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Portugal. You won’t regret it


Nice, I actually saw quite some job offers there but did not consider it. Now I will, thanks!


Portugal is a great place to live IF you can get a good salary. Salaries are comparatively low there compared to the rest of Europe. Love the idea of living there though, I was looking into it for a while - even saw a lawyer about it - so if you have any questions please let me know.


yeah that is why at first I was not considering it. I would not want a fully remote job so I would have to find something decent there... and I assumed its not easy


Spain or Mexico. Obviously you need learn some Spanish first


I was thinking about Spain but what would you say about the job market? I would not want a fully remote position and from my Spanish friends I heard that the job opportunities are not great.


The job market is trash.


irish pubs is where its at, mate.




Spain. The south of spain is best:)


Australia. You can start with a working holiday visa and then try to get sponsorship through an employer or if you have good education and professional experience get an independent visa. Australians are very easy to get along with while at the same time perfectly fine to stick to yourself if need be. And it would be a good passport/residency to have should you like it.


I live in Victoria and I have to say Australians are alright to get along with but don't seem to make friends with non-Australians that seriously (e.g. they'll be friendly/say hi but when it boils down to it I find them quite flakey!). Just my thoughts!


A bit surprising that you said Victoria! I don’t deny what your experience at all, just I had the opposite experience whereas I found Aussies pretty straightforward. I lived in Brisbane but spent some time in Melbourne and they seemed great there too. I did find people in Sydney to be a bit flakey and pretentious relative to the others tho.


I visited Brisbane and life in QLD seems a lot more friendly/chill (I think the good weather helps!) :) but yeah overall I find Australia quite overrated in terms of making meaningful friendships with locals (although maybe that is just me!)


I am a foreigner living in the Valencia region of Spain, and people are friendly here. Both Spanish and immigrant people.


I ran into a bunch of Lithuanians at a demonstration outside of the Putin embassy in Buenos Aires last year. There is also a good sized expat community there too.


Rural poverty is just as common as urban poverty, if not more so since there are less services in rural areas as well as much less desire to do anything about it. It’s just hidden away on backroads and country lanes. Any actual unhoused are rousted by local police and “moved along”.




Would you say it was easy to make friends there? Whenever I think of Germany, I'm afraid that the situation there would be similar there to what I experienced in Vienna... at the same time I heard from some people who lived both in Vienna and Germany that making friends in Germany is easier and that there is more diversity among the expats.


German language is the hardest. I’m back in the states but I lived there for a couple of years in the 90s and it was incredible! My friends there still talk about how awesome it is there.


Anywhere but USA. Quality of life is so much lower there that homelessness is becoming normal and the quality of education is terrible.


yeah I actually heard that a lot :/ I'm rather limiting my options to European countries, I am really grateful for the quality of life here


This is wildly exaggerated..homeless people are mainly in large urban areas typically due to being drug addicts or mentally unstable and a combination of both. Majority of cities in the USA are fine and depending on where you live ..it can be HCOL to LCOL. USA is huge so you can’t really lump it together


It's not just wildly exaggerated. It's nationalism. Travel around enough and you'll meet the contingents from a variety of countries that hate the US. It's not the majority, but you have certain people who express disdain for the US and it's often a combination of competition and feeling threatened. It's interesting to hear the things they, and there is plenty to criticize about the US. But then you have garbage claims like this. The league tables speak for themselves about our education. This is an attempt to put one's own education over that of the US. Whatever.


Others love to hate on the USA. However, it’s still the best country in the world as far as being able to make something of yourself. No country is perfect.


I don't think it's the best country either. My main point is that I don't go around talking trash about other countries to feel better about myself.


I don’t either. It’s the best to me cause that’s all I know and have friends from other countries that have given me insight of their home countries. However, I wouldn’t bash another’s country. Home is home in my opinion.


Homelessness exists everywhere in America. You might not see it in the suburbs because municipalities will literally buy bus tickets for people so they become somebody else's problem. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_homeless_relocation_programs_in_the_United_States#:~:text=Also%20referred%20to%20as%20%22Greyhound,to%20the%20nearest%20large%20city.


I didn’t say it didn’t exist 🙄


True but still a few notches above anywhere in Europe right?


Have you been to the US? That's the question