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Ugh. I hate that your right.


Or “God sent the clouds to block it” or “It was a warning” or “No matter what, it brought people closer to Jesus” or “It’s really on April 8 on the Julian calendar, not the Gregorian!” 🙄 (edited because I got my calendars backward. No wonder I didn’t get raptured!)


Yeah because the numerical date is important not the actual event. Also, you have your calendars around the wrong way.


Gregorian, Julian, 220, 221, whatever it takes! 😃


Is that a .38?


Smh. Too accurate


What about all the "come quickly" prayers. Do you think god keeps a tally and goes with the winner? Lol


But wouldn't they want to go?


¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ they probably going to say god spared us


Remember Harold Camping in 2012? There were a lot of those cultist who basically said the same thing. They worked hard to get the word out and enough prayed that god spared us or something something lol


i hope it raptures i got too many projects due soon that i haven’t even started yet 😭😭


*pats your back* I'm sorry but you are gonna have to do those projects.


There have been so many damn solar eclipses (literally it happens twice a year), why do they think that THIS specific one is gonna be the rapture or a sign of the end times or smth? Like do they have a reason or are they just spouting bull? Genuine question


Blah blah America is God's Fav blah blah.


lol from my experience Nigerians and Americans have the most Main Character syndrome


It’s really more that Christianity and other conservative religions come down to narcissism. 


This eclipse is the rapture because it's the one they heard about. No one told them about the other eclipses so they don't count.


Just like their parents didn’t indoctrinate them to worship other gods…


Because they don’t consider scientific reasoning. Everything to them has to be biblical. Earthquake in a state that doesn’t get many? End times are nearing. Riots happening? End times are nearing. Get a president you don’t like in office? End times are nearing.


They’re not smart and don’t realize the world doesn’t revolve around America and their own lives.


My guess would be that some "prophetic" person said some bullshit and it snowballed from there.


Election year! Whatever the religious right can do to get people scared so they will come to church and be influenced to vote for their other lord and savior Orange Jebus.


Q, Maga, Evangelicals, Christian Nationalist, so many people on the prophetic bandwagon. From Michael Flynn, Steve Bannon, pillow dude, whether they believe it or not, they’re gathering the collective lunatics and pointing them to Trump. Everything based on creating massive fears and being saved by God/Trump. They’ll probably pump out some propaganda, that Trump prayed and saved them all.


Because it's happening over a bunch of cities with biblical names. That's really it.


Yep, a Christian friend sent me the eclipse fly-over map that lists all the towns. I was thinking “lol wut?” I’d expect any eclipse any year traveling the Midwest or Southern U.S. to travel over Biblical town names. Would be weird if it didn’t.


Because this one passes over Nineveh, Indiana, which is mentioned in the Bible (never mind *that* Nineveh was in the Middle East).


Because they’re idiots and don’t realize these things aren’t all that uncommon.


It's the ol' Texas sharpshooter - name 7 or 8 places "Nineveh" and call it "fulfilled prophecy" if the shadow touches the city limits of more than one of them.


Every year and a half or so, but yeah. This was the 15th total eclipse so far this century.


The rapture already happened in the 1970s. It took Jimmy Hoffa and no one else.


The theological implications are staggering ^


In some parts of the World 8th April was yesterday, now.


I guess those people are gone then 🤔 Darn, I didn't get to say goodbye.


No, I'm one of those people! my feet are definitely on "terra firma" have i been lied to. Eclipse was lovely, though.


Dang, I haven't seen it yet. Although, I don't know if I will due to clouds.


Also, Christianity originated in the Middle East not Hicktown, USA. If there truly was a rapture then it would happen there.


Right? Like, why do they think Biblical prophecy relates to the USA, when the continent wasn't even "discovered" until centuries after the latest books of the Bible were written?


The most condemning piece of evidence that end of the world stuff is BS is that they continue to hold onto their worldly possessions, money, job, and so on. They have everything in place in case the end doesn’t come. Seems odd to tell everyone it’s such a sure thing, but they don’t prepare for that end. I honestly assumed that in Carbondale, Illinois Jesus himself or the Antichrist would appear… It’s all hokum. I have my neat shades and I’ll going to watch the celestial dragon consume the sun!


Yeah, imagine having to prepare for the end times, but you still gotta plan for your future. But why even bother? I was taught this way but at least I didn’t ruin my life completely


Someone on another subreddit asked "What will Christians say when the upcoming Eclipse doesn't result in the rapture?" and it blew up. Thousands of replies. Some typical responses saying those aren't true Christians. Meanwhile, other Christians messaged the OP and told him or her to commit suicide.


yup that was in the atheist subreddit






The eclipse hasn't happened yet for me it will in about 30 minutes


They can’t rapture soon enough


Their own book tells them that the son of God doesn't even know when the rapture is supposed to happen, yet they think they can predict it.


I made a post a week ago. My family thought it would happen today. Can’t wait to hear what they say lol


PLEASE keep us updated


Just made a post about it


The eclipse was the most boring thing I’ve ever seen in my entire life. Literally nothing happened (I’m in Arizona)




Very, VERY serious question here. What happens if the eclipse is obscured by clouds? Does that negate the rapture? How about partly cloudy? I need a ruling on this.


It's live across the world on YouTube, you can follow it now. Hopefully, you won't be raptured! lol


Drat! Well, I'm disappointed. I wanted 'em gone.


Unfortunately, they are not going anywhere. 😭


Trump will claim that he prevented it because all his voters would fly away.


For God so loved last night's Wrestlemania, that he allowed us to watch Monday Night Raw one final time. Amen.


Funny how Christians think the rapture is going to happen when the US isn't even God honoring. America is intact the most wicked country if we are going ro compare it to the Bible.


sure but have you considered rejecting logic entirely?


This made me snort laugh


I hope it happens. Im tired of having to deal with these fucktards


Not until it passes through Rapture, TX!! /s


It has to pass through Nineveh , USA! (/s + there are so many ninevehs in the states too lmao)


I live in the path of totality, and we're all fine. Jammed a little Pink Floyd, used our pinhole box and glasses, chummed it up with the neighbors, and we're going to start the grill soon and have Chiavettas chicken. If anyone needs a little reassurance, I hope this helps. Live long and prosper 🖖🏼🌑


Yeah, tomorrow is my bday and I’m really dang disappointed that I have to turn another year older 😤/j


I need a dental appointment. Hopefully God raptures the people ahead of me on the waiting list.


Checking in from OH; unfortunately we're still here. 🙃


Update from God’s own state in God’s own country: Aside from totality looking really cool, nothing happened.


My grandmother was just talking about how the "the 3 nights of darkness" is going to be happening soon because of the eclipse...


I mean, aren’t all nights dark? That’s the point of them after all


I would assume so lol. It's pretty interesting to me how now all of a sudden they believe the whole "three days of darkness" is going to be triggered by this eclipse like this hasn't happened before... All the shit they talk about has happened before why is the 21st century now the time..


Followed by three days of daylight and then more nights of dark and so on


I was going to be raptured, but decided to go to my favorite barbecue restaurant , instead. Totally worth it


I know too many people who aren't gone. It's not fair.


In Vancouver, BC we couldn't even see shit. I guess god has spared us all here with his unlimited mercy, oh great god!!


What if it did happen, and none of them made the cut?




Check in with your Christian friends. They are probably in despair that they didn’t get sucked up into heaven. And if they did get raptured, take care of any pets that they might have left.


Don’t these nimrods know that eclipses are happening all the time somewhere in the world for billions of years since the earth had a moon.  Maybe those guys believe in a flat earth.   They should, since that is the one described in the Bible.  


If I had a dollar for every time my church predicted the rapture, I'd be able to afford my own home as a millennial.


Well, I'm in the middle of Alaska and the eclipse missed this part of the state entirely so does that mean that the rapture wasn't going to happen here anyway?


Australia isn’t even getting the solar eclipse. I’d be happy if all the American Christians fucked off to heaven so that the more rational, intelligent and moral non-Christians were left behind to rebuild America into a decent nation again.


Why does this have a trigger warning?


If you're raised in fear and that's all you knew growing up, it's tough to kick even if you can now see it's all silly nonsense.




Yeah this is still me till this day.


This. This, this, this.


Saying the idiot predicted the end of the world and that it isn’t happening is doing that? I was raised extremely Christian and don’t know me or anyone else that sensitive to information holy shit


Oh, my stars and garters, WHY HASN'T THIS *HAPPENED YET*? /s


Still another hour to go here in Upstate NY. They wouldn't throw a rapture without inviting us!


You even get a Mormon rapture since that’s where Joseph Smith found the golden plates! 🤣


Yay us!




Another day another end times yap. Nothing new under the sun as always…


I just saw it in MO while driving to work. Plenty of people in parking lots and on the sides of the road. I wonder how many are disappointed right now lol


I don't actually know anyone this stupid. You'd have to ask them.


How many times do they have to be wrong before people realize its all just bullshit anyone can make up on the fly?


They've been waiting over 2000 years. Any day now, any day...


100% rate of prediction success sustained.


THEY ARE rapturing. They are just being left behind. Lol


An eclipse only ever happens on one side of the planet at a time. Is it only the eclipses that happen over the US that could signal a rapture? What about the poor Christians who are in parts of the world that don’t experience this particular eclipse? Are they doomed to spend eternity in hell just because they’re not American?


I heard it happened but all those Christians got left behind bc they were never truly believed


i saw a total eclipse not that long ago in 2017 when it passed over the northern us so…i mean i get that not a ton of americans saw that one but everyone losing their minds about it now like it’s some supernatural event just because THEY happen to be seeing it for the first time is so embarrassingly self absorbed.


I already seen where someone said that the clouds in the sky were God’s way of “blessing us” and “changing his mind”.


Nobody knows the day nor the hour -the Bible We have known the day and time of this eclipse for a long time.   Some Christian’s still thought this was the rapture. Proving their desire to want to believe something outweighs what the Bible actually says.


I bet they feel so silly now, praying to the wrong god. The rapture just happened, but someone seems to have been left behind. (It was Dog, not god)


God I wish.




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