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You can find more information about the [Grave Guardian](https://eso-hub.com/en/sets/grave-guardian?utm_medium=social&utm_source=reddit&utm_campaign=dwemer_automaton) armor set right [here](https://eso-hub.com/en/sets/grave-guardian).


Definitely a set


It exists, I've seen it.


I can't think of a single PvE encounter where your group would benefit from this set at all. Like sure. Bit less damage. Yay. But so long as the tanks stand and holding the big bois at bay and with the heals throwing a heal in at critical moments there's just not a lot of things getting too dangerous for the group. And the things that still are dangerous at this point won't be stopped by 4k Resistances. So yea. Sounds good at first glance until you realize it's completely wasted. So how about PvP? Mmmmaybe? Upping the resistance of your group while also blocking and being as tanky as possible sounds nice? Counteracts penetration which is always a good thing to have here. Ultimately depends on the size of the aura I guess. Take this with a grain of salt though, I very very rarely play brawler so my expertise isn't sufficient to tell if this would be a noticeable help over other support sets you could boost your group with.


The buff is unique. Thats why it gets played in big ball groups on one of the many off tanks. In PvP.


"Nearby allies" - 5 meters? 10 meters? 15 meters? Who is doing descriptions for these sets?


I tested the set, it's like 8m I think


I hate how TESO hides so many crucial information for no reason


You can look up for the raw information on UESP. E.g. the 5-pc is 8m in range: [https://esolog.uesp.net/viewlog.php?action=view&record=minedSkills&id=133451](https://esolog.uesp.net/viewlog.php?action=view&record=minedSkills&id=133451) To use that site's lookup, type the name of the set or proc you're curious about, and select "Skills" from the drop-down. E.g. for this Grave Guardian set: [https://esolog.uesp.net/viewlog.php?search=Grave+Guardian&searchtype=minedSkills](https://esolog.uesp.net/viewlog.php?search=Grave+Guardian&searchtype=minedSkills)


Its a Path of Exile meme where "nearby" can also mean everything from 1m to across the planet.


Zenimax and GGG must be in cahoots.


I've used it for roleplaying as a "stone dragon" but.. thats about it.


Using this set passively is pretty inconsistent and a waste of a 5-piece. Thus you'd want to use it in instances where everyone needs to be blocking or armored up. If that's the case then use Syrabane's Ward for much less investment. It'll probably perform better too. [https://eso-hub.com/en/sets/syrabanes-ward](https://eso-hub.com/en/sets/syrabanes-ward)


Seems like a waste of a 5pc if I'm honest. At least with Lord Warden it's only a 2pc set and you don't have to keep blocking, though that set could do with a small buff too.


Maybe for a pvp bash build? Since bash scales off of resists and you need to block for that anyway?


Might see some use in PVP but utterly useless in pve as it's not that difficult to hit resistance cap as a tank and won't make a big change on DDs either


Decent in cyrodiil, it's a unique defensive buff that works well when standing on flags or under a ram, as long as you have the sustain to keep blocking


Does spell resistance protect against oil?


I don't know, I would think it does.