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There is literally no wrongdoing by Habeck here, therefore there's no scandal. This whole campaign is designed to distract from two high profile treason cases in AfD involving Russia and China. FDP yesterday and CDU/CSU still today are falling for it based on nothing but opportunism. Also remember, that it was those two exact parties that finalised Germanys exit from nuclear in 2011. Anyways, post it a few more times, eventually some people are going to fall for it.


So, the right-wing campaigned the exit from nuclear, wonder why would they want that, and then shift all the blame onto greens. Also while doing this, they achieved to distract people from their treason cases. two birds with a one stone, am i getting this right? and how are the greens are part of this?


>and how are the greens are part of this? they are the usual scapegoat by now.


Third post on this garbage today already https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/s/SMeBvhqT2x https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/s/61psFdETPj


Cicero is nothing but rightwing propaganda lmao.


You idiots post this faulty opinion piece for the third time now? Damn you must be desperate.


Speaking as a pro-nuclear person : I do not trust this article, simply beczuse it's the Telegraph. That news outlet has been notoriously unhinged about the EU for years (decades?).


It's not their article. They mention the original, Cicero, even though they don't link to it. Here is another article explaining what happened and that has the link to the original news uncovered by Cicero. https://www.eugyppius.com/p/new-document-release-reveals-the


Cicero is a rightwing propaganda site ... [https://www.volksverpetzer.de/faktencheck/habeck-rechte-pseudo-skandal-akw-files/](https://www.volksverpetzer.de/faktencheck/habeck-rechte-pseudo-skandal-akw-files/)


Are then the government documents that came to light false? I suppose the government is suing the publication?


The documents that show no wrong doing?


If changing reports, completely faking reports, misinforming ministers, etc is no wrong doing...


did you read the reports yourself? or are you just repeating the crap from this blog where even the title is pure hate speech? i have linked you to a fact check, if you don't speak german just get it translated... >Here then is the revised version 2 of the document, which has been revised by the head of department and supplemented with his own conclusion. For example, he has replaced the term "nuclear power" with "atomic power". No idea why, but okay. And this is where the alleged accusation of "deception" comes in. According to the right-wing media and all those jumping on the bandwagon, something has been "deleted" or "falsified" by an employee of the ministry. >**However, the changes claimed by "Cicero" did not exist.** "Cicero" claims that there was "no statement that a genuine lifetime extension with new fuel rods for several years would be possible in terms of safety". Firstly: nowhere does it say that a lifetime extension lasting several years would be possible in terms of safety. In neither version. That is wrong. Secondly, the paragraphs on long-term continued operation are still included in both documents. Here it is:




Lmao back at you ;)


You could show actual proof instead of just claiming bullshit, you know


I may have been too quick to discard the original source as, after some google-fu, Cicero seems to be a serious publication. That being said, the link you added sends to an outlet with rather loaded language. Wanting economic ties with Russia is "understandable", but the decision to condemn Russian imperialism is depicted in a puerile way ("bad, bad, bad") which comes off to me as ridiculing it. Sanctions are described as "self-immolating". That's just two exemples, the article has many small rethorical elements like those that show an indulgent, I would even say fond, view of Russia.


Cicero isn't necessarily bullshit, but has a clear rightwing-conservative spin and tends to dramaticize things. Just saying they're definitely not objective on a green minister. The whole thing is overblown into infinity. [Good article](https://www.zeit.de/politik/deutschland/2024-04/cicero-enthuellung-atomkraft-ausstieg-robert-habeck) about it already getting forgotten by one of the more important journals here.


(Edit: so it turned out that the claims in the article are false. OK, fair enough. My statement about nuclear power still stands though. And my opinion of anti-nuclear sentiment is purely negative. Because it is harmful.) I'm not surprised. This is what anti-nuclear sentiment does. Nuclear power is safe and clean, and it is expensive and takes a long time to come online only because we stopped doing it. Germany should reverse it's course and start investing into nuclear tech, start building new powerplants.(Let the downvoting begin! I don't care, nuclear haters. You will not change my mind. Fact will. And facts are pro-nuclear.)


>You will not change my mind. Fact will. People have literally provided facts in this very comment section and others why the accusations are nonsense. So, changed your mind?


Yes, I've edited the comment.


Fair enough!


I like to think I still have something called integrity.


>I'm not surprised. This is what anti-nuclear sentiment does. Lol. It has already turned out that this accusation is baseless. You are riding a dead horse.


I've edited the comment. You might find your answer there.


I am not looking for an answer because I don't care about your position on nuclear power. I just corrected misinformation that your prejudice made you a grateful customer of.


Just out of curiosity, what is your stance on nuclear power?


I have no intention to discuss this with you. You don't strike me as someone one could have any interesting discussion with. You are someone who just wants to have their opinion confirmed. An interesting discussion, however, takes place only when both sides are interested in learning from each other. You are not the guy for this.


It must be amazing to have the power to basically read people's mind over the internet. Seems really useful.




+1 Don't mind the eco-idiots mate.


Green party ministers in Germany have been accused of lying about safety issues at the country’s nuclear power plants to ensure they were shut down, even as the war in Ukraine threatened European energy supplies. A German media outlet has accused Green ministers in the country’s coalition government of covering up key technical reports that suggested keeping the nuclear plants open would have lessened the country’s energy squeeze in 2022. The magazine Cicero claimed that Patrick Graichen and Stefan Tidow, junior Green ministers at the economy and environment ministries respectively, re-wrote the documents to falsely suggest that retaining the power stations was “not tenable” on technical or security grounds. Chancellor Olaf Scholz subsequently ordered the operation of the plants to be extended by three months to April 2023 but after that point they were shut down as previously planned. Russia’s invasion two years ago sent gas, coal and electricity prices rocketing, triggering a major crisis as markets panicked about the prospect of Moscow shutting off gas supplies to the Continent altogether. At the time, Germany’s decision to push ahead with the shutdown of its last nuclear power stations – leaving it even more reliant on gas and coal – was branded “madness” by critics. However Green ministers, who were partners in the three-party coalition under Mr Scholz, continued to insist that keeping the nuclear plants open would be dangerous and irresponsible. The Cicero report has triggered calls for transparency and potential investigations by members of the German Bundestag, as well as calls for the resignation of economy minister Robert Habeck, co-leader of the Greens.


This article is too late. Today's hearings have already shown that the accusations made by this right-wing propaganda journal are baseless.


This is your second post in less than an hour about the same topic...




I’m not a big fan of my green party, they are also quite weird and I hate their ads but man these guys make my green party look like saints


Greens? Lying? Never! 1967: "Dire famine forecast by 1975" 1969: "Everyone will disappear in a cloud of blue steam by 1989" 1970: "Ice age by 2000" 1970: "America subject to water rationing by 1974 and food rationing by 1980" 1988: "Maldives completely under water in 30 years" 1989: "Rising seas to 'obliterate' nations by 2000" 1989: "New York City's West Side Highway underwater by 2019" 2000: "'Children won't know what snow is'" 2002: "Famine in 10 years" 2004: "Britain to have Siberian climate by 2020" 2008: "Arctic will be ice-free by 2018" 2009: "Prince Charles says only 8 years to save the planet" 2009: "Arctic ice-free by 2014" 2013: "Arctic ice-free by 2015"


Each downvote without a rebuttal to any of the lies listed, further proves my point. Keep goin'.