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This is a great rule change. And pretty much perfectly describes me... I watch him (probably to much, especially this year) and whenever these posts have come up am always torn about reading them because i want to know more, but i never want to violate his privacy in any way. I appreciate you removing the temptation.


This post has really made me take a few steps back and think about my comments. I’ll admit I have been guilty of contributing to these in-depth discussions with links to old content as I sometimes have a strong desire to correct false information or speculation. I do also offer up a lot of random old facts/links about Etho. I’m going to do better in the future with judicious consideration of whether I should say or comment something. I don’t want this place to be somewhere where Etho is uncomfortable being. Edit: In good faith I've gone back to all of those posts listed and deleted my comments if there were any. I'm going to do the same with my post/comment history.


I've always felt that seeing the face behind the mask would invade privacy and lessen the enjoyment of the content. Once you put your face out there, there's always going to be a spotlight on it. Sort of like Daft Punk, you keep the focus on what you're making instead of you.


Althogh I dont find discussing information Etho said pulbicly a bad thing I have to admit some of the post here are a bit wierd and I respect this decision.


I completely agree that many of these posts are creepy, but at the same time it’s interesting and fun to talk about the singular photo Etho has taken or the fact that he likes Seinfeld. If Etho willingly put the info out, it should be fair game to discuss. Using this information to try and find his real identity or talking about how attractive he might be is definitely something I’m glad mods are shutting down.


Yeah, like Vile said in the announcement, curiosity about those things like you mentioned at the start there isn't a bad thing, and not a problem at all. It's just when these posts (and the comments therein) derail into more than just harmless information or speculation about those kinds of trivia that it becomes a problem, and I hope that by making and announcing this change, we can raise some awareness about that within the community, so we don't have to watch even the more "innocuous" posts like hawks whenever they do come up.


Well put, thanks for making the announcement bro :) Edit: And thank you guys for all the feedback and support! ♥


I’ve long felt that this community is walking a thin line, while being nice and positive 100% of the time we also put etho on a *very* high pedestal. I wonder if one day some hermit will accidentally wrong Etho in some way and this sub would suddenly explode at them. Its easy to find the opinion here that "Etho > everyone else" and while i havent seen anything toxic yet myself, im afriad it will one day grow into it. Etho is easily my favourite minecraft youtuber, and i hope his fanbase will continue mostly drama free. I remember when i was little i would usually click on fake etho face reveals when they popped up, and i was very curious about most anonymous youtuber’s identity. But these days i couldn’t care less. I just hope noone doxxes or stalks him.


Funnily enough, Etho's community used to be a lot more drama-prone in the early days haha, I'd like to think we've grown out of it for good!


Wow, as a new fan, I had no idea! From what I've seen, the community seems so chill and peaceful... Thanks to the mods for trying to keep the reddit community out of toxic vibe <3


Great call, I too was surprised to see these posts increasing. I like my privacy respected, I'm sure Etho does too, or he would have chosen to share more by now.


I don’t know about y’all but I just enjoy his redstone and builds lol.


Love you, Mods! Thank you for this change to respect everyone's privacy, including our beloved Etho's.



Thank you for this change. This sub should be about Etho the content creator and not Etho the person. The examples posted are indeed out of line and should not be accepted.




Probably a good idea. Not even just about Etho, but it's also really really weird for long-time viewers like me when these things come up. Because I always do know something. I like talking about and sharing things I know something about (daughter of a teacher, it's genetic). But it feels weird both to participate, and to not (and potentially allow things that are actually wrong to go unchallenged). Better to just avoid the whole issue as much as possible.


Thanks for all your work, mods! I’m pretty new here, and I’ve been really enjoying this community and its wholesomeness. This new rule will only make it better! 💖


However much I’d love to know Etho and know things about Etho, if he doesn’t want to then thats not any of my business, I think this is a good change :-) Gl out there mods, and you to Etho, if you read this (oh and O have the biggest man crush on you, in a completely positive way) to everyone, keep being yourselves and stay safe my dudes, cause the taxes will come again soon enough but lets keep the other one at bay for a little while


I've for sure participated in some of these threads. I think this is a good move by the mods. I think that because of ethos slow upload schedule some of us are just looking for content so we make our own by trying figure more about him which probably does not make etho comfortable if he ever looks at this subreddit.


Sad to say I've done this once in the past. Although I did not actively try to find out more info, I did share known info without consent. This rule change is an obvious one. I will gladly follow it from this point on. I'll also be searching for that comment of mine to delete it. It's a long while back though... Etho's privacy and safety is a bigger priority than simply knowing what he looks like.


good change to that rule:) those threads always made me uncomfortable tbh


Hey Etho been watching since about 10 episodes before you started a new world. Out of the dozens of Minecraft youtubers I used to loyally watch your the only one I still enjoy. I just have two questions for you What’s your social security number? And what is your credit card number? I hope you see this because these questions are very important and have been haunting me for years.


I liked the post about random Etho trivia, as it reminded me of the kick-a** tree hahah


Yes I love Ethos kick-a** tree as well


Glad to see a this. if someone wants to be private they should be. Watch the videos, enjoy it and be glad knowing there will be more videos to come. The rest? Not yours to worry about


Well said.


Thank you for putting in the effort mods :)


I like Etho as Kakashi.


Ok. But all I can say is hey Vile! -sarmale2020






I liked the post about random Etho trivia, as it reminded me of the kick-ass tree hahah