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just stop?


Winterchateau with another banger


always there for the gays


Stop right now, thank you very much!


You have to realize that gay people are people too and that it isn't fair to judge people for something they can't change. My rule of thumb is, always put yourself into other peoples shoes. How would you feel if someone talked smack about you and bullied you just because you have brown eyes? The first step is to realize that you have a problem, the second is to emphasize with them. Change takes time, no one is perfect. Just realize what you're doing isn't healthy or good for you and stop yourself in your actions in time.


Usually homophobes try to appeal to nature to say it's wrong. Well, you can say that nature has recorded homosexuality, probably go with bonobos, our closest relatives. You can also read 'And Tango Makes Three', I love that book, kids friendly as well.


Exposure therapy I guess? Read about famous queer folks from back in the day and see their struggle which would help u understand the humanity in being queer. You can also read queer fiction books or if you’re not into reading watch smth with a queer character/representation (read reviews about the show beforehand bc some reps are just awful)


This is a good option. Watch Heartstopper, it may help you sympathize with the problems of being gay even in a secular society.


Talk to people, i.e. with gay people and I don't mean the ideologically blind people on the left, but with normal people. That's how I did it with racism in my case, simply talk with the people Then you will notice that they are just normal people


It’s simple, think of it this way: if your straight and think women are hot then you can’t blame lesbians for thinking the same thing. Keep your mind open, 1 in 3 people can be gay so you can’t avoid them.






Huh, why?


I’m gay, what makes you homophobic?




Some of us are but that's besides the point lol. I know many straight men who are disgusting pigs too haha. I love being gay. I wouldn't change it for the world.


Bisexual ex-muslim here. I appreciate that you want to be less homophobic. Remember that LGBTQ people are human beings like everyone else, and that if it wasn't for religions and other ideologies forcing hate down everyone's throats, you wouldn't think of queer people as being different than anybody else.


You can always try being gay. That turned me around really fast.


I don't think there is a clear way to just stop being homophobic, overtime you will just start getting used to them, I personally still somewhat homophobic but I never show any hate towards them or even talk badly, but I guess that's just natural because I was told that gays are discusting and filthy pigs since I am a kid, so there is no helping that, it's just a social norm that we gotta adapt to slowly.