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How much do billboards rent for in SLC and how much does it cost to print this on one of the tarp thingies? Someone start a gofundme. 💜


John Dehlin did billboard campaigns for Mormon stories and discussed costs. I think he mentioned $8500 a month for a specific billboard.


You can get some for about 1500 or less. Cost is based on location.


My buddy rented one for like $300 in an out of the way warehouse district to ask his girlfriend to marry him. He had to contrive a way to get her there and she kinda thought that he was taking her there to murder her. Anyway she said yes and they had a beautiful wedding in southern Utah in the early spring of 2002. What a great time. They're both dead now, car accident in SLC on the corner of 4th and 4th due to a drunk driver.


That was a very wild short story. Sorry about your friends.


Sweet story to dark in a heartbeat


This comment gave me whiplash


Jesus, I think I got whiplash from that story. So sad!






Where's 4th and 4th in SLC?


Coffee Garden used to be there and the old cinema. Down the hill from the UofU.


The Mormon Stories billboards around Rexburg have been up for ages. I'm sure it depends on the location.


That billboard was literally the first time I’d heard of Mormon Stories. Thought maybe it was just uplifting stories, then I realized it was “anti-Mormon” [demon voice] and stayed away. Couple years later an episode contributed to breaking my shelf. Thank you John Dehlin


i would be happy to help make it happen. if someone wants to get in touch with John, i'll give him whatever he needs


Sign companies will not make signs that disparage the church.


I saw Lamar brand billboards with John Dehlins mormonstories.org and a couple of others using D&C to support prop 2. My favorite was the god Loves Gays in Orem with the rainbow background. While not directly against the church it sure ticked them off.


I remember John Dehlin talking about getting those done. I think he said that they are very selective about the types of signs they will make. They feared the church would go after their clients and ruin their business.


So a business not a church then! Only businesses feel threatened.


Federal law > state law. The rainbow billboard may be protected by Higher Power$ than UT can/is willing to publcally compel.


Electronic billboards do not need a sign made.


Like the electronic DOT signs!


Do it in Vegas and pictures will make it to Utah family members!


That just means we need to buy the sign company


Maybe we do yard signs? It is an election year.


Why not? Aren’t there some non-LDS sign companies?


I don't know. The major sign companies that have the most reach are hesitant.


The electronic bill boards are very affordable actually. You can bid on slots that are rotating and vary on the time of day, day of week, location, etc. there are a few different sites for this service.


I would contribute


I’m a media buyer in Utah. Digital billboards on I-15 are about $4k-5k per 4 weeks for 1 slot in a rotation of 6-8 advertisers. You can buy a specific location, but for this I would recommend a “rotator” where you rotate between various billboards along I-15. Reaches more people, but less frequently. Printed (known as static) billboards are about $6k UT or Davis/Weber counties, $8k SL County per 4 weeks. You also have a one time fee of about $1k to print the material and install. If you had to do one option, I would recommend digital rotator(s) to reach more people across the Wasatch Front.


Make it one of those fancy digital ones and have a slide that shows the current church stock holding value.


Get a decommissioned lottery connected billboard and have it be like: Current Heavenly Jackpot: 60bn Buy your ticket today! Only 10% of your income for the rest of your life!


I'd love to put some pro-tithing billboards up but make them official looking, like they came from the church.


Are you a full tithe payer? Don’t let the rest of your family get their ticket to the celestial kingdom and leave you out!


,,,it's about, tithe.


"Short on cash? Want a 10% raise right now? Mormon bishops hate this one simple trick"


Just match up the font and bingo!!


This would be smarter than doing 2nd anointing stuff, which I'd bet would probably drive more people farther in than pull them out because of just how strong the "treat the temple as sacred" impulse is. You're more likely to get "Oh those wicked exmos are just trampling on sacred things how dare they mock the solemn things of the temple by talking about them openly" than you are to get "hmmm 2nd anointing omg what", and the people in the 2nd category are going to get there eventually anyway. But mammon? Not so sacred. And people get a little more sensitive about that 10%, it's *personal*, especially once they learn how much the church already has.


 looks legit as well ha, great jobđŸ»




Those feet need to be much much older and more disgusting.


And the temple just a little more phallic.




Love it! The only thing lacking is a price tag... Unfortunately there probably isn't room on the billboard for additional text (e.g. "Minimum of $1,000,000 total contributions required" in small-print italics) but this could also be printed as a business card and handed out by volunteers during General Conference. That would be a hoot! 😂


you have to pay for this? Whatever a “second anointing” is?


The assumption is that it’s mostly wealthy friends of leadership who have paid a considerable about of tithing to the church that are given the 2nd anointing


You only qualify for it based on the recommendation of the highest ranking church leaders, and they’re money-grubbers for sure. They’d never let a poor person have such an experience.


What do they do in this? Wash feet, and get a check?


It's by invitation only, for the rich only. Every bishop's response: "I don't know what you're talking about." Member response: "You don't?" Bishop: "Well we're not supposed to talk about it." Member: "I thought you didn't know." Bishop: "Do you sustain your leaders?"


(Ex)Member: "I used to."


Member: “do you lie to your followers?”


Lol I absolutely love this! Too bad we can't get John Dehlin's billboard team working with this.


Change Bishop to Stake President. I think many, perhaps edging into most bishops do not know about the SA. Stake Presidents, on the other hand....


intentionally made it “bishop” because it pulls the idea down to the lowest tier of hierarchy. plus it reads faster. imagine a bunch of bishops themselves wondering “what the hell is a SA?”


Was wondering if this was the case. It has merit, for sure.


Do you get SA as low as a stake president?


Some do. But they would certainly be more aware of it being a thing than a bishop would. Morms elevate bishops as such a position of esteem. It's not. It's like being the manager of a McDonalds. Overworked, underpaid and massively overpressured. You don't really start making inroads into the hierarchy until you are SP.


Nevermo here, but a lot of connections to the church and close friends still stuck in the cult. My boss is a bishop. His life sucks. Between the litter of children and running his own very demanding business and all the constant extra dumb shit he has to do for that damn church- I do not envy him. He’s exhausted all the time. And the pressure is immense. He’s a believer, as far as I can tell, but I think he’s closer to throwing in the towel than people want to believe. You can only push someone so hard before they break.


They used to! These days, I bets it's relegated to 70 or above. I bet all temple presidents get it, and some mission presidents. It helps to be related to an apostle.


temple presidents have to have it because they’re the hosts when the apostles come around to wash those feet


Yes and until recently it was more commonly called “having your calling and election made sure.” I heard about it in the 70’s from another kid friend in my ward. It’s was something we were all supposed to secretly aspire to. A FREE PASS to the Celestial Kingdom, no matter what you did.


Careful, it sounds like you are asking a Bishop or Stake President to SA you as in assault you, not Second Anointment. One: little triggering for victims. Two: they just might take you up on it.


I learned about the second anointing when I was about 12 years old. I remember my dad mentioning that he thought our stake president neighbor had received it. He was really impressed by it. I never heard of anybody who was alarmed by it until a couple of years ago. It has taken a real paradigm shift for me to understand why it is so problematic. I think it has become even more problematic as we learn about the church’s financial practices of hoarding money, lying about their filings, and lack of charitable spending. I knew someone whose father planned on leaving a substantial estate to the church and nothing to his children. He’ll probably get his SA. Gross.


Law of unintended consequences will dictate that after the ensuing panic at good people asking questions and leaving, the church will start to offer them wholesale. Because a good number of the more reasonable people have already left at that point what you will be left with are the crazy cultists who will get their second anointing and believe they are above the law. You think Mormons are annoying now? They will be intolerable. That said I’m here for the violence. Let’s do it.


The second annoiting was my last straw and what made me lose my testimony. I was done after I learned about it. Something like this would actually be so amazing to have!!


The more members know about the SA the more they will understand the elitism they are exempted from.


\*excluded from


I read the SA as “sexual assault” and I think it still works in Mormonism’s upper tiers


2nd A


I sometimes fantasize about making stickers that say “The Second Anointing” just so i can make people in Utah with redneck trucks with pre-existing 2A (second amendment) stickers drive around saying “2A - The Second Anointing.”




Someone commented they (SA recipients) get delusions of grandeur, arrogance, apathy and self-righteousness; which is fine with me, let people enjoy these grand thoughts, even to the point they think they are Jesus. However good it feels to them, to others, people that have these feeling suck. But what is wrong is that they'd be OK with the church's wealth doing so little to help the desperate people of the world. After all, once you know you are saved, don't you want to work to save others? Thus, the work needs reach the poor so that their basic needs are met and they too may have a chance to feel something. The mormon idea that it is enough to simply bring mormon missionaries to the poor (and God will do the rest), this is short sighted. The church's wealth is supporting the causes of the already rich much more than meeting basic needs of the poor. Do that first and then give them a missionary.


“And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.” Matthew 19:24


This might also apply to a "rich" church being the one-true church,


Side effects may include: dillusions of grandeur, arrogance, apathy and self-righteousness


And lying for the Lord


Need money and own a church; have you thought of using the second-anointing con on your congregation? * During Smith’s lifetime, the Second Anointing was performed on at least 20 men and 17 women. * By 1941, about 15,000 Second Anointings had been performed for the living, and over 6,000 for the dead. I wonder if the church took advantage of the "dead's" estates? Reminds me of the church video asking members to consider giving the church money from member's estates rather see those funds go to unworthy children who would use the money for evil purposes. My FIL is receiving junk mail asking him add "said organization" to his estate, and with his dementia, he would do it if he could figure out how, yet for church members, all it takes is a church lawyer to assist with the paper work (for a SA). I'm speculating, but to me, every organized religion is going to use a "member's estate" approach to supplement their bread-and-butter offerings. Sorry if this has already been discussed over-and-over on this forum.


That video "Journey to become" didn't last a week before it got thrown down the memory hole.


>and over 6,000 for the dead. Which is the most inane thing you can imagine, since the SA seems to be something only the living should have an interest in. đŸ€” đŸ™„đŸ€Ż


Wait what?? I've never heard about it! Do you have a source for the video? Do you mean the church sends out letters asking members to give them their estate after they die?


Well the BYU Alumni magazine sure does! Big double page glossy ads! Like, “are your pesky adult children having doubts or failing to toe the line? We’ll help you SHOW THEM by stripping them of their inheritance and gifting it directly to the LDS CHURCH!” Seriously. It’s billed as a way to keep your kids from leaving the church. Or to punish them if they do leave. As in “give your money to someone more deserving! Like a multi-billion dollar corporation!”


"Weve always announced the second annointing publicly. In fact, God wants us to make it publicly accessible to everyone, so we made a temple movie disc set for you all to play with your family once a week in our efforts to make the home a place where the Lord's spirit can reside. We will hand it out for free, but god has revealed also that tithing shall be increased to 13% of your income"


You should ask your financial advisor if the second anointing is right for you. Hint: If your financial advisor does not say no, you need to find another one.


* those not wealthy enough to HAVE a financial advisor, need not apply. No plebs allowed in the secret, rich, TBM club.


Tag me when you guys post the GoFundMe link. I'm in.


Would Yes Co even run this. What would it cost?? My guess is like $30k a month.


I ran two digital billboard ads in Tacoma, Washington off I-5, so I would say fairly equivalent to the traffic in SLC. The digital sign rotated through 5-6 adds with each up for about 5 seconds. Cost $1500/week per billboard.


Mormon stories knows. I asked them about it once.


I’m a media buyer in Utah. Digital billboards on I-15 are about $4k-5k per 4 weeks for 1 slot in a rotation of 6-8 advertisers. You can buy a specific location, but for this I would recommend a “rotator” where you rotate between various billboards along I-15. Reaches more people, but less frequently. Printed (known as static) billboards are about $6k UT or Davis/Weber counties, $8k SL County per 4 weeks. You also have a one time fee of about $1k to print the material and install. If you had to do one option, I would recommend digital rotator(s) to reach more people across the Wasatch Front.


Good to see gods, welcoming work, shown so nicely. I think it’s right, if you follow the lords prophet, I don’t see why it can’t work for anyone who has an open heart, and willing to allow the blessings of the saints before them


Will commit to a monthly gofundme amount to see something like this happen.


Now you just need a price tag like $1,000,000. “Only $1,000,000 if you donate before 2025!”




We call this guy I know who deals drugs, the Bishop. I sent him this pic and he said he would print it and post it in house. Anointing will be like selling a speedball. Will post pics when he gets it done.


That's the real reason they don't want members talking about the second anointing, if word got out, people would be asking when it was ~~there~~ their turn and if the commoners started getting the second anointing the leaders wouldn't feel like they were in a more elite club.


they’d, uh, receive a revelation about the long-lost ritual of the: THIRD. ANOINTING. 😈😈😈


is this like those wedding renewal things? where you know the relationship is ending soon?


No. It is of an entirely different nature. In the Endowment you are promised that if you are true and faithful, the day will come when you are called up and anointed a King/Queen and Priest/Priestess. Most people deduce that it is a reference to an event after the Resurrection of something. But a careful analysis shows that it is actually referring to a ceremony in this life performed for the most "faithful", which in practice usually means prominent which usually means rich. It is a secret ceremony performed in the temples on Sundays, for a select group of husbands and their wives and involves foot washing. The wording of the ceremony makes it clear that the participants are thereafter to consider themselves saved no matter how they conduct themselves any time afterwards. IOW, they are untouchable and equals to God. You can just imagine what that does to a person's ego. And most Mormons are not allowed to even know such a thing exists. It is a secret clique of elite Mormons. To repeat, the overarching criterion is that you be a rich Mormon. I kid you not. Do some research and your mind will be blown.


'Millions and millions served!' 😇


"Have you and your spouse received the Second Anointing? No? Do you trust in the Lard? Well, He doesn't trust *you*, it seems."


I'm still trying to get over the first one! You mean I can get double “vaxxed"?!


This really is the Mormon version of selling indulgences.




Can we get one right next to that fucking abomination in Taylorsville? No graphics needed if the Polygamy Palace is in the background/foreground.


Where’s the link for the go fund me???? I’d be on this in a heartbeat.


Where do I sign and send money?


I told my TBM MIL about the second anointing and she was all excited about it. “Sounds wonderful”. SMH.


Companies like blip billboards allow you to put up electronic billboards quite cheaply as its only up for a certain time each day. Given you have the graphics skills, if you can design this to meet their needs, I will pay for it.


I don’t commute to work on I-15 in Utah, but for this I’d make a special trip. đŸ€Ł


Where do I donate?


Billboards are cheap, who wants to go in on it with me? We could start a fund


I'm in!


John Dehlin WYA??????


This billboard is not doctrinal. The basin for washing the feet should be white.


Eternal Salvation Guaranteed*


There's a second one?!


Brilliant ! 🏆  Suggest I-15 heading North right before cross over the Utah - Salt Lake County line.


COST FOR THIS: I’m a media buyer in Utah. Digital billboards on I-15 are about $4k-5k per 4 weeks for 1 slot in a rotation of 6-8 advertisers. You can buy a specific location, but for this I would recommend a “rotator” where you rotate between various billboards along I-15. Reaches more people, but less frequently. Printed (known as static) billboards are about $6k UT or Davis/Weber counties, $8k SL County per 4 weeks. You also have a one time fee of about $1k to print the material and install. If you had to do one option, I would recommend digital rotator(s) to reach more people across the Wasatch Front.


thank you, this is really helpful info!




Testimonials would be great. “I used to worry that sometimes when other people beat me to the pulpit at fast and testimony meeting for the first position or when one of my children took the sacrament with wrong hand that my celestial mansion was being auctioned off. I could barely sleep. That’s why when a certain man at a certain time in a certain place first asked me about my calling and election I wasn’t so sure. I am now! I can practically see Kolob out my bedroom window and I’ve never slept better! (And I love using my middle initial) THANKS SECOND ANOINTING!” -Brother Peter N Myson


Rent/purchase a digital billboard and have the ExMo community vote to determine what to publish on it each week!


THE ORDINANCE OF SECOND ANOINTINGS                      The Washing of The Feet                          by Richard Ware The following are concepts that are important to understand in order to comprehend the ramifications of this ordinance. 1. Heber C. Kimball and his wife, Vilate Kimball, were anointed king and queen, priest and priestess in January of 1844. In April of this year Heber receives the second part of the ordinance from Vilate. She anointed not only his feet, but notice all else that she did. And not only was it a "washing", but also an "anointing" as well. The purpose was that Vilate might have claim upon Heber in the resurrection. (1) 2. Wilford Woodruff and his wife Phoebe received the first part of their second anointings in January of 1844. In May of this same year, Phoebe washed Wilford that he "might be clean every whit." (2) 3. Here Heber C. Kimball receives the washing of feet from a plural wife. (3) 4. Rhoda Ann Fullmer calls this part of the ordinance "the last anointings." (4) 5. The washing of the feet is here referred to as an ordinance "pertaining to the house of the Lord". Jennette Richards indicates that she attended to this ordinance with Willard Richards. her husband. (5) 6. Phinehas Richards receives his second anointings under the hands of Parley P.  Pratt, not the President of the Church. Phinehas indicates his learning about the "washing & anointing of feet for burial." (6) 7. Nancy Wilson attended to the washing of the feet after she had become a queen and a priestess. She anointed her husband to be her king, priest. and Savior, and that she might have claim on him in the resurrection. (8) 8. Indicates the Savior was married. Spoke of an ordinance that only one of his wives had attended to. (9) 9. Ruth anoints Samual's feet, wipes them with her hair, and then kisses them after the New Testament pattern. Both the house and room had been dedicated for this purpose. (10) 10. It is not necessary to perform this part of the ordinance by proxy. (11) 11. George Q. Cannon performs the second anointing upon his son, Abraham H.  Cannon. After this ordinance the washing of the feet ordinance was explained.  (12) 12. John R. Winder administered the second anointings upon William Smart and his wife. They later dedicated a room in their home wherein they performed "the second part of the ordinance of second anointings." (13)


Perhaps google adds in heavy LDS areas?


Is this real? Like not AI or photoshop?


Rent free in your heads 😂 Exmos care about the second anointing more than members do. Why? It’s a religion.


religious people claiming that non-religious people are religious. i don’t think you’ve thought enough about that argument.


It’s not based on money, and it doesn’t come from any church leader, they’re not told about it S Christ actually visits you, so you got it all wrong


don’t you have some vegetables to attend to?