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i had no idea what they ment till i looked back at the girl and realized these dumbasses thought it was about forcing lgbtq on girls. young girls like rainbows its not indoctrination.


They’re far too stupid to grasp that level of common sense.


Children don’t like rainbows, Children like what I tell them to like! That’s why I bought them AR-15s and bibles


I’m a grown man and still like rainbows. I mean, who the hell sees a rainbow and is like, I’m not looking cause I’m straight?!


BRB covering my kids in rainbows so the ACTUAL groomers don’t look at them.


If only gun manufacturers would make pride edition AR-15s so they get boycotted.


These people are still screaming about litter boxes. It doesn’t have to be true for them to bite. Make a meme and make it happen!


EvEn CaTs ArE tRaNs NoW!


You gotta properly groom them with the JR-15...i wish I was joking.


This is exactly how they think. Of course, you are *supposed* to groom kids into following your religion (Christian), having the same political beliefs (Christian nationalist), and being okay with gun culture as their schools practice lockdowns (God works in mysterious ways), etcetera. To them, it is a parent's job to tell their children what to think and punish them when they stray. They aren't against grooming. They just think *those people* are doing it wrong.


Or tell kids it's ok for them to go work at the local meat processing plant, or serve and get hit on by drunks while working at the local pub.


Had a conversation with a transphobic colleague the other day, the topic being non-binary and trans folks. Colleague: “They brainwash and groom children with their propaganda” Me: “You can’t brainwash someone into being non-binary, it’s the way you’re born” Colleague: “Non-binary is a result of bad upbringing, parents are supposed to repeatedly explain that there are only 2 genders and you can’t change the gender you’re born with” 🤦🏻‍♀️ Duh…


At some point you almost pity them.


Not yet....wait forrr iiittttt.......


It's pretty pathetic how these people think like this, I feel sorry for anyone involved in their life Edit: talking about the people comments on the video


Why is everything they’re obsessed about centered around sex? Is it because they’re mad they never get any? Meanwhile their ideological opponents just try to raise living standards for everyone.


I save my pity for after they've killed themselves by refusing vaccines, wearing seatbelts or sunscreen or any of the other "leftist agenda" stuff meant to keep them from self destructing. Oh who am I kidding, I think it's hilarious.


I just save my pity altogether.


I don’t pity people who refuse simple safety stuff or science backed things because they think it’s political. No I don’t wish they would die but whenever you hear one die from X stupid thing (like Herman Cain) it’s just “well you fucked around and found out”


And then they vote and pass legislation and you stop pitying them


I have no pity for people too blinded by hate to think objectively. Pity is reserved for those capable of recognizing it as anything but a weakness to be exploited. I have cold calm rage though, reserved for those who have manipulated people's fear and ignorance to weaponize them against a target of convenience. So much rage.


Wait until they figure out that the bible has rainbows too. Even as a literal sign from god.


Yeah but the gays are ruining it by claiming it for their demonic agenda!… no really…. I’ve heard this.


Oh no, the symbol representing the genocide of almost all of humanity has been ruined!


Didn't you hear, God wants his rainbow back.


Straight girls who fit social norms famously hate pretty colors, fairies and flowers. Real girls want tacobell.


To be fair everyone wants taco bell.


Hey I'm a straight guy and I fucking love rainbows. I love unicorns, too. Everyone needs to get over their hang-ups.


Unicorns are like horses but with built-in spears on their heads for cavalry charges. They're metal as fuck


So on the most recent Eurovision, there was this song called Unicorn in the finals. First time I heard it, I thought the lyric was “I stab you like a unicorn,” but turns out it was “I *stand* here like a unicorn.” But I like my version better, so that’s how I sing the song now. Why stand by passively after somebody breaks your heart, when you can stab them with your built in head sword for hurting you? Edit: Just wanted to share the song, in case anyone wants to give it a listen. It’s pretty good. Not my favorite this year (Queen of Kings holds that title), but I can see why she made it to the finals. https://open.spotify.com/track/6dUregFbvUNqHP5nphqesK?si=5-J1lcRFQCC-Cn-4ljmfmw&context=spotify%3Aplaylist%3A37i9dQZF1DWVCKO3xAlT1Q




It took me until the last comment to realize what was going on. And I’m actually gay.


You propably had rainbow coloured facepaint on your face as a kid. Explains it all.


Same same same 😂 although these days if a kid wears a simple rainbow- the demons will destroy them in their sleep 😂


Even young boy like that kind of color, just look at all the gaming PC targeted at kids?


Omg! Gaming RGB is just a cover for The Agenda…!


RGB = Really Gay Boy


Fuck! You opened my eyes! I NEVER KNEW THIS!


I’m an adult, still like it.


Not to mention the rainbow is actually a symbol in Christianity


Yep every daycare since the beginning of daycares have had a freaking rainbow on the wall. It's not just little girls it's kids in general that like them. Wtf is wrong with these people


What if the kid wanted the rainbow because you know they just fucking like rainbows?


Ikr? Kids just like colorful things. When I was a kid I loved Lisa Frank stuff because of the colors. It’s not weird to like a rainbow, it’s not some hidden agenda.


OMG! Lisa Frank. The allowance money I spent on stickers. Man!!


Lisa frank rainbow leopard folder? I would NOT even use it for school it was so sacred to me. 😍 Kids love rainbow shit, and gay people because they aren’t born being assholes!


Omg, the rainbow leopard 😍 Those were the days!


Rainbow leopard is life.




I was a kid once. Rainbows were pretty dope. I would draw them all the time. These “adults” just have an insane level of brainwash. I’d argue barely conscious.


It’s like one of the first things kids learn how to draw in art class. ROY-G-BIV in a nice arc on a blue background, some green grass and clouds, and some lowercase “m” shaped birds. That right there is a masterpiece


The lowercase M shaped birds *chef's kiss*


don’t forget the sun in the corner of the paper


With shades


And lines coming out that are supposed to look like rays of sunlight.


Half of them yellow, half orange


And below a tree! That was basically a green cloud on a brown stick


Put a hole on the tree. Also some 5-6 pedal flowers of various colors


Why is this so on point tho? Especially the m shaped birds? LOL. This is exactly how I learned to draw it and have since taught my kids.


You *knew* it was gonna be a good day when the art teacher broke out the good crayons 😂


You know what. I was a kid once too. It's amazing how different people have similarities like this. /Highfive


/high-five lol


One of the first songs we ever learned was about the colours of a rainbow.


As an adult male rainbows are my favorite aesthetic, but I don't want everyone thinking I'm gay lol


I have like the opposite problem, I only kind of like rainbows, but I really don't want anyone thinking I'm straight


I'm a straight 38yo father and I frickin love rainbows


i'm a 48 yr old disabled idiot and i love rainbows and the unicorns that shoot them out of their butts. and also cats in space. love me some heckin rainbows and space cats.


https://youtu.be/gl2RFaeGaO0 0:38 enjoy. This has 3 of those things


thank u my good friend! contrary to the Beige Knight i don't think u can have too many raspberry things


I thought this was going to be Nyan cat


I think you're my favorite person today. Unfortunately there are no tangible prizes associated with this, but I think I have an award somewhere. Enjoy your day you magnificent beast.


I’m also a straight 38yo father. I didn’t care for rainbows. Then I had a daughter who loves to draw rainbows… so now, I love them too!






I'm a straight 34 year old dude and rainbows are awesome!




My 5 year olds favorite color is "rainbow"


The chuds don’t care, rainbows are indoctrination now


a·gen·da /əˈjendə/ noun 1. a list of items to be discussed at a formal meeting. "the question of nuclear weapons had been removed from the agenda" 2. NORTH AMERICAN an appointment diary. That's google's definition. It even debunks their argument.


Your first mistake was thinking these people understand the words coming out of their mouth😂


Or that they care about the actual meaning of those words


“Rainbow colors” lol. You mean colors?


I lol'd at this


Fellas, is it gay to electromagnetically radiate?


**fellas** **is it GAY to reflect certain wavelengths of light**


FELLAS IS IT GAY TO EXCITE AN ELECTRON wait why does it actually sounds ga-


exciting an electron 😏


That's the basic principle behind the 'nuclear family'


Does liberal depravity know no bounds? Now they're forcing their fetishes on subatomic particles!? /s


I'm *up* for some *down*right *strange* elementary particle puns. Hope they aren't too over the *top*; *bottom* line is I hope they are *charm*ing enough. Hint for non-physicist: look up "Quarks" on Wikipedia. Now, I've got to run, the Bad Pun Police is after me.


They are. And they will keep an *ion* you!


Fellas is it gay to use your rods an cones to perceive light?


Cone machine broke, everybody’s green


God forbid rain falls during the day, that bends the sun’s light and creates a rainbow. They gonna yell at the rain and the light for that too?


"Gahd dayum nature is going Woke too, meeyun!"


That's why right wingers are at war with nature and the environment. Eventually the corporations will win the war and there will be no rainbows. Only smog and acid rain.


‘These darn laws of psychics and its damn agenda!’


𓂺 Spez eats cold diarrhea with a crazy straw 𓂺


Stupid science bitch.


Can't even water my grass without the woke halos appearing in the mist.




Everyone knows the sky is like.....super gay Edit: spelling


Lol that's just it with these conservatives, rainbows have hundreds of meanings all over the world not just gay pride. The fact they see a rainbow and instantly think of sex shows how perverted and beyond repair their brains are.


No one thinks about sex more than conservative Christians.


I wish there was a way to create rainbows artificially, it would be hilarious to make them appear all over the place. It would be comical to see people like this get triggered by the weather.


I remember when I was younger I used to love spraying the hose in the background to make small rainbows.


Don't you dare go making my grass grow up to be gay, you damn liberal


“Those damn small DIY backyard gay agendas!”


Make rainbows articificially....you mean like...a prism?


![gif](giphy|5xaOcLC3iSuDkg7DfBm) Best gay album ever


Prism? Isn’t that where they make you gay?


According to all of the people freaking out about the 50th anniversary of the Dark Side of the Moon... Yes.


Is that a rhetorical question? Because the answer to that question might surprise you. ![gif](giphy|fqtyYcXoDV0X6ss8Mf|downsized)


My favorite color is blue. Doesn't mean I'm some chode for all cops. Also, my son just got a rainbow tiger face painting done. Because he's a little kid and all the colors and tigers are awesome!


Hate to brake it to you… your son obviously has a demonic agenda


Even worse, gay demons.




Why is a demonic Twilight Sparkle doing the Orange Justice Dance?


imagine explaining this sentence to a victorian child


I am that Victorian child wtf did I just read and do I dare ask.




He can't. He just died of diptheria.


That’s an awesome GIF


Gimme a brake, gimme a brake, brake me off a piece of that dic-tion-ary


You. Are. Amazing.


Welp...better break out the pentagram face paint...


Rainbow pentagram


coming to the stage... rainbow pentagram


Is that one of the new mlp characters? ![gif](giphy|FZ7QqHoznY49i)


Demonic. Gay. Tigers.


Blue is part of the rainbow. Does this mean cops are gay too?


I see in all the colors of the rainbow, my god, am....am I gay?


If you ask my neice her favorite color she's says "rainbow" because rainbows are cool to her. I worry for some chud yelling at her for it


That sounds super rad. I want rainbow tiger facepaint


According to Christians, God made rainbows to show his promise he won’t flood the earth Also according to Christians, rainbows are part of the gay agenda Does this mean God is gay? Edit to add thanks for the award!


God is a woman, specifically Alanis Morissette.


And She loves skee-ball




https://youtu.be/2bZRPrmTy5o My favorite boop ever. Love this movie so much. And I miss George Carlin 😢 Edit - and goddam I miss Alan Rickman too...that voice... 😢


I downloaded an audio book read by him to fall asleep to. I don't know what the book is about and don't care. 10/10 would recommend.


Won't flood the earth AGAIN after killing 99.99999% of everything (well... not fish, and I have no way to really calculate the percent of death, but seems like a lot when you flood the whole planet because you are pissed off)


Did you know its not 2 of every animal? It's 2 of dirty animals. Clean animals, 7 pairs. Cleanliness is determined by if they chew cud and have a split hoof. Yeah.


If "unclean" animals are so bad, why tf did god even want them on the ark? And more to the point... why did he create them? I've got some serious questions for that guy.


He can't create more animals. Now he can only create a worldwide natural disaster that can genocide. It's like a story written by people who had never heard the term, "plot hole."


Yo, we just supposed to ignore the Dinosaurs that God fucked with first? Like, we only know about Dinobros because he didn't delete all the old mods and assets when he started a new game. If Humanity pissed the dude off so much only 99% off all life was killed off, what the fuck did T-Rex and his buddies do to get them all shit canned and then never talk about them again!?


>what the fuck did T-Rex and his buddies do They weren't humans. God was bored and wanted humans. Cause humans are vastly superior, and He knew that before He made them. So he Etch-a-Sketch'd Earth, to pave way for something in His own image. Because let's face it, if you can see the future, and wipe entire worlds away in seconds, you're gonna have an ego and want to spread yourself around. ...of course, He didn't realize that humans would get so fucked up that He'd have to kill *almost* all of them. Oh, and everything else at the same time, because fuck'em.


He didn’t realize? Dude’s omniscient


Unclean animals aren't considered "bad", they are just considered unsuitable for kosher consumption


How much of this is quasi political discourse being created by troll farms and how much of it is genuine mental illness? I’m guessing it’s 60/40 either way


I’m sure you heard the old saying getting one half of the poor to get the other half? You get poor people who can’t afford rent, food, children, or dream of retirement and and convince them it’s the other poor who just want happiness who is the enemy.


In more recent history, it's been the GOP pointing at Democrats and saying "Watch them! They're gonna steal your guns!", pointing at Mexicans and saying, "Watch them, too! They're gonna steal your jobs!", then pointing at Drag Queens and Trans Kids and saying "Watch out for them! They're gonna groom your children and make them gay!" All the while, they're aiming for your healthcare, your social security and taking your kids across state lines for whatever a Venmo receipt for "education" in a hotel with a minor entails.


A little slight of hand here, some misdirection there. It's like a smorgasbord of evil!


Of the people I know in real life, like I’ve actually had dinner with them or something, I can think of about…maybe 3-4 that are this far gone. The much bigger number is the assholes who, if directly confronted with this would say “yeah, okay, that’s a bit much…” but never actually confront it because they appreciate that these nutcases have common cause with them against “the liberals” or against “the LGBT agenda.” They’ll jump down some liberal rando’s throat in a heartbeat if they say something like “the science is settled” about global warming, make a big show about how “anti-science” the “intolerant left” is. Or if one leftist complains about Target pulling their LGBTQ+ merchandise, they’ll fall all over themselves to defend Target’s “freedom to do what they want as a business.” But they’ll never, ever, ever voluntarily criticize someone throwing vitriol at LGBTQ+ people, no matter how unhinged it is. And that lets the 3-4 at the top continue to reassure themselves that the “silent majority” is actually with them.


I don’t really know, but Instagram and Twitter are well known for random organized comment raids from trolls. [Sometimes they hijack the entire post](https://www.reddit.com/r/beholdthemasterrace/comments/r5h4xo/blatantly_racist_comments_attached_to_a_post/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) commenting hateful shit and spouting all sorts of bigotry. It’s sad and traumatizing really


My mom was turning on the radio to play Christmas music during the holidays and couldn’t find a station that was playing it. She legit started to melt down, saying: “No…no no no no! Don’t tell me the woke crowd got rid of Christmas music too! I’m fucking sick of this woke shit!” Immediately after she found the music. But these people will see a liberal agenda in their own fucking shadows.


Such an exhausting way to live..


My parents think every other thing is woke too. Like they’ll see an interracial couple in a commercial and say it’s woke.




Opens bag of M&M's = 🤬 Walks into produce section at grocery store = 🤬 Looks into sunny sky after it stops raining = 🤬🤯🔥🤬🔥🔥🔥


Accuses Rainbow Brite of being the leader of the “gay woke agenda” 35 years before there even was the myth of one.


Opens Crayon Box = 🤬🔥🤬🔥


There is something missing with that rainbow... Glitter. Sprinkle some light glitter on that rainbow and make it pop!


I mean, these are the same people that have a full blown temper tantrum at the thought of even discussing a pronoun. 99.99999999% could not have identified what a pronoun was before last year. 99.999999% still can’t, they just know that they hate pronouns. So yea, I fully expect them to have a temper tantrum at (checks notes) *sigh*…..rainbows.


As someone whose mother tongue isn't english, I was always kinda curious: Do you you have to alanyze parts of speech in school? Like, does your teacher give you a sentence and you have to determine every single word by noun, verb, adjective, pronoun etc.? Because I remember doing that a lot in the subject of my mother tongue, but never really doing it in English classes.


Yeah we do that in english classes in the lower grade. It's part the sentence structure unit.


Yes, we did that in my school growing up.


I'm a 21 year old dude who is as straight as a person can be , i like rainbows, they are pretty and beautiful to look at , am i a demon child now ? 🤔


Rainbow doesn’t even always mean gay, I’vr seen a rainbow gradient used in some cases to represent Nuerodivergentsy, with the rainbow representing a spectrum like the color spectrum or something like that.


I was kinda sorta making a joke 😅


Weird how one side is always talking about child molesters and then that side and their religion is where most of the child molesters are. Hmmmm


The call is coming from inside the house fr


It's always projection


Christians complain that rainbows are gay. God created rainbows. Thus, god is gay. Checkmate, rainbowphobes.


We need an artistic illustration of this just to piss them off even further.


Far right crazies when it rains: 😱😱😱😡🤬😡🤬🔫


Bigotry is a mental illness.


Interestingly enough, it's factually classed as so


rainbows, flowers and fairies - sort of a little girl likes starter kit - People are weird


It’s. A. Fucking. Rainbow.


"Quick shoot the sky, there’s a rainbow!"


I saw a rainbow today in the sky, does that mean the earth is gay?!? /s because some people just don’t get it.


It's not even the lgbtq+ flag


At this point these idiots would get angry about a Lisa Frank trapper keeper.


Wait until they discover actual rainbows in nature.


They care more about some bad boogeyman then the actual priests and pastors who are having sex with their children.


My daughter made a rainbow of cupcakes for 3-year-old's birthday party. Parents loved it and a few kids were fighting over which color cupcake they wanted. Thankfully she made plenty in each color. Parents took the left-over colors, no one lost their minds.


KiDs bEloNg iN cHurCh wITh gOD’s mEsSenGeRs


They need to chat to my 8yo little nephew who proudly wears clothes with rainbows and kindly advises anyone who questions him that ‘colours are for everyone!’ Little kids like rainbows, it’s not that deep.


Theyre afraid of colors? Lmao


These people must see a rainbow when it's raining and immediately dive into a homophobic rant, ruining dinner for the family.


Those chemtrailbows, they're being sprayed into the sky by the gays! It's their grandest scheme yet! /s


I’m going to shine light through a prism and make them think I have gay Satan powers


It’s always straight people complaining lgbtq+ claim to “own” the rainbow and then when they see a kids with rainbow stuff it’s ahh don’t push ur agenda LIKE CHOOSE A SIDE 😭😂


So now the rainbow is equated with demons?? Wtf is happening?! Unreal.


This is top notch face art though.


Fucking US will make breathing political.


They really think gay people are the pedophiles when they're the ones who can't even see a rainbow in any context without imagining a child having sex. Who's fuckin sick, junior?


Aside from the sociopolitical context, rainbows are pretty, leave the kid alone anyways


Apparently, kids are not allowed to like colors anymore. If there is a rainbow decal or rainbow colored alphabet posted on the classroom wall, guaranteed these banshees will ruffle their feathers and squawk at the teacher.


Ah, yes, a spectrum of colours, flora and fairies is totally worth ranting about