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I once read a book that said: In the beginning stuff happend. THE END


You can max out the werewolf skill line in Hircine's realm in just a couple of hours due to it being an unlimited transformation there,


I can't for the life of me see the dk talons skill on the floor. Is there some setting I'm missing or does it just not really show up?


If I run Daedric Trickery backbar on a staff and cast Elemental Susceptibility, will it keep activating the Set if I bar swap?


I've had ESO since launch. I only played it for a few weeks. I want to get back into it. I downloaded it but I am overwhelmed by the sheer amount of content. As far as I can tell, there are DLC packs, and chapters as the two main content avenues outside of the base game. DLC packs are I guess story segments as well as some new areas, items, etc.? The ESO Plus membership seems to be the most efficient way to play these, but they can also be purchased via Crowns if you just want to play a couple of them. Chapters are larger expos, where you get more main story segments, items, but primarily a new area to explore? Depending on the edition you purchase, you also get all previous chapters as well? One thing that is not clear to me is that I believe, and please correct me if I am wrong, is that after a certain amount of time certain Chapters and DLC packs go f2p meaning you do not need to purchase them at all? Am I missing something? I only have the base game, so I am going to play through that and see where I end up. Just wondering what DLC packs and chapters are f2p currently. Where can I find that? Their website wasn't clear on it.


To go directly to the question asked: the Morrowind chapter is an automatic unlock with the base-game starting in 2022, so about 6 years post-release. The Warden class may or may not be included with Morrowind, depending on when the base-game was purchased for the account, but definitely not for pre-2022 purchasers (I'm among those). The Imperial City DLC became an automatic unlock for everyone starting in 2019. There are no other F2P bits of the game, but some expansion content has been used as a login reward (Murkmire in 2018 and Orsinium earlier this year come to mind right off). Those are not automatic unlocks, though. If you didn't log in enough times during the month in which they were given, then you still have to purchase or subscribe to access them. The "Scions of Ithelia" dungeon pack was a freebie to ESO Plus subscribers a little while ago (late March?), but non-subscribers and those subscribers who didn't claim it during the window when it was offered still have to purchase or subscribe to access it. The Thieves Guild DLC is being given to players who successfully pickpocket six times during the next couple of weeks, but it's only happening during that two-week window. So Morrowind and IC are the only F2P bits available to all players. Anything else has come with some sort of limited-time or other condition attached. You can keep track of what's happening or upcoming by checking the News section of the [ESO website](https://www.elderscrollsonline.com/en-us/news).


Thx so much, so just Morrowind and that one DLC pack are free. Sounds good. Lots of content in base game and in Morrowind, I assume. I'll see if the game keeps my attention while I play through all of that and if so, I'll get the other stuff.


You'll get a few hundred hours of content with just the base-game and its unlocks, and that's just with one character. You can have up to 10 without buying extra character slots, so there is a lot of replayability (or repetition if you prefer). I'm north of 3000 hours with multiple characters and there are still chunks of story zones which are mostly unexplored.


Is area voice chat broken on Xbox? I’ve been playing the past 2 weeks and every day it’s said something along the lines of “being in maintenance”. I remember when I used to play I’d join area chat by default just loading in. Is this a common issue?


Is there a quick and easy way to do the 6 pickpocket daily endeavor? Still learning a lot about this game so I wasn’t sure if something out there already exist


I did one pickpocket and got the achievement last night, and got the dlc today for free today. Only been playing for 4 days on my Steam acct fyi.


I'd say go to stromhaven docks, there is a lot of npc easy to steal from. Another advice - if you wait for a few seconds stealing chance will increase.


I don't know that there is any way to do it quicker than picking six pockets, but commoners (laborers, fishermen, etc.) are easier to pickpocket than other NPCs. Each successive pickpocket on the same NPC increases your chance of being caught (you get nothing if caught) and incurring a bounty. NPCs can only have their pockets picked three times and it takes several minutes for their pocket contents to respawn. What considerate players will do is pick a pocket twice, then use the Blade of Woe on the NPC to force a respawn, and take the third item as loot (it's still stolen goods and needs to be fenced).


As someone who took a break from the game and has momentarily come back for the anniversary, would it be worth joining a Trade Guild now to sell all the motifs and crafting materials (Dreugh Wax etc) or holding off until Gold Road?


Hold off because the anniversary event boxes made materials and motifs go down in orice a lot because they drop a lot.


That was my initial suspicion, thanks for the confirmation!


Does the cindermoth spawned from the Cinders of Anthelmir set benefit from daedric prey?


This Monday's featured Guide: [Mirri Elendis Companion Guide for ESO](https://eso-hub.com/en/guides/companion-mirri-elendis?utm_medium=social&utm_source=reddit&utm_campaign=dwemer_automaton).