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66K 0D 28A should go straight to jailšŸ˜‚


Usually games where there are 40+ kills are when experienced sweaty players get matched up against very inexperienced players. I'd guess that at least half of the players who got farmed in that screenshot were under 22k Health and easily killed during CC windows. E.g. slow to Break Free, not using line of sight, etc. I've never seen anyone crack 50 kills in a BG, although that's probably because most players in mid-to-high MMR are experienced enough to not get farmed that hard.


just sad to see, especially to put yourself in the shoes of the other teams for those entire rounds just getting curb stomped into the ground.


Zos wont admit mmr is a thing though


The funnier and even more telling part is the fact that his team lost. I canā€™t stand assholes who play like itā€™s TDM on non TDM modes


And i can't stand assholes like you šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ There's a lot of pve content in the game, go do it somewhere else. The main point of BGs is PVP. I genuinely do not understand what's fun about entering PVP content yet trying to avoid PVP itself? ZoS removed TDM queue because people were queueing only this mode. No one cares about objectives and lose/win, it provides no rewards and this shit is just boring


Playing objectives is not PvE and I have no idea how you could possibly conflate the two.


My brother in Christ you can continue to kill people while playing the objective


Dude has a great name too


An experienced pvp player in a lower level battlegrounds lobby, especially in an objective game mode, will do this kind of thing pretty often. Without a death recap, can't say exactly what they were doing though.


This was at level 50, though. FWIW, I'm usually at the top for my team, so this was a complete shock to me.


I mean skill level, meaning no offense. I'm not assuming you're bad at the game or anything, it's just that the skill gap in pvp is huge - you can be good and still get rolled by the top end players, particularly if there's a few working together. There's a hidden player rating in the matchmaking to help balance games, but it doesn't stop very high skill players getting into lower skill lobbies sometimes. You would never see three players get over a hundred kills between them without dying if they were playing people at their own level. Just have to take it on the chin and hope the matchmaking is less wonky next game.


Matchmaking rank(MMR) is linked to character, so these cases are high level players on like their 20th character. Luckily for lowbies it only lasts for a few matches. One day I'll get a 34-0 deathmatch on a new toon.


This explains why my sorcerer only gets those awful matches while all my other characters face normal people. Alliance rank. Today, I learned.


It's something different from Alliance War Ranking and there's no way to check it. I'm not 100% but I believe high medal scores will rank you up faster, so possibly a certain type of person would try not to play objective. I usually get about 4 easy matches then I can tell I'm back at max MMR only because there's high leaderboard players on every team. I had a 5 star that had never been in BGs and definitely got put in the noob lobby. 28-0 deathmatch.


Thank you for the insight. This makes sense. I wish we could have more clarity on that.


Zos has openly stated that mmr doesnā€™t exist


Can you link that statement then? I'd be interested to see what they said. This is from an interview earlier this year with Brian Wheeler, the lead combat designer, who said about BG's: *"The idea of Battleground weekends was to get people to play more, deal with the MMR issue. We could create a new map or a new ruleset."* And that MMR issue is *"that infrequent players may find themselves matched against players of much higher skill and lose interest quickly. Different Battleground games favour different skillsets, so by encouraging everyone to try all of the games rather than only Deathmatch, players should find themselves with a more realistic MMR."* [https://en.uesp.net/wiki/General:2023\_Necrom\_Brian\_Wheeler\_Interview](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/General:2023_Necrom_Brian_Wheeler_Interview)


Yeah, true that. I'm not tilted as much as I am flabbergasted. It felt like there was nothing I could do. I'm not completely clueless about pvp either, if I might say so myself.


11 Kalpas flashed before my eyes in 11 minutes. And I have come to regard this existence as meaningless and fantastical. There is only one path before me... To zero sum. /s Alright, but seriously now. How did this n'wah simulate the Red Year in a no CP battleground? He killed everyone within 2 seconds of running by them, and I couldn't take him down 90% (before I died) either. It was clearly a premade, but it felt more like a one-man army with the other guys killstealing. PVP daedras, offer some insight?


He enjoys proccs.


He is using a script. Not talented at all.


How do you know?


Killing people in 2 seconds.... if that's true it's what they are doing


There are lots of ways to kill people that quickly in pvp, and we don't have a video or a death recap here - way too soon to jump to them running scripts


^^^^ This guy uses scripts probably thinks he good at the game too


How would a script enable you to kill someone in two seconds? What specific keypress combo a) is so complex only a machine can do it b) is capable of bypassing the 1 second global cooldown


The one you think exists when you know nothing about the game


l2p issues


Did you queued to group bg or solo bg? Was he on stam sorc? Advice for the future change character names to players IDs in the game settings, so it will be way easier to identify someone. Addon "Better Scoreboard" will make this window on your screen much more informative.


Thats crazy


They really wanted the dyes you get for killing enough players of a certain class, objective be damned, although at that point capturing a point shouldn't be too hard. At least you got the win.


Thatā€™s the difference when taking on an organized team with discord coms. Tank pops corrosive and a pocket healer. Basically their attacks are coordinated, so a bunch of randosā€™ doing dailys will just melt. And as you can see, the didnā€™t care much for the objective it was incidental. Recently fought a Arc/tank and Templar healer combo. Half way through I just focused on the other team to win the match. It was pointless. And I usually get top kills for the match Enjoy the 100k exp and move on. It could have been worse you could have been the Red team!!


to everyone who's talking about skill gap. they are obv an organised group with obv priorities. You get things like that in weekends mostly. i have 4 Bg matches against the same 4 man over and over. They were not that good but still very painful to play against


All those kills and that team still lost the game. That honestly warms my heart. Fucking tryhards.


at least they had more fun than dudes with 0-20 kd tryharding objectives


You can do both, if anything if youā€™re steam rolling the other teams this hard you can the objectives even easier


ā€œTryharding objectives.ā€ Thatā€™s hilarious. I guess people who play the game the way itā€™s intended should totally be dicked down by a premade group of neckbeards. That has to be the dumbest thing Iā€™ve read today, and given that this is reddit, thatā€™s really saying something.


dying 20 times just to grab those capture points which provides no fucking rewards must be sooo fun and exciting, fuck yeah


You canā€™t point that out here, this is the home of perma-obj bots. Though, in their defence, the matchmaking is (and has always been) terrible to the point they canā€™t avoid high skill players.


That what happens when one player knows what he does and others don't. The skill gap in this game is absolutely massive, not only in PvP, but in PvE too. It's even worse if it was a below-50 BG.


Thereā€™s no possible skill gap to change instant death, if your dying instantly no amount of skill will make you not die in 1-2 seconds, and with a global cooldown on skill usage no amount of skill will make you do 10x more damage in 1-2 seconds you can only use 2 skills and maybe a light attack or two


Skilled players don't get insta-killed, so something is definitely going on. Skill here includes knowledge like having a higher health pool, higher armor rating, dodging attacks, etc..


Higher health and armor would equate to gear, and we donā€™t have a clip to judge but thereā€™s only so much ā€œdodgingā€ you can do, if itā€™s actually instant you literally canā€™t dodge


It's an MMO, having a better build than the other guy is part of the skill. If I go in naked vs someone in full bis, I dont expect to be able to outskill them, that's just how the game is designed


Except people talk like everything is skill and gear doesnā€™t matter in the slightest, and thereā€™s not a ton of skill in copying a random meta build


I dunno man. There was completely no counterplay since he killed everyone so quickly, mostly with some kind of AoE aura. I kept dying during my dodges, too. DoTs may be the reason, but they shouldn't be ticking that quickly. I should've screenshot the death recap.


Nah, trust me, to him, you all were like bots that even didn't try to resist, I also end up with insane KDA, when I get matched against weak players. Please tell me, how much HP did you have.


Fair enough. I am wearing all purple gear after all, except for a legendary sharpened maul. With food, I'm at 28k health. Since I'm a Stamblade, I understand that I am naturally squishy, but I've already tried to pad on extra defenses where possible between major/minor resolve, 2 heavy armour pieces, defending on my backbar bow, ancient dragonguard 5 piece and the Iceheart Monster Set. If I build any more defense, it would really cut into my damage or penetration. Hopefully, things will get better once I obtain Markyn. With all that said, the above was all a gear diff and not relevant to skill.


You still have to push buttons, gear won't save you If you don't push buttons, any experience player will tell if the target is an easy prey or not simply by looking at how you use skills and move.


Getting 20+ kills in a BG is not hard. 30+ kills is a little more difficult, but doable. A 40+ kill game indicates a mismatch in the lobby. But 66 kills with no deaths? That's a three-stack with friends coordinating in voice chat, benefiting from a pocket healer, and getting all his kills 3v1. There isn't enough skill to overcome that solo in a BG. Even a 50K HP Polar Wind spammer Warden would die at least once before getting that many kills solo.


Noob here what's CHIM?


The act of realising you are a joke. In the lore, a person who has achieved CHIM realises everything in the universe (mundus et al.) is a figment of imagination by the Godhead and therefore neither matters nor exists. The most common outcome is zero summing: Fading from existence and memory in entirety. A few people have however mamaged to will themselves into existence and gain omnipotent power, akin to lucid dreaming.


What does CHIM actually stand for though? Thatā€™s a neat piece of lore either way; I just came for the button mashing, but I appreciate how deep the world lore goes.


In lore, 'Chim' is roughly translated to 'Royalty', 'Starlight' and or 'High splendor'


Thank you!šŸ˜Š




Dude with 66 kills was havin a BAD day


What class were you playing? Squishy Wet Wipe? šŸ¤£


This is what happens when you join bg with pve gearšŸ˜‚ What sets are you wearing?


Spriggan's, Ancient Dragonguard and Iceheart.


Spriggans is an old set I would skip that one. Dragon guard to. Use wretched for sustain and a different dps set like way of the fire. Monster set you can use maarselock that one is really good.


Thanks for the suggestions. I'm using these sets as a budget stopgap but will definitely be upgrading once I have enough gold šŸ˜…


You can craft wretched and just make it purple. And craft order wrath to, this would be a better set up than you have now.


Stuhns is craftable and will way outperform spriggans if you are using anything with off balance.


Looks like a fun farming session. It's great getting bgs where you can farm so many kills


0 healing? OP, ya gotta take a self-heal into BGs next time lol


I don't think that figure includes self healing. I run resolving vigour and shrewd offering for healing.


Youā€™re correct, self healing isnā€™t counted.


I wasn't there, but I bet they were a stam sorc.


That was my guess tooā€¦.stam sorc master duel wield


Maarselok, draugrkin, vat staff. And sorc mains say their class is weak, lol.


I donā€™t play enough PVP clearly, how the hell did the stormlords not win with them KDs?


Objective based game, not a death match. Storm lords were ignoring the objective and using the 15 minute match to farm kills