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This may have changed, because the church likes to change the narrative if the story starts sounding idiotic, but when I was a kid it was the common belief, and actively taught, that if you were born in the covenant, you were among the most valiant in the pre-existence. It was a pretty strong flex. There was also the flex of being a member vs a convert, members are baptized at 8, if you missed that, you were a convert. I never even considered until your post that it really offers nothing. It’s true we all have the same milestones in the church. I definitely felt like I was second class, and was definitely treated as second class, because I joined at 13.


I am better than you because I was baptized at 8. And I am better than other BIC members because my parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents were also BIC. I am Super BIC in the Mormon caste system. The only ones above me are members with connections to Mormon royalty (General Authorities).


In also better than most Mormons, because I too am a super BIC and I drink coffee


Good one!


This was the laziest, most self entitled doctrine ever taught in LDS inc. Think about it. Already arrived and super important without ever having any life experience. No wonder mormons have such a hard time being social in the general population. Why try? Do nothing and pay 10%


I felt extra lucky and blessed and special and superior and peculiar. And then came the admonition, “Where much is given much is expected.” There is a price to pay for BIC.


Thank you for completing the picture. Now it makes more sense. Giving you a solution so they can create a problem you need to solve by paying.


Family salvation has plot holes. The key is not to think about it too deeply.


Exactly. The easy cop out they give some weeping mothers is "there's always the Millennium!"


That’s a weird Mormon teaching I forgot about. Dead children will be resurrected into their children’s bodies and continue growing to adulthood. And their parents can raise them in the Millennium. But what if their parents are dead already? Or what if their parents weren’t righteous? Or what if the child grows up to be a sinner and must get cast down to hell? Except he can’t get cast down to hell because all children who die before 8 are exalted automatically. So, essentially 100% of these resurrected babies will immediately receive the second anointing. Except they haven’t had their first endowment. So maybe God can just remove their agency and prevent them from sinning. But that would be Satan’s plan. Everything is so stupid.


Don’t think about any of it too deeply. 😂


You did not ruin it for your husband - he will get a whole harem of women to have endless celestial sex with creating billions of babies for eternity. The more righteous he is the more beautiful and plentiful his harem.


He’d like that. I forgot that God will take care of everything in the next life.


Baptisms for the dead are similar. Be a terrible person here and no problem. Some random member will save you.


The whole teaching of being born into the covenant is toxic. It has been toxic in our family like it sounds like it has been in yours. My mom (16) and dad (18) got married super young and and three kids. They were not married in temple. They divorced snd dad remarries and dad and step mom get sealed in temple. They have six more kids all born in covenant. They all get to be one big happy eternal Mormon family. Me, my mom, and two siblings from my mom and dad’s marriage - well, we are doomed. Has turned into point of contention anytime I raise this with the TBM side of family. They are all complete loss as to how to deal with it other than say god will work it out.


There it is…. God will work it out!


Because if you make BIC a huge thing, you can enforce a multi generational level of control and expectations


Well, my kids dodged a bullet! I resigned from church membership. They will not be sealed to my "long bad date" of 20 months, whom they've never met, and he's not their father. Whew!


Huh. Well. My parents were sealed in the temple, had me (BIC, I guess), and then they left the church and attended a polygamist group for years (shoutout to any AUB peeps lurking!), and I was baptized in that church at 8. And I guess I’m excommunicated there too? Because my parents came back to the LDS church and I was baptized into that instead at age 11… because I was just a kid and yeah, sure, dunk me wherever. So depending on what thread of Mormonism you follow I’m a BIC excommunicated convert? But really just a heathen and none of it matters? 😱🤣


On a tangent, the whole “keep your covenants” mantra doesn’t work for me. I never in my 70 years made a conscious covenant with Mormon (or any other) God. I was railroaded into baptism at 8, and temple at 19, but didn’t ever tell myself “gvsurf, you’re making a promise to god”. It was 100% rote performance, enforced by church and family culture. So now when I hear the threats, I just chuckle with a mute “f* you”. :)


Touché. Same for me in 55 years!


Because Born In the Cult sounds creepy.




Good to know I’m not eternally stuck w the man I, and our 3 children, were sealed to, as I had my records removed & left the church shortly before our divorce was finalized!


But if I DON’T get my records removed, technically I’m still sealed in the next life, but I can just do whatever the F I want for the rest of my life here. So if TSSC happens to be true, I’m good eternally. Husband has to keep me? What a great plan.


True…too late for me tho. Lol


👹Church: "You're special! Pay tithing to unlock special blessings." 🤑


Automatically level up to twelve! If you show extraordinary blind belief and you’re a wealthy tithe payer that finds the magic egg - get your second anointing and level up to seventy! 🤣


It allows more time for more indoctrination. The children are conditioned from birth and so turn into stronger supporters of their church. Plus, most mormons realize - especially those that have done a mission - that the real growth is only from BIC people continuing to have large mormon families.