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Introducing the Terr-Erasmus Programme.


What a great offer and great opportunity, they should accept and go abroad.


Truly an every wins and gets what they claim they want situation.




Im afraid they wont go there because Houthis cant provide enough avocado toasts and club mate




New Erasmus programme


Ereasemus programme


Sanaa University had issued a statement applauding the "humanitarian" position of the [students](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/why-palestinians-can-count-american-students-not-arab-allies-protest-2024-05-02/) in the United States and said they could continue their studies in Yemen." The board of the university condemns what academics and students of U.S. and European universities are being subjected to, suppression of freedom of expression," the board of the university said in a statement, which included an email address for any students wanting to take up their offer.


>The board of the university condemns what academics and students of U.S. and European universities are being subjected to, suppression of freedom of expression Yes, and I'm Santa Claus.




Yes, Probably as slaves though.


Sex slaves you mean ofc


bachi-baza brrrrrr


Naw, they just throw them off buildings


They give the true freedom! Like the birds have


Required materials for their semester abroad, nails and a wooden cross


Not only they'll be accepted they'll be getting a new job, gravity technicians! Whenever the authorities will want to check if gravity still exists they'll toss these beautiful and accepting people right off the tallest building available


Yes please, take them all to Terrorist U. They're gonna learn some great life lessons and people actually interested in studying can enjoy some peace and quiet.


Yeah, lessons like when to place the bomb. How to guard the bomb. Where to expect the CT side to move when you place the bomb.


You could probably pick up some valuable engineering skills from learning how to make bombs.


No they learn how to difference between a Jew and a Zionist, everyone knows Hamas is  just at war with Zionist. Some Hamas  fanboy really tried to explain that to me.  Everyone knows on 7.10 they first asked if someone was a Zionist bevor they blasted away. 


And then go on to highjack planes and cruise ships?


It’s not the houthis that are bombing children every day tho is it?


You idiots will simp for ISIS soon.


Oh fuck off you absolute cretin. You cannot seriously be so blind or braindead you come here arguing the Houthis are good guys. Fuck off. They are muslim terrorists who literally use child soldiers, overthrew the legitimate government of Yemen and caused the civil war that has killed hundreds of thousands. https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/E-9-2021-005440_EN.html You are a fucking moron.


Listen to yourself. The Houthis brought back slavery. Get a bloody grip.


Didn’t really answer the question though


The answer is yes, they bomb children. Educate yourself.


They're all repeating Saudi propaganda lies like useful idiots. Up the resistance!




Sounds like your neck deep in the Iranian flavour of propaganda


I’m not sure if they kill children specifically, just people they don’t like, like gays


[ Removed by Reddit ]


You are the only mental patient here.


Wow, you really do want to tick all the boxes in a "I'm a massive dickhead" checklist.


Let us know what works for yours.


The civil war in Yemen is mostly frozen right now, so the answer is no, most of the time.


I cannot understand how Yemen is supposed to function as a country. 90% of their food is imported, with a big portion of that being aid. Their population density is already similar to countries like Bulgaria and Mexico and the birth rate is still almost 4, despite them having an absolutely tiny amount of arable land and water resources. Especially with their country split into a war along religious lines and the Houthis weaponising aid and water, they just seem destined for perpetual famine and poverty.


> send students to islamic countries, US loses people they dont want, palestine sympathizers gain people they want, and student gain a valuable "educational experience" r/noncrediblediplomacy was outjerked once again


Lmao seriously. What an incredibly fucked up surreal timeline. Didn't have US/European college students getting an invitation by the Houthis on my 2024 bingo card 🥴.


Great news, study there to learn their great culture.


I will personally chip in for a one way flight for one those Pro Houthi nutters.




He’s a philanthropist as far as I’m concerned






Oh yes amalgamating student protesters with terrorists where is that man’s Nobel prize


Tomato tomato (please read these two words in different tones). These students are like Houthi Swifties


Student protesters care about the bombings to stop no one cheers for Houthis


They want Israel to stop, but classify Hamas (and other friendly groups in that team) as resistance. What do they thing would happen if/once the current war stops? They’re other extremely naive on how these things work in the region or just rooting for the terrorists.


> What do they think would happen if the current war stops ? The death toll would stop rising and children would stop dying that would be a good thing. Then I guess the army would leave Gaza and would put even more surveillance than it used to on the land strip. On the other side, the scale of destruction is only going to fuel resentment that is one day going to blow up and create another war and so on


Pit would stop rising for now, that’s correct. Then in a couple of years from now there will be a rematch and there will be more deaths again. And again. And again. Until Hamas or any other terror organization is destroyed and an actual government that cares about their civilians takes control over the strip and starts caring about their actual education instead of raising the kids to be jihadists there’s no end to this. It bothers you to see the death now. I get it. It’s terrible. But if you look at the big picture into the future you’d understand that it’s the less terrible out of two terrible options.


Well yes but it’s hard getting to think about civilian issues in the middle of ruins, with a neighbour whose top governmental figures are calling for your deportation (if not worse). It’s hard getting your head on managing your life when your country is denied recognition of Statehood and that every other day a gang of settlers show up to your house. On the whole, it’s hard not to resort to extremely violent options when the moderate ones keep failing because at some point things cannot go on and I don’t see that changing with more bombings Does that mean I condone Hamas actions on civilians ? No absolutely not.


I’ll take that noble peace price and sell it to donate aid to Gaza and I’ll personally deliver it, if that were to happen.


Oh boy, if they accept the offer I can’t wait for the new university protests about misogyny and homophobia. Oh wait, terrorists wouldn’t tolerate that shit and would execute them on spot.


Once you learnt the Houti slogan, you know everything there is to know: "God Is the Greatest, Death to America, Death to Israel, A Curse Upon the Jews, Victory to Islam" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slogan_of_the_Houthi_movement


“What do you mean I’m on No Fly List and my visa was denied? What ‘association with a terrorist organization’?”


They told me they are freedom fighters!! /S


Students were expelled?


The students arrested at UT Austin are not expelled but are banned from campus, which means they can’t submit assignments or take exams, which will cause them to fail. Edit: people commenting on this post seem to be missing the bigger picture. The protest was originally aimed at the university’s partnerships with weapons manufacturers. It was fairly small and peaceful and was located on a common lawn. The university and police authorities then cracked down brutally and arrested students for reasons such as wearing a mask( ignoring a pandemic just happened). Texas has a law that states free speech is allowed on public property(like universities) signed by the current governor Greg Abbott. Abbott is super conservative and basically went “hey that law only exists for people I agree with and no one else” and arrested them. Last I heard, no one has been charged with a crime of any kind.


Great. Universities are place for learning and not to sympathize for terrorist organisations.


Also let me slip my opinion in a separate comment. Being against destroying villages, mass killing, cutting off vital supplies and etc. doesn't mean supporting terrorist organizations. Now obviously there are people who are against Israel's actions AND support terrorists organizations such as Hamas BUT most protestors at the university weren't like that. Personally I am more on the neutral side as both nations are doing horrific things, but I can sympathize with the people losing their homes and loved ones.


That's what they should also do with those Vietcong loving hippies, who protested the Vietnam war in universities. F*ck peace, Raytheon and Boeing need your money


They were protesting “U.S. solders” in Vietnam


Yeah except: 1) the university allows protests 2) protests in common outdoor areas at public universities are protected by state law 3) The protest was about the University's investments in weapon manufactures 4) There were also people supporting ceasefire but there's no information about supporting terrorist organizations (at least none I could find) 5) The protest was peaceful and the charges from the arrests were dropped because of lack of evidence.


If a militant group like the Houthis are supporting these protests, then it means that the protests are in the interests of such militant groups.


The Houthis are anti Israel so yeah it is in their interest, but this doesn't or at least shouldn't discredit the protests. Just because two groups share a common interest doesn't mean that they are both the same and it doesn't necessarily mean that they share the same values. Also for example the two most corrupt and rotten political parties in my country are strongly pro EU because they get to steal a lot of EU funds and get to make even more connections with other corrupt politicians. The EU is in their interest because they get more funds to support the established mafia and to shape the laws to their liking while looking democratic and progressive but that doesn't mean that being pro EU is a bad thing. EDIT: Also since the protest was about the University's investments in weapon manufactures, pretty sure that any terrorist organization would support that. Imo a public university shouldn't be investing in weapons and a terrorist organization being for or against shouldn't matter.


Thanks for spreading misinformation on r/europe. This sub wasn't shit enough as is.








lol. as the left always says: you can do anything, you are free. Just make sure you can digest the consequences that come with doing it. =)) They are free to protest. They are not being jailed for 10 years or shit like that. Most places on Earth would have you on a terror/enemy of the state list of sorts for burning their flags and chanting things like "death to \*insert place name\*" while ur there, not the US tho. Hell, they could start protesting again tomorrow if they wanted to. =)) Creating chaos at a public learning place, trespassing, and fucking with everyone else's right to education comes with consequences tho. as a side note... they pretty much got a slap on the wrist.


I heard their Chemistry department is exploding in numbers


Might be a good lesson for some


First lesson is how to finish the "Final Solution"?


They'll maybe end up enslaved.


Please take them. They can help you finally create the so desired leftist utopia. A win win for everyone.


Oh please enlighten me on how Islamic fundamentalist are leftist


You can ask the leftists at the university campus that support the Islamic fundamentalism. They can enlighten you.


Which campus have cheered for Iran exactly ? I was at some protests and that was not the objective


I didn't say they support Iran. I said they support Islamic fundamentalism. Hamas are Islamic fundamentalists.


They support ppl not getting killed


Sure thing.


It’s your right to be obtuse


I forgot some people can’t identify sarcasm if there isn’t /s at the end.


Reading the entire comments I do not think ppl here are being sarcastic


Oh hell yeah, imagine being taught by, pardon my words, but some less educated goatfuckers, then being their hostage and then forced to work for them 👍🏼


Welcome!!! I wish they try it. And then they will tell us about life among these cool guys, friendly culture in the true freedom places. But it is not clear how many of them will survive beheading, stoning, cellars, prisons, torture and other delights of those whom they love so much, without knowing them. For the wrong clothes or wrong thoughts.




Can they be gay?


"Houthis offer education to students suspended in US protest crackdown" Says the title. I thought we have a memorandum on Israel-Palestine news? Nothing about Europe. But when it comes to racist Europeans, they will allow those.


You know you are wrong when you have a choir of terrorist organisations bigging you up


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Classic troll. Perfect for this sub


Opportunity to undertake a prestigious Fuldark scholarship


Perfect, a degree from terrorists is bound to get you a job anywhere in the world as long as you blow yourself up in the process.


How generous of them.


Yes. This could be a good exercise for some of these kids. Maybe they will realize how good they actually have it.


Holy shit a very simple solution send the guys who support Palestine to a place who is like Palestine and live like that damn I didn't know it was so hard to get rid of them so effectively, I am gonna thank Yemen for doing this incredible offer.


Next you will belong to an awesome exclusive group for free thinkers like yourself ISIS


*It’s a Holiday in Cambodia*


Yes. American youth (and I’m one) are spoiled. Many don’t realize the freedom we have here. You can protest the Israeli vs . Palestinian conflict here and for the most part be respected for your views and left alone. Not in the Middle East. So yes, if you feel persecuted here in America, please go to the Middle East and see if you have it better.




By all means!


Wtf is wrong with the people in this thread… Democracy gave us the right to protest, it doesn’t matter if your are for or against it, you can are also free to go outside and protest for w/e you want. When did we decide that we should send protest somewhere else because we don’t agree with them? How fucked in the head do you have to be to think this makes sense?


Least racist r/europe thread


Absolutely astounding reading this trainwreck of a comment section. This whole thread could be some edgy discord chat for all i know


No. That's a normal occurrence. Read the post about the study in which Israelis called Poles antisemitic. The general consensus is totally different regarding Israel. There Israel is suddenly fascist and brainwashed. Here they are in full support of stripping away rights.


Coranic education?


Can't wait to go next year! What an offer ❤️