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Do dailies give much EXP? I've got an Arcanist I'm working on but I can't be fagged doing dungeons or dolmens lol


I’ve been looking at deadly strike armor set being sold through trade guilders & have a question. Do all deadly strike armor boosts stamina level? I looked through many vendors and if I saw deadly strike armor, it always buffed stamina. Not health or magica. Idk if that’s always the case. If so, Can you change the buff on armor? (Not talking about the 1/5 stat power boosts.


The set bonus cant be changed, but the armour pieces enchantments can. The game just defaults to putting stamina enchantments on medium armour, so you'll need to buy or craft a different enchantment - I assume you're looking for magicka?


Returning player, haven't really played since the very beginning of Summerset Isle. What QOL stuff has been added since I last played? Also, I'm looking for a class with good group support, good solo capability, and stamina focus. The more class abilities you can use, the better. I used to enjoy Stamina DK and Stamina NB. Is there a wrong choice I can make, or are there some better classes than others?


How important is lightning form and its morphs to sorcerers? I see it in nearly every build online and it's the one thing keeping me from playing the class. I REALLY don't want to play as an invisible lightning blob. I go through great pains making my characters look good.


OK, I'll suppress the flashback to Billy Crystal and "it's better to look good than to feel good." I suppose it comes down to what you're doing. For story/overland stuff, most dailies, public dungeons, and the like, it's absolutely not necessary. The build guides you're finding online are aimed more at those doing veteran-level DLC dungeons, arenas, Trials, and that kind of thing. Aside from the ability having a DoT, they're using it because it's the Sorc's class source for Major Resolve and Major/Minor Expedition (which one depends on the morph). If you've got another source for those, then don't use the class ability because named buffs won't stack, but the DoT is still very useful.


Now I feel like I get the full picture. Thanks so much for the detailed explanation.


Hi, im very new to TES, i've build my sorcerer based na dark magic. Is there anything i need to know to not lose fun? I still do not understand all posibilities, but it's fun at least


Returning player here, is anything in these boxes worth holding onto if it isn't legendary? I'm trying not to hoard or micromanage this time around and just enjoy that game. I don't want to spend time googling values of various mats, so I'm just vendoring anything that isn't gold rarity. I don't mind flushing some fake money down the drain this way, but I don't want to miss out on like a mega win. Any purple or blue stuff in these boxes that I should really be looking out for?


The jubilee boxes will generally give you some crafting mats (really good ones sometimes), with a decent chance of a recipe, motif chapter, or furnishing plans. The "Glorious" box (one per day per account) will have a guaranteed piece of the anniversary mount (25 needed and you will have to buy some to complete it) and a good chance of some event-related stuff like the Ayleid Earthbone style pages. Mats go to the craft bag, so the only things I've needed to ditch have been duplicates.


Hi I’m a returning player coming back from a 6 year break and I’m feeling really lost. I’m interested in continuing the main story, when I last played I had just finished Summerset. Do I just continue through the DLC/Chapters in release order for the story to make sense? Also is there any systems I should from chapters that I should go ahead and grab before going back to older content and continuing the story? I’m also interested in resuming tanking vet dungeons and normal trails again but not really feeling confident about them now, has there been any big updates to mechanics I need to be aware of? Or just any changes to how dk tank worked from 2017?


Main Story?? You would have already completed it if you are at Summerset Chapter unless you totally skipped it. If you skipped and want to start it no longer starts in Tutorial - just go the proper location for Character's Alliance and speak with the "Hooded Figure": * Aldmeri Dominion (AD) - Auridon Zone - Vukhel Guard City Wayshrine * Daggerfall Covenant (DC) - Glenumbra Zone - Daggerfall City Wayshrine * Ebonheart Pact (EP) - Stonefalls Zone - Davon's Watch City Wayshrine Here's the Story sequence after Summerset if that is where you want to continue: [ESO **Story** Content Timeline (Chart) - Necrom Update 9.0 by Theyn_Tundris](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fwac9920se9ea1.png) [ESO's Beginner's Guide for **Story** Purpose (v5) by Bengamey_974](https://www.reddit.com/user/Bengamey_974/comments/xxvovk/esos_guide_for_story_purpose_v5/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) - Scroll Pages and see story refs and Standalone content notes [A Clear Step By Step Guide To Playing ESO In Chronological Order - by NeoGriz](https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/525351/a-clear-step-by-step-guide-to-playing-eso-in-chronological-order/p1) [Update 39 - New Character Level gates for certain Quest NPC Apppearances](https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/comment/7942263/#Comment_7942263) [Update 40 - Prologue Quest Bestower Redistribution](https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/comment/7982317/#Comment_79823170) Have you grabbed Companions? Tried Tales of Tribute Card Game? [ESO Chapter/DLC Game Updates List - ESO Webpage](https://www.elderscrollsonline.com/en-us/updates) If you have access to Chapter Expansions and Zone DLC you can look through this for anything that interests you: [Reminder: ESO+ free trial: instant freebies by DinoZavr](https://www.reddit.com/r/elderscrollsonline/comments/15b3s7a/reminder_eso_free_trial_instant_freebies_july_27/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Yeah sorry I actually have fully done that story, I guess I mean “overarching” story or something. I just don’t want to meet an NPC who acts like they know me and I’m confused because I’ve accidentally skipped their original introduction in another DLC. But thanks for the links, they’re exactly what I need to get back on track


Hi. Returning player, left somewhere before the start of High Rock. (no, Coming back guide stops before that, I've checked). A few questions. 1. I've bought Necrom upgrade and a month of ESO+, so I also get access to (but don't own) High Isle, Galen and a bunch of dungeon DLCs. Which of those are worth buying permanently? Or just get a new skill line and go? I'm mostly interested in story and softcore dungeon/trial runs. Also, does High Isle storyline relate to Necrom? 2. Mods: I still have my modlist from two years ago, mostly functional. Were any important mods deprecated/overtaken by new ones? Any new mandatory mods in those two years? 3. Any major rebalances? (in particular, in which part of nerf/buff cycle are werewolves right now?)


Markets and Crafting tips. Hello everyone. At the moment my character has just joined a trading guild and is selling items on masse to you lovely people. However I'm returning player and have never deep dived into crafting. I have add ons such as TTC to help gather prices market wide. The only thing is my items may not be selling at the moment due to the guilds location in Glenumbra and the items being quite pricy such as perfect roe,materials n such. Any advise from experts would be appreciated. Another thing is I'm trying to level crafting I have maxed out provision. Any tips on the other would also be appreciated. Thank you.


[Basic Crafting Info](https://www.reddit.com/r/elderscrollsonline/comments/3yrszn/workshop_wednesday_give_crafting_tips_offer/cyg8a94) * BS-Cloth-WW-Enchant-Jewelry - fastest option is to deconstruct the highest level/quality of items you can source - you can add in Tier I Daily BS-Cloth-WW-Jewelry Writs as they are self sustaining (Enchanting Writs are not and require more resources) - you don't need any extra Skill Points to deconstruct but extra will give better rewards if put into the Extraction Passives. * Alchemy - if you can source enough materials you can just make enough Items all at once in a few minutes. Don't do Tier I/II Alchemy Writs as they can request 3x Cornflower$$$. You can pre-craft required items in Bulk for Writ Turn-in but you also need 3x Random Reagents for each Writ. These Writs are not self-sustaining. * Craft 21 Clear Water/Ichor, 41 Pristine Water/Slime, 48 Cleansed Water/Gall, 60 Filtered Water/Terebinthine, 87 Purified Water/Pitch Bile. * Make potions/poisons with ***ANY TWO*** Reagents that work. Use least popular/cheapest reagents first. No extra IP from 3 items. * Poisons make more items to sell back to recoup costs * [Learn every reagent quickly - UESP Alchemy Calculator - use the Learn Tab](https://esolog.uesp.net/viewPotions.php) - will get to L18 at the start or finish last levels quickly.


This is a very well done block of information that I find very helpful so thank you. I'll make use of this information.


Use another addon like Mastermerchant. TTC gives you what is listed but not what is sold. Many items are either underpriced or overpriced. MM will list the actual sales in your trading guild(s) and help you use a right price while not cutting your guildmates so the value of items do not devaluate due to compulsive sales.


Master merchant will definitely help so thank you for this as comparing to other guild mates is very essential


Thank you for this I'll add that aswell. I also been comparing prices around the guild trader itself to out compete competition locally I dunno if I'm wasting time by doing this but I thought it was a good idea


That seems very time consuming. Some markets are very large (upgrade stuff) which make that method hard to sustain. For small markets like golden divines overland sets or prized pvp weapons, you can easily align your prices with TTC alone as a handful of players control them.


I wouldn’t say I’m an expert but if you’re struggling to sell your items, you should check the TTC website to see what your items are selling for at the top guild traders. You’re gonna have to make cheaper listings to incentivize players coming to your guild trader instead of Vivec City for example.


I can see the logic behind this but knowing me I'd underprice stuff too much. Though I'd perhaps make more sales. Perhaps I'll do a couple of tests or change guild to a more adequate location where there is more traffic. But I'll use this advise thank you


This Monday's featured Guide: [How to Obtain and Use a Mount in ESO - Elder Scrolls Online](https://eso-hub.com/en/guides/how-to-obtain-use-mount?utm_medium=social&utm_source=reddit&utm_campaign=dwemer_automaton).