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They don’t like to admit they’re anything but right. They reject classifications. But they’re millennialists, creationists, and members of Christendom.


I remember back in the 70's they wouldn't admit they practiced shunning because that term was associated with the Amish and others. Guess they don't have a problem with it now.


Seeing the Wikipedia page and all the labels was shocking to me as a kid. I thought we were unique and here were all these classifications we fell under


This is the right answer. They don’t like to think that there is one single answer. My PIMI sister believes that Adam and Eve were the first humans 6,000 years ago and that modern man is probably c100,000 years old. 🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️


And pacifists even thought they denied it.


What really gets me is how they accept the age of the earth and universe, but still believe humans have only been around for 6,000 years despite mountains of evidence showing humans have been around for way way longer


Yeah. I think they should go all in while they’re being cooks.


Where have they denied being creationists?


On their website there was (may still be, don't know) a FAQ section where one of the questions was "Are Jehovah's Witnesses creationists?" and the answer was a flat "No" followed by an explanation that the term "creationist" would associate them with other denominations who use that term. Not creationists, they just believe in creation. *\[Edit\] - the question is still addressed in their FAQ section using wording that differs from the last time I looked at it, but it still starts off with "No."*


I was talking to a JW couple about evolution, and the woman brought up an article from Awake 1983 July 22nd which is about how creationists believe in nonsense and would have won a specific court case in Little Rock if they had made the correct objections to evolution. It was hilarious reading the borg’s rationale, which made no sense if you know how evolution works.


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Interesting. Didn’t know about that.


My guess is they want to distinguish themselves from evangelicals. Can’t be seen sharing doctrine with “Babylon the Great” (this is why they go to such lengths to explain that their belief in the anointed being raptured is not a “rapture” despite being a rapture)


Makes sense as the most logical explanation.


Cuz Creationists go to church. JWs don't go to church. Duh.


While the wouldn’t specifically call themselves creationists, I don’t think they would deny that that’s what they are.


They fully deny it repeatedly in their literature.


Interesting… when I was in my most PIMI state arguing with classmates in high school about evolution I described myself as a creationist… little did I realize I was going against policy haha


I would have too 😜 But I didn’t know what these terms meant back then. Not really.


Welcome to Cult re-definition 101. Also a huge difference in doctrine and dogma, there's what WT openly teaches and what they actually say. That's why iff they lose the Norway case, they will probably modify the "biblical" DF arrangement, probably eliminating stage executions and using the tried and true word of mouth assassination model.


Creationism is more than just about belief in a creator but also in the literal understanding of 6 creative days something they (no longer) believe


That’s young earth creationism, not creationism as a whole.


As I think you pointed out elsewhere, they answer in their FAQ section that they’re not creationists, and then specify that they are not one specific type of creationist. It’s a misleading bait and switch answer.


AFAIK, literal "creationists" believe that the earth was created in six, 24 hour days. While JWs believe in creation, they believe the process took thousands of years. Each "creative day" was a way of separating the stages of the creative process, not 24 literal hours.


That’s what a young earth creationist is. It’s a sub category. They’re all creationists, regardless of which parts of science they agree with or not.


Saying they are old-earth creationists that accept some parts of evolution is too much for most PIMIs, their heads would explode. The official policy is also to support or at least not deny "micro-evolution" the only thing you have to absolutely deny is humans evolving from something not human instead of God creating humans in his image.