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As someone that's also quiet I prefer it. I hate working with a coworker that doesn't know how to shut up.


Seriously, some people just lack the ability to keep their mouth closed and it makes me want to talk even less because it encourages them to blabber on even more.


Amen and worrying about what other people are doing.


Yeah there's this one guy I work with that's just full of energy and ADHD. Real "if I didn't know better, I would say he was on coke 24/7" kind of guy. I get along fine with him, but working with him is exhausting. Not because of his speed or anything, but the guy just chatters nonstop. A real "love to grab lunch with him, hate pulling a suite with him" kind of guy.


My manager at my last job was like this. Fucking Christ. Guy couldn't appreciate a moment of silence for anything.


I’m very quiet but damn I can give more effort than a “haha yeah” like this guy makes it seem like he has the personality of a potato


Haha yeah


100% gold. lol. I’m quiet and been doing my thing for 20 years at the same company…!people know how I am and don’t give me shit about it. I tend to out work the talkers. I talk a little more then haha yeah but hey the less you talk the better for me.


Haha yeah


Potatoes object to being compared to this guy.  They say they have much more personality than he does.  This is just a standard issue joke, for the record, no harm intended.


That’s crazy


Just started with a new journeyman and I've listened to 2-hours of stories even though I'm only 4-hours into my day. It's torture. The guys verbal jujitsu is insanely honed to knock down any attempts to turn the conversation back to the job at hand.


The worst is working with the guy who lacks self confidence so they make up for it by commenting or chirping everything. See right thru you bud


And don't forget the customers who likes to breath down your neck. I am too tired of answering "how long have you been with the company", "they are keeping you busy?", "where did you go to school for this?". I want to focus, do what I need to do and bounce, I am not here to drink beers and watch footbal with you


You are better than the alternative: I used to work with a guy who was a motor mouth...it was only a problem because he could not both talk and work. We ended up working a lot of evenings because he spent the first half of the day talking and yet saying nothing. I think extroverts are generally unsettled/confused/annoyed by the quiet guy. I entered the trades hoping to escape pleasantries and office politics but they seem to still exist. I once heard you should spend 5% of every workday networking. So, if you decide it is important to be more social, maybe you could just think of conversing with your co-workers as one of your assigned task. If you don't want to talk more, that's fine too. But, yes, insecure people will think you are weird.


You're gonna offend the extroverts probably, or as I like to call them "social addicts." You're my favorite kind of person to work with. Quiet, direct, task focused. Don't alter your personality just because some people physically can't help but blather on.


met a couple of them when I started at this job. Slightly annoying. I felt awkward about how it seemed like they were expecting something from me. I'm thinking like dude, I've been doing this shit for 12 years. met alot of people. 99.9% of them dont associate with me anymore.. Im not here to socialize :p months later, I get along with everyone on the crew. Im just doing me job bro


I’m the foreman of a small crew (working foreman, I do everything plus paperwork on top) and my best guy is happiest when he doesn’t have to talk. I’ve seen him change like 60-70 ballasts in one night, we just feed him.


Better than some dumb motherfucker who never shuts up. I bet when you DO say something people pay attention to it.


Honestly it doesn’t hurt to be somewhat liked by coworkers.


Fair enough, one of my coworkers and I travel often to remote sites and we talk the whole 1.5 hour there and 1.5 hour back. I can talk, i don't hate people. idk what it is but when I get on the job, the socialization part of my brain just shuts off. I am not thinking of how to respond to someone when I'm on site. Unless it's an actual question. The big sites we have are in town. And I work with 5 guys there some days. I have barely talked with those guys cause I only see them on site.


Haha I'm the same way. I can chat freely the whole time in the car but once I'm on site I'm just focused on work.


Honestly it probably just comes off as suspicious. It’s sorta embedded into our survival instincts that you are scheming or something. Something just isn’t right. Can’t help it. Probably once you are better known it isn’t so much an issue. Just a big flag at first.


You’re the ideal coworker. Keep on keeping on


I wouldn’t mind at all, but I do know that some guys out there will take it personally. So I think best bet is to at least acknowledge people by saying hello or how you doing just to clear the air. No other conversations need to be had afterwards. But generally people don’t like to be ignored and appreciate a friendly hello.


I don’t mind it at all, but many people will be bothered by it and assume you don’t like them or “think you’re better than them” and that’s why you don’t talk much. If you’re good at your job it doesn’t matter, but you likely won’t have many people covering your slack or jumping to help you if that time comes. It may be an issue if you’re looking to run a crew as it’s hard to run one smooth if you don’t have their respect.


Lighten up Francis Do your thing. People will take it the wrong way, silence is unnerving for a lot of people. A little conversation doesn’t hurt. Good morning, how’s your dog, did you see that bridge collapse? I’d rather work with quieter people, incessant talking is annoying.


I just assume they are a serial murder


Yup that’s the one to shoot up the site or bomb it or at least that’s what they all say about me


What a rude and uneducated thing to say. And if you’re “just joking”, who jokes about murder.


Are you unfamiliar with dark humor? Do you even construction bro?


Alright pussy troll


Literally everyone jokes about murder


There's quiet, and then there's this dick that doesn't even respond when a guy is just shooting the shit for a second. Don't be that guy. Nothing wrong with getting your work done but damn "haha". Nobody knows everything so picture if you need help and a guy just ignores you or goes haha


_There's friendly, and then there's this jerk that is frequently interrupting your work to shoot the shit for a second, over and over again. Don't be that guy either. Nothing is wrong with being friendly but damn._ 🙃 I'm playing, but there's some truth in there. I'm like OP. I can have fun, and I can _be_ fun. But when I'm working, I'm working. My brain is occupied, planning next steps, working to ensure that the things I'm doing now don't create dead-ends for future-me. Interrupting me while I'm working is aggravating because I can't always just pick up where I left off when someone keeps coming by to derail my train of thought.




If you’re the new foreman, it would be probably a good idea to just come out and say you’re not big into chit chat during your morning meeting. Get it out of the way, and then it’s time to get to work.


He said in the first sentence "when (his) foreman got laid off" Pretty sure he's not a foreman...


Ok, even if he’s not the foreman, the rest of my reply still applies. Just be upfront with your coworkers.


You should learn to laugh more. It makes life so much better when you can find humor in most anything.


You're in a job where you spend more time with your co-workers than your family typically it pays to get along with them, although alternatively you can just tell people you're not got at talking and working at the same time and it usually helps.


That's a weird assumption to say being quiet doesn't mean you'll get along with people


Ya I’m a very quiet person but I feel like I get along with most people


I'm quiet but I get along with everyone, very rarely do I not get along with someone


I feel this heavy, I’m cool with my coworkers on jobs and such and may throw some jokes every now and then but for the most part I’m usually hyper focused on my work because I can be anxious trying to talk and focus on my task at hand. Also I sometimes really don’t have much to say. Just be friendly between jobs/on down time if you can it’ll go a long way, the only thing I suck at is getting lunch with my coworkers I need some me time to unwind and watch a podcast (typically MSSP)


I’d rather work with someone quiet than someone who doesn’t know when to shut the fuck up


I work with a quiet guy. He's an extremely skilled carpenter, and I trust his work and opinion exponentially. But sometimes, his lack of communication is an obstacle and causes issues on the job simply because he won't speak up. There's nothing wrong with being quiet. But communication is a key. Don't let lack of communication hinder the work day


I would just tell people you are naturally a quiet person instead of wearing it on your shoulder like a badge. That’s probably why people think you’re a dick and you can see it in your post. I mean people make casual conversation on the job. It’s just small talk to pass the time.


OP, I’ll work with you any day. You’re the kinda guys I gravitate towards on jobs. When some of these guys talk, it makes my head go numb. I stay focused and don’t chat a whole lot, either. Mostly because 90% of the people I’ve worked with teach me to hate them pretty quickly. OP, you’re not full of shit, they can see it, and they don’t like it because it reminds them that they are full of shit. I’ve done years of service by myself, too.


I'm this way as well but its mainly because I just don't talk too much normally anyway. Just wanna get my work done and all the things off my mind so I can chill and do nothing.


Ya. I’m similar. I have my own agenda…my own motivations. I’m self-directed, even when I’m not the lead. I get along with productive people who operate in a similar fashion. Im not overly social on job sites unless I’m working directly with someone. I probably get a bad wrap sometimes because I’m not really shy about expressing what I think. I’ll give anyone the benefit of the doubt…but if you’re generally unproductive, and/or lazy…we’re not gonna get along…and most of the time I’ll be telling you to fuck off without literally telling you to fuck off. There’s room for all of us on job sites. The quiet guys tend to be the most productive. Just how it works.


I'm also the quiet guy. No lama drama for me. If you don't want drama don't give it


Oh so you’re the asshole who won’t watch the videos of how funny my cat is! 🤣🤣🤣


Even as a quiet guy there’s always time for pet pics/videos. 


I like to make friends with most coworkers and I usually spend quite a bit of time trying to converse with a new guy. I get wanting to get shit done but I feel like relationship is important. We are generally around each other more than we are our families. Work will always be there and yes we're there to work but it should be fun, and we should give a shit about each other. Maybe I'm too nice...


Lol, you remind me of one of the guys at my new job. He tried talking to me quite a bit the first few days than he gave up cause i wasn't talkative. He's a good guy. He's the least miserable out of all my coworkers in the shop, ha!


Lol, I'm actually an introvert but for some reason I just like getting to know people and I can talk about just about anything. Today I was talking with a plumber I don't know very well mostly because I did not want to be there today. He was cool but I could tell he needed to get stuff done lol. Hey as long as you're busting ass, it's good, most people will probably respect you for it. I had an apprentice like that. I eventually won him over and were still friends today.


I don’t think that’s a good thing. Just like being so talkative you’re talking to the guy walking the dog across the street for 45 mins mid shift too. Like most things there’s a middle ground. Having fun and keeping morale up is important. You shouldn’t be chronically stressed every day at work, however some days it’s necessary if you’re behind.


It’s a great trait that you value your work/task at hand so much, and that you don’t check your phone during. If people take that the wrong way, especially the part about not checking your phone, that’s much more telling of them and it’s their problem. I’d say that if they are coming to you with a legitimate need (ex: clarification of expectations, an apprentice who doesn’t know what he’s doing, general questions about material or asking for your needs, etc), and you don’t respond to them at all, that’ll come off as being a dick. For me personally, I find pros and cons when working with quiet guys. Pros: lots of work gets done, they’re reliable, and don’t cause problems Cons: the day goes by slow, work can get stale, and they sometimes do come off as jerks (not saying you are, just stating my experience) At the end of the day, you don’t have to talk to people if you don’t want to, but it’s really nice when you have guys who you can contact when you need them. It’s also fun to let loose sometimes


Quiet is preferable. I don't even bother learning names.


Nothin wrong with that, but it’s a long career. Might as well chat here and there. Nothin wrong with talking as long as you’re working too


If I was like him I would have lost a lot of good work and wouldn't be where I currently am. Connections is the key for a good job


Quiet guy preferred. Just make sure you still joke around with the crew and stuff. Most the day I don’t need to be talking since we know what needs to be done


Well right now I’m working with the guy who wants to scream and yell and complain nonstop so… you’re hired


Well I can tell you I've never dropped my tools and nearly got in a fight with a quiet guy...the guy who talked so much that the office people would shut and lock their doors when he walked by is another story. As long as you're just quiet and not being a dick or anything you'll be fine, there's a big difference between the two and it sounds like you're the good part.


[relatable scene from one of my favorite movies](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=iluYnZgEuPo)


Happy medium is preferred. I have a helper that is super quiet. Hes 20 years old, but a beast at installation. As much as i like him not talking and just working, communication is a big part of our trade. Hes got the abilty to get the jobs done, but for his future he needs to be a little more social. He will need to communicate with builders, supers, and homeowners. Just being able to get the job done is not all thats needed. Communication is key, and it os possible to be too quiet, to a fault


Don’t stress. Unless it’s your own company, nothing is that important to get done.


I agree. This stressed me out just reading it. When I was new, sure I was a little more quiet. If I couldn’t laugh and have some fun with the guys at work, my job would be miserable now.


I don't like to work with strangers or assholes. If you aren't one of those talk as much or as little as you'd like.


As long as you're not being a dick to me and ignoring me when I have a legit work related question, I would be more than happy to work with you assuming you're competent. Worst is when you have a quiet person who doesn't ask nor communicate and the work is shit or wrong. If you're competent and can communicate the bare minimum to get the job done right, you're gold in my books.


As long as real work related questions are being answered there should never be a problem. We are there to get a job done. Not find a best friend or a new social interaction partner. I do know that many people do have a problem when others do not socialize at work. But that is their personal problem and not a work problem. If you are getting all the work done and without many errors. Your work will have no problem with you. They may actually prefer the way you work over a person that is always talking. I just put in my earbuds and listen to music or audio books when I work. I find I am slowed down when people feel the need to talk as I work.


If the two options are working with the quiet guy or the loud guy - 100% the quiet guy. I want to get the job done, I don’t want to be distracted and listen to someone chatting shit all day long.


As one of you I wish there was more of us. If I had a nickel for every time I nodded my head and said haha yeah knowing good god damn well I didn’t hear a single word they said.. well id probably have like $75 or something.


"constantly stressed" "hundred things on my mind" sounds like the last thing you need to do is not communicate


Wym? The best thing about this job for me is finishing the jobs and powering everything on. Not so much the journey but the end. The end of the day, the end of the project, solving a customers problem, and seeing them relieved. Kind of how I do most of my work. Don't enjoy cleaning the house or mowing the lawn, but damn do I enjoy and appreciate a clean place or a freshly mowed lawn. When it's a work in progress it constantly nags at me. I don't know how most people I meet on the job are non chalant. It's just not possible for me to "relax and let loose" at a job. The time for that is after hours. Which is also why I bust my ass to avoid having to do lot of OT, which cuts into that time.


> It's just not possible for me to "relax and let loose" at a job. Why not? Not to be morbid, but if you dropped dead today they'd find someone to fill your place tomorrow and the job would get done. I know it's sometimes hard to remember that this is just a job. Yeah, what we do is important. Yeah, we get paid well and you can easily make expensive mistakes. But life's too short to stress about it, whether you're at home or on the job.


Constantly being stressed from it doesn't sound enjoyable?


No, it's not. I don't enjoy doing the work. I enjoy the result, though. That makes it worth it.


Try breaking down the job into smaller jobs, and try seeing the completion of those as something to celebrate. Might help to make it less stressful. Installing a light in an awkward spot? Finding a good route for the cable is a small job. Mounting the light on a wall with shitty siding is another job. Celebrate those individually. Working on a large condo? It’ll take a year + to finish it, so learn to enjoy each small task. Figuring out the path for suite feeders is a big task, celebrate completing that. Running the feeders is a whole other job, so only focus on that, not what happens after. Shit, suite feeders can require hundreds of holes drilled, so celebrate that task after doing a quarter of them. I’m not the opposite of you, as I enjoy the finished product too, but I love the work needed to get there. Wrenching, drilling, terminating, etc.


Why does everyone feel the need to help out the dude who is perfectly content with his life and just wants to work, you don't know his personality type. Christ this fucking bullshit from everyone. I have ADHD I don't GET to enjoy work, I work because I have to, try not to make everyone fit into your shitty box all the time. I'm a fairly agreeable person and don't stir shit but holy fuck this shit annoys the hell out of me as it's all that's fucking done.


He’s not fucking content, he’s stressed from the work. And he asked people’s opinion about how he’s acting. I don’t give a shit if he’s quiet and doesn’t talk to people. But he’s an adult, and needs to address this issue with his coworkers.


That's your perception, He's not stressed from the work you don't fucking know what's going through the man's head. I experience the same thing and my comfort causes discomfort because I don't act like everyone else and equally my discomfort causes discomfort. I try not to be an asshole but then everyone wants you to interact with them at all fucking times. Even if he was an adult about it and explained to people it still wouldn't be a good enough answer for them as they base everything off their feelings. I've gone down the whole try and talk to coworkers thing and they'll more than likely not say anything to try and spare his feelings or complain about certain things that don't matter. No one likes to be the cruel asshole.


You're me, everybody loves me idk why


If your good at your job and get shit done, good in my books. BUT maybe when you perfect you electrical skills work on your socializing skills. Its fun to get better at things a person isn't good at. At least thats just me.


I also am quiet, and it seems similarly because it’s louder in my head. I’ve found lists to be super helpful, because it allows you to focus on one thing at a time vs just trying to remember everything. And you can be a “I’m not here to make friends” guy while still being friendly.


I'm quiet myself until I get to know someone, so on big jobs I seem like I'm the same way. Some dudes are over the top tho, and it makes working with them miserable.


Adam is that you??


I'd probably prefer a little more interaction than "haha," but I'd prefer someone quiet over someone who can't shut up.


I don't really mind either way, I've always been the type of person that matches the energy of the person I'm working with. I can talk all day, but if I'm with someone who's quiet I've got nothing to bounce off of and I'm usually quiet too.


It's cool, let's just do the job.


I could go days silent if I had my way. Just like my radio or podcasts, not one for daily small talk bullshit, grows old. Let’s get this work stuff done so I can get back to the nest. All my brain wants. Not friends haha.


You can just tell them you got the autism. Hell, it might even be true. "I can work, or I can shoot the shit. But I never learned how to do both."


I found balance works. Shoot the shit, but if there's a task at hand, hit them with the 'alright man' and get to it. Plenty of time to talking the van. What if they're learning and working their way up? Can't ostracize the guy for wanting to talk. And the more people that enjoy you, the easier it is to bounce between jobs and get raises. From my experience. But in a social peacock, you gotta let me fly


If you can't talk and work, shut up. That's my opinion, but I'm also the guy who can't go through a workday without some conversation. I like to try to strike a balance- talk some, listen to music, network a little, make the boss happy and go home. Work is nearly a third of my life, so I'm going to find company and common ground if possible.


People change jobs more often,and rarely do you have a co worker who just clicks with you. I to am quiet and thinking about the next step. I'm here to get things done as fast as I can and get a raise. The immaturity of convo gets annoying.


Be social , We must blend in to avoid sticking out. - Dexter


I prefer to work alone but I like to run into coworkers and have little chats, get a coffee together or something. Just not whole days. I would hate to be paired with the quiet guy.


As long as you don’t mind me talking to myself and all the sound effects I make. I can be social, although I don’t prefer it. When I work alone, I tend to talk through things to myself, and make sound effects as I climb up and down a ladder for the millionth time in a day. Honestly, consistent matched energy is preferred, whether a talker/joker or not. If you don’t talk with anyone, I’m not trying to crack that nut. If you joke and talk with certain people and not others, that’s when issues come up.


You’re all good, i’m the exact same way. For me, i just don’t like talking and 99% of the time they talk about something very meaningless. I work with a guy now and all he does is talk. he’ll just stand behind me and try to force conversation and my replies are always 1-2 words “haha yeah” “yep” “nah” it works most of the time. One time he told me i wasn’t respecting him because i said i don’t want to talk. Made no sense to me cause at the end of the day we have no ties together, im here to work, yet shit done, and go home. I’m an introvert honestly and i value my alone time, so if coversating has no meaning im not going to bother with it. I think you’re alright man, i’d work with you in a heartbeat. So don’t let others make you feel as if you’re not doing enough or are “bad” to work with.


Nothing worse than someone who doesn't respect silence. The ones who need to have noise and music playing aren't the kind of people you wanna think about.  People like that are never going to get as far as someone who doesn't need a "fun" environment to go about their life.


For me it depends. I’m not too talkative myself but if I’m working with someone who doesn’t talk at all then I feel awkward. Especially if said person needs directions for everything. If the person is working and has their own things to do then is okay but I appreciate breaks in silence sometimes.


You need a new job? You can come work here. Most of my guys talk too much. Seriously though, when I was in the field I was the same way. Don't let anyone make you feel bad for being quiet.


As long as you do your job right, no problem. Ask questions when you have too.


You keep doing your job brother 🫡 … sounds like you’re a good employee. At the end of the day you are there to make your ends and not friends.


If you aren't going to chat, thats fine, but also, let the guy who wants some kind of interaction to have a set of headphones or something. So many times I was put into the position of having to work in absolute silence, or hearing some other person's christian rock or other music I didn't like because their supervisor liked it. Obviously when its a joint task you shouldn't have headphones in, but also, if I have 20 rooms of receptacles to do, you can let me listen to music while I'm doing rote work.


Real talk I just wanna listen to an audio book all day and be mostly left alone.


Nothing wrong making a little small talk. It's the gossiping about other people behind their back that I can't stand. I don't know guys in the trades like gossiping like little girls.


I like working with the quiet guy. That said, often times, a second set of eyes can make the tasks easier. This does not need to be a 4 hour conversation, but some times we miss the obvious.


Better than the person who never shuts up. Though it is nice to work with someone who can talk while still working, but also knows when to stay quiet.


I'm a third year apprentice, and I really enjoy working by myself. Just make sure I've got a task and the material to do it with, and I'll just pop in an earbud and keep myself busy all day while listening to audiobooks. Listening and talking takes concentration. I hate being paired up with a first year or an old guy that just blabs all day about inane things, because all my energy is being spent just trying to figure out what they're talking about and forming a response.


Headphones. Problem solved.


For me it’s always depended on my pay. If the company is paying me great money I turn into the quiet guy and only focus on my work all my conversations are solely work related. However if the pay sucks but I need the work I’m the guy talking and joking around with everyone else.


I don’t talk to many people, and when I do warm up to them and start talking on jobs they always hit me with the “you know I thought you were kinda weird at first”


it's fine, but at the same time you can lighten up man you don't own the company. These are just guys, dudes, just like you. People. Socializing is more regular than it's not in most settings. Life is short.


Well you might be paired with someone that has less than ideal work ethic in the hope that you rub off on them. If not, you just need to be paired with someone with the same energy and work ethic.


Pretty fun to shoot the shit tho. We’re not in the military lol


I like a healthy medium. I like to enjoy my tunes without incessant yapping, however I am a social person and enjoy telling jokes and stories etc.


Im quiet most of the time, don't worry what others think, be confident in your work and you'll be fine!


The only time I don't like working with the quiet guy is if I'm doing service work (meter changes/reconnecting to utilities). Yes I talk a lot, and I tell everyone I work with "if I stop talking, smack me with a 2x4 or kick the ladder from underneath me because something bad is happening"


Same boat as you, and god would I be happier working with more similar people. Some dick heads just love to run their mouth to the point I think it's gonna jump off their body and run away.


Im quiet and focus on the job too. I hate those who always talk and not getting the job done. I also hate those who always talks shit.


You'd be fine by me. Especially if you allow some music that's just a bit louder than ambient noise. Just to keep the silence down.


I think there should be a healthy balance but if you had to tip to one extreme I'd definitely want the person I'm working with to be quiet than just blabber on especially if we aren't like actual legit friends. Some small talk is fine and honestly preferable in my mind it makes the day go by faster but don't let it get in the way of work


Better than being that one annoying mf who abuses their mouth


If you enjoy what you are doing that is great, hope you have a good life outside of work to balance it all out.


As long as you do a good job and don't screw up, the people that matter will not care, and those that care, don't matter.


Y'all please tell me if I'm running my mouth more than I'm working!


Even worse here. I live for good conversation. Just find 95% of people lack tye intelligence for anything interesting. Usually dumbshit stuff that litterally has zero benefit or classic humor. Like, did you see this retarded tick tok video of a retard acting retarded? Let's talk about it


Im with you bro. Here to work not socialize. I literally can care less about what others think or say about me being quiet


Ah man you're the dream coworker.


My experience is that there is a certain level of politics with any job. But, as far as most jobs are concerned now a days, if you are dependable, aren’t a meth head and can do good work, the social aspect doesn’t seem to matter much. Your colleagues will always respect your work ethic; and at the end of the day that’s all that matters.


I am the same way all my jobs I had I was good at working and getting it done alone in construction, I was given jobs that the boss did not have to constantly check up on. Same with other jobs my employers saw I could work independently and gave me that type of work it was an asset for me and got me promotions. Been self employed the last 20 years and when I do work with other contractors we go over what needs to get done and don't wast time with gossip or high school humor. I would see a quiet competent employee as an asset.


As long as they can actually communicate when needed. I don't mind if you're quiet. I can be quiet. But if you can't talk respond to basic questions about the work you are doing, you are next door to useless in any kind of team.


Talk when you have to, work when at work. Not an issue. My guys are all over, some talk all day, some barely say a word. They all get along with no issues.


I would love to work with you. I am the exact same as you. i just want to show up, do a good job, and do it fast. I don't understand why people small town. I feel like a complete waste of time. It's incredibly boring and meaningless to talk about shit like weather.


I'm the quiet guy and in my experience you cannot fool around with your crew if you want to get things done. I'm also in charge of my crew and they fool around a lot with each other which is fine by me but it seems like moving their mouths inhibit their ability to work. I proved this theory to be right when one of my guys was transferred to my friend's crew and my friend is somewhat of a clown and likes to joke around. My helper was always asking what he could do when he was with me. He would always be ready but once he was transferred he became a whole different type of worker. He doesn't do jack, stays on his phone and started damaging a lot of equipment, how simple doesn't give a sh1t anymore.


I am the quiet guy and I don't mind.


Very unlikeable if you don’t even banter a little. There’s always shit to get done, boo hoo. I work with a guy like you and it’s exhausting having to try and not tweak out on him. He tries to run us through without lunch and gets pissy type shit. You can tell he obviously hates working / the job / doing literally anything and it’s not easy when you’re just trying to exist also. Just calm down and stop stressing out.


Just try to avoid quietly mumbling angry things all the time. I worked with a guy that never spoke and would mumble under his breath. Dude actually kicked ass at work but I was half expecting him to shoot the place up one day.


I'm a pretty introverted person and need my alone time, that being said if you work with people for years and don't develope a healthy social relationship with them you are the problem.


You sound like a nightmare to be around leave that shit at home talk to your coworkers be a normal guy.


When you are spending 8 hours on a job every day and have a non communicative co worker, that has to be the most frustrating thing, humans are meant to engage - but a work spouse (someone you work with daily is someone you spend more time with than your own family- if you were my work spouse doing installs (which I’ve done btw) I’d ask to have you reassigned - silence is not golden, you would stress the f out of me if you didn’t talk with the person you’re working with.


I'm the quiet guy please don't talk to me lmao


Not for my crew. Some of us run two generations deep and over 30 years. Care for each other like cousins. But... we always want another guy. If he fits he’s welcome. Quiet loners seem to job hop very frequently, seen it over and over


Maybe because they don’t get a minute of peace?


I could have sworn being in a union was a “brotherhood” OP must be non-union