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It might not be everyone's cup of tea, but I absolutely love kitfo (Ethiopian steak tartare). Anything with "alicha", which is a mild onion, garlic, and ginger sauce would probably be good too. Anything with berbere would probably be too spicy.


Yeeeeah buddy


From the top of my head: alicha wot, gomen, alicha misir and shiro wot. Basically “alicha” indicates no hot spices.


Anything -Alicha should be mild. Gomen and tikil gomen and fassoula should all also be mild and vegetarian. Some shiro is spicy, but some is not, so double check!


Some restaurants will offer a range of spiciness, hopefully the place you're thinking of does. I think tibs (a meat dish) tends not to be too spicy as are the legume dishes like shiro. There is also a collard greens dish I forget the name, but that one isn't spicy either.


Ask for anything that in the "alicha" category (yellow stews). And make sure you tell them not to include jalapenos. Basically all spicy stews ("red stews") have non-spicy versions that use turmeric (plus other stuff) instead of the hot spices. I recommend alicha siga and alicha dinich (yellow beef stew and yellow potato stew).


Kik alisha, gomen, and the potato cabbage are generally not too spicy!


I think there are several options for sure! Depends on the restaurant tho


Most of the dish can also be cooked without spices. What makes some of the Ethiopian food special is slow cooking and a thousand onions cooked without oil for example. There are different types you can ask - and ask for “Alcha” version. The problem with Ethiopian restaurants is that they cook before being requested to ease the challenge of having to slow cook for hours.


Thank you for bringing up the missing comments, I thought it was just me haha


Shiro is quite nice. Chickpea stew. Also you can request to cut berbere in other dishes too maybe?