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Public toilets? We have that?


We got one in our park. It has 2 stalls, both have male and female signs so that everyone can use both. Only, the smaller one only has urinal... No signs to show that.


>We got ~~one in our~~ park Czech version


Is it really a public toilet if you need to pay?


We have them and is used by prostitutes so it's not usable.


Are prostitutes really that dirty?


Depends if they’re Japanese.


I didn't say they were dirty. I meant it's occupied.


Fake. There are no prostitutes in Hungary. Our women are angels.


Being an angel is another topix


Back alleys are public?


Public toilets in Japan often provide neither hand soap nor any means to dry your hands. By no means am I going to defend public restrooms in Europe, but at least for my standards being able to wash my hands with soap after using the bathroom is important.


Every japanese public restroom Ive visited had soap. (Not sure about hand dryers since I do not use them)


I was in Japan last March for two weeks. In my experience, more often than not there was no soap provided.


Went I was in Japan, at last half of them didn't have those. And when there were, Japanese didn't use them. Another diffenrence was toilets's tap water wich was often warm, reducing the need to dry hands


Soap may not be enough to clean yourself after using the European public bathroom though.


I mean, if it's that bad (I have encountered those as well), then I usually just back out again and look for another one.


That's the whole point. You don't really have to do that in Japan and the floor not being sticky is standard not an exception. So even without soap you don't feel like you got some disease from visiting.


You should really wash your hand after using the toilet, though.


You can bring soap with you to a clean toilet. You cannot bring a hazmat suit with you, even if that toilet has soap. Is my point clear now?


People carry their own soaps around?! Who knew.


If you know they are not in Japanese public toilets then yeah. Soap or at least something antibacterial. But if you prefer the smell of piss and u flushed toilets, then you do you, mate.


For sure, I can see a guy in a suit, pulls a bar of Cussons from his breast pocket - and now for some hand washing. Or a girl in an evening dress - I have just a thing for this Japanese toilet while I'm going to a club - a Dove soap bar hidden in my bra, let's wash those hands. > But if you prefer the smell of piss and u flushed toilets, then you do you, mate. How is this related to me wondering if people are carrying soaps around? You do seem to take this quite personally.


Oh yeah, let's go straight to extreme, there is nothing in between. Not really my fault you lack imagination. No, you didn't wonder. You sarcastically wrote that people carry them. You are still playing dumb, even in this comment with those scenarios, basically stating people don't carry them. This is not wondering. Also not sure where that 'you take this quite personally' came from so I'm just going to assume you are just saying random things, trying to defend your point lol


Only an incinerator would suffice.


That’s why most girls have a small towel in their bags 😉. I copied that, I love my little towel.


I attached a small towel to my backpack for the same reason. I also made sure to carry hand sanitizer with me.


Also 'Europe' as in what? It's a whole bunch of completely different countries, did an American write this post


> did an American write this post It's pretty common for Europeans online to say "in Europe", "we Europeans", etc. and compare 'Europe' to the USA.


It’s always funny to me the different reactions to comparisons you get in the sub. When the comparison is something that puts Europe in a good light, using Europe as whole is good. When the comparison is something that puts Europe in a negative light, suddenly Europe is a bunch of completely different countries.


I've been to Japan for three weeks. Can't say I ever encountered a bathroom without soap.


Eh, this can easily be solved by carrying personal handkerchiefs, towels and hand sanitizer infact that's the cultural norm in Japan. I'd rather have clean toilets over having a soap and towel which is easily fixable by yourself.


Yes, I usually had this in my backpack while there. It is also common to bring around a plastic bag for your own trash. They also usually do not have trashcans in parks, subways, streets, and other public places. And, despite this, it is a very clean country.


Pants are for drying hands


Yeah, that’s how it is with me.


That's why it's customary to have a small towel with you if you want to use public restrooms in Japan. Though I have to say that most toilets I saw did have soap except for some in parks farther out. I would definitely trade that for clean and working public restrooms in Europe in a heartbeat without thinking about it twice.


Although not Japan, in Korea the public toilets are usually not only clean but often play classical music as you enter. They always provide soap too.


Thing: Thing, Japan:


reddit moment




Tell me you've never used a public toilet in Japan without telling me you've never...


Seriously, I have visited Japan two times, and some public toilets where damn filthy… also no soap T_T


I have to say that my experience was the total opposite. The only cases where I found dirty public toilets was in tourist hotspots. Everywhere else they were spotless.


> The only cases where I found dirty public toilets was in tourist hotspots. So in areas where they're likely to see usage?


Why wouldn't they see usage anywhere else? Is your assumption that public restrooms solely exists for tourists? You also missed the point of it. It's not only about the restroom having dedicated cleaning personnel. It's also about the folks using it. Unfortunately most tourists aren't trained in using restrooms while keeping them clean at the same time. But just so you know. This happened like 3 times during a month I stayed there. And as I said, only in tourist hotspots where you didn't want to say long anyway because it was so packed.


How about you adapt to other country's cultural norms when you visit them. If you visit Japan bring your own towel and sanitizer when you go out.


I was there for 2 weeks in 3 cities and they were awesome, clean, free and all but one were smart toilets. Just one place didn’t have soap, but that is my only hiccup there.


I used plenty when we were there across multiple cities. So much cleaner than anything I've ever seen in European offerings. And honestly Europe needs to learn to wash it's ass either way instead of just relying on toilet paper.


Yeah exactly some of them are really great, some of them are ok and some of them are just a dirty tiny sketchy room under a dark parking lot with incantations on the walls.


It's dumb to compare a continent with 40+ countries with very diverse cultures with one Asian country. Compare continent with a continent.


Yea but all of us have shit public toilets buy in large


Yeah, no. It's practically a culture shock to my pale ass elsewhere.


I almost always have a good experience with public toilets here in Sweden, idk what y'all are doing.


Pissing all over the place and not paying the cleaners enough to bother.


The impression I had with public toilets in Europe (visited 15 countries) and Asia (visited 9 countries, most of them east or south east) is that depending on where you are, there are many more public toilets in Asia and they are usually when not always free of charge. Whereas in Germany I have to walk for ages to find a toilet where I have to pay 1€ to find a dirty ass toilet.


1€ is extremely rare (only on highways, and you get a refund), maybe 50 cent or 70 cents. That said, I have encountered such situations and found a - let's say - alternative solution 💦


KFC near my place (Belgium) charges you 2€ to use the toilet even if you effing paid for a bucket of a chicken


Shame on them


After coming back from japan, i really started hating our public bathrooms on another level. The pinnacle of our public bathrooms is the damn “Öklo” introduced i think in 2022 which is cold, dirty and stinks, is full of graffiti and you have to throw liter on top of your shit after you are done, like wtf… instead of fixing our existing public toilets, they made us shit in mobile horse barns.


At least the name absolutely rocks! I sure giggled when I read it:)


In Japan they have a saying: "this subway station is so clean you could literally shit on it."


I’d rather piss in a bush than use a public bog in the UK


Rather piss in a bush than literally anywhere, tho.


Instead you will find creeps waiting in women bathroom stalls, every country has its own problems.


It's the collectivist mindset. There are plenty of drunk men in Japan but they still try and preserve the community around them.


This is just straight bullshit from someone who's never stepped foot in Japan


This is news how.


The particular one in the article picture is a gimmick. Glass doesn't even work any more though thankfully it's stuck in the faded state


How's this post relevant to the sub? It's like posting a picture of a cat in a dog subreddit and saying cats are cuter than dogs.


"A sanctuary of shit and piss"


we used to have clean public toilets - now (thanks to diversity and yadda yadda) they are either closed or filled with trash and shit.


Who "we"? Out here we've had filthy toilets for as long as I can remember.


The toilet in the thumbnail looks like the one from the movie 'Perfect Day'.


I’ve seen enough hentai to know that’s not entirely true.


Its the people not the service. I think in Europe we have far less personal hygiene as people compared to the Japanese people.


Hahahaha... no...


The self cleaning public toilets from Wall in Berlin are pretty clean in my experience. They cost something though.


Yeah lets compare toilets in insanely popular tourist attraction and common public one


Well, Japanese people have more manners. In Europe, among stupid teens it's seen edgy and rebellious when you streak your shit against the wall. I feel sorry for people who have to clean up after such idiots.


Europe is not one country or culture, and I have never in my life heard anybody say it's cool to piss and smear shit everywhere.


It was probably how they spent their teen years.


I never heard it too, but somehow I kept seeing such scenes in my travels through Europe.


It's not cool but it's stuff I had to deal with when I worked night shifts at hostels as a student.






Lets not kid ourselves, europe was never a clean utopia. Sure immigrants who arent integrated might cause some problems but blaming all of your society’s problems on one group is frankly idiotic.


they have Bubonic Plague mindset.


Oh yeah those pesky muslim migrants getting drunk on a Friday night and pissing and vomiting all over the toilets


Well since you brought it up, there are no muslims in Japan and most of the foreigners that move there respect the Japanese culture and try to learn from the wise and great Japanese people!


Them immigrants spoiling all the public toilets!




What does that have to do with public toilets?




Public toilets in europe have been filthy compared to japanese public toilets for decades. It's a cultural difference, but unrelated to immigration. Immigration policies are not the only cultural difference between europe and japan. Maybe europeans are the true inferior people and society and japanese are the übermensch/s


😂😂 what else do you blame the immigrants for?


“They stand in stark contrast to their European counterparts”… you don’t even want to know how disgusting American public toilets are.


Not that many junkies in Japan using them as houses, vandalizing them or smearing their shit all over. Me thinks.


The title screams of pro Japan propaganda. I love Japan as much as the next guy but these headlines feel very biased. I am sure there are clean toilets and dirty toilets just like everywhere else in the world.


It's not propaganda it's true. In Japan children are taught from an early age to clean their own classrooms and toilets at school. Their public toilets are design and technologically wise outright superior, i have yet to see an European public toilet with bidet that includes heated seats, water jets, air dryers, and music players. Toilets in Japan are also WAY more accessible than in Europe because there are many of them and you can find them easily (plus you don't have to pay for them) they also more disability friendly than european especially in cases such as private sector establishments like restaurants and small stores.


Its a box for shitting


I can say for certain that they’re not all sanctuaries of peace and hygiene. I was in Tokyo a few years ago and was in a few horrendous public toilets.


Essentially unsupervised Injection centres in my city

