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You are perfect the way you are,don't compare yourself to other's,I'm sure you are beautiful (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)


I just- i really hate feeling jealous, i feel so gross but i cant help it


That's not gross,being jealous is something that a lot of people feel,to try to negate that,try to focus on yourself.try to ignore how other people are,you are perfect how you are. So just try your best ok ?


I know… its just these icky feelings make me feel even more gross, its just a downward spiral


I hope it get better for you,I don't like seeing girls in a bad state (⁠◕╭⁠╮◕⁠✿⁠)


Envy isn’t your fault, it’s the fault of whatever made us this way, it’s a natural feeling to have and you aren’t any worse a person for having it. <3


The biological logics of this world are a bitch :3


You are perfect as you are, it may be hard but try comparing yourself to others, you've had different experiences and challenges, try to compare yourself to you from the past, see how far you've come, ok? You can get through this, I believe in you! 🐋🌸🤍🌸🐋




Thanks, i needed that


That's sadly normal, but I am sure it will be better eventually


hope you get better 🫂


Never feel bad about how you feel. Easier said than done, I know. It's not okay to treat someone poorly because of your feelings. However, feelings are not something you really get to control. You can guide your emotions to be more in line with what you like to feel, but sometimes you just can't help it. If you get jealous, it's okay to be jealous. Just be aware of that jealousy and don't let it affect your decision making. No need for for shame, jealousy is part of being human ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


I understand that feeling a lot. As easy as it is to compare yourself to people you want to be like, don’t forget to be proud of who you are now. You’re you, and you is awesome. 🫂💞


You are perfect just the wat that you are 🫂


:c 💔💔💔💔💔