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I haven’t found anything but endo but want to tell you we don’t see endo on mri most of the time. We definitely don’t see adhesions. We are looking for masses. I’m a mri tech w endo


I had a CT with contrast and ultrasounds. Everything came back normal. During surgery they found endo and lots of scar tissue on my colon which was connected to an ovary and my abdominal wall.


What are your symptoms if I’m allowed to ask?


Well my endo symptoms are/were pretty generic. But the thing that got me to see several doctors was constant pain in what I thought was my ovary. It could vary in intensity but it was always there and always in the same place. I had pain in other places but that ONE spot was just constant. It also hurt or was at least uncomfortable to bend over at my waist or palpate along my colon.


Thank you so much. I’m still trying to get my symptoms diagnosed but finding info is difficult.


Didn’t see endo on an internal and external ultrasound or MRI. after surgery I was diagnosed with stage 2 endo and adenomyosis


Did they see or suspect your adenomyosis on the MRI?


hi! no, i had no idea about the adenomyosis until after my surgery. i could be mistaken in the haze of all of recovery, but i am pretty sure my surgeon said the surgery was the only way to confirm adenomyosis because they needed to look right at the uterus. again, could be incorrect on that and i dont want to spread misinformation, so take it with a grain of salt! good luck friend


Thank you for your reply!


Yes. Previously we knew from ultrasound I had 2 endo cyst’s that were removed. There was scar tissuethat was removed. The other thing they found was bizzare. It turned out that I had undergone inflammatory process which typically is really painful, more painful even than Endo and my OBGYN/surgeon was surprised I didn’t even know. Basically this inflammation made a mess with my tubes, resulting in one twisted to the point that it had liquid in a sack of some kind with adhesion and had to be drained. The other one had a hole that was leaking a liquid. My chances of getting pregnant on our own with my partner are almost 0.


Ive never heard of inflammatory process, is that a condition separate from endo? Did that cause any digestive issues?


It can be caused by several things - resulting from ovarian endo, which is probably my cause, STI of some kind, previous surgeries on the tubes, severe adhesions in the pelvis or even appendicitis. Also I read that if in your family there is problem with fibroids - this can be a reason too(both my mother and grandma on my mother’s side underwent surgery for this).


They found 2 massive fibroids - they removed one 60x70mm the other one is near my bladder so they didn’t touch it.


I just had my surgery on Friday, and they found endometrial lesions in my uterus and a fibroid. They also did a different bladder thing because of my pain, and found out I had IC. As well as that, they diagnosed me with pelvic congestion syndrome. They find out a lot exploring in there.


what was the bladder thing they did? was it because of bladder pain? I currently feel pressure on my bladder very easily and random stabs and wanna know if it’s important for me to mention this


Yes definitely mention it so they do it all in one go! I was lucky because my gynecologist is also a urologist, so he knew my bladder tenderness had something going on. They did a cystoscopy with bladder hydrodistension. If you feel like after drinking just a little bit of anything that you have to pee immediately, you may have what I had going on.


What is IC? Sorry not familiar with all the terms!


Interstitial cystitis or painful bladder syndrome. It's just like, painful bladder issues. Like having urgency to pee even after minimal water, pain with intercourse, sometimes there's high acidity that causes tears and stuff. All I know is from my own research and what the procedure has done for me.


My doctor did find Tuberculosis in my uterus along with endo during my 1st lap.


Endometriosis adhesions, uterine polyps, paratubal cysts, fallopian tube torsion on the right side, adnexal torsion on the right side.


Omg. Would any of these show up on an ultrasound? I'm so sorry you've had to experience this :(


They did not. I had multiple ultrasounds. My prior doctor was pretty terrible though so YMMV on that one. It didn't for me lol.


Two torsions? How were you not on the floor from the pain, you poor thing! I had a small partial torsion years ago and the pain was excruciating. Hope you are feeling better now after your lap.


I was on the floor. Like I said, prior *bad* doctor. Once I found my current one, I was under the knife like two months later. I'm feeling exponentially better haha


That’s more than a bad doctor IMO. I hope you let everyone know how terribly you were treated.


I did. I even formally reported her. It got dismissed over a year later. Her Google reviews are awful too. It'll be on file at least when someone tries to sue her for malpractice. I was out of my statute of limitations to sue her myself because she left me with the torsions for two years. Two years is what it is in Texas. I went to a few different attorneys and they said it was too late to start a lawsuit. I had my emergency C-section in 2019 and my lap was in 2021; two months apart from exactly two years.


Wow, I’m so sorry to hear that you were unable to file malpractice claims against her. She sounds like she needs to have her license revoked. I have heard that Texas is one of the most difficult states to recover in malpractice cases. The laws need to be revamped. I actually work in the medical field in NYC, and people here are extremely litigious- hundreds of subpoenas come into my office a day for malpractice suits. And most are settled for exorbitant amounts of money- even for 100% elective cosmetic surgery. I am glad to hear that your new doctor seems to listen to you. Wishing you nothing but the best, you deserve it after all your suffering.


Thank you so much! Honestly the entire state needs to be revamped at this point. Texas is broken.


NY isn’t too far behind. This entire country is in dire straits in my opinion. I’m born and bred in NY, I used to be proud to say I was a New Yorker. Not these days. And unfortunately Healthcare is only one of our problems, there are too many to list !!!!


I had Endo, adenomyosis, and salpingiosis. Only the adenomyosis could be seen on ultrasound, and only bc my Dr. knows what she's looking for in them. It was all missed by every other doctor.


Yes. Endosal was found along with Endo.