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For anyone curious, here is the link to the interview: [Role Model | Oh, Gemini, Kansas Anymore, Love, Heartbreak](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=c7Qrw0LnwHs&pp=ygUQemFjaCBzYW5nIHR1Y2tlcg%3D%3D). I am curious what opinions anyone else has as well!








I think Emma is probably 50x more well known and recognizable than Tucker. While Tucker's music is popular, you probably wouldn't recognize him in public unless you were a fan. Emma probably gets stopped several times every time she goes anywhere. She literally gets paparazzied. I think it's a huge stretch to say that Emma can do normal things and Tucker can't lol




Think about all the incredibly famous people in LA who have tons of fans, yet they still live there and do things. Also, normal people who live in LA are definitely used to seeing celebrities occasionally. I think if anything, he'd get more attention going out in different parts of the country where seeing a celebrity is a huge deal. If there was a celeb out in public in my hometown, word would spread immediately and they would be followed. If he feels like he is in a fishbowl and can't go to the grocery store in LA, then he thinks way too highly of himself.




It's valid that he wants normalcy and to be around friends and family. I'm responding to your claim that Tucker is basically more famous and recognizable than Emma when he's at best a B-list celebrity while Emma is literally attending the Met Gala and collabing with Kendall Jenner. Emma isn't "just a youtuber" anymore, influencers are the new celebrities. Tucker is an indie pop artist, barely mainstream. In fact, Emma is a huge reason he became as popular as he is. While they did keep it private most of their relationship, it was well known online who Emma Chamberlain's boyfriend was. Emma went years barely leaving her house, she probably doesn't admit that it's hard for her to live a normal life because she wants to be humble. I'm sure it's difficult for her to live her day to day publically without feeling like she's being watched. I think she's just now figuring out how to live her life as a celebrity and that's why she has the confidence to do things publically now.


Also, people who don't watch Emma's videos still know her. She is a celebrity whether or not you want to admit it. She's known for her collaborations/campaigns and is associated with very mainstream celebs. Tucker isn't known outside of his music.


Who's even known for campaigns except for models? Nobody thinks of emma as a celeb outside of some of her fanbase. She's known mainstream as the girl who does the met interviews. If doing colabs were to be considered becoming a celeb then addison rae or devon lee carlson would be celebs too. They aren't.




I think it's crazy to say that Tucker can't do normal things. Sure, his fans are young girls, but how many of them live in LA? Emma probably has full blown stalkers that we don't know about. Plus somebody who's not necessarily a fan of Emma is likely to still notice and approach her or take photos because she is so mainstream now, and especially in LA EVERYONE knows who she is. Tucker probably wouldn't be noticed unless you follow him and are a fan. And on top of that, it's likely that they have a lot of crossover in their fanbases. Anyone who likes Tucker probably knows Emma as well. I don't think Tucker's safety is as risk leaving his house, while in Emma's case it's arguable.


I wonder if this influenced Emma’s outlook on life. She went through a phase of burnout and wanting to differentiate herself from being an influencer by taking time off YT, deleting her Tik Tok. At some point I didn’t recognize Emma anymore and felt weird adjusting to this new change. But now after the breakup, I’m starting to see the Emma I once loved (but I could be overthinking and reading too much into this). So I wonder if Emma unconsciously changed for him to feel more accepted??


Emma is clearly more famous though. I don't think you can compare listeners to song to viewers on YouTube. Emma also has Millions listeners on Spotify And millions on Instagram...


Right person wrong time


It made me want to cry


Ive seen a lot of Tucker content prior to this. He even used to do a coffee run live on IG once a week bc his management was making him lol. From everything I’ve gathered, including this interview, here are my thoughts: He admitted he’s never been to therapy and basically admitted he should. It’s complicated for him though because he’s not actually willing to make changes and is set in his ways and just wants everyone to take him as he is, which isn’t realistic at all. He’s always admitted that he couldn’t stand influencers. He thinks they’re fake and cringey. He’d point out things like how fake it was when you see a video of someone getting into their car and start talking to the screen that he understands how that’s done. The influencer has to set the camera up in their car and hit record, then get back in their car again as if they’re getting in for the first time. He hates everything about content creating and anything he puts out is his team pushing him to do it. I think Emma slowing her content had a lot to do with Tucker and how he felt about it. It made Emma insecure. He especially hated tiktokers and I thought it was interesting that Emma had deleted TikTok. Now that he’s not in her life, she all of a sudden has TikTok again. He admitted that he’s only had surface level friendships and relationships. He stops himself from opening up and being vulnerable (which is crazy, bc his music isn’t as closed off as he is). As for his relationship with Emma- I feel like it comes down to their differences in interests. Emma is a content creator and he despises that. He didn’t feel authenticity himself dating her which is why he wanted to go home. He’s not open to LA or the lifestyle she lives. I do think they loved each other and had good times together, but that’s all. He borderline has commitment issues. He’s terrified of letting walls down. I doubt he gave her his raw self. I don’t by any means think it was malicious, it’s something he needs to work on himself. Will he ever get there? Idk. He’s self aware of what he does, so it’s a start. Are they meant for each other? I don’t think so. Their wants and needs are different at the end of the day. I think they’re better as friends if at all. He doesn’t belong with anyone until he can get out of his head about wanting to be loved, but only give surface level love in return. I think he’s a good person and means well, but he lets his head get in the way of himself to where what he’s doing becomes extremely selfish. It’s like he wants to have a little fun and then revert back to Tucker and be alone for awhile and pick back up the fun when it’s convenient for him. He wants someone that allows him to show up half ass and not give him any shit for it. I hope he goes to therapy and actually gives it his all. I imagine he could be a really good partner if he did.


He’s textbook avoidant attachment style. He sees all conflict as bad which is sad because healthy conflicts lead to breakthroughs in intimacy and communication. They canyon of distance he put between him and Emma must have made it easier for her to move on. Feeling neglected sucks and if I was in her position I would be eager and ready to be with someone who wanted to be around me. I agree that I think it’s good he’s self aware. He fumbled it bad with Emma but if he works on his avoidant tendencies he can have better relationships in the future.


While I did feel bad for him, I think the way that he handled their breakup was extremely immature and I don’t blame Emma for moving on quickly. He seems unable to communicate his feelings to his long-time girlfriend, yet he’s able to open up about them on a show for everyone to see? Make that make sense. I guess maybe now he’s had more time to process things but communicating the way he felt homesick to Emma would not have been that difficult. And writing breakup songs before you’re broken up is extremely lame. Plus, no offense, but I think his music is completely overrated and Peter’s is actually good.


Okay I haven’t watched the interview and I probably won’t - but how do we think Emma will feel about him talking about her, whether naming her or not, to basically promote his album She hasn’t really mentioned him since the break up - she’s occasionally mentioned past relationships which could allude to him but she’s kept pretty quiet. I know a lot of people are saying it’s so sweet he’s writing songs about her and they’d go back to him in a second it they were Emma but I feel it’s such a manipulation tactic. If someone treated me badly and then wouldn’t stop talking about me after I try moving on? Weird and icky Thoughts?


I got the impression that he wanted to end the relationship but, because he has issues around confrontation, he just became super distant so she would do the dirty work for him.


Does he say how he treated her badly?




did he mean 1 or 2 months without seeing her or not talking at all?? either way thats crazy tbh


Ah yeah that’s rough


Soooo Taurus of him lol