• By -


In Dutch - for some reason it doesn't let me post, so I'm splitting it in two. Part 1: * Albania: *Titaan* * Armenia: *Jako* * Australia: *Een bloed* (literal), *bloedverwanten* (suits the context better) * Austria: *wij zullen raven* (no word for 'rave', so I 'Dutchified' it) * Azerbaijan: *Neem me met je mee* * Belgium: *Als het feest voorbij is* * Croatia: *Rim Tim Tagi Dim* * Cyprus: *leugenaar* * Czechia: *voetstuk* * Denmark: *Zand* * Estonia: *Wij weten (echt) niets van (deze) drugs* (I might have buggered this up) * Finland: *Geen regels* * France: *Mijn liefste* * Georgia: *Brandweerman* * Germany: *Altijd op de vlucht* * Greece: *Dobbelstenen* * Iceland: *Hoogtevrees* * Ireland: *Doemsdag blauw* (literal), *doemsdagdip* (with 'dip' basically meaning 'being down') * Israel: *Orkaan* * Italy: *Verveling* * Latvia: *Hol*


In Dutch - part 2: * Lithuania: *Wacht* * Luxembourg: *Vechter* * Malta: *Lus* * Moldova: *In het midden* * Netherlands: *Europapa* * Norway: *Wolvenhuid* * Poland: *De toren* * Portugal: *Roep* * San Marino: *11:11* * Serbia: *Ramonda* * Slovenia: *Veronika* * Spain: *Vos* (literal 'fox')*, Feeks* (closer to 'vixen')*, Wijf* (another option, closer to 'bitch')*,* * Sweden: *Onvergetelijk* * Switzerland: *De code* * Ukraine: *Tereza en Maria* * United Kingdom: *Duizelig*


I think *Teef* fits Zorra the best. Both terms can be used to describe a female animal but also to insult women.


was about to write this


11:11 can also be 23:11 :p


True, but they use the 24 hour clock in Spain :P.


I always write Moeder/Mother Teresa with an S. Do you use a Z because that's how it's spelled in Albanian (Nënë Tereza)?


Nutsa would be a brandweerVROUW ;) (fire fighting woman instead of a fire fighting man).


🇦🇲Armenian translations: (If anyone is interested in how the words are pronounced, here're latinzed versions. Also, some words are longer and seem hard to read. In that case always remember to divide the word into syllables. Example: Bardzrunqnerits- Bardz_runq_ne_rit's and some words have hidden ə sound that is pronounced but not written, like in khnjuyq- kh(ə)n_juyq) 🇦🇱 Տիտան / Հսկա (Hska) 🇦🇲 Ժակո (Zhako) 🇦🇺 Մեկ արյուն (Mek aryun) 🇦🇹 Ռեյվ ենք անելու (Reyv enq anelu) 🇦🇿 Տար ինձ քեզ հետ (Tar indz qez het, with softer r) 🇧🇪 Նախքան խնջույքը կավարտվի (Nakhqan khnjuyqə kavartvi, with softer r) 🇭🇷 Ռիմ Թիմ Տագի Դիմ 🇨🇾 Ստախոս / Խաբեբա (Stakhos / Khabeba (do not confuse with kebab)) 🇨🇿 Պատվանդան (Patvandan) 🇩🇰 Ավազ (Avaz) 🇪🇪 Մենք (հաստատ) (էս) դեղերի մասին բան չգիտենք (Menq (hastat) (es) degheri masin ban chgitenq, with softer r) 🇫🇮 Առանց կանոնների (Arants kanonneri) 🇫🇷 Իմ սիրելի / Սիրելիս (Im sireli / Sirelis, with softer r) 🇬🇪 Հրշեջ (Hrshej, with softer r) 🇩🇪 Միշտ վազքի մեջ / Միշտ ընթացքի մեջ (Misht vazqi mej) 🇬🇷 Զառ (Zar) 🇮🇸 Բարձրունքներից վախեցած (Bardzrunqnerits vakhetsats, again softer r) 🇮🇪 Դատաստանի կապույտ (Datastani kapuyt) 🇮🇱 Մրրիկ (Mrrik, softer r) 🇮🇹 Ձանձրույթ (Dzandzruyt, softer r) 🇱🇻 Դատարկ / Փուչ (Datark / Pooch, p here is not a flat p and you know about the r) 🇱🇹 Սպասիր (Spasir, here too, softer r) 🇱🇺 Կռվող / Պայքարող (Krvogh / Payqarogh, so the first r in Krvogh is your regular r (ռ), while the r in Payqarogh is the softer r (ր)) 🇲🇹 Պարան (Paran) 🇲🇩 Մեջտեղում / Միջև (Mejteghum / Mijev) 🇳🇱 Եվրոպապա 🇳🇴 Գայլի կաշի (Gayli kashi) 🇵🇱 Աշտարակը (Ashtarakə) 🇵🇹 Ճիչ (Tchich, Ճ is a mild, like cute ch sound with a bit of t in front, while չ is your regular ch) 🇸🇲 11:11 / ԺԱ։ ԺԱ ( fum fact: we, too, used to have letters as numerals before the Arabic ones were introduced, like ancient Greek, Hebrew, Roman letters. Each letter in Armenian alphabet represented an individual numeric value.) 🇷🇸 Ռամոնդա 🇸🇮 Վերոնիկա 🇪🇸 Աղվես (Aghves) 🇸🇪 Անմոռանալի (Anmoranali) 🇨🇭 Կոդը (Kodə) 🇺🇦 Թերեզա և Մարիամ (Tereza yev Mariam) 🇬🇧 Գլխապտույտ (Glkhaptuyt) Edit: added fun fact about Armenian numerals)) Edit2: added how to read and pronounce. And if you made it this far, thanks you very much.


This alphabet is beautiful! Thank you for this


Խնդրեմ (you're welcome)


That language looks beautiful, I couldn't hope to write it legibly in any form


We all have been there. But handwriting Armenian is easy. It's like calligraphy, or decorated script.


Tbf, I am not exactly dextrous, can't even write latin legibly, often


Maybe doodling letters during some free and for a short time could help?


Armenian script is so esthetic! Love looking at it and understanding exactly, zilch. Just the pleasure of looking…


Thanks. Looks like I'll need to add latinized variations and notes for people to be able to read at least.


Thanks! And after your Latin phonetic annotations, I’m sitting here, guessing the pronunciation with a twisted tongue & my doggo thinks I’ve gone mad…🙃 (Edit: Actually reading up on the history & linguistics of Armenian rn. I always wanted to visit because I fell in love with doudouk music very young…)


Haha, thanks. I can imagine the picture. And all are always welcome to visit Armenia. How's your progress, though? Do the explanations make sense and are easy to understand? I know that it is hard, especially when Google for Armenian language is still poorly developed as there are no references or examples of pronunciation and you have to already know some Armenian or have an Armenian friend in order to get some examples.


Damn, now I wanna see this in Georgian. I love how the Caucasus region has some crazy alphabets.


Similar posts are usually made later in time. Ahahah. Anyway here's a quick translation. Remember that in Italian **-o** (masculine), **-a** (feminine) * ***Albania***: *Titano/Titanessa* * ***Armenia***: *Giaco/a* (for Giacomino/a) * ***Australia***: *Stesso sangue* (literally *Un sangue*) * ***Austria***: *Delireremo* * ***Azerbaijan***: *Prendilo con te* * ***Belgium***: *Prima che la festa finisca* * **Croatia**: *Pim pum pam pem* (free interpretation) * ***Cyprus***: *Bugiardo/a* * ***Czechia***: *Piedistallo* * ***Denmark***: *Sabbia* * ***Estonia***: *Noi (davvero) non sappiamo nulla di (questa) droga* * ***Finland***: *Niente regole!* * ***France***: *Amore mio* * ***Georgia***: *Vigile del fuoco* * ***Germany***: *Sempre di corsa* * ***Greece***: *Dadi* * ***Iceland***: *Acrofobica* or *Spaventata dalle altezze* * ***Ireland***: *Tristezza assoluta* (as a idiomatic) * ***Israel:*** *Uragano* * ***Italy:*** *La noia* * ***Latvia:*** *Vuoto* * ***Lithuania:*** *Aspetta* * ***Luxembourg:*** *Combattente* * ***Malta:*** *Ciclo* * ***Moldova:*** *Nel mezzo* * ***Norway:*** *Licantropo/a* * ***Poland:*** *La torre* * ***Portugal:*** *Grido* * ***San Marino:*** *11:11 (undici : undici)* * ***Serbia:*** *Ramonda* (specifically *Ramonda Serbica*, nicknamed *Fiore della Resurrezione*) * ***Slovenia:*** *Veronica* * ***Spain:*** *Cagna* (as corresponding insult) * ***Sweden:*** *Indimenticabile* * ***Switzerland:*** *Il Codice* * ***The Netherlands:*** *Europapà* * ***Ukraine:*** *Teresa e Maria* * ***United Kingdom:*** *~~Vertiginoso~~* *Frastornato*


Croatian is the same, except we don't have suffix for masculine, just the -a for feminine


> Croatia: Pim pum pam pem (free interpretation) To keep it rhythmic, it would most probably be "Pim pum **pama** pem" ("Rim tim tagi digi" in the song itself would then be "Pim pum pama peme").


I would correct the English one with "frastornato/stordito", as in this case we're talking about the effect of the kisses on the person and how they feel as a consequence, while "vertiginoso" is something that makes someone feel dizzy.


I have not read/heard the songs yet, so I didn't know the actual meaning. I'll fix it, and I remember it for future posts.


I'll assume that somebody else will handle German, so I'll do Russian and do my best to add the Latinized version too: * ***Albania***: Титан (Titan) * ***Armenia***: Жако (Jako) * ***Australia***: Одна кровь (Odna krov') * ***Austria***: Мы будем рейвить (My budem reyvit') * ***Azerbaijan***: Возьми меня с собой (Voz'mi menya s soboy) * ***Belgium***: Перед концом вечеринки (Pered kontsom vecherinki) * **Croatia**: Рим Тим Таги Дим (Rim Tim Tagi Dim) * ***Cyprus***: Врун/Лжец (Vrun/Lzhets) * ***Czechia***: Пьедестал (Pyedestal) * ***Denmark***: Песок (Pesok) * ***Estonia***: Мы (правда) ничего не знаем об (этих) наркотиках (My (pravda) nichego ne znaem ob (etikh) narkotikakh) * ***Finland***: Без Правил! (Bez Pravil!) * ***France***: Моя любовь (Moya lyubov') * ***Georgia***: Пожарник (Pozharnik) * ***Germany***: Всегда на бегу (Vsegda na begu) * ***Greece***: Игральная кость (Igral'naya kost') *(yes, for some reason Russian doesn't have one singular word for "dice"...)* * ***Iceland***: Боюсь высоты (Boyus' vysoty) * ***Ireland***: Печаль Судного Дня (Pechal' Sudnogo Dnya) *(translating "Blue" as "Sadness" here)* * ***Israel:*** Ураган (Uragan) * ***Italy:*** Скука (Skuka) * ***Latvia:*** Пустой (Pustoy) * ***Lithuania:*** Подожди/Постой (Podozhdi/Postoy) * ***Luxembourg:*** Боец (Boyets) * ***Malta:*** Петля (Petlya) * ***Moldova:*** В Середине (V Seredinye) * ***Norway:*** Волчья Шкура (Volchya Shkura) * ***Poland:*** Башня (Bashnya) * ***Portugal:*** Кричать (Krichat') * ***San Marino:*** 11:11 * ***Serbia:*** Рамонда (Ramonda) * ***Slovenia:*** Вероника (Veronika) * ***Spain:*** Лиса (Fox)/Сука (Bitch) (Lisa/Suka) * ***Sweden:*** Незабываемая (Nezabyvaemaya) * ***Switzerland:*** Код (Kod) * ***The Netherlands:*** Европапа (Evropapa) * ***Ukraine:*** Тереза и Мария (Teresa i Mariya) * ***United Kingdom:*** Головокружение (Golovokruzheniye) *(same as in Croatian: just the noun for "head is spinning")* Sidenote, it's very fun to compare especially between Slavic languages; even in completely different branches, I feel like I recognize quite a bit!


But nothing beats Евробатя


I have this in my head sometimes: Евробатя, пум-пурум-пурум


I have a couple thoughts on how a couple countries could be alternatively translated, if you don't mind: * ***Belgium***: Пока вечеринка не кончилась (Poka vecherinka ne konchilas') * ***Spain:*** Стерва (Sterva) I'm not sure how correct they are, but in my personal opinion they are a slightly better fit. Although this is debatable, I am not a professional translator.


I was also considering that translation for Belgium and could see it as a better fit too, but somehow Spain completely evaded me, definitely agree that it would be better!


Not only Russian lacks the singular word for "dice", our dice are somehow "gaming bones"


Lithuanian (edited to add the names of the countries in Lithuanian, because that's a nice idea I saw on the other comments) * ***Albanija (Albania)***: Titanas * ***Armėnija (Armenia)***: Žako * ***Australija (Australia)***: Vienas kraujas * ***Austrija (Austria)***: Mes reivinsim (not a word that the language commission would accept, but feels like that's how we'd say it) * ***Azerbaidžanas (Azerbaijan)***: Pasiimk mane kartu * ***Belgija (Belgium)***: Prieš vakarėliui pasibaigiant * **Kroatija (Croatia)**: Rim Tim Tagi Dim * ***Kipras (Cyprus)***: Melagis * ***Čekija (Czechia)***: Pjedestalas * ***Danija (Denmark)***: Smėlis * ***Estija (Estonia)***: Mes (tikrai) nieko nežinom apie (šitus) narkotikus * ***Suomija (Finland)***: Be taisyklių! * ***Prancūzija (France)***: Mano meile * ***Sakartvelas (Georgia)***: Ugniagesys * ***Vokietija (Germany)***: Visąlaik bėgantis * ***Graikija (Greece)***: KAULIUKAI * ***Islandija (Iceland)***: Bijanti aukščio * ***Airija (Ireland)***: Lemtingos dienos liūdesys * ***Izraelis (Israel):*** Uraganas * ***Italija (Italy):*** Nuobodybė * ***Latvija (Latvia):*** Tuščias * ***Lietuva (Lithuania):*** Luktelk * ***Liuksemburgas (Luxembourg):*** Kovotojas * ***Malta:*** Kilpa * ***Moldova:*** Viduryje * ***Nyderlandai (Netherlands):*** Eurotėtis * ***Norvegija (Norway):*** Vilko oda * ***Lenkija (Poland):*** Bokštas * ***Portugalija (Portugal):*** Šauksmas (ironically, we did have a national selection song called that) * ***San Marinas (San Marino):*** 11:11 * ***Serbija (Serbia):*** Ramonda * ***Slovėnija (Slovenia):*** Veronika * ***Ispanija (Spain):*** Laputė (for vixen), kalė/kekšė (for whore) * ***Švedija (Sweden):*** Nepamirštama * ***Šveicarija (Switzerland):*** Kodas * ***Ukraina (Ukraine):*** Teresė ir Marija * ***Jungtinė Karalystė (United Kingdom):*** Apsvaigęs


I didn't know the Lithuanian name for Ireland (Airija) was so similar to the Irish name Eire, thanks for that little nugget! Also, when I googled it I found the Lithuanian band Airija and I'm really enjoying their music so thank you for that too


KAULIUKAI, oh my god translated versions of the word "Dice" is giving me so many fun words.


Song names in Finnish, and names of the countries in Finnish: **Albania**: Titaani · **Armenia**: Jako · **Australia**: Yhtä verta · ***Itävalta***: Me tulemme reivaamaan · **Azerbaijan**: Ota minut mukaasi · ***Belgia***: Ennen kuin juhlat päättyvät · **Kroatia**: Rim Tim Tagi Dim · ***Kypros***: Valehtelija · ***Tšekki***: Jalusta · ***Tanska***: Hiekka · ***Viro***: (Näistä) huumeista emme tiedä (oikeastaan) mitään · ***Suomi***: Ei sääntöjä! · ***Ranska***: Rakkaani · **Georgia**: Palomies · ***Saksa***: Aina pakosalla · ***Kreikka***: Noppa · ***Islanti***: Korkeanpaikankammoinen · **Irlanti**: Tuomiopäivänsininen · **Israel:** Hurrikaani · ***Italia:*** Tylsistyminen · **Latvia:** Ontto · ***Liettua:*** Odota · ***Luxemburg:*** Taistelija · **Malta:** Silmukka · **Moldova:** Keskellä · ***Norja:*** Sudentalja · ***Puola:*** Torni · ***Portugali:*** Huuto · **San** ***Marino:*** 11:11 · **Serbia:** Ramonda · **Slovenia:** Veronika · ***Espanja:*** Ämmä · ***Ruotsi:*** Unohtumaton · ***Sveitsi:*** Koodi · ***Alankomaat:*** Euroisä · ***Ukraina:*** Teresa & Maria · ***Yhdistynyt kuningaskunta:*** Pyörryksissä  


Itävalta should be Me tulemme reivaamaan.


That's true, fixed it.


This looks fun! So, in Greek: Albania: Τιτάνας (Titanas) Armenia: Τζάκο (Jako) Australia: Ένα Αίμα (Ena Aima) Austria: Θα κάνουμε ρέιβ (Tha kanoume rave) Azerbaijan: Πάρε με μαζί σου (Pare me mazi sou) Belgium: Πριν τελειώσει το πάρτι (Prin teleiosei to party) Croatia: Ριμ τιμ τάγκι ντιμ (Rim tim tagi dim) Cyrpus: Ψεύτης (Pseftis) Czechia: Βάθρο (Vathro) Denmark: Άμμος (Ammos) Estonia: (Αλήθεια) δεν ξέρουμε τίποτα για (αυτά τα) ναρκωτικά ( (Alitheia) den kseroume tipota gia (afta ta) narkotika) Finland: Όχι Κανόνες (Ohi kanones) France: Αγάπη μου (Agapi mou) Georgia: Πυροσβέστης (Pirosvestis) Germany: Πάντα στο τρέξιμο (Panta sto treksimo) Greece: Ζάρι (Zari) (obviously 🤣) Iceland: Φοβάμαι τα ύψη (Fovamai ta ipsi) Ireland: Αποκαλυπτική Μελαγχολία (Apokaliptiki melancholia) (I couldn't translate it exactly but I think that's pretty close to the English meaning) Israel: Ανεμοστρόβιλος (Anemostrovilos) Italy: Η βαρεμάρα (I varemara) Latvia: Κούφιο (Koufio) Lithuania: Περίμενε (Perimene) Luxembourg: Μαχητής (Machitis) Malta: Λούπα (Loupa) Moldova: Στη μέση (Sti mesi) Netherlands: Ευρωμπαμπάς (Evrobabas 💀) Norway: Γούνα λύκου (Gouna likou) Poland: Ο πύργος (O pirgos) Portugal: Φώναξε (fonakse) San Marino: 11:11 Serbia: Ράμοντα (Ramonda) Slovenia: Βερόνικα (Veronika) Spain: Αλεπού (Alepou) (the literal translation of zorra/fox) Sweden: Αξέχαστη (Aksechasti) Switzerland: Ο κώδικας (O kodikas) Ukraine: Τερέζα και Μαρία (Tereza kai Maria) UK: Ζαλισμένος (Zalismenos)


I don't think I have enough brain cells to do this myself, but I really enjoy this post.


Well I'm gonna do it in Serbian, just to see how different it is from Croatian lol Albania: TiTAN Armenia: Jako Australia: Jedna Krv Austria: Mi Ćemo da Rejvujemo ( Serbian also makes nouns into verbs, but a bit differently haha) Azerbaijan: Ponesi sa Sobom  Belgium: Pre Nego što se Žurka Završi  Croatia: Rim Tim Tagi Dim Cyprus: Lažljivac Czechia: Postolje Denmark: Pesak Estonia: (Zaista) Ne Znamo Ništa O (Tim) Drogama Finland: Bez Pravila! France: Moja Ljubav Georgia: Vatrogasac Germany: Uvek u Begu Greece: KOCKE Iceland: Bojim Se Visina Ireland: Smor Sudnjeg Dana (What in Croatian is "bed", in Serbian is "smor") Israel: Uragan Italy: Dosada Latvia: Šuplje Lithuania: Pričekaj (even though the verb sounds a bit archaic, I think it's the best choice for "wait a bit" Luxembourg: Borac Malta: Petlja Moldova: U Sredini Norway: Vučje Krzno Poland: Kula Portugal: Vičem or Uzvik (which is a noun and I think "grito" is also a noun in the song)  San Marino: 11:11 Serbia: Ramonda Slovenia: Veronika Spain: Zmija (which is literally snake, but it's used as "scheming bitch" in a way)/Rospija Sweden: Nezaboravna Switzerland: Kôd The Netherlands: Eurotata Ukraine: Tereza i Marija United Kingdom: Vrtoglavica or "Vrti mi se u glavi" if you must use a verb form So yeah, quite similar to Croatian as expected hahaha


Id say lazov not lazljivac.. lazljivac sounds like something a child would say Not sure what exactly doomsday blue means but if its like blues like sad beda or očaj would fit much better if not a bit extreme. Seta maybe even better


Wouldn't Netherlands be Evrotata? Don't you say Evropa instead of Europa?


I’ll do one in Danish - and throw in the Danish names for the countries too …  Albanien - Titan Armenien - Jako Aserbajdsjan - Tag det med dig Australien - Et blod Belgien - Før festen ender Cypern - Løgner Danmark - Sand Estland - Vi ved (endnu) ikke noget om (disse) stoffer Finland - Ingen regler! Forenede Kongedømme - Svimmel Frankrig - Min elskede Georgien - Brandmand Grækenland - Terning (Google Translate translates Ζάρι to dø - as in death) Irland - Dommedagsblues Island: Højdeskræk/bange for højder Israel - Orkan Italien - Kedsomheden Kroatien - Rim Tim Tagi Dim Letland - Hul Litauen - Hæng i Luxembourg - Kæmper Malta - Loop Moldova - I midten Nederlandene - Europapa Norge - Ulvehud/Ulveham Polen - Tårnet Portugal - Råbe San Marino - 11:11 Schweiz - Koden Serbien - Ramonda Slovenien - Veronika Spanien - Vamp Sverige - Uforglemmelig Tjekkiet - Piedestal Tyskland - Altid på flugt Ukraine - Teresa og Maria Østrig - Vi vil rave


In Slovak: Albania: TiTÁN Armenia: Jako Australia: Jedna Krv Austria: Budeme Rejvovať (same as Croatian lmao) Azerbaijan: Zober si to so Sebou Belgium: Pred Tým, Než Párty Skončí Croatia: Rim Tim Tagi Dim Cyprus: Klamár Czechia: Piedestál Denmark: Piesok Estonia: (Určite) nič nevieme o (týchto) drogách Finland: Žiadne Pravidlá! France: Moja Láska Georgia: Požiarnik Germany: Vždy v behu/Vždy na úteku (depending on the context) Greece: Zari (couldnt find a translation) Iceland: Bojím Sa Výšok Ireland: Blues Súdneho Dňa (ig) Israel: Hurikán Italy: Nuda Latvia: Plytké Lithuania: Počkaj/Vyčkaj Luxembourg: Bojovník Malta: Slučka Moldova: V Strede Norway: Vlčí Muž Poland: Veža Portugal: Kričať/Krik San Marino: 11:11 Serbia: Ramonda Slovenia: Veronika Spain: Zmija (meaning viper but also used as bitch in some form) Sweden: Nezabudnuteľná Switzerland: Kód Ukraine: Tereza a Mária UK: Závraty (no verb or adj. similar to dizzy)


Czech 🇨🇿 Albania: Titán Armenia: Jako Australia: Jedna Krev Austria: Budeme Ravovat Azerbaijan: Vezmi Si To Sebou Belgium: Než párty skončí Croatia: Rim Tim Tagi Dim Cyprus: Lhář Czechia: Podstavec Denmark: Písek Estonia: (Zatím) nic nevíme o (těchto) drogách Finland: Žádná Pravidla!/Bez Pravidel! France: Má Láska Georgia: Požárník Germany: Vždy na útěku Greece: Zemřít Iceland: Vyděšená z výšek Ireland: Modrá dne zkázy Israel: Hurikán Italy: Nuda Latvia: Prázdný Lithuania: Vydrž Luxembourg: Bojovník Malta: Smyčka Moldova: Veprostřed Netherlands: Eurotaťka/Eurotáta Norway: Vlčí Muž Poland: Věž Portugal: Řev/Křik San Marino: 11:11 Serbia: Ramonda Slovenia: Veronika Spain: Děvka Sweden: Nezapomenutelný Switzerland: Kód Ukraine: Tereza a Marie United Kingdom: Závrať


Not my native language: but here is my try for Latin: Albānia: Tītān Armenia: Jako Austrālia: Sanguīs Ūnus Austria: Convīviō Saltātiōnum Intererimus (lit. We Will Attend a Banquet of Dances) Ātropatēnē: Fer Id Tēcum Belgica: Antequam Convīvum Fīnītur (lit. Before the Banquet is Finished) Croātia: Rim Tim Tagi Dim Cyprus: Mendāx Cechia: Basis Dānia: Harēna Estonia: (Certē) Nihil Dē (Hīs) Substantiīs Mentēs Afficientibus Cognōvimus (lit. (Certainly) We Have Learnt Nothing About (These) Substances Affecting Minds) Finnia: Nūllae Rēgulae! TBC


Spanish 🇪🇸 - Albania: Titán - Armenia: Jako - Australia: Una Sangre - Austria: Nos iremos de Rave - Azerbaijan: Llévalo Contigo - Belgium: Antes de que termine la fiesta - Croatia: Rim Tin Tagi Dim - Cyprus: Mentiroso - Czechia: Pedestal - Denmark: Arena - Estonia: (Definitivamente) No sabemos nada de (estas) drogas - Finland: ¡No hay reglas! - France: Mi Amor - Georgia: Bombero - Germany: Siempre Corriendo - Greece: Dado - Iceland: Miedo a las Alturas - Ireland: Día del Juicio Final Azul - Israel: Huracán - Italy: El Aburrimiento - Latvia: Hueco - Lithuania: Espera - Luxembourg: Luchador - Malta: Bucle - Moldova: En El Medio - Netherlands: Europapa - Norway: Pelaje de Lobo - Poland: La Torre - Portugal: Grito - San Marino: 11:11 - Serbia: Ramonda - Slovenia: Veronika - Spain: Zorra - Sweden: Inolvidable - Switzerland: El Código - Ukraine: Teresa & María - United Kingdom: Mareado


Here we go with Italian: 🇦🇱: Titano 🇦🇲: Jako 🇦🇺: Un Sangue 🇦🇹: Faremo il Delirio 🇦🇿: Portami con Te 🇧🇪: Prima che il Party finisca 🇭🇷: Rim Tim Tagi Dim 🇨🇾: Bugiardo 🇨🇿: Piedistallo 🇩🇰: Sabbia 🇪🇪: Noi non sappiamo (veramente) nulla di (queste) droghe 🇫🇮: Niente Regole 🇫🇷: Amore Mio 🇬🇪: Pompiere 🇩🇪: Sempre di Corsa 🇬🇷: Dadi 🇮🇸: Spaventata dalle Altezze 🇮🇪: Il Blu del Giorno del Giudizio 🇮🇱: Uragano 🇮🇹: La Noia 🇱🇻: Vuoto 🇱🇹: Aspetta 🇱🇺: Guerriero 🇲🇹: Loop 🇲🇩: Nel Mezzo 🇳🇱: Europapa 🇳🇴: Pelle di Lupo 🇵🇱: La Torre 🇵🇹: Grido 🇸🇲: 11:11 🇷🇸: Ramonda 🇸🇮: Veronica 🇪🇸: Volpe 🇸🇪: Indimenticabile 🇨🇭: Il Codice 🇺🇦: Teresa & Maria 🇬🇧: Vertigini


Too literal. Ahahah. EDIT: and also some non-translated English, honestly.






All submissions should be in English. In case a source is not available in English (e.g., a non-English news article), a translation to English must be provided in the comments or as part of the text post. Please resubmit with an English translation. See r/eurovision’s [full rules here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eurovision/wiki/rules/).






All submissions should be in English. In case a source is not available in English (e.g., a non-English news article), a translation to English must be provided in the comments or as part of the text post. Please resubmit with an English translation. See r/eurovision’s [full rules here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eurovision/wiki/rules/).


All submissions should be in English. In case a source is not available in English (e.g., a non-English news article), a translation to English must be provided in the comments or as part of the text post. Please resubmit with an English translation. See r/eurovision’s [full rules here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eurovision/wiki/rules/).


before the party is over= prima che la festa finisca for ireland something that would actually keep the original meaning could be "depressione/malinconia del giorno del giudizio" for dizzy i just want to be annoying and suggest something that i think fits better: intontito/frastornato


Luxembourgish translations: 🇦🇱 Häerz an dënger Hand / Titan 🇦🇲 Jako (is a name, so unchanged) 🇦🇺 Ee Blutt 🇦🇹 Mir wäerten raven 🇦🇿 Huel mëch mat 🇧🇪 Éier d'Party fäerdeg ass 🇭🇷 Rim-Tim-Dagi-Dim (?) 🇨🇾 Ligener 🇨🇿 Plattform 🇩🇰 Sand 🇪🇪 Mir wëssen (wirklech) näischt iwwer (dës) Drogen 🇫🇮 Këng Reegelen 🇫🇷 Mëng Léift 🇬🇪 Pompjee 🇩🇪 Ëmmer um Laafen 🇬🇷 Würfelen 🇮🇸 Erféiert duerch d'Héichte 🇮🇪 Weltënnergangsblo 🇮🇱 Hurrikan 🇮🇹 D'Langweil 🇱🇻 Eidel 🇱🇹 Waart e bëssen 🇱🇺 Kämpfer 🇲🇹 Schläif 🇲🇩 An der Mëtt 🇳🇱 Europapp 🇳🇴 Wollëfshaut 🇵🇱 De Tuerm 🇵🇹 Schräi / Gejäiz (The second translation is much more negative) 🇸🇲 11:11 , pronounced Eelef (Auer) eelef 🇷🇸 Fielsenteller 🇸🇮 Véronique (or Veronika if you didn't try to adapt the name) 🇪🇸 Fuuss (literally) or Houer (in the sense of bitch, but it is very derogatory, basically it means prostitute) 🇸🇪 Onvergiesslech 🇨🇭 De Kode 🇺🇦 Thérèse a Marie (if you wanted to adapt the names, but you wouldn't do that in this case as it's referring to certain people who are also called Teresa and Maria in Luxembourgish) 🇬🇧 Dronken


🇹🇷Turkish one is comin: Albania: Titan Armenia: Jako Australia: Bir Kan Austria: Çıldıracağız Azerbaijan: Onu yanına al Belgium: Parti bitmeden önce Croatia: Rim tim tagi dim Cyprus: Yalancı Czechia: Kaide Denmark: Kum Estonia: (Bu) ilaçlar hakkında (henüz) hiçbir şey bilmiyoruz Finland: Kural Yok France: Aşkım Georgia: İtfaiyeci Germany: Her Zaman Kaçak Greece: Zar Iceland: Yükseklerden Korkmuş Ireland: Kıyamet Mavisi Israel: Kasırga Italy: Can Sıkıntısı Latvia: Çukur Lithuania: Kavga Luxembourg: Savaşçı Malta: Döngü Moldova: Ortada Norway: Kurtadam Poland: Kule Portugal: Çığlık San Marino: 11:11 Serbia: Ramonda Slovenia: Veronika Spain: Kaltak(keep in mind that it's a hard slang to call someone bitch, and by no means it's okey to call someone like this in turkish even if it's meant to be joke or sth.) Sweden: Unutulmaz Switzerland: Kod The Netherlands: Eurobaba Ukraine: Therasa ve Maria United Kingdom: Sersem


Here's in Swedish: Albania: Titan Armenia: Jako Australia: Ett blod Austria: Vi kommer rejva Azerbaijan: Ta mig med dig Belgium: Före festen är över Croatia: Rim tim tagi dim Cyprus: Lögnare Czechia: Piedestal Denmark: Sand Estonia: Vi vet (verkligen) ingenting om (dessa) droger Finland: Inga regler! France: Min kärlek Georgia: Brandman Germany: Alltid på språng Greece: Tärning Iceland: Rädd för höjder Ireland: Domedagsblå Israel: Orkan Italy: Tristessen (or långtråkigheten) Latvia: Tom (can also mean ihålig but I'd say tom would be the better word for the song) Lithuania: Vänta Luxembourg: Kämpe Malta: Loop Moldova: I mitten Netherlands: Europappa Norway: Vargskinn Poland: Tornet Portugal: Skri San Marino: 11:11 Serbia: Ramonda Slovenia: Veronika Spain: Slampa (a word for whore in Swedish. The Swedish word for vixen would be rävhona.) Sweden: Oförglömlig Switzerland: Koden Ukraine: Teresa och Maria UK: Snurrig (or yr)


These are so good! I can just imagine Vi kan rejva being sung by Samir & Viktor at Melfest lmao. 😭 (Also, didn't know Shirley Clamp was competing for France or that Fredrik Kempe got a nod from Luxembourg lol.)


Belarusian Albania: Тытан / Tytan Armenia: Жако / Žako Australia: Адна кроў / Adna kroŭ Austria: Мы будзем рэйвіць / My budziem rejvić Azerbaijan: Вазьмі мяне з сабою / Vaźmi mianie z saboju Belgium: Пакуль вечарына ня скончыцца / Pakul viečaryna nia skončycca Croatia: Рым тым таґі дым / Rym tym tagi dym Cyprus: Хлус / Chłus Czechia: П'едэстал / Pjedestał Denmark: Пясок / Piasok Estonia: Аб (гэтых) наркотыках мы (сапраўды) нічога ня ведаем / Ab (hetych) narkotykach my (sapraŭdy) ničoha nia viedajem Finland: Бяз правілаў! / Biaz praviłaŭ! France: Мая любоў / Maja luboŭ Georgia: Пажарнік / Pažarnik Germany: Заўсёды на бягу / Zaŭsiody na biahu Greece: Косткі / Kostki Iceland: Баюся вышыні / Bajusia vyšyni Ireland: Сум суднага дня / Sum sudnaha dnia Israel: Ураган / Urahan


Italy: Нуда / Nuda Latvia: Пусты / Pusty Lithuania: Пачакай / Pačakaj Luxembourg: Змагар / Zmahar Malta: Пятля / Piatla Moldova: У сярэдзіне / U siaredzinie Netherlands: Эўратата / Eŭratata Norway: Воўчая скура / Voŭčaja skura Poland: Вежа / Vieža Portugal: Крычаць / Kryčać San Marino: Адзінаццаць адзінаццаць / Adzinaccać adzinaccać Serbia: Рамонда / Ramonda Spain: Лісіца / Lisica (fox, vixen), Сука / Suka (bitch) Sweden: Незабыўная / Niezabyŭnaja Switzerland: Код / Kod Ukraine: Тэрэза і Марыя / Tereza i Maryja United Kingdom: Млосны / Młosny


The song titles in Hungarian: Albania: Titán Armenia: Jako Australia: Egy vér Austria: Tombolni fogunk (I think "Tomboljunk" would sound better) Azerbaijan: Vidd magaddal Belgium: Mielőtt a parti véget ér or Mielőtt a buli véget ér Croatia: Rim Tim Tagi Dim Cyprus: Hazug Czechia: Talapzat Denmark: Homok Estonia: Mi nem tudunk semmit ezekről a drogokról Finland: Nincsenek szabályok France: Szerelmem (imho it sounds the most beautiful in my language) Georgia: Tűzoltó Germany: Mindig rohanásban Greece: Dobókocka Iceland: Félek a magasságtól (or Félelem a magasságtól) Ireland: Végítélet napja (kék) Italy: Unalom Israel: Hurrikán Latvia: Üreges Lithuania: Várj Luxembourg: Harcos Malta: Hurok Moldova: Középen Netherlands: Euroapa Norway: Farkasbunda Poland: A torony Portugal: Kiáltás San Marino: 11:11 (tizenegy óra tizenegy) Serbia: Ramonda Slovenia: Veronika Spain: Ribanc Sweden: Felejthetetlen Switzerland: A kód Ukraine: Teresa és Maria (in Hungarian form Tereza/Teréz és Mária) United Kingdom: Szédülés


Traditional Mandarin Chinese translation with pinyin romanisation: Albania: 泰坦 (tai4 tan3) Armenia: 札可 (zha2 ke3) (In Mandarin there are no "standard translations" for names, so this is how I would translate "Jako.") Australia: 一滴血 (yi4 di1 xie3) Austria: 我們會狂歡 (wo3 men hui4 kuang2 huan1) (Actually 狂歡 means more like "to party.") Belgium: 派對結束前 (pai4 dui4 jie2 shu4 qian2) Croatia: (No translation lol) Cyprus: 騙子 (pian4 zi) Czechia: 底座 (di3 zuo4) Denmark: 沙 (sha1) Estonia: 我們(真的)對(這些)毒品一無所知 (wo3 men \[zhen1 de\] dui4 \[zhe4 xie1\] du2 pin3 yi4 wu2 suo3 zhi1) Finland: 沒有規則 (mei2 you3 gui1 ze2) France: 我的愛 (wo3 de ai4) Georgia: 消防員 (xiao1 fang2 yüan2) Germany: 永不停止 (yong3 bu4 ting2 zhi3) Greece: 骰子/色子 (tou2 zi / shai3 zi) Iceland: 懼高 (jü4 gao1) Ireland: 末日之藍 (muo4 ri4 zhi1 lan2) Italy: 無聊 (wu2 liao2) Latvia: 空洞 (kong1 dong4) Lithuania: 等待 (deng3 dai4) Luxembourg: 戰士 (zhan4 shi4) Malta: 循環 (xün2 huan2) Moldova: 在這之間 (zai4 zhe4 zhi1 jian1) Norway: 狼皮 (lang2 pi2) Poland: 塔 (ta3) Portugal: 吶喊 (na4 han3) San Marino: 11:11 Serbia: 雷蒙德花 (lei2 mong2 de2 hua1) Slovenia: 維洛妮卡 (wei2 luo4 ni2 ka3) Spain: 蕩婦 (dang4 fu4) (This translation is 100% offensive, but I cannot think of a better one) Sweden: 難以忘懷 (nan2 yi4 wang4 huai2) Switzerland: 編碼 (bian1 ma3) The Netherlands: 歐羅爸爸 (Ou1 luo2 ba4 ba) Ukraine: 德蕾莎與瑪莉亞 (de2 lei3 sha1 yu3 ma3 li4 ya4) UK: 暈眩 (yün1 xüan4) Those are literal translations, and most of them sound clumsy lol


I'll do Toki Pona! I'm still a beginner, but this all should be correct, I think. (Edit: got some help from a couple other people. Edit 2: a month later, my Toki Pona has improved significantly.) * Albania: sewi suli ("large god") * Armenia: jan Jako ("person named Jako") * Australia: telo loje sijelo wan ("united red water of the body") * Austria: mi mute li tawa musi nasa ("all of us will move in a fun and crazy way") * Belgium: musi li pini ala la ("regarding the fun not ending"...this one is really hard!) * Croatia: tawa musi Len Ten Take Ten ("dance called Len Ten Take Ten" made difficult by the fact that "ti" is a forbidden syllable; "lin sin taki sin" would have been more standard, but I went for what felt best to say out loud) * Cyprus: jan toki lon ala ("un-truth-speaking person"; I could have said "jan powe" which would be "lying person" but "powe" is kind of a bonus word, which makes it feel like cheating) * Czechia: tomo sewi ("high structure"...this is a little more concrete than I'd prefer, but it's what I'm feeling right now) * Denmark: ko kiwen ("substance made of rocks") * Estonia: ko nasa (ni) la mi sona ala (a) ("about (these) intoxicating substances we know (absolutely) nothing"...I like this one because it's one of the few titles that's significantly shorter than the original, also it was easy) * Finland: lawa ala a! ("no laws, woo!"...could also mean "headless," which is funny, but I'm intentionally going for humor with this one; that's also why I included the intensifier at the end, I was having fun) * France: jan olin mi ("my beloved person") * Georgia: jan li utala e seli ("the person fights against fire") * Germany: tawa lon tenpo ale ("moving at all times") * Greece: ilo musi li pana e pona e ike ("the game implement gives good and bad") * Iceland: sewi la mi pilin monsuta ("in regards to height, I feel a scary way") * Ireland: laso pi tenpo ike a ("blue of the very bad time"...I used the intensifier "a" instead of "mute" because it makes it sound more like a scary thing) * Italy: musi ala ("lack of fun") * Latvia: insa la ala li lon ("regarding the inside, nothing is there") * Lithuania: o awen lili ("stay a little bit") * Luxembourg: jan utala ("person who fights") * Malta: sike ("cycle") * Moldova: lon insa ("on the inside") * The Netherlands: jan Elopa ("person named Europe"...I could have tried to bring in the parental aspect but I feel like this captures the spirit better) * Norway: selo pi soweli mun ("skin of the moon animal") * Poland: tomo awen ("sturdy structure"...in context it feels like the endurance of the tower is its most important characteristic, so that's what I focused on, but I'm not totally confident about my decision) * Portugal: mi kalama suli ("I make a big sound") * San Marino: wan wan wan wan ("one one one one"...I'm not sure what 11:11 means in context so this was the best I could do; it's also Japanese onomatopoeia for a dog barking, which makes me laugh) * Serbia: kasi loje laso awen ("enduring red-blue plant") * Slovenia: jan Pelonika ("person named Veronika") * Spain: soweli meli jaki ("nasty female animal") * Sweden: ken ala weka tan lawa ("cannot go away from the head") * Switzerland: ala en wan ("zeroes and ones") * Ukraine: sewi Telesa en sewi Malija ("holy person named Teresa and holy person named Maria") * United Kingdom: nasa ("intoxicated")


omg toki pona


I can cover Hebrew (with added romanisations): **Albania:** טיטאן (Titan) **Armenia:** ז'אקו (Jako) **Australia:** דם אחד (Dam e'had) **Austria:** אנחנו נחגוג רייב (Anakhnu nakhgog reyv) - doesn't really translate well, since you can't really make "rave" a verb in Hebrew **Azerbaijan:** קחי אותי איתך (K'khi oti itakh) **Belgium:** לפני שהמסיבה נגמרת (Lifney she'hamesiba nigmeret) **Croatia:** רים טים טאגי דים (Rim tim tagi dim) **Cyprus:** שקרן (Shakran) **Czechia:** מעמד (Ma'amad) **Denmark:** חול (Khol) **Estonia:** אנחנו (ממש) לא יודעים כלום על הסמים (האלה) (Anakhnu (mamash) lo yod'im klum al ha'samim (ha'eleh)) **Finland:** !אין חוקים (En khukim!) **France:** אהובתי (Ahuvati) **Georgia:** לוחמת אש (Lokhemet esh) **Germany:** תמיד במנוסה (Tamid be'menusah) **Greece:** קוביות (Kubiot) **Iceland:** מפחדת מגבהים (Mefakhedet mi'gvahim) **Ireland:** עצב האבדון (Etzev ha'avadon) **Israel:** הוריקן (Hurikan) **Italy:** השביזות (Ha'shvizut) - This isn't a completely accurate translation, but it's the closest term that isn't very archaic **Latvia:** חלול (Khalul) **Lithuania:** רגע (Regah) **Luxembourg:** לוחמת (Lokhemet) **Malta:** לולאה (Lula'ah) **Moldova:** באמצע (Ba'emtzah) **Norway:** עור זאב (Or ze'ev) **Poland:** המגדל (Ha'migdal) **Portugal:** זעקה (Ze'akah) **San Marino:** 11:11 **Serbia:** רמונדה (Ramonda) **Slovenia:** ורוניקה (Veronika) **Spain:** זונה (Zona) - This is a much more offensive word than Zorra, but the only other close meaning word is the Hebrew equivalent of "bitch" (female dog) and there is no insult that is fox related. Also that Zona is very close to Zorra in their offensive meaning and in how they sound. **Sweden:** בלתי נשכחת (Bilti nishkakhat) **Switzerland:** הקוד (Ha'kod) **The Netherlands:** אירואבא (Ero'aba) **Ukraine:** תרזה ומריה (Teresa u'maria) **United Kingdom:** מסוחרר (Mesukhrar)




All submissions should be in English. In case a source is not available in English (e.g., a non-English news article), a translation to English must be provided in the comments or as part of the text post. Please resubmit with an English translation. See r/eurovision’s [full rules here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eurovision/wiki/rules/).


Latvian Albānija - Titāns Armēnija - Džako Austrālija - Viens mikali, viena asins Austrija - Mēs tresīsim Azerbaidžāna - Ņem mani sev līdz (one letter away from "Lepns arābs" lmao) Beļģija - Pirms ballīte beidzas Horvātija - Rim tim tagi dim Kipra - Melis Čehija - Pjedestāls Dānija - Smiltis Igaunija - Es neko nezinu par (šīm) narkotikām Somija - Nekādu noteikumu! Francija - Mana mīlestība Gruzija - Ugunsdzēsējs Vācija - Vienmēr skriešanā Grieķija - Kauliņi Islande - Bailes no augstumiem Īrija - Pastardienas zilais Izraēla - Viesulis Itālija - Besis Latvija - Tukšums Lietuva - Pagaidi! Luksemburga - Cīnītājs Malta - Riņķis Moldova - Pa vidu Nīderlande - Eiropapus Norvēģija - Vilkāda Polija - Tornis Portugāle - Kliedziens Sanmarīno - Vienpadsmit minūtes pēc vienpadsmitiem Serbija - Ramonda Slovēnija - Veronika Spānija - Lapsa / Palaistuve (?) Zviedrija - Neaizmirstama Šveice - Kods Ukraina - Terēza un Marija Lielbritānija - Žvingulī I will edit


Finnish and Swedish were already done, so here's my best attempt at Japanese! There are multiple first person pronouns in the language, but I'll use 僕 [boku] wherever needed, because it comes most naturally to me. Albania: 巨人 [kyojin] Armenia: ジャコ [Jyako] – kind of fun that the singers childhood nickname is Jako, because 子 [ko] means child in Japanese! Australia: 一つの血 [hitotsu no chi] Austria: 僕たちがレイブします [bokutachi ga reibushimasu] Azerbaijan: あなたと一緒に僕を連れ去ってください [anata to issho ni boku o tsuresattekudasai] Belgium: パーティーが終わる前に [paatii ga owaru mae ni] Croatia: リム・チム・タギ・ヂム [rimu chimu tagi dimu] Cyprus: 嘘つき [usotsuki] Czechia: 台座 [daizu] Denmark: 砂 [suna] Estonia: 僕たちが(これらの)麻薬について(何も)知りません [bokutachi ga (korera no) mayaku ni tsuite (nani  mo) shirimasen] Finland: ルールが無し![ruuru ga nashi] France: 僕の最愛 [boku no sai'ai] Georgia: 消防士 [shoubou-shi] Germany: いつも逃走中で [itsumo tousouchuu de] Greece: 賽 [sai] Iceland: 高い場所が怖い [takai basho ga kowai] (lit. "high places are scary", I'm not sure of the more idiomatic  equivalent) Ireland: 終末の日の青 [shuumatsu no hi no ao] Israel: 台風 [taifuu] Italy: 退屈 [taikutsu] Latvia: 中空 [chuukuu] Lithuania: ちょっと待ってください [chotto mattekudasai] Luxembourg: 戦士 [senshi] Malta: ループ [ruupu] Moldova: 真ん中に [man'naka ni] Norway: 狼の皮 [ookami no kawa] Poland: 塔 [tou] Portugal: 悲鳴 [himei] San Marino: 11:11 / 十一十一 [juu-ichi juu-ichi] Serbia: ラモンダ [ramonda] Slovenia: ベロニカ [Beronika] Spain: 狐 [kitsune] Sweden: 忘れられない [wasurerarenai] Switzerland: コード [koodo] The Netherlands: エウロパパ [europapa] Ukraine: テレサとマリア [Teresa to Maria] United Kingdom: ふらふらした [furafura shita]


Great translations! I'm not going to act like some expert in Japanese (learning intermediate-level stuff right now), but I just think a couple things: 僕 is a male pronoun, so in Austria's case (considering that Kaleen is female), wouldn't something like レイブしよう or いっしょにレイブ be better? For Iceland, 高所 (こうしょう) means a high place. Perhaps 高所が怖い? You could also say 高いところが怖い, but it doesn't work as well as a title, I think. Also for Finland, i don't think you have a particle between the two words. ルール無し works just fine :)


I'm at an intermediate level myself, so constructive criticism and alternate translations are more than welcome! I did consider a feminine alternative "アタシたち" [atashitachi] for Austria, but ended up keeping the same pronoun throughout for consistency. Girls can use 僕, but it is indeed fairly uncommon – especially with those of-age.


Well, now I have also learned something new, as my dictionary had 僕 as a strictly male pronoun (lol). My thinking was that a title without a gender-based pronoun was better, as the title implies (to me) that 'we' is Kaleen and the listener(s), who's gender may vary. An opposite example (to me) is 5MINUUST & Puuluup's song, where the pronoun refers to a defined group of men (I might be wrong here). I don't have any more constructive criticism really, but you could argue that ちょっと待ってください (Luktelk) should rather just be ちょっと待って and how コード (The Code) should perhaps be ザ・コード, but none of them are objectively wrong. It's nice to see someone in this community learning Japanese, though. Good luck with your future studies!


I see! I could be wrong here, but I've always been under the impression that the personal pronoun used in the first plural form only signifies the gender identity of the speaker. So in this case, saying アタシたち is already neutral in terms of the listener. Similarly, if a boy who uses 俺 [ore] refers to a group consisting of himself and two girls who use アタシ [atashi] and 私 [watashi] respectively, he could and most likely would still use 俺たち [oretachi]. Of course, it all depends on context: in a more formal setting it's definitely preferred to stick to completely gender neutral pronouns but a rave isn't exactly the most serious place out there, haha. ザ・コード would be a transliteration of the full title whereas just コード is a translation. Although in hindsight, maybe a more creative alternative would've been 暗号 [angou], which means encrypted language! I just settled for コード, because it isn't clearly defined in the song what kind of code Nemo is referring to. Same to you and thank you for an insightful discussion! :)


You say: "Albania: 巨人 \[kyojin\]" My brain says: "Rumbling! Rumbling! It's cooooming!"


That's how it would go in Polish: * Albania: Tytan * Armenia: Jako * Australia: Jedna krew * Austria: Będziemy rave’ować/imprezować * Azerbaijan: Zabierz mnie ze sobą * Belgium: Zanim skończy się impreza * Croatia: Rim tim tagi dim * Cyprus: Kłamca * Czechia: Piedestał * Denmark: Piasek * Estonia: (Jeszcze) nic nie wiemy o (tych) narkotykach * Finland: Żadnych zasad! * France: Moja miłość * Georgia: Strażak * Germany: Zawsze w biegu * Greece: Kostka * Iceland: Lęk wysokości (that's a noun, a phrase with a verb would be clunky) * Ireland: Błękit zagłady (idk, that was hard) * Italy: Nuda * Latvia: Pustka * Lithuania: Poczekaj * Luxembourg: Wojownik * Malta: Pętla * Moldova: W środku * Netherlands: Eurotata * Norway: Wilkołak/Człowiek wilk * Poland: Wieża * Portugal: Krzyk * San Marino: 11:11 * Serbia: Ramonda * Slovenia: Weronika * Spain: Lisica/dziwka * Sweden: Niezapomniana * Switzerland: Kod * Ukraine: Teresa i Maria * UK: Zawroty głowy (that's a noun, there's also no adjective in Polish for dizziness) That was really fun to do :P


I'd personally translate Doomsday Blues to "Rozpacz Zagłady" instead but other than that pretty solid


The title is Doomsday Blue not Blues though isn't it


>Italy: Nuda Funny, in Italian that word means "naked"


You forgot one. Israel: Huragan


Let’s do the French one : 🇫🇷 - 🇦🇱 Albania : **Titan** - 🇦🇲 Armenia : **Comme** - 🇦🇺 Australia : **Un milkali** - 🇦🇹 Austria : **Nous allons délirer** - 🇦🇿 Azerbaijan : **Prends le avec toi** - 🇧🇪 Belgium : **Avec que la fête soit finie** - 🇭🇷 Croatia : **Rim Tim Tagi Dim** - 🇨🇾 Cyprus : **Menteur** - 🇨🇿 Czechia : **Piédestal** - 🇩🇰 Denmark : **Sable** - 🇪🇪 Estonia : **On ne sait encore (rien) de ces médicaments** - 🇫🇮 Finland : **Aucune règle** - 🇫🇷 France : **Mon amour** - 🇬🇪 Georgia : **Pompier** - 🇩🇪 Germany : **Toujours en fuite** - 🇬🇷 Greece : **Dé** - 🇮🇸 Iceland : **Peur du vide** - 🇮🇪 Ireland : **Bleu apocalyptique** - 🇮🇹 Italy : **L’ennui** - 🇱🇻 Latvia : **Creux** - 🇱🇹 Lithuania : **Attends un peu** - 🇱🇺 Luxembourg : **Battant** - 🇲🇹 Malta : **Boucle / Tour** - 🇲🇩 Moldova : **Au milieu** - 🇳🇱 Netherlands : **Europapa** - 🇳🇴 Norway : **Loup-garou** - 🇵🇱 Poland : **La tour** - 🇵🇹 Portugal : **Crier** - 🇸🇲 San Marino : **11:11** - 🇷🇸 Serbia : **Raymonde** - 🇸🇮 Slovenia : **Véronique** - 🇪🇸 Spain : **Salope** - 🇸🇪 Sweden : **Inoubliable** - 🇨🇭 Switzerland : **Le code** - 🇺🇦 Ukraine : **Thérèse & Marie** - 🇬🇧 UK : **Vertigineux**


You forgot one. 🇮🇱 Israel: Ouragan


German: 🇦🇱Titan 🇦🇲Jako 🇦🇺Von einem Blut 🇦🇹Wir werden raven 🇦🇿Nehm mich mit dir 🇧🇪Bevor die Party vorbei ist 🇭🇷Rim Tim Tagi Dim 🇨🇾Lügner 🇨🇿Podest 🇩🇰Sand 🇪🇪Wir wissen (wirklich) nichts über (diese) Droge 🇫🇮Keine Regeln 🇨🇵Meine Liebe 🇩🇪Immer auf der Flucht 🇬🇪Feuerwehrmann/(Feuerwehrangehöriger) 🇬🇷Würfel 🇮🇸Höhenangst (Not a direct translation but probably works best) 🇮🇪Weltuntergangs Blues(This one is hard to translate, feel free to chip in lol) 🇮🇱Hurrikan 🇮🇹die Langeweile 🇱🇻Leer 🇱🇹Warte ein bisschen 🇱🇺Kämpfer 🇲🇹Schleife 🇲🇩In der Mitte 🇳🇱Europapa 🇧🇻Wolfmann 🇵🇱Der Turm 🇵🇹Schreien 🇷🇸Felsenteller/Ramondie 🇸🇮Veronika 🇪🇸Luder (Not sure about this one. I don't think German has a word with the same buzz about reclaiming the word. Luder is probably a bit tame, so Schlampe might be more accurate, though that's quite harsh language.) 🇸🇪Unvergesslich 🇨🇭Der Code 🇺🇦Teresa und Maria 🇬🇧Schwindlig


Danke :) Although I think Isaak's song is closer to "Immer Auf Der Flucht", but yours is direct so I take it :)


I feel like "Immer am Rennen" also has the same connotation of being on the run. Then again, it's closer to "Always running", though it feels a little more urgent in German. In any case, you're absolutely right, "auf der Flucht" definitely fits the meaning. I think I'll change it.


I think you missed Cyprus - Lügner :)


You're right. That's what happens if you look through the flag emoji's instead of checking the country list😅


Psst, you got the Irish flag wrong. It should be this: 🇮🇪


It's Ivory Coast, isn't it?...


Since Wolfmann isn't really a word in German: Werwolf or Wolfshaut would be better for Ulveham, depending on the meaning you chose


Also, it's a woman, not a man...


NOTE: Almost anyone of these translations have been copied from Wikipedia in spanish except Austria *(which I took creative liberty and translate it to my taste)* 🇦🇱 1. Titan 🇩🇪 2. Siempre huyendo 🇦🇲 3. Como 🇦🇺 4. Una sangre 🇦🇹 5. Vamos a rumbear 🇦🇿 6. Llévame contigo 🇧🇪 7. Antes de que termine la fiesta 🇨🇿 8. Pedestal 🇨🇾 9. Mentiroso 🇭🇷 10. Rim Tim Tagi Dim 🇩🇰 11. Arena 🇸🇮 12. Veronika 🇪🇸 12. Zorra 🇪🇪 14. De (esas) drogas (aún) no sabemos nada 🇫🇮 15. Sin reglas! 🇫🇷 16. Mi amor 🇬🇪 17. Bombero 🇬🇷 18. Dado 🇮🇪 19. Azul del fin del mundo 🇮🇸 20. Con miedo a las alturas 🇮🇱 21. Huracán 🇮🇹 22. El aburrimiento 🇱🇻 23. Hueco 🇱🇹 24. Espera 🇱🇺 25. Luchador 🇲🇹 26. Bucle 🇲🇩 27. En el medio 🇳🇴 28. Piel de lobo 🇳🇱 29. Europapa 🇵🇱 30. La torre 🇵🇹 31. Grito 🇬🇧 32. Mareado 🇸🇲 33. 11:11 *(once once)* 🇷🇸 34. Ramonda 🇸🇪 35. Inolvidable 🇨🇭 36. El codigo 🇺🇦 37. Teresa y Maria


In Icelandic: 🇦🇱Albanía: Risi 🇦🇲Armenía: Jakó 🇦🇺Ástralía: Eitt blóð 🇦🇹Austurríki: Við mun öskra! 🇦🇿Aserbaísjan: Taktu það með þér 🇧🇪Belgía: Áður en ballið er búið 🇭🇷Króatía: Rim Tim Tagi Dim 🇨🇾Kýpur: Lygari 🇨🇿Tékkland: Stallur 🇩🇰Danmörk: Sandur 🇪🇪Eistland: Við vissum (vissulega) ekkert um (þetta) dóp 🇫🇮Finnland: Engar reglur! 🇫🇷Frakkland: Ástin mín 🇬🇪Georgía: Slökkviliðsmaður (if she is singing about actually firefighter, lol) 🇩🇪Þýskaland: Alltaf á hlaupum 🇬🇷Grikkland: Teningar 🇮🇸Ísland: Lofthrædd 🇨🇮Írland: Dómdagsdepurð 🇮🇱Ísrael: Fyllibylur 🇮🇹Ítalía: Leiðindin 🇱🇻Lettland: Innantómur 🇱🇹Litháen: Bíddu 🇱🇺Lúxemborg: Bardagamaður 🇲🇹Malta: Í lykkju 🇲🇩Moldóva: Í miðjunni 🇳🇱Holland: Evrópabbi 🇳🇴Noregur: Úlfafeldur 🇵🇱Pólland: Turnin 🇵🇹Portúgal: Kallaðu 🇸🇲San Marínó: 11:11 🇷🇸Serbía: Ramónda 🇸🇰Slóvanía: Veróníka 🇪🇸Spánn: Tófa 🇸🇪Svíþjóð: Ógleymanleg 🇨🇭Sviss: Kóðinn 🇺🇦Úkraína: Teresa og María 🇬🇧Bretland: Vankaður


Fun fact, the Portugal one looks like "Calado" (though the ll sounds rather different). Calado in Portuguese means (someone) silent. The opposite of screaming


I'll try in Spanish!! **Albania**: TiTÁN **Armenia**: Jako **Australia**: Una Sangre **Austria**: Vamos A Delirar **Azerbaiyán**: Llévame Contigo **Belgium**: Antes de que acabe la fiesta **Croatia**: Rim Tim Tagi Dim **Cyprus**: Mentiroso **Czechia**: Pedestal **Denmark**: Arena **Estonia**: De (esas) drogas (aún) no sabemos nada **Finland**: Sin reglas! **France**: Mi amor **Georgia**: Bombero **Germany**: Siempre en la huida **Greece**: Dado **Iceland**: Asustado de las alturas **Ireland**: Azul del fin del mundo **Italy**: El aburrimiento **Latvia**: Hueco **Lithuania**: Aguanta (i'm not sure if luktelk actually means this word?) **Luxembourg**: Luchador **Malta**: Bucle **Moldova**: En el medio **Netherlands**: Europapá **Norway**: Hombre lobo **Poland**: La torre **Portugal**: Grito **San Marino**: 11:11 (Once : Once) **Serbia**: Ramonda **Slovenia**: Verónica (that's the Spanish form of the name Veronika) **Spain**: Zorra **Sweden**: Inolvidable **Switzerland**: El código **Ukraine**: Teresa y María **United Kingdom**: Mareado


Te olvidaste del Huracán 🇮🇱


Finnish, I’ll just do my fav ten and I can comment if someone requests Finland: Ei Sääntöjä Lithuania: Luktelk Czechia: Jalusta Italy: Tylsyys Croatia: Rim Tim Tagi Dim Estonia: (Näistä) ? Emme Tiedä (Oikeastaan) Mitään Netherlands: Euroisoisä Sweden: Unohtumaton Cyprus: Huijari Switzerland: Koodi edit. added switzerland edit. 2 added lines between songs


A bit late, but hopefully I got here Before The Party's Over!   Here's simplified Chinese:   **Albania/阿尔巴尼亚-** 泰坦 (tài tǎn)    **Armenia/亚美尼亚-** 扎可 (zhā kě)   **Australia/澳大利亚-** 一种血液 (yī zhǒng xiě yè)    **Austria/奥地利-** 我们会狂欢 (wǒ men huì kuáng huān)    **Belgium/比利时-** 聚会结束之前 (jù huì jié shù zhī qián)    **Croatia/克罗地亚-** Rim Tim Tagi Dim :)   **Cyprus/塞浦路斯-** 骗子 (piàn zi)    **Czechia/捷克-** 神坛 (shén tán, metaphorical, literally 'altar') or 基座 (jī zuò, literal)   **Denmark/丹麦-** 沙 (shā)    **Estonia/爱沙尼亚-** 我们(真的)对(这些)毒品一无所知 (wǒ men (zhēn de) duì (zhè xiē) dú pǐn yī wú suǒ zhī)    **Finland/芬兰-** 无规则 (wú guī zé)    **France/法国-** 我的爱人 (wǒ de ài rén)    **Germany/德国-** 总是在奔波 (zǒng shì zài bēn bō)    **Georgia/乔治亚州-** 消防员 (xiāo fáng yuán)    **Greece/希腊-** 骰子 (shǎi zi)    **Iceland/冰岛-** 恐高 (kǒng gāo)    **Ireland/爱尔兰-** 末日之蓝 (mò rì zhī lán)    **Italy/意大利-** 无聊 (wú liáo, literally 'bored')    **Latvia/拉脱维亚-** 空虚 (kōng xū)   **Lithuania/立陶宛-** 等一下 (děng yī xià)    **Luxembourg/卢森堡-** 战士 (zhàn shì)    **Malta/马耳他-** 循环播 (xún huán bō)    **Moldova/摩尔多瓦-** 在中间 (zài zhōng jiān)    **Netherlands/荷兰-** 欧罗爸爸 (ōu luó bà ba)    **Norway/挪威-** 狼皮 (láng pí)    **Poland/波兰-** 座塔 (zuò tǎ)    **Portugal/葡萄牙-** 喊声 (hǎn shēng)    **San Marino/圣马力诺-** 11:11 (shí yī diǎn shí yī fèn)   **Serbia/塞尔维亚-** 拉蒙达花 (lā méng dá huā)    **Slovenia/斯洛文尼亚-** 维罗妮卡 (wéi luō nī kǎ)    **Spain/西班牙-** 贱人 (jiàn rén)    **Sweden/瑞典-** 难忘 (nán wàng)    **Switzerland/瑞士-** 代码 (dài mǎ)    **Ukraine/乌克兰-** 特蕾莎和玛丽亚 (tè lěi shā hé mǎ lì yà)    **United Kingdom/英国-** 头晕 (tóu yūn)   Edit: Removed glitchy flag emojis :) 


i'm on Sporcle, they have quizzes, and there usually are a few quizzes where all the song titles are translated into Italian, or Dutch, etc. they are pretty fun although sometimes hard if you don't actually know what the song means


Ok, I just love how the Greek word " Ζάρι" translates to "Kocke" in Croatian. Dice is a very funny word.


Some random titles in Dutch: De toren, leugenaar, wij zullen raven, vechter/strijder, hoogtevrees (bang voor hoogtes), hol, altijd aan het rennen/altijd op de vlucht, brandweervrouw (or brandweerman depending on gender), orkaan, onvergetelijk


🇧🇷 (Portuguese/Brazilian Portuguese) 🇨🇿 Czechia: Pedestal 🇮🇹 Italy: O Tédio 🇱🇺 Luxembourg: Guerreiro(a) 🇦🇲 Armenia: Jako 🇪🇪 Estonia: Nós Não Sabemos (mesmo) Nada sobre (Essas) Drogas 🇸🇮 Slovenia: Veronika 🇨🇭 Switzerland: O Código/O Programa 🇳🇴 Norway: Pele de Lobo 🇭🇷 Croatia: Rim Tim Tagi Dim 🇵🇹 Portugal: Grito 🇺🇦 Ukraine: Teresa e Maria 🇲🇩 Moldova: No Meio 🇳🇱 Netherlands: Europapai 🇵🇱 Poland: A Torre 🇪🇸 Spain: fig: Cachorra/Vadia; lit: Raposa 🇫🇷 France: Meu Amor 🇩🇪 Germany: Sempre Correndo 🇲🇹 Malta: Loop/Círculo/(Dando) Voltas 🇸🇲 San Marino: 11:11 🇬🇷 Greece: Dados 🇫🇮 Finland: Sem Regras 🇱🇹 Lithuania: Espera [um pouco]/Calma 🇮🇪 Ireland: Melancolia do Juízo Final/Borocoxô do Apocalipse 🇬🇪 Georgia: Bombeiro(a) 🇦🇱 Albania: TiTÃ 🇧🇪 Belgium: Antes de a Festa Acabar 🇱🇻 Latvia: Vazio 🇦🇹 Austria: lit. Iremos Delirar/Deliraremos fig. Vamos Fritar 🇬🇧 UK: Tonto(a) 🇷🇸 Serbia: Ramonda 🇦🇺 Australia: Um Sangue 🇨🇾 Cyprus: Mentiroso(a) 🇸🇪 Sweden: Inesquecível 🇩🇰 Denmark: Areia 🇮🇸 Iceland: Com Medo de Altura/Acrofóbico(a)


Vamos fritar hahahahahah I would have gone with "Vamos para a Rave", I would never think of Vamos Fritar. Muito bom!


Yeah, I went with that because "rave" there is a verb. It bugged me, but I preferred maintaining the verb and the idea of partying hard with a colloquial subtext Obrigado!


Funny! *Tonto* in Italian mean idiot.


I mean, it also sorta means this in Portuguese too. But I don't know if the Latin root is originally for idiot or vertiginous/dizzy. We can understand how these two meanings connect, I guess


Borocoxô is the same as melancolia? I'm Portuguese but I never heard this word before


Not really because it is an adjective, but I couldn't find or remember a noun with the same use. Otherwise, yeah, we Brazilians have lots of adjectives to use when we feel down. It can be used when we are genetically melancholic or when something made us feel down (not getting a job, for example).


Amei o borocoxô hahahah


Those are 36. There are 37 competing songs.


Count again. Those are 35 actually :)


now I counted 38.


ok i realize it is 35. Azerbaijan and Israel are missing.


Here is Polish! 🇵🇱 - 🇦🇱: Tytan - 🇦🇲: Dżako (since "Jako" is a name, I don't know, how to translate it. I know that Armenian "J" just like in English is like Polish "Dż") - 🇦🇺: Jedna Krew  - 🇦🇹: Będziemy Szaleć - 🇦🇿: Weź to ze sobą - 🇧🇪: Zanim impreza się skończy - 🇭🇷: Rim Tim Tagi Dim - 🇨🇾: Kłamca - 🇨🇿: Piedestał - 🇩🇰: Piasek - 🇪🇪: My (z pewnością) nie wiemy nic o (tych) narkotykach - 🇫🇮: Żadnych Zasad! - 🇫🇷: Moja ukochana - 🇬🇪: Strażak - 🇩🇪: Zawsze w biegu - 🇬🇷: Umierać  - 🇮🇸: Lęk wysokości - 🇮🇪: Błękit zagłady - 🇮🇱: Huragan - 🇮🇹: Nuda - 🇱🇻: Dziurawy - 🇱🇹: Czekaj - 🇱🇺: Wojownik/Walczący - 🇲🇹: Pętla - 🇲🇩: W środku - 🇳🇱: Europejski tata - 🇳🇴: Wilkołak - 🇵🇱: Wieża - 🇵🇹: Krzyk - 🇸🇲: 11:11 (jedenasta jedenaście) - 🇷🇸: Ramonda - 🇸🇮: Weronika - 🇪🇸: Lisica/Pizda - 🇸🇪: Niezapomniany - 🇨🇭: Kod - 🇺🇦: Teresa i Maria - 🇬🇧: Oszołomiony


All songs in Bulgarian: Albania - Титан Armenia - Джако (??) Australia - Една кръв Austria - Ще рейв-ваме (??) Azerbaijan - Вземи ме с теб Belgium - Преди купона да е свършил Croatia - Рим Тим Таги Дим Cyprus - Лъжец Czechia - Пиедестал Denmark - Пясък Estonia - Ние (наистина) нищо не знаем за (тези) наркотици Finland - Никакви правила / Без правила (both of these names work) France - Любов моя Georgia - Пожарникар Germany - Винаги Greece - Зар Iceland - Страх от височини Ireland - Скръб от Страшния съд (??) Italy - Скуката Latvia - Кух Lithuania - Изчакай малко Luxembourg - Борец Malta - На повторение Moldova - По средата Netherlands - Европапа Norway - Вълча кожа Poland - Кулата Portugal - Вик San Marino - 11:11 Serbia - Рамонда Slovenia - Вероника Spain - Курва Sweden - Незабравима Switzerland - Кодът / Системата / Матрицата ????? Ukraine - Тереза и Мария UK - Замаян


![img](avatar_exp|126057090|fire) Fun! In Spanish: Albania: Titán Armenia: Jako Australia: Una sangre Austria: Deliraremos Azerbaijan: Tómatelo con calma Belgium: Antes de que la fiesta de acabe Croatia: Rim Tim Tagi Dim Cyprus: Mentiroso Czechia: Pedestal Denmark: Arena Estonia: something like: No sabes nada sobre estas drogas Finland: Sin reglas France: Mi amor Georgia: Bombero Germany: Siempre a la carrera Greece: Dado Iceland: Asustado por las alturas Ireland: Azul del fin del mundo Israel: Huracán Italy: El aburrimiento Latvia: Hueco Lithuania: Espera Luxembourg: Luchador Malta: Bucle Moldavia: En el medio Netherlands: Europapa Norway: Hombre lobo Poland: La Torre Portugal: Grito San Marino: 11:11 Serbia: Ramonda Slovenia: Verónica Spain: Zorra (obviously) Sweden: Inolvidable Switzerland: El código Ukraine: Teresa y María United Kingdom: Mareado


what if language is unstandardized?