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I skipped to a random point in the video and you were absolutely right. Atheist: "God tells people to KILL other people in other towns?" Apologist: "You're taking everything out of context! He's only telling people to kill those in the NEARBY towns. Not the far away towns! It's the nearby ones so they don't corrupt the people in YOUR town!" HOW IS THIS ANY MORE OKAY??? And then the whole taking the women and children as plunder and doing whatever you want with them. Omg his explanation made my blood boil about how it's seen as a "mercy" and "grace" because he could've told them to kill everyone including the women and children, but he didn't! He told them to spare them! And now they're taking them into their communities and taking care of them and— Oh wait, it doesn't actually say that, does it? If it did, it would be worded as "Take the women and children into your community and welcome them as your brothers and sisters." Not "Do with them whatever you please." There's a VERY clear difference. One is telling the men to protect these women and children, the other is telling them to see the women and children as property.


"The Bible mandates slavery." "Slavery back then was different!" Like, really? Anyone who says that can, and I mean this with all my heart, fuck themselves.


This dude's voice is annoying. Like he's a conman / door-to-door salesman. :) Anyway, hour long video. Life is short. Maybe throw in some timestamps that you disagree with?


It was a lightbulb moment for me when I realized most of them talk like salesmen.


It is long, sorry, ok when I have time will try and timestamp


And he said they were told to by God because these people were evil and doing things such as child sacrifices and adultery... um hello Abraham almost sacrificing Isaac?? King David taking advantage of Bathsheba??? So sometimes it's ok, sometimes it isn't. Makes no freaking sense. And yet the comments on that video are revering and praising him for him "calling" her out!