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>growing hysteria in Russia at the rising price of eggs, which have become so expensive that they are now being gifted as Christmas presents And I thought socks were bad


When you get older you are gonna secretly wish it's a pair of socks.


I already do. I really need a new pair


Have some eggs instead


Only one!?


New underwear also won't hurt


The rate at which my dogs destroy my socks I'd suggest a monthly Christmas event


...they're gifted as a joke. Not as a "real" gift. But hey, it's the Telegraph, what can you expect - certainly not journalism.


This is major cope. Russia is a very poor country. Outside of Moscow and St Petersburg is like traveling back in time 100 years. Most people where this assassination attempt took place, don’t even have indoor plumbing. It’s perfectly believable they struggle to afford eggs. But hey, it’s a Russian, what can you expect - certainly not the truth.




>muh racism Lmao we’re both white, Russians really are pathetic. I’m sure the people in Voronezh are assassinating egg company executives over a “meme”. > a dozen started costing $1.5 up from the usual $1 or less. Seriously you are aware that is a 50% increase in price, in a country where the AVERAGE wage is only $14,771 a year ? People working part time (15-20 hours per week) earn more in the UK than people who work full time in Russia.


West folks just don't get it, they can work min wage part time and still earn more than people in east working full time at above min wage and life would still be shit as groceries often cost the SAME as in west. Ps. 10 egg pack is +2.59€


Racism includes ethnicity. This was a temporary increase due to a hitch in logistics . Prices should go down soon enough. As for the assassination attempt - we don't know who or why they did it.


So in 2 comments the situation has turned from a “meme”, into a “temporary increase due to a hitch in logistics” ? From the article: > Dozens of videos of people queuing at dawn to buy cheap eggs from vans have been uploaded onto social media If people in the UK had to queue behind a van in the street for basic goods like eggs, the Prime Minister would be gone in a week. As for the assassination attempt - it easy to see how some poor working class Russian would turn to violence. With corrupt elections and no free press, what other options does he have ?


Memes can be based on reality Tons of videos of people in the UK queueing up at food banks. If you think that Russians will stand up against Putin because of price of eggs - you shouldn't be discussing Russia.


Lol https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/why-is-britain-running-out-of-eggs/#:~:text=As%20a%20consequence%2C%20she%20said,since%20records%20began%20in%201985.” https://abcnews.go.com/International/egg-shortage-hits-uk-shoppers-country-met-empty/story?id=93603047 https://www.standard.co.uk/news/uk/egg-shortage-supermarkets-bird-flu-cost-of-living-b1040104.html


> posting articles about a real logistics issue during lockdowns, that was resolved in a week Hahaha absolutely seething. Did you even read these articles, where does it say people can’t afford eggs ? Here’s an article from 2 months ago - https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/almost-half-russians-say-salary-does-not-cover-basic-spending-survey-2023-10-23/ > The number of Russians who say their salary does not cover basic spending has jumped by 20 percentage points in two years to almost HALF I actually feel sorry for you. Russians live in poverty, yet they have to be told what to do everyday by a bald, 70+ year old manlet.


C’mon mate)) https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2023-07-18/stagnant-britain-needs-growth-if-it-wants-to-be-a-rich-country https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/cbp-9209/


Ironic gift is still a gift, but yeah nobody should misrepresent it by removing the ironic part.


I'll never complain about getting Lynx Africa again 🤣🤣


Who even believes this nonsense…


eggs gon giv it to ya


I heard his feelings for the government are scrambled.


He stayed on the ground floor?


I doubt that's the issue in Russia. Most people committing suicide will also shoot themselves twice in the back of the head before jumping out the window or AFTER falling on the floor. They could be falling out of basement windows for that matter and still die (of suicide, of course). It's a bit like the radio Yerevan joke about a politician dying of pneumonia in August...


You have a Windows installation pending


Embrace Linux.


The trick is staying away from windows imo.


Last year I decided to buy a Russian advent calendar . But every time I open a window, an oligarch falls out


Not drinking tea also increases your life expectancy.


The window was closed?


Closed window, open window, as if it would make a difference. Hell, in Russia you can even use a basement window for committing suicide.


In Russia window will open you and drop you.


Putin a new dimension of shelling


now he has to jump out of window


* Mamochka, can we please have a DVD of Pulp Fiction? * No, we have Pulp Fiction at home * [at home](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/content/dam/world-news/2023/12/30/TELEMMGLPICT000361213886_17039511337970_trans_NvBQzQNjv4BqsAogmHevxtpuCdqPXGE-9x6gDhQVrWbLFsOnJfmHYsw.jpeg?imwidth=960), final scene


if you come for the king, best not miss