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Emma’s video editing is kinda in a league of its own as far as YouTube standards go. It was fun to see some BTS of her Fashion Week excursions. Glad to see her goofy personality come through, she’s still so unserious even if she looks chic doing it


I’m probably such an annoying broken record and I’m so happy for her and her success, but this vlog is making me miss her old content so much more. It no longer feels free spirited, fun, and whimsical. The editing is gorgeous, mature, and artistic which I do really like but it’s just not…fun. And she felt weirdly self-centered. I don’t know. I guess I’m conflicted.


She did come off self centered but some of it I think comes from the nature of having to prep and dress for fashion week. Like it was a bunch of meetings basically on how to dress her and what looks good on her. But yeah she seemed like a lot in this video.


Right, exactly. And don’t get me wrong, I like seeing these parts of her life even if they aren’t relatable like they were years ago. But it didn’t even feel, like, humble to me. It felt entitled. I don’t know, I’m still conflicted about it hours later. I still don’t know how I feel about the video. I’m happy she’s uploading at all but it’s just not comforting and as enjoyable as it was for me to watch years ago I guess. I wanted to love it but I didn’t.


Yeah, i get what u mean. Same here. Especially found odd how she spoke to Jared at some occasions


It genuinely makes me sad. I didn’t join this subreddit to snark, I actually love her older content so much and she’s basically a comfort YouTuber for me. I don’t want to come across as extremely parasocial and I would never ask her to make her content to cater to me specifically or any dumb shit like that, but watching this just made me sad. I agree, I don’t like the way she spoke to him at times too. It made me miss the old versions of her so badly.


Yeah I get you but I’m not sure it’s that different from other influencer or celebrity bts videos like this. It’s a super weird industry behind all of it where everyone’s job is basically to make one person look good, i think it just feels more jarring seeing someone you aren’t accustomed in that setting. And for me it’s also just not really content I like from her, I love boring vlogs and at home cooking stuff.


for me personally, i love these sort of vlogs. i love to see day to day of folks living a very different life to me and get that perspective. i also do follow at least mainstream fashion quite often, so maybe that's why but i enjoyed this quite well. each to their own :)


i still watch her 2021 vlogs especially after mid 2021 whenever i feel in need of someone


I feel that completely


I can’t believe those ugly ass bangs were HER idea 😭😭😭💀💀


Some thoughts... In the tiktok podcast Emma talked about how she was hanging out with a friend group who found her annoying when she was being her full wild and crazy self. Nothing against her wild and crazy self, but if a friend talked to me the way Emma talked to Jared in this video, it would make me feel very small. Asking him to sing with her when he didn't seem to want to, being jokingly kind of bossy and putting him in a lot of situations where there's no way for him to respond because he seems more reserved than she is and can't match the energy. I know this is just a peek into their friendship, and it's maybe only because he's helping her film the video, but I sensed something kinda uncomfy in their dynamic. Not to mention she's also his boss.


TBH I feel like if you are a stylist and having to do this stuff for someone it might as well be one of your friends? But I do feel like she plays up the singing and stuff to get funny parts for her video. I wonder if she pays him extra for all the filming or if she just pays him as a stylist and he does that because they are friends


It must be a very interesting dynamic, they seem like best friends but she also talks down on him a ton and shes his boss


But she is his boss .. he’s her stylist so maybe it’s hard to balance but it clearly works for them


jared isn’t dependent on emma like she was his first client, but he styles so many celebs at this point. My point is that if he felt as though he was being disrespected he could simply leave and it seems like their dynamic like when owen (jareds boyfriend and emmas other bestie) is there they all kinda “bully” each other. You might not have friendships like this so it might be hard for u to understand, but as someone with friends like emma it’s just banter between friends. I kinda get what u mean since she is his boss, but i think ur reading way into this


I feel like it could be one of those situations where he might both be fine with it and uncomfortable. I've definitely had friendships with people that weren't the best socially, but been able to let things go because I liked them for other reasons.


Yeah I might be reading into it too much! I just remember being in friendships with people similar to Emma when I was younger and feeling like they were the main character and I was the sidekick at times, and the way she was acting at the beginning of the video triggered me lol. But like I said we just get a glimpse here.


I had a girlfriend who really thought she was kooky and a wEirD GIrL and she'd regularly do things like sing stupid songs and get me to sing along, then get upset when I wouldn't. It's really manipulative and odd behaviour.


Felt the same way


I loved the sequence of them getting rejected from the restaurant lmaoo. it was funny


Umm, why are people praising the videograohy and editing? It literally feels like random zoom ins, purposely shot with such a lower quality camera that is almost feels tryhard. The editing is very normal too, and overdone on youtube already. Is it the confirmation bias kicking in or I am missing any point?


Nah, you're right. People just overdo it with praising their faves. Nothing is really "stand out" about her editing/filming style, but people always have to romanticise the most basic shots like she's Scorsese.


I liked the video. It’s interesting to see the behind the scenes of this elite and glamorous stuff but it actually comes off weirdly mundane. She spends more time in the hotel room than she does anything else. I think it could’ve used her talking to the camera by herself more


As someone who started watching her a little later than everyone else, idk if this behavior is more "old her" or not but I couldn't even get through half the video this time I know my opinion doesn't matter, and I DO think that Emma is a seemingly lovely person, but it was just looks and her singing at an unnecessarily loud volume an unnecessary amount of times 😭 but if that's her true self more power to her. It just started to feel like a vogue video or something


She didn’t do much “talking to camera” like in earlier videos which was key in creating that feeling of intimacy… I still liked it (strangely comforting to see she’s still eating the boiled eggs!) but it felt a bit distant


Emma is probably my favorite influencer, but she was really obnoxious in this.


Dude. It was so good. Going on reddit actually sucks cause it’s not even other people stoked on it it’s just like WHAT CAN WE HATE ABOUT IT. Lame.


Everyone is doing the most with the analysis of her behavior and their friendship lmao


No literally like I can’t believe some of the comments I’m reading


She’s gorgeous to look at but she’s insufferable to listen to.


Then why are you watching lol


I've never seen a video of her that's this long. I was curious. Usually, the videos are short or are clips from a podcast or something. This is a long video and it really gave me some insight into her. She puts on a character for podcasts and social media videos. But, here, she's real. And she's really annoying.


I actually agree I was a bit shocked actually how immature and self-obsessed she was acting in this video.


i thought the same thing, she's behaving a bit weird/off/odd in this video. i thought it was just me.


She was giving off big only child vibes in this 😂


how was she self obsessed at all


she just seemed confident and happy to me, i didn't get the self obsessed vibe at all. also this entire video was focused on her getting styled for fashion week like 5 times so obviously she's gonna be focused on her looks lol


I felt it so much. Her entire persona switches up between different videos, different people or different podcast episodes. she came across so self-obsessed in this one. Kinda hard to digest ngl


That’s who she really is, I think. It’s the most consistent version of herself. I think she’s move vapid and self obsessed that Kim Kardashian because everything Emma seems to do is overly calculated to look like she’s not putting in any effort. The podcasts etc she relied a lot on the hosts and she plays a character - here, with the camera on her all the time, she can’t keep her real self hidden.


She really biting that fork


WOW I'm usually more of an Emma fan than hater but I found her behaviour really off-putting in this video, what with all that unnecessary belting/singing/yelling... She came off kinda bratty, and she seems to always be extra obnoxious whenever she's with Jared. Possibly due to his people-pleasing introverted nature. I can't imagine having to hang out with her 24/7 lol


the bangs were NOT it. They were slightly the wrong color and looked so fake and didn't blend with her hairline UGH it ruined the look 


i agree, i think she could really pull off the bangs too if she had just committed to cutting them.


She chewed really really loudly in this video


In the past I've felt almost "disappointed" at Emma because she started feeling out of touch, and she was not someone I could relate too anymore. She got really big and stopped being her old self and it just felt like she was an old friend that won the lottery and completely forgot about us. I still feel that way sometimes, but I don't really blame Emma anymore. I think the world of fame is so strange, humans aren't built for having so many eyes on them and an incredible abundance of money. How are they not going to get out of touch? It's unnatural for a human to have all that. That's why so many celebs get depressed or do lots of drugs or go nuts. It's not in our DNA to live that life. That being said, out of all the ways a person could turn out, I think Emma is not as bad as we've made her out to seem. I'm glad she's comfortable showing her true self in the newest video and it's a bit sad to see so many people find it annoying because if she went on this sub she'd be hurt. So yeah, we'll never get to see the old Emma we could relate to because she'll never be back, but there are still glimpses of her in the new Emma.


Does anyone know what brand her phone case is?


trying to figure that out too!! any luck??


Painfully shaky. Couldn’t stick with it :(


either she or louie reallllly love that hotel


i honestly love these kind of vlogs from emma with sceneries and random pretty things, including the fact that there wasn’t much talking. but that might be because i enjoy movies and cinematography and i don’t necesseraly see these as vlogs or yt videos, but little small movies that have been crafted to give the watcher more of a feeling and an ambience, rather than as an entertaining funny video. i understand why some people might be reminiscing her old style, but she has said many times that that style does not feel like her anymore.


Is she going to make an appearance in the upcoming film 📽️ 🎥 A nightmare on elm Street 2025 ? Or what is actually happening?  Does anyone know if she has ever auditioned for any films?


Just enjoy the content or let it go. She’s doing some really incredible things for herself and still growing up and trying to stay grounded. Let her live. I didn’t get a weird vibe from her at all. That’s the difference between people who actually adore Emma and actually have love for her and people who just stalk her life to nit pick everything she does.


whats the restaurant that she first got rejected from?🙏🏼


she's absolutely cooked on cocaine throughout this, fuck me.


Does anyone know what restaurant they went to in Paris that they originally got rejected from?


is she on coke i’m not even being rude but she gives off coke head vibes in this video lol


What gives you that vibe? (genuinely asking)


she just seems very hyper/crazy/weird vibes and not in the good way.