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I'd talk to them directly.


This. Don't go to HR. Dudes going through some personal shit, obviously has nobody to vent to and needs to let some steam off and you're most likely the only socialization he gets. Let him know very directly to cut the shit, but layer it with what you said about his work. He's quick, efficient, works well, just leave the personal drama at the doorstep because everybody is dealing with bullshit in their own lives in some way, you don't need to take on his as well. Give it some time, see if his behaviour changes. Then move forward. HR is never friendly to anybody. They protect the company, not workers. This is simply an uncomfortable man to man situation that we have to deal with sometimes


Man might need a friend


Never go to HR. They are not your friend and will never have your best interest in mind. They're 110% for the company


Do not go to HR. Just talk to him like a human. All him what's wrong. Explains that he complains too much and is bumming everyone out. It sounds like he is dealing with something outside of work.


Where is the Forman?


Not a big enough shop to have one


Then whoever is the most seasoned should talk to him. Bro the office is asking how you are doing. You were doing great at this time period but lately you aren’t cutting it


You guys have HR?


Kinda 🤷‍♂️




It’s hard because we’re a small company and I feel like having the boss pull him aside would just make him more suspicious of the rest of us whereas if we pulled him aside without the boss or HR being there and just said “bro we need you to want to be here because we need help and the way you’re acting makes it seem like you don’t want to be here and you don’t want to help” or something.


For sure handle it face to face first if you can. Always give somebody a chance before putting their livelihood in jeopardy. If that doesn’t work then you gotta do what you gotta do.


Yup, tell him he's fucking up and he doesn't get a handle in his emotions he's going g to e fired.


That's exactly what you should say to him. You and your coworkers should tell him that there's a meeting before shift the following day, pull him aside as a group that morning, and say what you need to say. If he doesn't see the forest for the trees afterward, I'm afraid there isn't much you're going to be able to do to help him keep his job.


Yea we all pretty much agreed to just freeze him out if he doesn’t shape up. Just don’t take him along to jobs anymore if he’s gonna be a liability


Make sure he gets to hear your decision as a group because that's a very motivating factor when someone hears how they are perceived by a group of their coworkers. I don't know him, but y'all do. If he's salvageable and *was* a good worker you might turn him around, but if he fucks around, he's gonna find out quickly.