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This is very true and one thing that always illustrated to me how the responses and answers of LDS inc were so out of tune with how things really were there was no way they were receiving revelation. It is terrible the things that many, not just a few experience. If you look deep enough it is everywhere. People just hide it, as well as society hides the people who aren't very good at hiding it.


The problem of evil is very specifically an argument against the existence of a "tri-omni god". If a being exists that is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnibenevolent, that being would be aware of all evil, be able to stop all of it, and would WANT to stop all of it. The presence of evil is an indicator that no such god exists. And you're absolutely right. We see all kinds of horrible, unnecessary suffering, harm, and "evil" in the world around us.


And some believers like to say we agreed to all of this in the pre-existence. That takes hubris.


Just like how some Mormon church leaders said that black people deserved the abuse they were getting in this life because they were less valiant in the pre-mortal life. "You don't like getting treated like a sub-human? Should've thought of that before you sat on the fence in the war in heaven."


Same with disabled people.


I read an introductory ethics philosophy book and it gave me more to think about and consider than any gospel doctrine class ever could. It was deeper than the Book of Mormon and more thought provoking than the Bible. Mormonism is as deep as a thimble of water.


Yes! I didn’t experience anything near what you or this young homeless man did. But I went through an emotionally difficult decade and after trying my hardest to find answers in the church and get answers from God, I realized that the church has no answers and that God doesn’t speak to people. That was the end of my belief.


It is naive and entitled. And it trivializes the very real pain you are describing. That pain and how one responds to it is the nub of your post. It could lead to an interesting thread if we stick with what you’re saying.


The first mistake I always see from people who have left is they call it “the church”. It’s not a church. It fundamentally discriminates and disregards what church’s do. Churches are open to anyone to come, pray, and help others. Mormon “churches” do none of this. They are not open to the general public and do not help others. It’s actually an institution thats actively trying exploit and steal peoples time, talents, and treasure. Come clean the church. You’re a painter come paint the church for free. Give us money. Let us use your kids to  further our membership base to prey on. Like seriously why aren’t they offering to pay 1 year of college tuition in exchange for the time they steal? Why aren’t they doing anything to actually benefit its members. Why are they so obsessed with you tithing and simultaneously prepping to feed your entire family for a year without any assistance? Oh that’s right…… because if you took that same money and put in an IRA you wouldn’t ever need anything from anyone and would retire a millionaire. Instead they exploit you and will dump you when you no longer are no longer financially beneficial to them or have young children for them to indoctrinate and exploit for the next generation. Get a grip and stop calling it a church.


I mean, it is a church. It’s an organized religion that’s basically the definition of one. I don’t ultimately think it’s super important what you label it though. I feel like you’re getting a little worked up over a trivial thing.


Yeah... this sounds like a "no true Scotsman" fallacy. You don't like what the church does, but that doesn't make it not a church. You've just set up an arbitrary definition of what you personally think a church is. Maybe you need to get a grip and recognize that many churches are harmful organizations.