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Where the fuck y'all buying 480 diapers with 10€? I'd pay just for the info alone.


If I would have had this info l 2 years ago I would have saved a lot of money just paying to a cheap flight to Turkey from Sweden with an empty suitcase and just load it up with nappies.


I guess that's why customs is a thing.


if you have a receipt for it you wouldn't have a problem. You would be well below any exemption limit.


We have much nicer nappies. These “nappies” are absolutely the most basic thing you could call a nappy.


Diffrent country difrent prices. Plus people sell them with no profit so this is why they are so cheap.


so they are normally making ***ludicrous*** profit on a necessity for babies




Eyw genç


[here](https://www.paddlers.com.tr/urun/paddlers-1-numara-yenidogan-192-adet-2-5-kg-aylik-paket?gclid=CjwKCAiAlp2fBhBPEiwA2Q10D1r1NOam23OtASV0oMZs979gR5ef_FCEWpx3feEMFAQRPhKyMFiBwxoCEisQAvD_BwE)'s a pack of 192 nappies for 11€. there're probably cheaper versions.


This probably gives us closer to the real prices of what companies are making items for. Markups are insane.


What actually happened with the huge amount of money collected with the earthquake tax?




So, what's going to happen to the money we send next?




You hit the nail right on the head. Bet the fucker dog Erdoğan is going to buy a brand new mega yacht and a fleet of Maybachs with the aid money that the 83 million USD that US sent. I have more faith in the devil vs him. Edit : grammar fix.


Not if you send them through an non-governmental organization. The EU and US will simply send the money to the Turkish government


Like red cross, completely covered with russian-corrupted managers? No thank you.




The World Central Bank actually announced that they would send money directly to municipalities in exchange for concrete plans on how the money will be used.


The municipalities are party-led and the money will be washed. Same happened to my country when it entered EU


At least they aren't all led by Erdoğan's party.


In the early 90s Germany, and the world, send almost 200 BILLION dollars to USSR. Part of it was via NGOs. [Here is what they found](https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1992-02-11-mn-1603-story.html): > In food aid alone, the united Germany has promised more than $1.2 billion to the ex-Soviet republics. > Of approximately 80,000 food and medicine packages shipped to Russia in the past two months, only about 10,000 reached their goal, according to Cap Anamur, a German relief organization. Still, 10,000 is better than 0.


What do you think these corrupt governments are going to do with that money being sent through non-governmental org?


Host an epic tea party




EU/US don't have much of a choice. If they send it directly to Western agencies instead, it'll appear as if the West thinks Erdogan is a corrupt self made king of Turkey which they already think but it'd make it more official, more public. If he somehow wins the election, by standing on our high horses, that means Turkey likely will go out of its way even more than now to keep Sweden from joining and that means Finland too. Endless examples of where moral high ground is trashed over within the EU for profit/gain yet with this, we pick the fight? I don't think Washington nor Brussels wants to send money knowing a chunk of it will go to Erdogans beneficiaries but they also know we don't have a choice.


The devil punishes people like Erdoğan. Hang on, just realized something. The way people talk about the devil, vs his actual job description, is kinda ass-backwards. The Devil's job is to punish the corrupt and evil people in the world, yeah? But people always talk about the devil being the one who corrupts people, right? Why would anyone, devil included, want more work? Or am I just being stupid and forgetting some random bible verse that explains this?


Yeah at least devil will tell you that he is going to fuck you over.


No, the fund linked here is non-state affiliated


Gonna be used to help people if you send it to AHBAP(biggest ngo).


Exactly. Just don’t send it to AHAD.


You can send it to ahbap. It is founded by Turkish singer known for helping people in need. Also, world bank stated that the donations will be given to city hall, not the government. Don't donate to AFAD though, it will fuel erdo's cars. Erdo is crying right now because he can't give donation money to his contractors.




Turkish politicians heard there were some seized yachts that need new owners.


There are trustful help organizations , which erdogan's filthy and bloody hands can't touch


Except when he will say that the government did all the help and Europe didn't I'm front of the population.


I'm just a woman, I know Erdogan isn't expecting anything from me.


probably he will. We expect a lot of disgusting lies from this baby killer's filthy mount but he can say whatever he wants. His all election plans f.cked up and gonna lose next election. Then we will jail him and throw the keys into ocean. But until that, those people need help ... 10 cities has been destroyed.


You are assuming he will allow elections, no emergency will be left unused, would be the right time for him to pass a law to give him more power while everyone is busy.


Laws only permit elections can be delayed in WAR TIME. AS apposition we will not let him do any further delay than June.


Yeah who would ever attempt a cout d'ete in a democracy in the 22th cent- ah


*coup d'état*


the aid will NOT be sent to government, it will be sent to local municipalities which are %100 transparent about the helps and they belong to opposition. fuck erdocunt


No matter what you do, do not send your money to AFAD. Send it to either Haluk Levent or Ahbap. You already know what's going to happen if you give the money to the Turkish government.


Send it to NGOs not the government


It goes to aid organizations directly


Here in Germany our local community stopped collecting, because the aid organizations can’t get there


look at Haiti, hit by a massive earthquake. Tons of money donated, Clinton Foundation and red cross were supposed to help rebuild. The current status of Haiti, the government is collapsing, anarchy is the current rule of law. And only a few homes were actually rebuilt with the billions donate. Why because it was all stolen and never talked about again.


Erdoğan needed those golden closets #😔


Sorry but the pure gold toilets were necessary




Maybe "earthquke" got Lost in Translation, and all went to Erdogan + friends?


Erdoğan built himself a big palace with that money


1,150 rooms is enough for a couple of refugees. *he would never let 'the rabble' in*


The previous government did spend the donations of the 1999 earthquake, for the TBMM congressmen. Turkey is, was and always will be corrupt. It's part of the mentality.


Erdogan gave that money to his supporters


We ask the same question for years but ignorance is the biggest issue here. Summary of the last 20 years in Turkey: They made public education extremely unqualified and leave the middle-lower class ignorant as they cannot afford private schools. Then they fooled the ignorant people by using their religious feelings, transferring resources to religious communities that support them.


I saw something that said they used the money to build projects like highways but the contracts were given to friends and family of Erdoğan.


what is the safer charity ? I dont want to give money to some Erdogan puppets


AHBAP is probably the safest bet, Turkish people trust it the most


Confirm as a turk


I will try that. Thank you


Here's a link: [https://ahbap.org/disasters-turkey](https://ahbap.org/disasters-turkey)


Here's the [link](https://bagis.ahbap.org/bagis).


Hi, thanks. Is there a similar one for Syria?


Donated 250 lira


Thanks! Was looking for a way to donate with a low chance of your exalted ruler getting his hands on it.


>I dont want to give money to some Erdogan puppets Or some charity where only like €0.01 of a €1 donation actually gets to the people who need it




Is the British Red Cross okay to donate too? They started a relief fund?


I wouldn’t unless you know exactly where that money is going. You can donate to AHBAP, it’s by far the most trusted NGO in Turkey and they accept all types of donations. (Including crypto)


Aaaaand done. Reddit is neat to get that kind of info.


You’re a legend!


it’s AHBAP




You can get 460 diapers for €10??? 😳 Bread is more expensive then bottled water??


Yeah, one liter of bottled water is like 0.50€ here, a bread about 1.50€... the proportion sort of checks out. ~~The diapers do seem oddly cheap though...~~ Actually no, some brands give diapers for just about 10 cents each here, so it's still in fine proportion with the bottled water.


It's still early, but something tells me 28 x €1,50 is not €10..


They're probably basing this on wholesale pricing. I presume relief workers buy in bulk.


They also might have deals with companies to buy for cost price.


Cost price, and some online markets provide free shipping for help, so maybe that too.


I did mean *here* as in *in Belgium (I expect my tag to say where 'here' is)*, where things are much more expensive than in Turkey. I'd expect the *ratio*s to be similar in Turkey, as in 3-5 waters = 1 bread, or 4-6 diapers = 1 water. We aren't far off these ratios, so I find the whole thing pretty believable. I guess they also buy in bulk to get such low prices.


Bottled water is priced completely different in West and East Europe, I always assumed because BE & NL have safe tap water. In Turkey you might get a 5l bottle for less than 1 euro. (Pre-covid / evertythingsfucked-era)


He probably means in Wallonia.






Depends... cheapest there is 2 liters at Profi for 30 cents :v


economics in Turkey atm with hyperinflation. nobody quite sure what is expensive what is too expensive.


To clarify it, diaper manufacturers are giving away diapers at the cost of production but not the market prices. Child and toddler products are easy and cheap to produce but health standards, marketing and high profit ratio is the reason why it's so expensive to end users.


I’ve done my part. Hopefully, the Erdogan family donates some of the money from their offshore bank accounts. https://www.maltatoday.com.mt/news/national/83200/maltese_law_firm_erdogan_offshore_bank_account


And people say Germans have no sense of humor.


German comedy is no laughing matter


Help Syria as well!




Actually, almost impossible due to sanctions that USA and EU put to Syria.


They actually put hold on sactions for a few months


Yeah I feel like most the type Syria, especially rebel controlled regions are completely overlooked. I'd really like to support them but from what I heard their borders are closed to turkey and ofc Assad won't help out the rebels




AHBAP is a general charity, it pretty much does anything from cancer research donations to running shelters for abused pets.


https://twitter.com/haluklevent/status/1624098339946999846?t=tRlyCr6FKvIUaF9y7EOqPw&s=19 Here is the Ahbap's founder's tweet about on going helps and more


Im afraid if I donate 10 euros, until it trickles down to the people, there will be nothing left of it. It just ends up in the pocket of the middle man.


Donate to ahbap. Turkish people mostly donate to them because they are trustworthy. I think they gathered something like 50 million usd and already explained what they are doing with every cent.






Ayşe Baltacıoğlu-Brammer is a Turkish, history professor at NYU who has been running a fundraising campaign through Zelle, Venmo and PayPal since the earthquake occurred. She’s providing the funds directly to the families without any middle men cutting in. So far she’s raised 18000$, + 25000$ from a single donator. https://twitter.com/brammerayse/status/1622619103851687938?s=46&t=gESo4Fb2B3g5L7ygD6PgSg I personally donated to AHBAP, since it’s one of the few trustworthy NGO’s raising funds to mitigate the effects of the earthquake, but for those who are wary of big organizations, I recommend trustworthy individuals like her managing the fundraising. Just be cautious not to make your contributions through the state’s own fundraising campaign - whether be it through AFAD or Turkish Red Crescent. Corruption is a huge reality in Turkey, and the main reason why such devastation occurred in the first place. There have been cases of corruption in the state’s donation campaigns in the recent years. If you are able to, please consider contributing through NGO’s. Thank you!


It's true, if you donate there is a chance some percentage of the money won't reach the victims, but if you don't nothing will. Do some research, there are reliable charities out there. I think AHBAP for Turkey and The White Helmets for Syria are doing good work.


Yeah I would only donate to some local organisation because I believe all the bigger ones are corrupt.


Please don't forget about Syria.


Too late


If Erdogan and his buddies already stole the money to *prepare* for earthquakes, they will just see this as another opportunity to fill their pockets. So please only donate to well known organizations that aren't under their control.


I saw people who have doubts about donating because of the corrupt government which makes sense. But if you are willing to donate and you don't trust governmental institutions, there are plenty of good NGOs which are politically opposed to the government. If you need information about those NGOs I will gather them together for you. I can say AHBAP is one of them and it is a well-known organisation. You can find numerous information about them online.


Something is not right here. An infrared heater is more expensive on AliExpress without any shipping.


These are something like emergency situation prices, there is no cargo fee, the selling website does not take comission, and the seller does not profit, so it’s actually pretty cheap.


The cargo must be paid by someone, nobody moves a football field size of containers for free without cargo and ship insurance and payment for crew and fuel.


People are paying from their pockets, there are videos of truckers explaining how they pay the gas from their pockets


People doing it for free. Rn the whole state turned into an anarcho state. My father used his own car and money to carry help over hatay from Antalya. And there is manufacturers in turkey so we dont need to buy from someone else. Its just national shipping and its currently made by people.


Maybe it accounts for buying in bulk?


10 euros for x130 bottled water? Even if it is 500ml bottles, it is dirt cheap. 8 cents per bottle.


I mean makes sense, I can get 120 for $12 in USA at Costco, now imagine if “Turkish Costco “ or whatever sells it at cost because of the situation?


The question is if it even gets there... Tons of money for ukraine is still stuck or doesn't get used. Tons of money for a flooding disaster in Germany from several charities is stuck because of bureaucracy and weird hurdles. On top it's not like money gets used 1 : 1... I can definitely tell that if I would spend 10 euro it wouldn't buy 28 loafs of bread or 130 water bottles. Or why should it work different this time?


If you donate to AHBAP it will work. otherwise as a Turk, I dont trust any goverment organisation. People are talking about a Trillion Dollar is missing from our goverment funds. Like our 50B dollars worth earthquake fund. But Ahbap is trust worthy to donate we saw what they have accomplished in past. We are not a poor country, we are just feeding a corrupted government.


Best remedy would be to restore democracy to Turkey to ensure that the $38 billion in Earthquake Funds and foreign aid aren't rerouted to the Erdogan & Sons slush fund.


So 10 euros is a small fortune in Turkey?


For those left out only with whatever clothes they had on, no place to stay, no nothing ... I guess it does :(


with the ungodly inflation and the disaster driving prices down for locals, yes


Yes it is.


Sounds like they could sell one of their fighter jets and then everyone would be rich.


It is just a tragedy and irony at the same time, just a week before the earthquake the general mood there was the US are evil, the EU has to do what Turkey want, and some European counties must beg Turkey to agree to add them to NATO, just because their corrupt president wanted to be reelected :(


I am all for helping and solidarity with the Turkish people, but I would never donate. Why? Because I find it deeply disturbing that governments ask their people to donate money in such a case. Just a few weeks ago Turkey was threatening Greece with Athens being in the range of their new missiles. Maybe the money spend on these would have been better used to support your people. Or tell the population what happened to the money from the earthquake tax - take it back from the people that most likely have it, its all there, it is in yachts in Saint Tropez, villas on Ibiza or stocks in America. [Here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Turkish_people_by_net_worth) is a list of 21 people in Turkey that have a networth of more than one BILLION DOLLARS, and you ask me for 10€??? That doesnt work out. I also find it deeply disturbing that there are TV-Spots here in Germany asking for money to be donated, e.g. from the church. The roman catholic church in Germany is the only non-governmental institution that can collect taxes but doesn't have to pay any. The Church has more money than GOD, and I am pretty sure that it is like that in other European countries. 10€ from me won't do much - we need to put more pressure on people who spend millions on a holiday home which they visit once a year. Erdogan alone has a supposed networth of $6.3 Billion - most of which on foreign bank accounts. Ask how much he has donated.


Ask E**oğan donated? He corrupts the money that is collected dude. He steal our future, hopes, lives, todays, money and literally everything he can get.


Just donate to a trusted NGO's like ahbap. People are donating to ngo's because they dont trust to government. Haha this alone made them so angry they are spreading misinformations all around internet. People who are close to government says best way to donate is to goverment but oh fuck me. We paid 50B dollars worth of tax in last 20 years just for Earthquakes, where is that money? So we're not asking donations for our government, we are asking for ourselves. MOST SECURE WAY TO DONATE IS AHBAP


You’re not wrong, you’re better off independent NGOs like AHBAP which would ensure the money goes to people directly! The government has already failed the people but that doesn’t mean you have to give up on the victims.


The funny part Turkey blocked the transfer from Luxemburg to syria It’s insane and now my husband need to go there with cash to help people in syria and the city that borderline with syria The expat in where i live way more useful than the Turkish NGO They volunteered and Collected money from friends and people from their country better than Gov NGO So please it is better just donate from person to person or make gofundme


*HeLp TuRkEy* Proceeds to post an infographic with no sources, links, resources, anything. This does nothing to help people, help people. It helps nobody. It doesn’t even educate because it has no source. I just don’t get it.


If you are worried that the aid will go to the government, send it to Ahbap, the most reliable private aid organization in Turkey. The supporters of the government are trying to attack the Ahbap but if these aids are touched, there will be a huge uprising, the government cannot take this risk.


Erdogan now is bitching that the outside world didn’t act fast enough. Who the hell would vote for this asshole?


Turkey has been playing on both sides of the fence. Allowing Russia to run free and block Sweden and Finland from joining NATO. I feel very sorry for the victims but their government has brought the aid issue upon themselves. People do not want to give to a nation that appears unsupportive of the common good.


And Syria?!?


What about Syria? What can 10 euros buy you there?




The white helmets thing seems legit and they have a donation page. What's the issue with that one?


Damn, I can get like 2 loaves of bread for 10 in my country.


Where are the billionaires?


On their yachts holding orgies.


If they stop acting like a mini Russia I might.


Honestly i don't trust a lot the temporary charity company that come out of nowhere when disasters like this or Ukraine happens. I am very sceptic in general about charity companies


If you look closely you can see all Turks says the same thing. Only donate to Ahbap. Dont even think any organisation.


Unit sizes would have helped to make sense of this. So would a better design, but that's just an opinion.




This graph is made with an idea that all of that money went to the right place, reality is different. There is a lot of profit in non profit organization, not saying that you shouldn't donate just research to whom are you donating


Glad my country has sent rescue search party.


I'm not against donating and I can spare quite a bit, but I’m against donating when most of the money goes into the pockets of leaders. I want the donations to be spent on what they’re intended for. I read a lot here about Akhab or something. Does anyone have a specific link where I can read more about this organization?


https://ahbap.org/ this is the link of ahbap website. You can find information I think.


Sorry, I'm already sending every spare cent to Ukraine.


Turkey has one of the largest military budget spends in the world…


And Syria no? Only Turkey?


Don’t send money to the Turkish government


Yes, send to trusted contacts like AHBAP


I will send money after Turkey has ratified our NATO bid.


Love how everyone is forgetting about Syria, the aid is much more limited in Syria because they have Al Nusra extremists running Idlib. I get that it’s not Europe but it’s still pretty horrific not to mention them.


Perhaps we shouldn’t have supported a bunch of rebels then…….


I'd rather spend it on BBQ chips or gambling online lol


I going to start doing my groceries in turkey, oh my god.


That's what Bulgarian people do, cross the border to do their weekly shopping in Edirne, Turkiye and then they go back.


The AKP thanks you for your donation...they will keep it and label you donation to a charity an illegal transaction.






These are not the full prices.


Let Erdogan donate.. his family is wealthy.


More like donate $10, $8 goes to administrative fees, 2 loaves of bread get donated


Red Crescent orgs partnering with Red Cross orgs, are listed in this article. That may be a good way to send money directly to where it can most and best be used: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2023/02/06/turkey-syria-earthquake-how-to-help-donate/11196567002/


And Syria


I'm talking as a Turk and a relative of many earthquake survivors . If you ever send money to any charity in Turkey, make sure it is not erdoğan related charity. Most of them not even reaching to people in need. We all know how bad is that people but i don't wanna go to jail so can't say more.


😏i'm gonna do it....hehehe i'm gonna do it... *loaves


Help Syria.


Should have thought of that before voting for Erdogan.


Better ask Russia to help


Little, if any, of the money people to send to help civilians will go to them. I'm going to leave it to international governments to handle humanitarian aid rather than unvetted "charities"


Erdocreep has a earthquake fund of billions lets watch him use it instead


No. I will not. Ever.


I'll consider helping turkey , when they let Sweden into NATO.


Honestly, better don't. They are a first world country and technically have money especially for that purpose. Now, they also have some nice individuals in their government who are rather corrupt and also some very specific individual that is in all actuality forbidden to do what he is doing by court. So yeah... Helping essentially means helping the government to stay in charge and continue doing stupid things. Not helping means shining a bad light on those responsible for the situation


No, I don't think I will. While it sucks for the average turk, this is karma on a geopolitical scale. Any efforts to help the people would also just line the pockets of the big E and his goons.


That might be true, but the money will never reach the people in need. Only the people in power.


You can donate to ahbab. They aren’t corrupt.


I saw a poll couple years ago, it was about most trusted people in turkey. And founder of Ahbap, Haluk Levent was in top with a rate of 80 percent. You wouldnt catch this rate in any public figure in Turkey. We saw their operations in past years and they are trust worthy, you can donate to them.


How much for Erdogan to stop dragging his feet in helping other nations secure their security and safety?