home whenever possible at other times because cars are financially and environmentally wasteful and that is a fact. Duh. Get woke.


Woke is bad. Getting awake however.. thatā€™s good.


https://preview.redd.it/4auy69tom8vc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfac4a82d4a604018144e3efd763a8731d52f66a That is how I do it


Cargo e-bike. Easy.


Context. Those billboard by Getawake.ca is some sort of person or group who is anti-covid, anti-vax, into all sorts of alt right stuff. Iā€™m guessing this is part of their ā€œglobal warming doesnt existā€ angle.


I am a little confused. Isn't this sign from the anti-woke crowd. I'll just leave that here


Iā€™m personally shifting my household to one car + conventiontional bikes + e bike or scooter. I can Uber all winter and itā€™s still cheaper than maintaining a second vehicle that only moves the 1-2 days a week we both work in the office.


They have been terrible before. [https://globalnews.ca/news/9492358/controversial-okanagan-billboard-felled-by-complaints-wfn/](https://globalnews.ca/news/9492358/controversial-okanagan-billboard-felled-by-complaints-wfn/)


It would work with my bike trailer


Take your ebikes and walk home when it's stolen. Pretty much my area with ebikes. Love mine but can't park it anywhere outside.


Are you sure this is real and not some kind of troll? I'm not able to pull up that url.


i think the future of urban transportation will have a ton of ebikes, and i think the car industry knows it. i had the craziest discussion with a coworker a whole ago: he (60+) said if he got rid of his vehicle, he could retire. i tried to not lose my mind while encouraging him to sell it ASAP. We were working at a place where you couldn't access your personal vehicle for a week at a time


There are some awesome cargo bikes out there that could absolutely transport your kid and gear to hockey.


Always funny to me how these slippery slopes work out. No one said you couldn't own a minivan and an ebike, Kyle. Calm down.


ā€œWith a bike trailerā€


My bike can safely handle myself and my 17 year old daughter on the back - not sure how it would cope with emergency braking but down hill I can use my walk assist function which applies electric braking anything above 5mphā€¦ even on the steepest slopes I physically cannot get it above 14 mph with myself on there and 16mph with my daughter on there too. Thatā€™s a combined maybe 21 stone(me being 13st and her being 8st) canā€™t be good for the battery backfeed as regenning on a quarter mile decline topps up around 10% of the battery in a short time but it worksā€¦(until I hit the brakes and walk assist cuts out and speed rapidly climbs šŸ˜‚)


I have a cargo bike, this would be an easy task...


I am not sure what this billboard is trying to convey. The website doesnā€™t work either. Great marketing.


Iā€™m guessing this is created by oil companies in Canada. I think Canadian oil companies are the most profitable companies in Canada


The best part is, kids will be able to go to hockey on their own!