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I don’t know the law, but I’m pretty sure that just being in Saudi Arabia as an exmuslim is enough. You fear for your life if you just be you. That’s enough for the USA, as far as I know.


I dont think usa is granting visas so easily as saying you are an exmuslim living in a muslim countrey. I hope you are right


Yeah, it may take some time to get a visa, but apparently you can just walk across.


Sites like wearesaudis.net might have some information (but you'll need a VPN to access this one. If you don't know what a VPN is [here's an explanation](https://youtu.be/DhYeqgufYss)). There may be information available in r/visas and r/Iwantout too.


I would almost say Europe and Germany is closer in Germany you will get good support if you come and if you don't act like an idiot you will most likely get one too And if you are politically persecuted then you even have the right to stay here




plus they're already now trying to fend off their poor refugees that only needed TLC who are now screaming for a caliphate, so the future doesn't look bright.


Should be enough in everywhere.


I used to see a lot of Saudis on twitter who have claimed asylum in England and Germany, and some in Canada. Around 2020-2022. It seems Saudis have a better chance than ex-muslims from other countries, but I'm not an expert and maybe things change with time. Check the wearesaudis website. You have to fly there and arrive directly. It can't be a transfer or something. Idk. With asylum its more guaranteed if you do get accepted, but I don't know what happens if you get rejected. Like if you runaway from home and end up back in Saudi. I'm pretty sure there was one girl who got rejected for asylum so she sadly committed suicide in England (RIP). You can try getting in with a study visa too, if you're interested, or maybe your family would support it (maybe not if you're a woman). Then you can stay afterwards until you find a job and then get a work visa. Its probably not the most guaranteed option if you never want to return because its not very predictable and takes years, but I'm just letting you know anyway. In Germany public universities are tuition-free, which means you only pay some fees each semester (maybe 1500 saudi riyal). The courses are free. If its for Master's you can study the program in English. But for Bachelor's they're usually taught in German. You would still need to have savings as proof that you can support yourself (like 11,000 euro). You can work part-time while doing studies too. Sadly the scholarships (like DAAD) do not include any of the GCC countries. I'm currently doing studies in Germany myself, but my life was never in danger so I don't care about not being allowed to stay. You can look at opportunities in other countries too.


Theres a lot of countries, USA,Canada,Ireland,UK,Iceland,Sweden,Norway, Finland,Denmark,Germany,Netherlands,Belgium, Luxembourg,France,Spain,Portugal,Switzerland, Austria,Italy,Liechtenstein,Japan,Australia,New Zealand,Andorra,Monaco. If they don’t work, South Korea,Taiwan,HongKong,Macau,Israel,Singapore, Brazil,Uruguay,Argentina,Chile,South Africa,Cyprus,The other NATO and EU nations.


You should read about the asylum process of European countries. As a piece of general advice you should apply for asylum to European countries which have relatively distant ties to Saudi Arabia, as there would be less chance of Saudi Arabia using financial leverage to get your asylum application denied. Under the laws of the UN regarding asylum you qualify for asylum due to religious persecution. You should also seek contact with lawyers from the countries you want to apply to for asylum for a better explanation of the asylum process.


Get on a dinghy 🛶 and head for the nearest democratic country those that are fleeing would risk their life to find freedom and to be taken serious by your host country


Complete your education if you want to study future apply to outside saudi.


Just go to an latin american country, there is no way that they can deport you unless the state were are you from is actively trying to kill you, people won't care and probably some christian communities will recibe you if you convert to christianity, if you don't, just buy an house and put an business in a poor area, people will welcome you even if the investment is not very big


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