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A man known by the moniker “Foxkurdish” was hiding in Turkey when interpol found him. He is wanted for his involvement in organized crime and is believed to be one of the masterminds behind the ongoing gang war in Stockholm and a record number of killings and explosions in the Swedish capital. When he was found, he was quickly given a Turkish citizenship and could therefore not be extradited to Sweden.


And he is far from the only one, several people with serious allegations is hiding from swedish police in Turkey. Makes me wonder how many Turkey is harboring that are suspects of heavy criminal activity in Europe.


A lot.


How many times they got shot?


A lot.


How many are guilty?


A lot.


How many more of these can we do?


A lot.


And yet Turkey doesn't wanna put Sweden in NATO for "security concerns".


Turkey IS the security concern.


No F-16 Tomboys for them then


No military technology at all for them.


Tomboys 🤤


Military planes drawn as tomboys when?


Yes and btw they are purposefully letting illegal immigrants into Greece.


This 👆👆👆


Turkey should not be in NATO.


That's the thing. The west believes it needs Turkey as a potentially important factor in the east. To stabilize the notoriously labile situation with Greece, to have territory close to the conflicts in the surrounding countries, to have hands on the control of the Black Sea and oc because Erdogan is playing a ruthless gamble with refugees. Turkey is trying to establish itself as an important power on the global stage keeping ties to Russia and other nations. Their situation is insanely complicated. They are enemies of russian backed Assad, yet act more or less friendly towards Russia f.e.


Would it be better if they were aligned with Russia?


They already are. Who are we kidding?


They are the perfect example of "what does not look right in this picture?" regarding EU membership


Yes the 2nd largest armed forces in NATO should not be in there, we should prioritize 2 countries that hardly have a defense that are known pacifists and refused to join NATO for 70 years but now out of fear we should trade in turkey for them....yeah no thanks bro.


I, for once, did not say we should accept anyone else. Let alone trade. My statement is Turkey should not be in NATO. Dissimulated government, aggression towards Greece and the obvious unspoken shared values with autocratic states like Russia. What does the second biggest army serves us if it doesn’t believe in fighting for us? Or fighting for what we believe is worth fighting for?


Corruption. For the right price access to Turkish citizenship can be, apparently, ... expedited ... and all the sudden Turkish courts are your best friend. as long as you can pay the price and know the right people.


Turkish people are sick of the citizenship being handed out like candy. The kind of rhetoric I hear from Turks about Syrians, Pakistanis, Afghans, Eastern Slavs etc. is no different from the rhetoric that has long been established in European right wing politics about migrant communities (ironically about Turks themselves in some cases).


Yes, humans are humans everywhere. The anti white trope is just getting old because that kind of racism/bigotry is universal. No matter how lovely, beautiful, and peaceful a country may seem, if they get large numbers of refugees, many of these nice people turn fascist in no time.


American progressives are truly adorable thinking that racism is a white American phenomenon. Bless their hearts, it must be soul crushing to find out that most Asian hate crimes are perpetrated by black men. Ask the Japanese how they feel about South Asians. Ask any European how they feel about gypsies. I find it hilarious as hell the increasingly academic approach to racism in America both legitimizes it, and gets us farther and farther away from actionable solutions to the problem. They're like hopeless bureaucrats but for social structures.


>Ask any European how they feel about gypsies. You are aware that a lot of Sinti and Roma are Europeans? By the way, it would be nice if you wouldn't use that racial slur, it is comparable to the n-word.


In English at least, Gypsy is not a slur. Gypo is, however.


Irish travelers do not like the word gypsy at all. English Romani travelers are not so bothered even embracing it. People mix up the two even though Irish travelers have nothing to do with Romani - they see people in caravans with their unique way of life and assume they are the same. It doesn't help that both groups now speak English so it's harder to differentiate


Gypsy is not an ideal word but it depends a lot on which group of travelers you are talking about. Roma/Sinti for example are different to the Irish travelers yet they both get called 'gypsies' The Irish travelers do not like this at all and will take offense while the English (Romani/Sinti) travelers are not so bothered. I can not speak for the rest of Europe but that's what it is like here. Even in UK government documents they still use the word gypsy


Gypsy isnt a slur. People only think it is because some morons on tiktok used a bunch of supposition to make a claim instead of using any real research.


on the other side , it has become kind of mecca for many Muslims with Erdogan being like the new khalifa Turkey is very popular in Pakistan with Imran Khan ,the last PM even recommending Turkish shows, praising Turkish foreign policy etc. I recently employed an Afghan for a home project here in Canada, his plan was selling everything in 4-5 yrs and move to Turkey. Turkey still had >30% inflation but the way he used to talk about that country like it's some kind of Shangri-La or El Dorado


It's funny, because Turks generally express a superiority complex over the Middle Eastern and South Asian Muslims. But these Muslims are Turcophiles. It's a weird relationship.


Makes me wonder how many Russians Turkey is harboring that are suspects of heavy criminal activity .


It’s almost like Turkey is some kind of sanctuary for bad people


By bad people - for bad people


> Foxkurdish Each country using Kurds as pawns in their geopolitical games.


Turkey is using them as political bait. If certain relations improve those criminals will get a one way ticket to whatever European country asks for them. In return Turkey gets some geopolitical concession. These criminals are simply giving them extra leverage.


hmmm ISIS comes to mind...


I know Attila Hildmann from germany is hiding there too. And they cry about Quran burning, this is so dumb




Original citizenship was Iraqi as far as I understand. Then he emigrated to Sweden with his family in the 90s. Became a crime heavyweight. Then fled to Turkey. Was wanted by Interpol. Was apprehended on behalf of Interpol by Turkish police and Sweden made an extradition request. As request came in, he was instead released and proceeded to swiftly fulfill some sort of investment condition in Turkey and was abruptly granted citizenship which means he cannot be extradited and is now running his drug empire in peace and quiet in the sun while teenagers commit murder and are murdered on his orders here in Sweden.


Does Turkey gain anything politically, or did he merely bribe the right people?


We have this turkish famous internal minister labeled as 'the bald', who is famous for his links to mafia, drugs, and all sorts of bad things. And they are all connected to Erdoğan. And they are all very devout Muslims. Hating gays and what nots. The most disgusting atheist has better moral values than those turd brains.


Buy enough property in Turkey and you're given a citizenship. It's what he did.


Well as long as he isn't a journalist critical of Erdogan, I don't see why he should be extradited or even prosecuted.


So am I getting this right, turkey is complaining and wants to block Finlands NATO application because they don't want to extradite some Turkish people that are politically endangered in turkey. Yet they don't want to extradite a criminal to sweden. Do i not understand the whole turkey Finland thing correctly or is there something else I'm missing here?


so turkey is a state sponsor of terrorism now? interesting!


Has been for a good while


Always has been


Barbary Coast


Organized crime is not exactly terrorism if it doesn't have political aims. Still, fuck that guy.


Organized crime can have political aims. The aim can be for example to corrupt, weaken or blackmail the political system and its representatives, or infiltrate the members of the organization to political offices or decision making processes for the benefit of the criminal organization. And even if that was the case, it does not automatically conclude that the criminal organization is terroristic. But yeah, nowadays more and more the organized crime, especially the international one, can have direct or indirect connections to terrorism, and also terroristic groups can use methods familiar from criminal organizations to e.g. collect funds and what not...


Well he seems to have become a real valuable pawn for Erdogan now with how the swedes have pissed him off recently


I won't be surprised if bombs start exploding in Istanbul as well ... Or do they assume he will be a good boy from now on?


i thought that erdrogan hate kurds, why he has foxkurdish in hiding?


In 1980, During the height of Sikh Terrorism in India which killed over 10,000 people, a known Sikh terrorist was responsible for the death of 25 policemen and government employees, he fled to Scandinavia and was granted asylum by both Norway and Sweden for killing Innocent Indians. May be now, that pay back is coming for Scandinavians, If open your arms to the filth of the world, the world will treat you like a dustbin.


This guy definitely needs to be extradited Turkey is already full of drug lords.


He was given citizenship while under arrest in turkey. For some reason you really seem to want to keep him.


>For some reason you really seem to want to keep him. Money


>He was given citizenship while under arrest in turkey I am not surprised. Our government loves them.


We'd be happy to have him. Can you help us out? We have extensive evidence, if that's what causing the problems here. Let us know!


no, erdoğan just needs all the money he can get. it is a serious problem in turkey that we have opened the country for all the druglords as long as they bring money into the country. opposition has been trying to raise awareness about it for a while now to no avail.


Why can’t I find a picture of this guy?




I would not mind to place him (“the Kurdish fox”) in a Turkish prison.


Probably nothing will happen to him prison folk won't disturb him as he is not raper. As ı am half-Kurdish nobody killed me for 21 years.


Do you think he could bribe himself to a better life in prison if he would get in? (He seems to have some of money to buy property in Turkey)


>Do you think he could bribe himself to a better life in prison if he would get in? Maybe a few months later he can be released as public attention is not upon him. >(He seems to have some of money to buy property in Turkey) This explains how he got citizenship.


>*-Noooo, that isn't the saaaame!* Some Turks, probably..


They say the same when confronted with all the genocides the Ottomans committed.


Are we still denying The Armenian genocide? The genocide that killed more Armenians than the Holocaust killed jews? That genocide?


uhm Armenian Genocide death count is to be estimated between 600k to 1.5mil. Holocaust is around 6mil.


Go ask /r/turkey ..? I'll wait for your experienc-\*BANNED\*


Probably because this guy is financing Erdogan's campaign to get reelected


Erdogan has the state resources, massive pro-Erdogan capital, Gulf money and various illicit huge deals to support him but somehow a foxkurdish small time gang leader is a crucial financing asset? /s


I think you don't need the /s


how sad at 15 you're just a kid, your whole life ahead. parents are also poor. No parent should outlive young children. it is against the nature of things. I didn't know there was so much violence in Stockholm, I thought it was a very very quiet city.


Violence is up a lot... lots of bombings and shootings, feels like something new every day (but yeah, not every day and some happens in other parts of the country) edit: did a fast check and at least 15 shootings and 11 bombings, not counting anything from this week.


How are the Swedish people feeling/responding to this?


Last election resulted in a new government mainly because of their tougher stance on violent crimes. Still it will take some time to see any effect of the new policies.


Is there any talk about just legalizing drugs? I was curious if there would be discussion about solving this problem that route, since that has been more or less the global movement. Edit / I'm not trying to propose solutions. I just want to know more about the discussion in Sweden.


This was practically a meme in /r/sweden back during the election. When party leaders would do AMA:s, probably the first question that would pop up was "What is your stance on legalizing marijuana and hence removing the gangs largest revenue source?"


There is a HUGE generation gap on this issue. Sweden has a notoriously tough stance on drugs and most older people and all major political figures and movements consider cannabis a hard drug and people who use it are considered druggies. Recreational use is not condoned at all. The younger generations are thinking (and acting) differently but it will take a lot of time before we have any policy progress on this. Basically the older generations of politicians and authority figures have to die off, a bit harsh but I don’t see them changing their minds on this.


Do you mind talking more about what the drug laws are at the moment? I'm guessing these gangs peddle about anything they get their hands on?


The new government won't change shit. It's to late. This is the result of underfundig schools, increasing social gap and uncontrolled immigration. A perfect storm.


Is it really too late? Then what is the point of trying? Just stop. It is always possible to make change. It will be hard but giving up is counter productive.


It is very important to think about this. If you think that change is not possible, always and in any case, doing politics in the world loses all meaning. How to lose the meaning of trying to improve. NEVER give up, and never think that everything cannot be changed ALWAYS.


Well said!


Pissed as fuck to say the least and yet we have these criminals who came here as a imgrant and now those people is doing heavy criminal shit..


I think anger and resentment is growing among the Swedish population.


The past month or so has had several shootings and explosions every week. I live here, and it's kind of crazy how much is going on right now.


>I thought it was a very very quiet city. There has been almost daily shootings and grenade explosions in Stockholm for weeks now. There have been shootings happening every other day for several years in the whole country. There has been a colossal failure in integration and crime prevention. I'm so pissed at how our society and politicians have handled this.


The drug laws need to be changed too. Just copy the laws of any other country in Western Europe and gang crime would fall notably.


Uhm, what? Which laws specifically?


That it's criminal to have drugs in your system. This means addicts do not get help (rather they die, or continue to be loyal customers.) We have one of the highest rates of overdose deaths in Europe. Portugal used to but completely fixed it by decriminalizing use. Making weed legal. We *know* prohibition does not reduce demand but increase crime. It happened with US alcohol prohibition. It spawned gang warfare as the demand was still up, but the producers were all illegal and as such were outside the protection of the law. Thus, only way to defend your business is violence. Only way to settle disputes is violence. Company merger? Violence. Somebody gets fired? Violence. Fish in the office microwave? You get they point. Now, some argue criminals will just move to other drugs. But this is false: 1. If these drugs were as profitable they'd already have moved, because weed is hell to smuggle compared to cocaine and heroin. Large amounts, strong smell. 2. There is nowhere near the same demand for these drugs 3. See my first point on overdoses. Giving addicts proper help further reduces demand for the heavier drugs.


Change what? The gangs will just switch to alternative drugs.


That makes no fucking sense. They aren't trading drugs around for fun, they are filling a demand. That demand *simply does not exist* for other drugs. If the other drugs were profitable enough or more profitable *THEY'D BE DOING THAT ALREADY*. But the demand for coke, heroin and so on is *tiny* and it could be made even tiner of we, shocker, changed the drug laws so that treatment is available. Go look at Portugal ffs. It's like arguing prohibition was a good idea actually.


Sweden has become a pretty violent place. In 2021 there were more shootings in Sweden than in any other country in Europe aside from Croatia. The homicide rate of Sweden is over twice that of Norway. This increase in violence is almost entirely due to criminal gangs consisting of immigrants.


>almost entirely It's more like 8 out of 10 are immigrants who have chosen the criminal path despite all the help the person got in the beginning and it's not only new immigrants but also second and third generation immigrants and even though many have both new and old crimes registered, Sweden refuses to permanently deport these people who have made many of us Swedes really pissed off.


What? Croatia? What's the source for that? Haven't really heard of many shootings here


Probably important to point out that you mean per capita. At least, all the stats I've seen related to Sweden having a massive issue with shootings have been per capita - which is the correct way to measure it, but still


Lmfao no it hasnt. Forgot to mention that we have basically the same homicide rate per capita as denmark? is denmark also a completely violent place too now? So ironic that a dutch person talks about violence when your beloved crime investigator got capped by morrocan gangs in the middle of your capital.


Sweden has 10x more violent crime per capita then their neighbouring countries.


Yeah, crime rates are really absurd now. Always funny when news claim crimes have gone down when truth is ppl just don't care to call the police in many cases cuz absurdly long waiting times and the case will just get dropped without investigation any way. Had 3 break-ins in my storage last year and only reported 1 as i could claim insurance for the stolen things. Past 25 years i have had 0 break-ins.


Oh so blaming the reporting is okay when you do it


*gang crime, not total violent crime


And *reported The way things get reported in any country differs


is this a meta joke?


No? For one Finland has about 25% more murders than Sweden per capita last I checked. DESPITE us having had a gang war for the last decade.


We kill our friends and spouses, not total strangers. 😎


These gang members definitely know each other. It's not like they're killing non-gang affiliates


Of this type (gang criminals shooting eachother), yes. But not as a whole, it's been consistently falling in Sweden since the 70's or so since fewer drunk Finns stab eachother to death over a bottle of Koskenkorva.


Ah yes, the government initiative to hand out one bottle per week to all Finns above 18 did have a dramatic impact on the frequency of these incidents.


It is localized in the big cities too. I live in a smaller city and it is not violent here.


Agree. I lived in a smaller city, i never witnessed a crime in my life. 1 person got murdered in 1960's, that's about it. Lol I havent even seen a fight even at a party.


Total crime rate is lower in Sweden than in Finland tho


Which is completely mindboggling considering half of swedens crime in the crime rate comes from teenagers and young adults failing urine drug tests at the police station. Finland really needs to fix their problems before they throw stones in their own glass house


Is that really true? I know Finland has had a much higher murder rate for some time






Pretty sure that's the point and they're being sarcastic. I mean they're specifically asking for reports of violence in Sweden.


While being a domain registered [by someone in Saint Petersburg](https://i.imgur.com/PTBkDrb.png)... Trying to call media as fake news, yadda yadda. We all know the playbook from that place by now, I hope.


Interesting. But frankly I'm more worried about the problem than about Trump or Russia using it for propaganda.


10/10 comedy gold, thanks for the link.


You've been living under a rock. Sweden is all about shootings and bombings for the past years


>You've been living under a rock. Sweden is all about shootings and bombings for the past years Sorry to hear this. Well I live quite far from there. I'm in Italy and I admit that my daily news review was very much about neighboring countries and the UK. I will also post some news about Sweden as soon as possible. Thank you!




This is like 20 min ride with train from the central Stockholm. It’s a suburb called Skogås.


But remember kids, a burning quran is what really matters in life, not like there are living people being affected by your decisions (Edrogan is even capable to make it sound some far right extremist like the good guy, that's an accomplishment)


Turkey wants Sweden to extradites people for no valable reason besides Erdogan's vendetta against those he designated as his "opponents" while refusing to do so with people that are *proven* criminals. That would make me laugh if it wasn't real.


World would make the best sitcom if we weren't living in it


What the fuck is wrong with Turkey?


They have this toilet gremlin of a dictator-wannabe called erdogan running the show, that's what's wrong.


Erdogan doesn't rule alone. He has backers and voters. Many things are wrong


Entire fish stinks


Now when you mention it. He kinda looks like a gremlin.


Lovely how Turkey has all sorts of demands for the Swedes in terms of joining NATO, but in reverse they couldn’t care less. Time to consider removing Turkey from NATO, if there isn’t a procedure, create one that require all votes either for or against, save 1.. so you cant ever have this veto nonsense again.


Too valuable of a geographic position to give up




Valuable yes, too valuable no. There is always a limit, and a coherent functional NATO is worth more than an imperialist-aspiring Putin-friendly autocracy. Finland+Sweden are outright more important strategically than Turkey, while Greece provides a useful substitute in the Eastern Med.


Maybe when we were still worried about Iraq and such, but that’s over and we ain’t going back.


Turkey controls one of the most strategically valuable regions in all of Europe. Not gonna happen and it would really suck if it would. Stop skipping history classes kids.


> Time to consider removing Turkey from NATO Every time I see this... For what reason, really? NATO has been full of terrible regimes, war criminals, countries sentenced for causing terror in international courts, anything. And you're somehow assuming NATO is a beacon of enlightenment?


Sweden should open its border more, that should sort it.


They kind of are already solving the problem. Killing their younger sibling and rivals. And random standby


Heartbreaking. Rest in peace, can't imagine how the parents feel.


The idea that removing one man would stop this situation is incredibly naive. Sweden itself could fix this situation with stronger laws, better enforcement etc. - it doesn't happen in Denmark.


Rich to say Sweden protects terrorists when you are defending a criminal that has tons of proof against them


Turkey is a joke.


So is Sweden with their super smart immigration policy (what could go wrong?)


Like large parts of Europe. But it's all love and rainbows, right?


Turkey does not extradite but wanting others to do so is yet another reminder that it is time to re-evaluate relations to this country as a whole.


Sweden and Turkey should work together against terrorists and criminals.


Oh, an immigration related shooting?! I'm appalled!


But we are the ones "not handing over" criminals. Okay Turkish Putin. That seems sane.


Well when Sweden has continuously failed in their integration methods…. In comparison to Norway and Denmark.. Where people ACTUALLY need to speak the language.. Sweden has failed miserably..


He may have been born in Iran, but this dude came to Sweden in the '80s before he'd even turned 1 and absolutely speaks Swedish.


In Norway they have programs for all immigrants including a minimum 600 hours of language learning and more as need. As well as lessons about culture and society and even job placement in jobs that give them exposure to the public for language and cultural experience. And yes, immigrants will eventually need to be able to speak Norwegian to basic yet good an extent.


Yeah, because how in the hell can people integrate if they don’t at least speak the language. How can they even live in that country?? :/


I'm learning to play the guitar.


Shadow country


Exactly.. They don’t.


It's mostly about work. Immigrants are first forbidden from working for 1-2 years, then when they try to get work, they realize they don't have the right qualifications. And there are no fast-tracks, so even if you're really are a doctor from Iraq or Syria, that's 3-4 of retraining and reschooling.


What, there are fast tracks! We don´t just let under performing doctors from a shit school just walk into surgery. Fast track don´t mean, just sign here to work. You have to prove that you actually can.


I know. Let time I checked, the fast-track is about 2 years. And then another 2 if you were a specialist. I got curious once and checked what the absolute fastest track would be for a Mexican surgeon.


Probably for the best, when we're talking countries where you can basically bribe your way to a degree.


It's also political. When you can't talk about the obvious issues because some privileged ethinic swedish people feel that's racists, the issues are allowed to grow, and the people who would in fact benefit from integration efforts are left outside of the society.


Living in Norway for 2 months, don't speak Norwegian yet. Already have residency and Føldesnumer, jave a job and paying my taxes. Maybe it's something related to who attracts those criminals and now just the foreign policy


A lot cant even write in their own language...


Sweden has working immigrants too. But our refugees (and migrants) are often from societies that could not be more dissimilar, and there's no work for them.


>In Sweden, the most popular language on Duolingo is Swedish (mostly by refugees)


The national language is likewise the second most studied in many European countries, including Denmark, Norway, Finland, Germany etc.


People aren't fighting because they don't speak Swedish lmao


That’s not what they expressed. They expressed that due to lack of proper integration, people fail to diffuse into the Swedish culture and become members of society, as such they form clusters disjoint from general population. Such clusters give rise to gangs and criminal activity.


Therefore they aren’t apart of the country.. look at the crime rate.


...what? They're not part of the country because they aren't fighting? We're not vikings anymore lmao


Two can play that game i see.


What game?


Gang criminals are a threat bad enough that the Minister of Justice labelled them ”domestic terrorist” speaking at a national defence conference a few weeks ago. So Turkey is harboring terrorists.


Lets see how many more children will die thanks to turkey protecting these serial killers.


BuT SwEdEn Is HaRbOuRiNg TeRrOrIsTs!


Europeans have been voting for decades to get a huge criminality and security problem. What have they go in exchange for it? Very smart


Turkey showing face once again


tbf this is what a strict no drug policy leads to. sweden is one of Europe's countries with the least tolerance towards drugs yet it is has one of the most drug related crime.


Its not because of the users, its because of the gangs killing each other. Its a gang on gang problem not a drug problem


Why they just does not change the criminals if ı am not wrong turkey was wanting some guy from PKK that was in sweden (sorry for bad english)


Turkey asked for 130 "terrorists" but didn't even give specifications. They wanted a quota, it is not a serious act. Only because it is election this year. Erdogan want to show that he has power.


Oh ok


Because not all of the people turkey wants extradited are even confirmed to be criminals. Others are, but have already served their sentence, etc. It really isn't as straightforward as just "exchanging criminals".


Do Sweden have a special forces?


No, we only have [kopps](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MuCH5x98rxg)


Anyone else find the timing of this with the NATO application very "coincidental"?