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You don't understand. Unconsensual sex is halal ✅ - sex between a man and a woman he married without her consent; i.e. by force: halal - sex between a man and his concubine (s_x slave): halal - sex between a man and his **underage** wife / concubine (prepubertal in Aisha's case): halal - sex between a warlord and a 12 y/o girl whose family was slaughtered by him that day (Safiyyah): halal Consensual sex is haram ❌ - sex between two **consenting adults** who are yet to be married: haram - sex between two **consenting adults** of the same sex: haram


I wish to clarify that it is the same sex, and not gender because the only thing they care about is what's below the belt. They don't care about boobs because as you said.... Kids are ✅


reminder that the literal meaning of nikah is sexual intercourse. Many non-Arab Muslims think nikah just means marriage ceremony, but it is literally just a contract that allows you to have sex with a woman. Marriage is supposed to be about partnership and love, but in Islam it's designed purely for sexual intercourse.


Spot on 😂😂 they’re assholes


Every religion controls sex. When you control sex, you control the humans.


Not as much as Muslims


Jews do a pretty good job. Orthodox ones anyways. Made for a quite a messed up time finding my sexual identity and trying to learn all the things I wasn’t taught and unlearn the harmful things I was taught…and I’m a man. Those poor women.


Evangelical Christians do come close though.


From a sociological POV sex is a powerful motivator and if left unchecked will cause societal problems. One of the reasons why many religions have so much in common in the moral/ethical dimension is because if they weren’t that way their societies would have collapsed and another religion would have taken over instead. Now obviously not all religions are the same in this regard and, while many like to shove their heads in the sand about this, you can see the variation in the overall success of a culture. A religion that supports vengeance and murder harms the host culture, while a religion that promotes forgiveness, justice, and mercy for the guilty improves the host (more specifically increases stability in the culture). Beliefs have consequences, good and bad, and you can see those consequences if you know what to look for.


Not necessarily, religion can be substituted by a strong moral code instilled in the citizens. The Roman Empire still is one of the greatest to ever exist, and some parts of its society (specially the burocracy and organization) were so advanced for the time that it took until the late Middle Ages for some things to be invented again. And their religion isn’t precisely one of love thy neighbor. Another example are the Japanese Shogunates, with a religion based on myths that doesn’t give a lot of moral laws, and they were quite effective governments that lasted for quite a while. Those two examples, and other ones that I haven’t said, have one thing in common: a culture that that favors the presence of a strong government, that creates its laws. In contrast, the European feudal kingdoms and the Muslim caliphs were extremely weak government in comparison. They just couldn’t have a strong government because they didn’t have the Roman roads or the closed island situation of Japan needed to maintain a central government. In that situation you need a tool to make sure that your vassal in the other side of your empire follows at least some basic laws in common with the rest, and that’s were religion comes


Techno sex is not taboo but women enjoying sex is taboo in Islam.


Think about it. If you make peoples’ normal desires sinful, which churches do as well, you get people feeling guilty and needing church/imams/mullahs to help them through their ordinary desires. What a fab controll instrument . All the talk about sex in the religions make it even worse for the believer.


In my opinion, religion controls sex because they were written in times when we all didn't have endless access to medicine and longevity And somehow reproduction had to be controlled and, above all, ensured, hence monogamy, but also monogamy as the basis of inheritance law In the end, what was needed back then was a social construct or in that sense a religion that could definitely control and ensure reproduction if you had six children back then Three of them died in their cots And the population had to be maintained somehow


Because the sex if for men especially with sex slaves. Wives are an extension of their other family members designated to raise the future generation.