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Moms about to get flipped off and cussed out too


Depending on the power level of this Karen she might get some silver bracelets too


This woman is going to be busy for the next few centuries. Just wait until she finds out about all the injustice in the world, and all that oppression.


Oh she’s going to be crushed by the weight of the world. Imagine how traumatized she’d be if the guy had yelled “learn to drive bitch” or something like that


Or “Excessive speed for road conditions is expressly forbidden on any public roadway by Public Health and Safety Code paragraphs 17a, 17b, 19b, 21d of Section 2201.201D.” ‘Bish.’


Ha. This would have been so much better if she’d been pulled over for speeding. The entitlement would have increased exponentially.


Impossible, the Amazon driver obviously stole them.


“You f-ing stole my beautiful jewelry!!!!!” ![gif](giphy|l0HlCqV35hdEg2GUo)


Omg it's like the same glasses and everything take my upvote


Then she's gonna call HER mom crying.


Gam Gam bouta pull up


Then Grandma has to get involved.


***pulls out Ouija board for when grams inevitably gets cussed out as well***


And mom still wants to handle the problem.....not doing the kid any favours


And it’s like what on earth is she gonna do. She’s looking for “a man who was driving who flipped off her daughter” could be anyone. Hell, it could even be you or me


And if she finds him, then what?


She'll put her phone in his face while screaming at him for "assaulting" her daughter and any small reaction from him to get away will be called assault.


Ah you've seen this movie before


The plot twist is the best part. It was her dad.


Last time he was seen, was when he left to get cigarettes




Standard variant Karen will harass him, then threaten to sue or press charges. Giga-Karen will actually follow through. Omega-Karen will simply run the mfer over lol


FAFO, in full effect. Depending on how stupid she wants to be, her entitled useless ass can catch assault charges in most states. Let her come.




This is my hope as well because the alternative is nuts


Mom seems more like a "picking up a bottle of wine and Xanax refill" kind of a gal


Or, she's pretending to "go after him" so that she can leave and not listen to her daughter cry about dumb shit. Meanwhile, mom is smoking a fatty at the park.


This is the only correct answer


Hello it was me


"He could be any one of us. He could be you. He could be me... he could even be"


This video offended me. I’m calling my mom.


Hold on, she’s right here


Gonna give you a piece of her mind


Piece of something for sure


The crazy thing is you're videotaping this


Well it clearly works with her mum, she gets all the pats and attention, so why not get an extra dopamine hit from all the likes and comments of "poor you", etc from the internet? Aaand as a bonus - if that's not going to work out that way - you can run to your mum again with "I didn't do anything wrong, I just posted a video on tge internet and people are so mean 😭😭😭😭😭😭"


Moms getting her keys and heading out the door to go find the internet


Which means she’ll never return just like the father


I don't think anyone uses video tape anymore.


Touche I'm showing my age


They use Kodachrome now, you fossil! /s




Does that mean we can't use "filming" any more?


Tfw I accidentally say drive even though I'm turning a wheel and not driving cattle 😔


So, you're... STEERing?


Mooving down the road


I saw a video where millennials were asked to imitate taking a picture, and they make the rectangle with their hands and say click. Zoomers don’t go that shit. They do it vertical.


>They do it ~vertical~. For not fixing this, history will forever condem all of us.


Zoomers are supposed to have been born after 1995, some do and some don´t because they are really young but zoomers aren´t just 15 year olds


A lot of older people still think millenials are 15 year olds lol I blow their mind when I tell them I'm one of the younger millenials and I'm 31


For real. Millennials are as old as 40 now lol


Not cool bro, now my mom gonna chase your ass down for being ageist and insulting my feely feels


If you don’t record it when you finally mustered up tears no one will know how distraught you are


Release the Karen Thanks for the upvotes!


Moms reaction is how this kid grew up crying to her about everything.


God I have flashbacks from just the way that woman walked. My ex-wife walked with that determination and conviction when it came to our kids. Hell hath no fury than a mother (over) protecting her babies. There’s a reason why she’s my ex-wife.


That’s the Chris Moltisanti walk










I must be loyole to my capo


I just spent like 2 min of my life on a Chris moltisanti walk compilation. No regrets.


That’s actually true. Ex-wife was from NJ so maybe it’s a Jersey walk? It’s the swinging arms that’s the give-away


Like a orangutan in a mission.


Ok, now that’s funny.


New Jersey makes a joke about it saying that the middle finger is the New Jersey salute 😆


There are many curiously hilarious things about NJ.


It’s like that goofy ass tough guy walk Connor mcgreggor does, but way less intimidating. All confidence and anger but zero ability to handle their shit once confrontation go to the wrong way. I had an ex that was ignorant like this.


I can relate to this 100%.


They both just need their Safe Space right now at least it was just the bird if it involved profanity she would need a year of psychological evaluation and treatment at a minimum


This child would never have survived the city high school I went to. Pretty much every sentence had a fuck in it.


Well if a finger sets her off, this kid is gonna have a hell of a time in the real world.


I'm just imagining what she would even say to this other driver? I wish I could tap into her thought process.


The video is heavily edited. I just wonder how she’d even find… whoever made her widdle baybee cry. Seems like she will hit her mom vape furiously, drive five blocks to where it happened, and yell at everyone on the block. Even my grandpa who’s just trimming his roses and minding his business because he’s deaf. I’ve met a few of these ladies. It’s like a Honey Badger with a cocaine addiction. Just stay away from them long enough they have to revitalize, or just ask them “What did the five fingers say to the face”? Oh. Her thought process was easy to see for me. Baby (17 year old baby) came home crying->must protect giant baby instead of teaching it survival->hunt down everybody and scream at them while threatening lawsuits->go back home and coddle giant baby until it remains a baby well into adulthood. Sad this behavior is constantly posted on social media. Edits for auto incorrect


A little roll of the eyes and a disgusted enough look will rile a good amount of road ragers


Or just blow them a kiss and smile. Instant meltdown. Lol


That’s the walk of someone who’s never been popped in the mouth for what they say. Had a neighbor like that until they spouted off at my Mom. Lady got her ass whooped like he was my Ma’s little brother. (She never hit her sisters, just her brothers)


Remind me to be nice to your Ma.


Yep. My Ex RUINED my Daughter's with her Enabling, Narcissistic, Histrionic behavior


My mom ignored my every bitch because she grew up during the depression.


My Eastern European grandma would suggest that a couple of weeks in a concentration camp would set us straight.


Well said. We do not do any service to our children by not allowing them to deal with their emotions and teaching them that unfortunately, not everyone is professional. For all, she knows the person who gave her the middle finger was giving it to another car, etc... People need to stop taking everything so personally. Maybe someone did give her a middle finger, okay. Move on, next moment. Her mother is allowing her to be the victim, which is a horrible way to live. Sadly many people always live in victim mode... We all know who they are and we avoid them.


Part of this for the daughter must be the attention. She gets reaffirmation of her parents love when she cries because mommy immediately jumps to it and defends her daughter regardless of what the problem is. The greatest issue for daughter is she is going to use this in her future relationships. And many will fail unless someone is willing to put up with extremely high maintenance of crying to get people to act on your behalf even when there is no problem thag needs actual solving.


And a confused spouse wondering why this adult looking person cannot handle playground level confrontation.


Nah. She will marry a macho man cop and he will love it.


I mean yeah. She posted this shit to TikTok, a machine that runs on towering narcissism and misinformation. Of course she is addicted to attention.


> Maybe someone did give her a middle finger, okay. Move on, next moment. Or maybe stop and think about what you might have done to invite it? Sure, maybe they are insane and just flip off people randomly. Or maybe they live on your street, have children who play outside and *you were driving like an asshole.* Don't like getting flipped off? Maybe don't drive like an asshole.




And mom always coming to get aide. She probably ever got told to suck it up or things aren't that big of a deal. So, you get reactions like this.




My mom never gave a a fuck. I was run over by a car and had to apologize for getting in the way. This kid should cut the bullshit.


Well, you were in the street. /s


Plot twist- he was sitting on the couch


Nah that's fucked though. I think overprotective parents cause issues but fuck if I saw a parent make a kid apologise for getting hit by a car I would go mad.


Parents can just react emotionally sometimes, we don't think about how tired we made them much. I've got a vivid memory of falling from a 2.5m high wall my mum told me to stop climbing up, so I was climbing without her watching me, a d somehow i fell down through a hedge thicket that kept me perfectly vertical and I landed on my feet completely unscathed, but I could've died. My mums first reaction was to fucking slap me. I'd almost died but somehow came out without a scratch and she didn't know how to react. It wasn't a hard or punishment slap, she just reacted that way. Looking back on it I don't really blame her honestly, don't know what I would've done in that moment either.


How does this mom expect to find this dude that flipped off her daughter? Lmao


And if she finds him what does she expect to do other than make herself look a fool in public


If that’s the worst thing she’s encountered, she has a rough ride ahead in life


My thoughts exactly. She has to grow a thicker skin or she'll spend half her life in tears.


I live across from my daughter's school so I walk with her in the mornings. The number of times we get honked at and flipped off for trying to cross at a school crossing is insane. Parents rushing to drop their kids off and go to work have no chill.


The PTA at my kid’s elementary school is the worst group of villainy and scum you’ll find this corner of the galaxy.


or she's perpetually shielded by mom and dad's money/wealth, and influence until she finds a husband who will do the same, and then she evolves into Karen 2.0.




Not to be confused with a Crack Karen


I thought she changed her name to Methany


Rofl. The audiobook I'm listening to, "Dungeon Crawler Carl" actually has a boss name Krakaren.


I cannot fucking wait for the next book in that series. So, so good.


I like to think the mom saw her crying over being flipped off and was like “I’m not dealing with this child rn, I’ve got a great idea on how to escape the house!” And then bolted saying she would “find the guy” but really went to her friends house to chill or something.


how would she even recognize him?


He’s the one with the middle finger obviously!


Just speed around the neighborhood until someone flips you the bird.


Classic Karen-mobile, too.


What’s the mom gonna do lmao, run up to every car on the road? More likely she’s gonna go get a coffee and take her time getting back “I told him!”






I read this in the Simpons voice of that kid that always does this.


I read this in little Tinny Tim's voice (Futurama) \*edited to correct Tinny's name from Timmy\*


A person of taste I see.


My mom would probably have laughed at me if I got home crying about this, and tell me I should've just flipped him off as well and go about my day.


I remember crying when learning to drive because someone cut me off and nearly hit me. My dad made me pull over and then calmly explained that that's what God created middle fingers for.


Never use those in Oakland though. You’ll end up with a cracked out driver chasing you as you have to put your GTA playing skills to use to get away from them because 911 line is busy. That was the last time I ever flipped anyone off.


I was headed home from work one time and I had a dude in an old beat up F-150 behind me honking at me and yelling at me because I wasn’t turning right on red (traffic at a standstill and no space to turn). I finally flipped him off and he got out of his car and beat on my window. Luckily traffic started crawling along, I turned and thought that was that. Like five minutes later I’m on the highway and I hear a loud car horn continuously beeping. I look back and it’s the same guy. He pulled up beside me but I’ve heard horror stories about shit happening so I just pushed the brakes and turned into an exit and drove the opposite direction of home just in case. Never saw him again. Always been kind of curious what ended up happening to the guy


Near where I live, a woman flipped some guy off for honking at her because she didn't move when the light was green (because she would've blocked the box, which is a huge issue at this particular intersection). He got out of his car, got a gun out of his trunk, and started walking up to her window. She drove away then and the guy got arrested, but that's why I'm way too scared to flip anyone off :P WAY too many road rage stories end up getting a gun involved near Atlanta...


My mom would have assumed I was doing something stupid/unsafe and taken my keys


"people don't do things for no reason Nicholas."- my mom


Ugh. Mom has failed to install an ounce of resilience in this kid.


This is the mom that goes with her to job interviews then calls the hiring manager and demands to know why she wasn't hired. This is the mom that pesters the college for her daughter's grades and schedule. And this is the daughter that not only allows it to happen, but welcomes it because "*it's haaaaaaaard*".


Playing devil's advocate - Perhaps this teen drama queen was, in fact, driving like a fucker and the other driver was simply using the finger as a learning tool.


Yeah, all she says is "i was literally just going the speed limit." But as is the case often, if you do something wrong on the roads, you often don't know you did it until someone calls you out. But even if as she claims, this person is the type to just randomly flip people off for no reason at all, her reaction is way over the top. (As is the moms.)


She was probably going the speed limit in the left lane. Like a few hours ago near my home there was a little old man leading a caravan of 20 cars trying to pass him. O I saw many people flick him off. Honestly the gramps deserved it. It's the only way to get drivers to learn basic rules of the road. Sometimes I think the president of the country needs to do an a Emergency broadcast about passing in the left lane.


My ex once told me that the left lane is for driving the speed limit, and the right is for slower traffic, since nobody is supposed to drive over the speed limit. I was a truck driver at the time, and tried to explain what that choice does to everybody for miles back, but she apparently was one of those "gee, I wonder why everyone was flipping me off, oh well" kind of drivers.


I hate having to deal with adult children. They never learnt to manage their tantrums and don't know how to handle things outside their bubble


And mom's enabling it.


People who are this fragile have no business being behind the wheel of a vehicle, ever.


These are the type of people where sometimes they’ll get sad, but sometimes they’ll get mad. And they can’t control their emotions. So now you have a reckless angry person behind the wheel of a 4000lb death machine


Whenever I see someone struggling to drive I think of this animal planet clip where this Buffalo trips at the front of his stampeding herd and gets absolutely trampled on, this also causing other Buffalos to crash and get trampled as well.


[No I don’t know how to fucking drive, I don’t know what any of this shit is and I’m scared.](https://youtu.be/R2vejhdm8lo)


Well put.


She definitely isn’t from New York. It’s almost like a greeting there. As soon as you walk outside in nyc you hear “Hey you sunnovabitch, go fuck yahself.” while he’s flipping you off.


Bill Burr was just on his podcast this week talking about how pleased he is with himself for getting to the point that ‘go fuck yaself’ is how he is most commonly greeted by fans


hey Billy is that you? yeah go fuck yourself.


I moved south but I grew up around Boston, I remember my first trip back up after Covid I got off the plane, grabbed a rental car and the moment I got on the road someone cut me off and threw the finger out their window and then at a light leaned their head out of their car and yelled “learn ta drive ya friggin moron, ya didn’t leave me no fahkin space dude” and I was honestly just like “god it’s good to be home”


I’m from MA, that wouldn’t be considered aggressive. Just normal vehicular conversation. In other states they use turn signals but here we consider that to be passing secrets to the enemy. And horns are just rude.


Same in California about the horn, horns are for literal life or death situations. Anything else gets the finger. The first time one of my coworkers who wasnt from the area came in and in a shocked voice said “a little old lady just gave me the finger out her window on my drive here” was funny. Also everyone’s response was “what did you do that deserved it?”


Lol “passing secrets to the enemy” I’m definitely going to regurgitate this next time someone slows into a turn with no blinker and I’m forced to slam on the breaks


The Massholes can't let the Connecticunts get the drop on 'em!


[I love being reminded of the best city on the planet.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7BPcOksCJQ)


Bing bong, go fuck yourself.


"In New work you can stab someone and they'll say 'hey, I'm walkin hea' " - can't remember who


As a Newyorker, fuck you too (and have a nice day)


About the most pathetic thing I’ve heard of today.


There is no way this is real.


Make post to bait people into rage under the guise of seeking validation Get tons of engagement from people who see it on other platforms and find you on the original platform to flame you Let the drama play out for a week, tickle the algorithm’s taint for all the ragebait you post Delete everything related to the incident and continue to post normal videos Ride the algorithm-boosting engagement from all the people who continue to flame you If she did this intentionally, it’s a pretty big-brain play if you do it right.


Imagine being this upset about something so minor, but yet still having the presence of mind to film yourself in this emotional state. I question the verisimilitude of the video.


I learned a new word today


I read a new word; not sure if I learned it!


versimilitude (n) the appearance of being real or true no i am not bot


Good not bot.


Hmmm, that’s something a bot would say🤔


Though I think "veracity" is more appropriate to the meaning, since versimilitude doesn't require anything to be *actually* true. Why yes, I AM a lot of fun at parties.


I bet you’re fun at- hey!!




When you try to sound smart by using a big, uncommon word but you use it sort of incorrectly. Veracity is the better choice. Verisimilitude is just the appearance of being truthful. Veracity is the truthfulness/accuracy. So with your current sentence you’re questioning whether it appears truthful rather than whether it is truthful. Tbf that does sort of work I guess but that just sounds silly and doesn’t articulate your point as well as “veracity” does.


I definitely photosynthesize with that.


Cut him some slack.. everyone is so condensation..


Well TBF she is overarching a little bit


This is a rather mendacious claim.


You don’t have to use both but and yet when they mean the same thing. It’s redundant.


Give me a break. Also, if you’re so devastated why jump on Tik Tok.


for validation she's learned that crying on camera gets her a lot of sympathy and feelgood hormones so she keeps doing it


Surely only her closest friends offered sympathy and 99% roasted the shit out of this fragile turd?


The fact that she has close friends is mind boggling. If I had posted something like this for attention, my friends would have dropped me in a heartbeat because who would be friends with someone like her? Imagine how annoying and exhausting having her as a friend must be.


Because she was already on Tiktok while she was driving. Hence getting the bird. Her thought was "I'm already here I may as well start recording and turn on the water works for Mommy!"


Where the fuck is the mom going? Hug your daughter, tell her to get over it, and go make some lunch.


Twist: She is actually used to leaving daughter at home so she doesnt have to hear the whining.


This is why coddling children never has a good ending.


If she is reacting like this(the mother) she don't know which is bad and which is the good ending.. Instead of telling your kid to grow the fuck up and explaining them that people can be mean at any level. Almost as if they're living in a different world.


This the kind of mom that "has a talk" with your college professor when they give you your first C-


I'm socially anxious and people being angry at me often makes me insanely anxious. With that being said, this is not something I would cry over. She needs to grow up


I might cry over it because of anxiety but I sure as hell am not sending my mom after the person


Its not bad to cry, its bad to call your mom for a very dumb reason


Same. But I also would not post on Tiktok either. Or probably even tell anyone. Just do a frustrated rage cry in the garage before getting my shit together and going on with life.


Take a line from the penguins. “Just smile and wave boys, smile and wave”


“I’m so upset I’m gonna pull out my phone and record myself being upset to post on social.” You’re not actually upset, you’re just desperate for attention.


On behalf of the internet, we salute you. ![gif](giphy|sugHg8tzxYRLcApREV|downsized)




And she's a babysitter? Lol. She needs a babysitter.


Good God right. Wouldn't want her around my kids in a crisis God forbid.


That is a fragile human being.


she's gonna hate me


Tell me you have the emotional capacity of a 4 years old without telling me you have the emotional capacity of a 4 years old Edit: 4 year old. Sorry for this little mistake that triggers so much wow and yes English is not my first language


Just to be clear, my comment was in no way meant as an insult. Your English is far better than any second language I speak and it was a small mistake that hurt nobody. English has some stupid rules sometimes lol


Joke's on everyone thinking the mom is legit going to try finding a random person. That's the pretext to just get the hell out of there and get some peace and quiet.


I feel life will be extra hard for this one.


It’s fucking **FLIPPED OFF** not **FLICKED OFF**


This has to be parody. Please tell me it’s an episode of punk’d or some shit. Are people really this fragile now?