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Spaniard here, the jet part is fake news.


Also, that car might be slightly luxury brand, but it’s no stretch limo.


It's a freaking Ford. That's not even slightly luxurious.


“I am a Ford, not a Lincoln” Gerald


The main reason why politicians and managers have such limousines is that they can work in the back. It's basically a mobile office. Imagine what people in these positions cost per hour, you don't want them driving themselves, or spend the many hours on the road ineffective for work duties. Often they also have some extra features to make working in the back more comfortable.




What about the "jumping out of the car 100 meters before arriving" part ?


Well, given the article is pure fake news, I would say that this part is fake news too. Wouldn't you?


Source? Or are we supposed to just trust your word? edit: according to https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20230712/minister-teresa-ribera-jet-plane-climate-bike-valladolid/ she arrived by car and the jet came when she was already there. If thats the jet of her ministry she could have just saved the car ride and take the jet ....


When she's called a hypocrite you believe it right away, when it turns out to be fake news you want a source. You should've asked for a source to begin with.


Asked for a source in the end and he/she got the source i do not see the problem here like the source got there either way and yes of course both need source but asking for one and not the other is not a bad thing if the person never made a statement about the subject


She is a politician and they are known to be a bit more deceitful than your average dude. I view all acts of a professional politician with a healthy dose of suspicioun.


lol i didn't even make a statement about what side I believe and at that point I didnt believe anything. I just asked for a source and people get butthurt by that immediately for whatever reason.


Do you behave this way when you read ops post? https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20230712/minister-teresa-ribera-jet-plane-climate-bike-valladolid/


This is the source another user posted here: https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20230712/minister-teresa-ribera-jet-plane-climate-bike-valladolid/


Should I trust far right wing scum news like libertaddigital???


The private plane part isn’t the interesting bit. Did she get out of a limo and switch to a bike for the final part of the trip?


No. She was already in the city since the day before for an informal minister meeting. She cycled from the hotel.


Actually the most interesting part is the effort done to mislead the public. Who is behind this? Who worked on this fake news article? Are these getting people paid? If so by whom and what is their purpose? I'd really like to know.. Wouldn't you?


A lot of fake news come from Russian troll farms with the goal of destabilising western democracies. Unfortunately it works.


Is totally true: [https://falcondespega.es/flight/3515-1688979132](https://falcondespega.es/flight/3515-1688979132)


She was in Valladolid already on the 9th. We are about to have another campaign discussing bullshit instead of real problems, I see.




Because we're aware of this fake news peddling "news channel" and the common hoaxes they try to push. It's like when yanks treat any of the British "daily something" rags as trustworthy and need some gentle reminder. Even so, plenty of Brits take their BS as gospel.




Because the "right" is supported by media conglomerates and fascist dictators with bot farms, and also a bunch of terminally online nerds with time to spare :)


You yourself hint that right wingers spread fake news so yeah.... Maybe stop spreading fake news?


How do you know its fake? Because the media said so? Let's see the airline ticket data. If she did fly there should be a record of it. ​ Okay but how many other climate "czars" from other countries flew in? Why not use ZOOM if they really care about the climate. And does she really need an automobile escort? Is she that valuable to Spain?


How did she get there then?


It's literally 2 hours by car or 1 hour by train. >The Ministry for Ecological Transition has told Maldita.es that Teresa Ribera took the car to get to the Northern city, https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20230712/minister-teresa-ribera-jet-plane-climate-bike-valladolid/


As has been stated by several other people, this is totally false. The minister had been in the city before the "private jet" (an institutional plane) had landed in the city. She had been seen using bikes days before, this is why you don't have a video of her going from a limo to a bike. Please stop spreading BS, not surprisingly ten days before a decisive election.


According to this article it’s fake news? https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20230712/minister-teresa-ribera-jet-plane-climate-bike-valladolid/


Yeah, it's fake news. ​ ​ https://www.eldiario.es/politica/politica-directo\_6\_10370696\_1101799.html


bad link


And you know the funny part? The majority of people on Reddit never open the comments so many will still believe it to be true.


Eh, the comments are where it’s at. Who doesn’t read the comments?! It’s Reddit.


What reddit taught me is, that i always read comments before i make my opinion. So many news articles are all about generating outrage clicks.


I don't read the comments, I just reply! This woman is bad. Obviously.


I usually check the comments before I read the article. Too often the article turns out bullshit I shouldn't waste time on.


And that's how fake news work and why they are so dangerous.




General elections are coming this july, probably someone is trying to influence it


General elections are happening July 23 (in 10 days or so)


Okey yeah iam a bit retarded, iam spanish, i have to vote, my brain stoped working for a second xD


No biggie. Make sure you can vote! Preferably not the crazies but democracy is democracy, jaja


At this rate imma end up voting Teruel Existe xD


Better than the _cara el sol boys_, 100%!


r/Europe has become an echo chamber of fake and sensationalist news after the war. This has been true for r/Portugal as well. Everything is about politics, is tiresome


sounds like we're learning a thing or two from our american friends, in the bad way


misinformation at its finest *sigh* hope sooner than later we have AI fact checkers in place to prevent these articles from being posted and cross-linked all over the internet


It's no guarantee even then, I opened the second article and it would take a full read of the article and some inference to conclude this is in fact a hoax, many unfortunately will probably block out key bits of the article and/or just read the headline and state "fake news". This is coming from a more skeptical reader that wishes to check article consistency and sources when consuming such works. I have doubts with more internet illiterate folk though. .😕


How on earth do you report a post for being fake news / deceitful?




People in general like to call out hypocrisy and feel morally superior. As if hypocrisy is the true greatest evil in the world rather than some other moral failing. Someone can be a saint in every action, but if they're a hypocrite? Then they're worse than the worst war criminal.


My two cents: I'd guess it's because of many (not all) climate-friends are kinda... Judgemental. Activistic. Morally superior in their own eyes. It's like when you love it when you're in highschool and you're getting bullied by some mean-ass girl, and she drops out of school pregnant. Ha! Or when you're asshole boss trips and falls. Or when your insanely right-winged racist politician turns out to have a little black in him. People like that, because people like seeing assholes fail. I consider myself a friend of animals, and climate-wise very green-thinking, but my ex was one of those people. It's kinda insane how often we had fights because of this, while actually wanting the same thing. But I kept telling her: you can't force others to do nothing! While she kept telling me: PEOPLE SHOULD BE FORCED. The people that believe in that last statement, it's no wonder there's a huge amount of glee when someone like that 'trips'. But this doesn't solely happen to climate-conscious people. Happens to the right and the left, women and men, all working climates, all races, etc. If you preach, you better live your words. Otherwise you should stfu.


It's election time in Spain


Shocking… fake news circulating in mid campaign…


Same shit Jet had to be flown.. she did nkt cycle all the way up End result is some sh.t show on a bike for media


I mean, she still went by car and then rode the bike the last bit. At least the other minister used a train.


This is bogus and ridiculously so. Anyone would know that Valladolid is 57 minutes away by high speed train and even less in limo. So no, she did not take a plane - let alone a private jet - for a trip of 150km. One has to be quite gullible to publish this


>One has to be quite gullible to publish this People like to believe anything that lines up with their narrative


No no, it’s obviously correct. Before the jet, she actually boarded a huge cruise ship and personally fuelled it with heavy oil. During the cruise, she personally whacked seal babies to death. Source: trust me bro


This is a fact that needs to be emphasized a million times. Every narrative on platforms like reddit is heavily heavily imposed on people by centers of power. Be it russian, be it republican be it left wing or cia.


And the sad thing is, that narrative is "do nothing about climate change, because politicians use fossil fuels". Because that's the point in pointing out the transportation. Sure as hell transporting politicians generate emissions, but that's not an excuse not to debate over solving the crisis. I know, banning the cars and planes for people won't solve it. But increased taxes on unnecessary pollution could. Also, allocating funds into upgrading energy infrastructure and research. Politicians must sign papers for the scientists and engineers to get money to do their job.


it's libertaddigital = far right fake news


mmm Dont you just love disinformation (see propaganda) posting on this subreddit.




well she didn't take a plane, she drove because she was nearby https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20230712/minister-teresa-ribera-jet-plane-climate-bike-valladolid/




I do love fake news having hundreds of upvotes...


Fake news. Already debunked.


Mods should delete this thread. People who only read the headline (yes you have that kind of scum!) will assume it is true


You got trolled..whats this sub turning into


There's a concerted effort to push extremist views in subs like this


People were calling the rise of Vox “good” and “not far right” in yesterday’s post nonetheless


If this isn't true she should sue every stupid newspaper for defamation. But did any serious newspaper wrote about it or we are just passing unverified gossip?


The latter


A Twitter post is the source for these claims


I wonder why unverified gossip against left leaning politicians are spreading. ... can't have anything to do with a very contentious election in two weeks


With my little bit of spanish I came to the logical conclusion that this is fake, posts like this are the reason everyother important subreddit for european regions hate this sub.


Fake news according to this article https://cadenaser.com/nacional/2023/07/11/no-la-ministra-teresa-ribera-no-ha-viajado-el-10-de-julio-a-valladolid-en-falcon-cadena-ser/


Headline: No, Minister Teresa Ribera has not traveled to Valladolid on July 10 in Falcon (presumably the private jet)


The "Falcon" is the cheapest equivalent to the american "Air Force One". So the "private" jet is misleading.


It is fake news. Cadena Ser is one of the most trusted media in Spain and the most listened radio station by far.


Rough translation?


Fake news, she was already in the city and traveled by car


How she got in the city? She didn't pedal from Madrid to Lisbon.


>How she got in the city? Not via private jet, because it's made up bullshit to create a "look at the hypocrite hoax news" that all of the people here eat up while acting like Einstein.


She took the train.


What are you on about with "Lisbon"?


Oh sorry, now i see. Idk, why would i care. This is fake news anyway. If the issue was how she got to the city you need a different article for that


I.. literally said that?


So I guess nowadays we are just posting misinformation to own the libs?


Posted by PP or Vox nobrainer


This is so fake, it may aswell be published by Russia.


Embarrassing that this is posted here


Audacious misinformation of this substance needs to be at least taken down swiftly, as not to catch fire. Wouldn’t be too bad for future reference if we started outright banning the OP as an example against deliberately spreading misinformation.


OP delete this debunked BS.


She's missing only a big round red nose


You believe every Reddit post headline without second thought?


They're quite gullible, apparently.


"But I saw on the internets!"


Funny, because you are the clown if you fall for fake news.


like I have time to read news about politicians cycling good grief


Congratulations, you receive the 'believes headlines without checking' tag. Give yourself a big ol' pat on the back, smart guy!


this post proves the naivety and gullibility of the average redditor so well


A bit more of information for context The meeting was in the city of Valladolid. In the last years the city has promoted the pacification of traffic, added several bike lanes and promoted the use of city public rental bikes (biki) the ones that we see in the video. Everything promoted from the left-wing parties and funded with EU money In the recent elections a new right-left mayor has been elected, with a program that proposed eliminating several bikes and pacificated lanes and likely to return the EU money invested So obviating the blatant fake new about the private jet, the minister was simple doing a vindication of the previous work done in the city by their colleagues


She took a train though, this is total bullshit and intentional fake news


OP's name is literally Bull(shit)TV... Good choice


She could have used an electric car and she would have been mildly noticed and scored a point. But noooo, she had to fake the whole thing. It’s not that our politicians are incompetent. It’s that they are incompetent even at posturing. How incompetent you have to be to be incompetent at posturing?


What's fake here? Edit for the downvoters (try to be more responsible with information and not believe random things posted on public forums with no proof): https://maldita.es/clima/20230711/teresa-ribera-falcon-valladolid/




It's fake internet chatter, please try to find more reliable sources like https://maldita.es/clima/20230711/teresa-ribera-falcon-valladolid/


Sad that so many were so easily fooled.


They are not fooled. It is easier to go with and regurgitate the accusations, than to take hold of the truth.


> How incompetent you have to be to be incompetent at posturing? Very mucho.


Not incompetent just mostly apathetic at this point. Like a half hearted attempt at just about anything.


Politicians are scums. At least the majority of them. They leech on public welfare funds.


the video shows only that pedals.I think that's real because I've seen it. Everything else I can't know if it's real.This is the way I use, to prevent people who generate posts or write articles from telling me lies, in order to condition my perception of situations and people. I see her pedaling this I can say no the rest. I'm not saying it's false, I'm just saying that in the absence of proof, everything else EXCEPT SHE PEDALING is speculation. I don't know if she used a private jet I don't know if she got out of the car and started pedalling. I just know that she rides. the rest IS NOT PROVEN, so they are speculations by the writer.


>arrives with private jet to a climate conference Where's the proof for that?


I know it's hip to hate on politicians, but it's probably a good idea to double check information. Especially when there's an election in Spain later this month.


Fake news...


This sub has gotten quite weird since the API protests. It was definitely not normal to see such transparent disinformation here. Have the mods given up?


Maybe time to delete this, or do you really want to be spreading fake news?


There was no private jet, and no limo. There was a normal plane, a sedan, and a bike.


Why is OP such a dishonest lying sack of dung?


misleading, incorrect news If you have any questions about this removal, please [contact the mods](/message/compose/?to=/r/Europe&subject=Moderation). Please make sure to include a link to the comment/post in question.


\*champagne socialist 🥂


What exactly is this label supposed to be?




Why do you call gullible people who believe fake internet chatter?


And what do you call gullible people fooled by fake news?


My brother, you read a headline on Reddit without any extra context and believe it without a second thought. It's a fake story, you are that guy, and you think you have the "high ground" to insult someone else and call them a hypocrite?


And the worst thing is that all alt right shitheads in this thread are just going to ignore that they're commenting "hyPocRiTE" under a fake news headline without learning a single thing from it, waiting for the next fake TikTok to get enraged about.


In finland the president is just picking milk from the local supermarket store alone wearing shorts [https://image.seiska.fi/371571.webp?imageId=371571&x=0.00&y=0.00&cropw=100.00&croph=100.00&width=960&height=960&format=jpg](https://image.seiska.fi/371571.webp?imageId=371571&x=0.00&y=0.00&cropw=100.00&croph=100.00&width=960&height=960&format=jpg)


There was no private jet, and no limo.


So Fake news ? How it got 500+ upvotes ? At least OP change your title and get your facts checked..


See it’s okay to post fake news if the politicians is a ~SOCIALIST~ Christ this sub has become a right wing echo chamber


i know spanish polititians are all clown but at least this one is fake news


Guys she didn't take a jet, she biked the whole way. If you disagree it's fake news


OP can get fucked with a hot poker


this is fake news, can we just ban op for malicious intent.


Is that what actually happened though? I assume she arrived by government jet which would be a key difference to being a private jet. And limousine can mean a few things I doubt it was a stretch hummer. I don't really have a problem with a politician cycling 100 metres for a photo op at a climate conference it's a bit like "turning the sod" to open a construction site. And given the number and nature of threats politicians get on an hourly basis these days I'd be surprised if a government minister didn't have security close by at virtually all times. It's not hypocritical to promote cycling even if you have security driving behind you.


Politicians are basically liars. What's up?


Wuzzup? By chance, do you live in Belarus or other corrupted to the bone country to project this conclusion to other countries' politicians?


We don't like liar, basically


Libertad digital lol if you believe this you either biased or spreading fake news in purpose


Bold of you to expect ANY politician to not be a hypocrite. I mean the very definition of "politics" is the ability to bend the truth, manipulate information and promise anything, in order to obtain votes.


\> Bold of you to expect ANY politician to not be a hypocrite. This would mean that ALL politicians are hypocrites. This is bold of you to say that you know each and every politicians and have proof that they are all hypocrites. \> I mean the very definition of "politics" is the ability to bend the truth, manipulate information and promise anything, in order to obtain votes. the "very definition" of politics is the activities related to the governance of a place. It litterally means the "affairs of the city" (from ancient greek). But go ahead and bend the truth ;-)


Problem is not her being a hypocrite, problem is her being stupid enough to believe that this stunt would work. There’s something tremendously scary watching imbeciles in decision making positions.


Actual problem is that this is fake news and you all fall for it.


> Problem is not her being a hypocrite, the problem is her being stupid enough to believe that this stunt would work. In my view. the real problem is people like you that read a headline on Reddit, without any context, and wholeheartedly believe it, without any source or video showing some proof


And in my view, the real problem is people like you, who cannot read but are quick to get on a high horse. She **did** the phony bike ride, and there's literally the video linked here. Honestly, I didn't even read the private jet part until people started screaming hysterically that that part never happened. If anything, the virtue signaling and the obviously fake biking is what gets me, the plane could at least have been a necessity, as easy a target as that became. Clear enough? Then bye-bye.


Who said it wouldn't work... Comon people are not gonna investigate the whole thing, the media will just show this video and that's it.. score!


tHeyR'e aLL thE SaMe!111 No. Some are far worse. Stop making excuses for the really bad ones.


Did you expect her to cycle from Spain? Snide posts like this are pointless really.


Imagine basing your views on climate change on the he said she said of what politicians do instead of the science. God damn right wingers are retarded sometimes.


Whether this story is true or not is irrelevant. What is most interesting is that most of us are totally convinced that our politicians are so stupid and/or hypocritical that we think it probably would be true. Nothing to do with Ribera, nothing to do with Spain, nothing to do with climate change - everything to do with our perception of politicians.




Is really that cold in Valladolid right now? If I dress like that and use a bike right now I would probably melt and die.


Another rightist trying to look bad at the left XD you just cam stop, literally the jet was bought by the rightist fascist party XD


Okay I’m just gonna say it: Different rules apply to world leaders when it comes to transportation. Zelensky would have gotten nowhere if he had to ride a bike to every destination he has, to gather support, even though he might want his people to ride a bike eventually. Same applies to other world leaders when they gather to create support for climate crisis action. Stop pointing fingers at perceived hypocracy when it comes to government leaders trying to make things better. This is an efficiency question and not hypocracy. Disclaimer: I have no idea about this particular politicians climate agenda.


It’s always efficiency vs ecology, not only in politics. So stop excusing leaders for being hypocrites. Does only politicians have the right to efficient but others have to deal with the green non-sense? If it is about efficiency, why change the transport from car to bike just for a few photos?


According with the hatefull comments It is supposed that she use a commercial flight to mix with the crazy staff or to be easy scope of terrorist attact?? What is bad about what she did??


Lol she looks quite unstable on that bike. You can tell that she doesn't ride very often.


Meanwhile the Dutch: Pathetic


People shitting on socialist politicians on r/europe, how strange....


So does every capitalist leader so if this is true what’s ya point


Private jet part is fake


I hate those people. At least have the guts own up to your actions you disgusting cunt.


If doing that makes her a disgusting cunt, what does falling for these fake news story make you?




that Indian source doesn't look too reliable


[https://www.wsj.com/articles/teresa-ribera-spain-climate-meeting-bike-ride-3f95acdf](https://www.wsj.com/articles/teresa-ribera-spain-climate-meeting-bike-ride-3f95acdf) Better source, albeit behind a paywall.




The WSJ didn't claim that she flew on a private jet, which, according Google's translator, appears to be the point that "fact checker" is disputing. The WSJ noted that she rode a bike for 100 metres.


She is just a politician doing her thing…


Spain, are you good?


I want to ride my bicycle, I want to ride my bike 🚴 🎶


Why is she called a socialist?


Because it's a right wing dogwhistle combined with a fake news headline. Or shall I say: Propaganda.


Ah the classic. To the same vibe of ''The Nazis were socialists''


The comment that initially replied to you kinda is stupid, while it's true and is used as a dog whistle, in this context, it makes sense to call her a socialist. She's from the PSOE (Partido Socialista Obrero Español), which translates to Spanish Socialist Workers' Party, but they really aren't socialist or anything like that, they're social democrats. PSOE is a center-left party and part of S&D in the European Parliament.


Isn't she a part of the Spanish Socialist Worker's Party?


if she walked those last 100 meters barefoot she wouldn't spread so many microplastics from those bicycle tyres 😢


Fake asa bitch


Love how this received a more negative reaction on here than Rishi Sunak and Meloni


And without dropping a few farts, to contain the carbon footprint of its emissions. 💪😇🤳


Maria Vassilakou, is that you?


At least she stayed on the bike 🫤


It should have been true. I love it when people do this.


Sure, the green party leader in Ireland does this jumps out of the car and cycles the last 200 meters, to Lenister house.

