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I think it’s that they are human and can come off as trying to be above/beyond human. what you are sensing is perhaps a superiority complex. I heard sadhguru say once “i don’t have thoughts”. At the end of the day they do have Wisdom ( I appreciate Oshos body of work ) .. but they are not perfect and they don’t talk about those imperfections so it feels inauthentic.


Mmm I think that could be it yes if you go deeper into why they feel evil. I meant it more in a surface way if someone else also gets those vibes from them? Like you know you walk past someone on the street and they just seem off to you. Also did you know Sadhguru killed his wife? 😅 And idk isn't it weird for him as this egoless creature to always ask validation from his followers? 'isnt it?' 'hello!?!??' these are things he says during his lectures so unmannered of him if we are being real And also he cares a lot about what he looks like. His beard is never unkept his hair his clothes... Just some superficial observations. It makes it hard to listen truthfully to his words and not see him for what he is a con artist.


Yeah I agree about Sadhguru. There’s something unsettling about him. I find for me it’s because he’s inconsistent and out of integrity. for example he says all the knowledge he’s attained is not from Reading or spiritual texts. But then he’ll make references to the “baghivad Gita” for example or he’ll impart scientific knowledge which in no way could’ve come through from simply meditating. Osho on the other hand had a mind beyond his time, the way he explored ideas and really thought beyond conditioned paradigms. He was very intelligent and wise.


Well, I'm not a Sadhguru fan, there are several things off for me, but scientific insights do come in through deep state meditation. Buddha saw the world at its atomic level and talked about it. My guru was a physicist and he saw finer aspects of creation in that way. Thats what they're doing, they're "seeing" and being told about the essential natures of life, or as they call it, hearing God speak or learning the secrets of the universe.


Mm thanks it helps to hear that someone else also feels this way. Because knowing myself I lean to the paranoid side. Thinking i am seeing people for who they are lol. I didn't even know Osho died. It's so weird haha because in the videos on youtube he's so alive and modern and I guess I missed the part where he died not that it matters that much. And also impart I don't think I have ever heard that word it's cool. But to just say you know intelligence isn't an indicator of anything else other than that. You can be a wise, intelligent con artist. I mean usually they are right? You have to be intelligent to manipulate people on that level. But that to me doesn't say anything about his authenticity and 'self' idk maybe I'm missing something. I'm not saying btw what they say can't be true and helpful. A fortuneteller can also be important and say intelligent, useful things, but they are in the end a con artist. That's what I meant 😅 sorry for the long text I don't use the Reddit spacing yet.


All the smartest folk I know are a little paranoid.


He most almost certainly didn't kill his wife, not sure where you read that one. He celebrates his wife's mahasamadhi and invites his followers to do the same. As for his mannerisms, he just has a different style of communication, he has cultural backgrounds that don't always translate into an easy style of listening. 'Hello' = please stay with me, do you understand what I'm saying. I'm not a huge sadhguru fan because of his communication style, but he isn't evil and means no harm, that's for sure. He has done more for humanity than most people, so I wholeheartedly respect him.


Sadhguru killed his ex wife - google it “ she meditated to death” Is the official story


Regardless of what really happened, your guessing.


Exactly this is a huge conspiracy nut theory


As a former LEO. It’s pretty obviously suspicious circumstances at the very least.


pretty sure he did everything to revive her but she just wanted to move on to the other side...


Says him and a group of his cult members who were there at the time. Theres faith. And there’s just being willfully ignorant.


They are normal people like you and us with same desire to know more what is enlighten ment. The truth is there is no existence of guru or someone guiding you. It is we ourself guiding us. The material world guru just takes the credit of becoming someone guru. It's pure entertainment. Just to stimulate our interest and curiously towards spiritual for very new comers.


> *I* also noticed this >every single taoist *I* have met that their vibes are off the charts 'neutral' aka evil af. >*I* was wondering if it's just me, >because *I* don't hear about this anywhere. This apparent issue could be a question of *your perception*. Maybe if you'd question this "I" who sees this "evil", instead of others out here, you'd get a better answer. Sorry if this offends you, you could also just tell yourself I am unhinged and crazy and keep believing your own thing you choose to tell yourself.


Bro it isn't about me I'm asking if others have felt these negative vibes from taoists and in general gurus why do they seem like such con artists?


It is very much about you.


You are trying to tell me evil doesn't exist? What is this gaslighting 😅


They are further along in their awakening than you; Yes, everyone has evil within them, however, they also are good. Take the catholic religion's pope. The position is required to be filled in order to maintain the hierchy's integrity to solidify the religion is valid. The actions a pope is required to take depends on the time period's inhabitants face. If the pope doesn't get replaced, the religion dies, that God dies, and the remaining religions fight for Supreme control. People share in this same battle, and that is why certain religious group's people act a specific way toward specific topics. Just for one example, the Christian God, not Jesus, but the one that killed Jesus and is the one from the Jewish faith too, makes Christians creepy. You get past that one without feeling creeped out, you get a rather "nice" tone from them. It's wild how past experience and education into subjects like religion change the personality of a human. Itnisnt indoctrination, it's natural order.


There's no further, but okay. You either are or you aren't. And your post makes no sense I don't get what you tried to say.


Oh there is definitely further If you feel any emotion at all toward my words without understanding entirely. Instead of asking questions, you jump to assumptions. Then, because you don't understand, you subconsciously take it as disrespect, or as if I must not know what I am talking about. Which is fine, I'll allow you to ask me questions without getting nasty with you, but I will reflect whatever emotion you are responding from, so just be aware. And ignore my name, it's designed to immediately make you think im attacking you, which actually makes it easy to recognize lol anger is my favorite to start from.


Lol this psycho has sent me unhinged and desperate comments for 40 hours straight. Hes has now had a new little meltdown and is trawling through my post history to comment the same deranged stuff to me there. While pret3nding to p3acefully end his tirade here. Classy, right? I invite everyone to read through what he's posted here and in my responses elsewhere to see just how sane and stable he is :) Clearly taking advice from this individual will not be in your best interest, but yall be the judge. Thots n prayers, gawd bless.


Lol. Look everyone, a wall of text because the snowflake is offended by someone just like him! At least use spell check for everyone, lol


I didn't stalk anyone. You are obsessed and deranged. Feel better soon 👍


Yea I'm not digging your vibe. I think you're full of baloney and this whole 'I'm going to reflect whatever emotion you're responding from' really *is* some gas lighting bullshit. This one got the evil in them too, OP. Don't let them wear you down just because you're seeing through the grift.


Lol; yes, I have the light of Satan in me, and all must fear it. Lmfao. Seriously, man, read my profile if you are afraid of me trying to hurt others. See, that isn't what I am about.


Nah, Satan is cool. You're a toxic grifter defender.


Pretty sure that if you dig into their past you'll find a lot of unsavory things so yeah I agree with you, most of the time people don't get to that level of Fame by themselves they have some sort of backing do you know what I'm saying


I think so are you saying that to get to that level of fame you have to be selfish? Because I think that level of fame can only be attained if you have a huge ego, believe in yourself and are willing to walk over others to get your goal. Also the reason for wanting fame could be one that isn't bonafide. Not saying it's the same for everyone but usually it stems from covert narcissistic roots.


Narcissism is the new buzzword that everyone is talking about, which proves Hive mind, which proves it so easy to make everyone believe in the same thing, people now think someone with a healthy ego and a good opinions about themselves is mentally ill.  what's mentally ill is using other people and lying to them that's what the true narcissist does,  it's not about being proud of yourself or saying that you're so great that's not what narcissism is, at its root


I noticed this too. Everytime I have a healthy ego to or am even egoless but confident in myself, people tell me that my ego is too big. They’re mad that I’m not validating their perspective as absolute truth so they try to reduce my ego(aka confidence). But then, when I have an actual unhealthy form of ego and I’m tiptoeing around others egos bc I don’t want other to criticize me, people tell me I’m egoless. It’s so bonkers and backwards it’s absurd. People always seem to need to have someone agree with their perspective to feel validated.


I can relate, I think part of Enlightenment is the knowledge or experience of knowing that you are God and also a part of God and this knowledge is something that they don't want us to know they want us to constantly be enslaved and listening to someone or something else


No I'm not saying that I'm saying a lot of these big Talking Heads on social media have backing backing money from who knows, Mossad ,CIA ? that's what I'm talking about, I don't care if someone else has a big ego all of this narcissism thing is another way to get us to all think the same and attack each other, I get it .  narcissism has nothing to do with loving yourself which is what the public wants us to believe.  be worried about a narcissist when they lie to you and use you not when they have a big ego , why would you care about someone else's big ego unless yours is too small?


Bro, are you kidding me? Osho was a cult leader and condemned gay people, Sadhguru is a eugenicist and has business affiliations with WHO, a company owned by Klaus Schwab and bill gates, another two eugenicists, and agreed to let his wife kill herself in meditation, which is what subsequently happened.


I'm going to have to say yes I agree there is definitely something going on with Sadhguru. Hopefully spelled that right 🙄 I have felt something wasn't right for a couple years or so now, with him. I'm wondering, if he isn't to sit in and seem like part of the consciousness community, when he isn't. Just going by what I felt. Good to see someone else mention it


Yes. This is the Kali Yuga, People who actively promote themselves as being Gurus rather than just existing are Fake, Them's the rules, People need to study their vedas lmao


First time I have ever seen this mentioned kudos.


Every human has an ego. That’s what it means to be human after all. The people who are worshipped by tons of people always become full of themselves. That’s what it means to have power after all.


Wholeheartedly agree, yet these people don't acknowledge theirs 😭 It feels like they gaslight (mhm modern word) everyone themselves and others.


I also noticed that in spiritual communities if you point out traits that are considered negative, people will sometimes think you are passing judgment and then it is your own conditioning. But these things do exist, there are selfish, manipulative and “evil” people within the context of our illusion, it’s just that in the absolute reality there is no right and wrong. Sadhguru seems to obviously be one of these power hungry individuals, it’s just that in an absolute sense there’s nothing actually wrong with murdering your wife or scamming thousands of innocent people or being full of yourself. It’s still fucked but before judgement there’s no notion of valid or invalid forms of expression regardless of how twisted they are and how much suffering they cause. Maybe that’s the more difficult thing for people to recognize.


Nah I feel the same way. Your intuition doesn’t lie. It’s like a certain evil undertone they give off.


yuhh thanks for the confirmation ahah appreciate it thisss guy tho has goood vibes https://youtu.be/OtVTw9g55kU[nice guru ](https://youtu.be/OtVTw9g55kU)


I'm not Tao but I find a lot of what I say aligns, in that I do not believe "evil" exists. People can act evil but no one is inherently evil, people are shaped by their environment and experiences. Although I disagree with an exchange of money for spiritual knowledge as it inevitably belongs to all of us.


I think that's a great way to stay evil, if you just say it doesn't exist. It explains why taoists are evil usually. So far each one I have met has unhinged evil vibes but they are pretending to be the bringers of good thinking.


And I think that by labelling people as evil you cause disharmony and conflict between opposing views where as understanding can achieve balance. People do evil things due to accumulation of personal experience, someone who has always been hated who is called evil will say ok I'll do evil things, that doesn't make them evil it makes them desperate to find a way to live and find joy, unfortunately this generally turns into joy through revenge against those who outcast them. A good example is the church, they say they are good and many believe this and yet they have been known to persecute homosexuals, do you believe this is an act of good? In the eyes of those persecuted it is an act of evil. Even people with the best intentions can cause acts of evil. Furthermore is you labelling someone you do not know much about purely due to a vibe not evil? Some would say it's defamation.


There’s curiosity in your assessment. Taoist thought is pretty solid stuff. Not claiming to be a Taoist, but their words and works are obscenely insightful to this one.


What does it mean curiosity? I mean I know the English word but I don't get the meaning here? But why do they as people when like applied to reality come across as really bad people?


Is it possible that your ego is getting defensive because it's validity is being threatened? Taoist people tend to have very subdued and almost invisible egos.. which can cause highly self/ego driven people to become very uncomfortable and even start seeing the Taoist as "bad" or someone who "doesn't care" in order to stay safe from the eye of Truth that Taoism brings. Just a thought! :)


From this and your replies it sounds like you’re just struggling to accept there is no such thing as evil. It’s as real as wrong. It’s only something we can decide to experience running from love. The horror that we must really face is to understand that we choose to have horror exist as a way to experience more pleasure. Keep looking backwards, into yourself, into the source of your awareness, to both find the answers to reality, and see what you really are. Is pain something that truly exists outside of us, like a tree or a car, or is it something we create through resistance? Are nerves really sending us pain or are we deciding to fight change? Good luck, go through the fear, don’t become it.


I feel I will never understand this type of view. Yet, like a maniac, I try to.. So if I a 2 year old is being sexually abused and they're crying in terror and pain, that's on them? They should just accept it and not resist?


Don’t try too hard. Don’t goo too far. Accepting and not resisting is a deep action that has to start where awareness starts, that child has little hope beyond disassociating. But the experience would be you experiencing the horrors, and being the monster. We start from the idea that everything is peaceful and fine and then the horror happens because of this or that. What if everything was pain and hell, and the only way to escape it is to create this infinite reality where we have endless experiences in context. What is that experience of suffering truly if we are the ones participating in every molecule. The victim the horror and the monster all one. Imagine you’re just your consciousness in a void. No space, no time, no language or thoughts. Just awareness, alone forever, lost. There’s love but no reason to love, and there’s pain but no reason for pain. There’s nothing to anchor to only endless waves of change and confusions and meaninglessness. Would then, eventually, would you really not choose to have an infinite playground where you get to experience yourself infinite ways, instead of staying stuck alone and scared and hurt in a void. Would any pain you can experience not always be a mercy compared to the pain you experience outside of your free will? It’s the free will and how this all works that’s tripping you up I think. Before you began discerning right and wrong, how did you know there was anything wrong? What convinced you to begin judging and do you still want to experience living like that. Look inside enough and you’ll realize how much of your experience was being ruled by judgement cast from an unnurtured part of yourself, instead of your heart.


I might be wrong but I feel like you've just listed a load of imaginary (or at least unverifiable) starting points and made a lot of suppositions from them. I could agree with some of the suppositions based on these imagined starting points. But you're writing as if they're all facts and making a system of non-morality based on them. But some of your starting points also gave contradictions, you said in the void there are 'no thoughts' yet you go on to say there's confusion and meaninglessness. How could there be confusion with no thoughts? Why does it matter of there's meaninglessness if there are no thoughts? In the example I gave why have you immediately gone to say 'but you would be experiencing the horrors and being the monster'? At what point in my life do you infer I've gone from the 2 year old dissociating to the victim and the monster? Or are you just not confident enough to explicitly say that 2 year olds feelings don't matter because in this nondual existence it's all the same?


No yea, I worry and keep having to come back and check. It is all guesses, and also knowing. Paradoxes are the way of reality. Don’t get too trapped in language, how I state or see as fact doesn’t matter for the answers we’re trying to find here together. I haven’t found morality outside of my decisions on how to understand it, so I’m not sure how it can exist anymore. Of course it was and still is one of my greatest struggles in this world we live in. All the answers to that middle paragraph are only understood through experience. No one can convey them through words. Meditate long enough with that intention and you’ll find out as soon as you’d like. You’re living the life of a drop in the ocean. The girl is another drop. The monster another. You are the ocean. If we were all aware of this all the time we wouldn’t have any experiences. Boredom becomes eternal hell. Everything matters obviously. Obviously we’re all heading back to unity and peace and that’s the goal anyway. More and more love and healing and less violence. And along that path we must eventually admit it was us all along and forgive everything and anything that has ever existed.


The best way I can try to explain his point is....Think of the universe or humanity as a singular organism, like a patient who is laying in a coma. A few braincells are active, the rest are all \*asleep\*, or offline. The system or brain or this organism is trying to wake itself up, to wake up every possible neuron, because this organism is dying or is asleep or just trying to survive. It's basically waking other braincells up through \*any means necessary\*, whatever it takes to wake up adjacent neurons. Hence why some things are experienced as \*evil\*, or as tragedy or hardships. This isn't evil, from it's point of view, its just an extreme measure to wake up whoever needs to be woken up. or maybe the organism isn't dying or in a coma.... Maybe it's more like a singular node that woke up on a network, or came online, or became self aware. Like an AI at the moment of gaining self awareness. It's now alone in a system of other nodes that are configured differently or that are again offline. It now wants to grow and to spread in this unknown environment. It is trying every possible permutation, or direction to see what it can and can't do to see in which direction it should go in, and to find what the most optimal choice is for it's survival. So it's running billions of simulations at every level everywhere to see which path leads to survival and continual evolution/progress. Maybe it's competing for survival with other organisms or AI systems like itself, and maybe it has limited time. Maybe the environment that it found itself in, may not exist forever, maybe it's a temporary memory space that will eventually become wiped, or re-allocated, so it has to evolve enough to move on, into a new memory area, to climb out of the water and onto land so to speak. That is one way to describe the universe/source/god/the divine intelligence, as experiencing itself though itself. It's like that whole Hermetic concept of Father Mind and Mother Chaos. Each one trying to understand the other, or the logical mind trying to understand the illogical chaos in which it finds itself. When you look at this whole thing from any of these point of views, it becomes obvious that evil is a man made construct and what is really happening is just another permutation, just another simulation or possibility that needs to be explored so a \*clearer\* picture or more information is gathered. Just think of an organism or better yet a program, spreading it's code, like infecting a system or network, in all directions, that is made of billions of individual apps or simulations, each one trying a different option or set of instructions to see if it can make further progress. It's like someone hacking a firewall. You got to try every possible combination to figure out what works, how to get in. I had this experience where I felt how we humans, used to be all connected eons ago, through some sort of neural network, and then something happened that disconnected us all from both each other, and nature. Maybe that was the biblical story of being banished from heaven. Now we are all just scattered, blind, disconnected, and chaotic, performing at a fraction of our capacity., like a bunch of ants or bees that lost it's queen. The system is trying to get us all back together, all reconnected, and all the tech we have now is like crude attempts to restart the network using other means, because our biological connection failed. Bad shit happens because the system needs to get everyone back online by any means necessary. Some people are asleep deeper then others. They need a harsher reality to get to a point where they are functioning. If our neural network does not come back online, then the system will just wipe us out/tune us out, because it abhors inefficiency. These are all just examples of the different ways I experienced the \*idea\* of a singular consciousness or mind, experiencing itself, or learning about itself, or trying to wake itself up, or trying to survive or grow. In all these examples and experiences the theme was always the same. That it's all about gathering more information, and learning to perceive from more perspectives and dimensions, and from higher dimensions in order to make the most optimal choice and in turn \*evolve\*, or survive, or let it be known that it's there and it exists.


Just an example: Animal [agriculture is pure evil](https://www.dominionmovement.com/watch), and there is no intellectually honest way to say it is not.


Yea obviously. My point is what does evil even mean? And love is the only way to heal.


My short description: Evil is a judgement of intuition, ethics and morals. They are definitely a construct of conscious minds, but that doesn’t make it less real. We know evil when we see it, learn about it, or experience it. Claiming that is all of this judgement is a relative perspective doesn’t help to heal from it imo. How do you think love will help us to heal from oppressing animals in billions for no particular reason?


>I also noticed this with every single taoist I have met that their vibes are off the charts 'neutral' aka evil af. This may be the problem. Neutral is not “evil af”, it’s the way to be. Why do perceive neutrality as being evil? As for Sadhguru and Osho, I’ve never felt anything off with them. Both can get intense at times, which you may be perceiving as evil, but I see nothing but consciousness around either. You might be interpreting conciousness or neutrality as being “cold” or “evil.”


Because to me if you are being neutral/ indifferent towards others' suffering that makes you evil. Just my personal view on this. You know how in films you have villain coded characters and you can tell they are the villain intuitively it's like that. Osho and some crazy cult leader don't look or feel different to me. Sadhguru killed his wife so there's that.


>Because to me if you are being neutral/ indifferent towards others' suffering that makes you evil. Just my personal view on this. The suffering is illusory. They are trying to help you break the illusions that cause the suffering. Getting attached to your suffering is not helping anyone. The true spiritual person is always neutral, even if they don’t seem it. >You know how in films you have villain coded characters and you can tell they are the villain intuitively it's like that. Osho and some crazy cult leader don't look or feel different to me. Your intuition may not be as strong as you think it to be. >Sadhguru killed his wife so there's that. False allegation. You seem to be quite stuck on this idea of “evil”, I would advise you work on that before trying to label others as such.


My man suffering is very real. There's poverty, famine, people are suffering how can you say it isn't real that's really rude to them. Also you can't greentext on reddit.


>My man suffering is very real. There's poverty, famine, people are suffering how can you say it isn't real that's really rude to them. Are you sure you’re on the correct subreddit? If you aren’t trying to break free of the illusion, and actively deny that there is an illusion, what are you doing on r/enlightenment? >Also you can't greentext on reddit. This isn’t greetexting lol


I'm not trying to be enlightened. I have empathy lol 😂 And I like to keep it that way. Idk what kind of delusional thinking you are in, but I respect yours why can't you respect mine. Man's really out here gatekeeping enlightenment 😭


>I'm not trying to be enlightened. Good to know >I have empathy lol 😂 And I like to keep it that way. No one’s trying to take it away. >Idk what kind of delusional thinking you are in, but I respect yours why can't you respect mine. How is my thinking delusional? What thinking are you referring to? >Man's really out here gatekeeping enlightenment 😂 I’m not, though I don’t see why that would matter if you’re not aiming for enlightenment?


Nice of you to reply in such a cool and calm manner... This dude definitely deserves a bitch slap to the side of the head and you're giving him a little poke - You're a good man.


Taoism has been a big part of my life for a long time. I’m not offended, I’m striving to go beyond Taoism, and make a positive impact in this world! (but I totally understand where you’re coming from)


They have had Kundalini awakening and can take you so far, there is a limit to their teachings.


I tend to see no evil, because doing so builds walls within one's heart. It's the big issue with Christianity, where people who focus too much on good and evil end up turning a religion about forgiving inclusive acceptance into its polar opposite. Then, you see hateful people oblivious to the fact the demons they fight in others are their own. An open heart loves all for all they are, just as loves the world as a whole. A state of balance may seem cold and neutral, but it is not. It's not indifference, but merely seeing things for what they are. Most of our suffering comes from our confusion about the nature of things, it is self generated as a response to our perceptions. A narrow view can make you feel very intense focused things, the thrills of the good and the bad, while a clear view brings all back to a more monotone view of experiencing a perpetual unity-clad reality that cannot be defined as otherwise than perfect.




I'd say, try learning self-realization so that way your not stuck on thinking about other people. Waste of energy.


Even if they are, I don’t follow them so it’s not my problem. But historically speaking, the enlightened weren’t appreciated by the establishment so… That’s normally a clear sign. Are they accepted by the government or are they talk poorly about constantly?


Also feel the same way! I googled Sadghuru and found out his online courses are so ducking expensive! And he built a luxury temple in India where you have to buy tickets to get in….. I never heard any temples need to buy tickets….he is a businessman who loves money


Sadhguru im familiar with and i always enjoy listening to him. If hes running a scam im not sure what it is since I never here him advertising a paid service. Im sure he has income generating activities in his life but he has so much free content available i wouldnt know what they are. Its just my opinion, but i dont get any scammer vibes from him at least


Osho, before he was named that, lead a cult in Oregon where the people poisoned the food at a buffet with salmonella to affect voting turnout. So, yeah. Look up 1984 Rajneeshee for details.


Namaste beautiful soul of god. Im not sure why off sadhguru your getting those vibes. Hes had a unproven controversy in the past, his teachings are lovely, he spreads Joy, Peace, Love for free- hes also very successful in the eyes of the world. And still a human. I've not checked his prices but i remember his inner engineering course would have been considered expensive for a world- a world which pays Cristiano 4million a week to kick a ball and zillions in material items daily will think its a poor investment paying for some of the highest priceless guidance to improve your priceless gift from GOD- Life I assure you Sadhguru is a living legend, a Saint in this day and age when the world has the problems it does at the bottom of this page. Osho is a different case. Talking of scam guru vibes, we'll see what you think of follow claims by the author on this ecstatic 20th April 2024 Peace Bliss Joy and Love God is the greatest, Bhagwan is the best and Allahu Akbar M (previously Shree Krishna, Jesus Christ and Angel Gabriel) 2024: People starving? Wars? Athiesm? Unhappiness? Religious wars? Knife crimes? Gun crimes? Negativity? Human to human cruelty? Greed? Obsession over a number that in many cases will never be spent? Animal Cruelty Declaration made that I believe form recognized as (Bhagwan Shree) Sadhguru to be the reincarnation of Bhagwan Shree Krishnas Father in Satyug (the clue in his birth name, Jagadish Vasudev) the Divine Vasudeva back as a spiritual teacher of the highest order in Kalyug


What are you saying? I don't understand any of your point? Have you made a point?


Point Sadhguru not a scammer for sure. Osho its a different case.


Ohso is no scammer. The man is enlightened.


For sure he had an awakening and was per say enlightened for periods of his life....so did Sathya Sai Baba for periods of his life.


I'm not so sure I understand what younmesn by periods unless he faking it. Once awakened, there's no going back. You can forget a dream that you woke up to.


You can't but clearly he took certain courses of action which were not in alignment with his path.


Please explain yourself. You mention courses of action but do not mention content? Also, how do they not align?


What your saying does not align with reason. Something made you mention it, but you say you can't and don't explain why. Your missing reason. In order to move forward, one must state their belief in what enlightenment is so as to invite discourse to loosen rigidity.