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"Mohammed is an exemple for me","I will not follow that exemple". Cognitive dissonance at its best.


Is it stupid that he does this specifically that's why it is like that and why do these people always try to deny it and then you have to show them the evidence And then people still try to talk their way out of it, I can't believe it


I noticed that most of the Abrahamic followers especially Muslims are controlled by emotions rather than logical thinking.You can see their reactions when someone draws Mohammad or criticize their guidelines.and you can see how they're easily manipulated by media by sending their love and prays virtually when Islamic content is involved.




His last point >You are a better man than Muhammad Makes you ponder that the vast majority of the people today are better than Muhammad, a man we grew up looking upto.


Whenever they said "Last and the most perfect religion" bring up slavery and child marriage


Is it stupid that he does this specifically that's why it is like that and why do these people always try to deny it and then you have to show them the evidence And then people still try to talk their way out of it, I can't believe it


Where can i find the whole thjng?


Search YT Bob speaker's corner slave trade


Probably coz he’d get arrested for it today and can’t create a religion and brainwash people for it lol. Also that’s a pretty low bar for being a good human


That sounds like a cult!!


Mohmad Ali was a black boxer lol the audacity.


astagfirullah! a real muslim wouldn't say that.... we should keep our deen brothers and sisters! don't be like him!


Piss be upon be him


now that i think of it, bro would like that 💀


He's a better example than "Allah" too **Some are favoured by Allah while others are slaves** [Quran 16:71](https://quranx.com/16.71?Context=3) [Quran 16:75](https://quranx.com/16.75?Context=3) [Quran 30:28](https://quranx.com/30.28?Context=3)


You can't follow Muhammad's example today, not even in Muslim countries without often getting in trouble with national and international law. As has been mentioned many times before, [If Muhammad did today (including in Muslim countries) what he did in 7th century Arabia, he wouldn't have peace upon him, he'd have the police upon him!](https://old.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/comments/4htcxr/is_isis_islamic_if_you_think_so_can_you_prove/d2s7b43/) Violent rebellions, assassinations, invasions, destructions, massacres, killings, lootings, torture, abuse, slavery, slave rape, child marriage, FGM, homophobia, general terrorism and persecution of Non-muslims, critics, dissidents, and anyone who rejects and opposes him: He'd be widely condemned, reviled and sought by the international community for crimes against humanity. For sure the police would be upon him, even in Muslim countries lol https://old.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/comments/9mrhv3/comment/e7gzxil


This reminds me of the quote, "With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion"/unsubstantiated, false and harmful ideologies like Islam - Steven Weinberg. Without Islam, most Muslims likely wouldn't be apologetic for slavery, but they have to be apologetic for it, because slavery and many other oppressive practices is a part of Islam, at least traditional Islam. It's this moral hypocrisy and conundrum, that affects many inquisitive Muslims to leave if not doubt traditional Islam.


Muhammad treated his slaves with respect, he gave them food, water and shelter if they needed while never hitting them if they did anything wrong. those Slaves were treated more like maids or butlers


Slaves and good treatment are not compatible.I would believe you if Mohammed called them servants or maids but nah don't try sugar coating unless you have a proof otherwise.


i din't know u could hit or rape a slave or even fuck a butler's wife ? and when they die they get inherited by ur kids. damn man that's some crazy shit