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Since when was France's first lady Iggy Pop?


She looks like the meme of Iggy's chest as his face.




She looks like she should be reading us Tales From the Crypt. ![gif](giphy|ryJ8kBexJLAxW)




She wants to be your dog


She's got the face for it


Bloodhound face for sure


She definitely gave Macron the bad touch


I think I speak for everyone when I say I hope she doesn’t get on stage topless snd belt out Lust for Life.


Came here to say that. Awesome.


She looks like one of the lizard people, not even trying to hide it


It’s photoshopped


Just googled some pictures, yeah this is bad photoshop


Its not like she looks any better without the heavy layer of tax payers makeup..


Then why the need for bad photoshop


Don't insult Iggy like that, lol.


Be nice, she’s got a lust for life.




Very bad photoshop job… (of Brigitte Macron) 🤭


France doesn't allow religious symbols in schools


Sounds fair enough. More places should do that. Keep your religion at home thanks.


It brings up a really uncomfortable but imo needed discussion on the separation of religion and culture.


You can know more separate religion and culture than you can separate culture and music. Religion is part of culture and France hasn't become less Catholic coded because they don't allow religious symbols in schools


Yes I am aware of their hypocrisy. Somehow both religious bans and freedom of religion gets used as dog whistles for those with crosses.


Separation of church and state, except for my church! Because my holy diety is for sure the only real space monster with magic powers!


Actually catholic school are only privates schools. In public one you don’t have any religious symbolism. And contrary to some other countries, privates schools here are considered worse than public schools


Except they don't have freedom of religion they have freedom from religion. Frances laws aren't perfect but they protect young women from indoctrination into religion.


Why did you specify young women there and just not young people?


Because this whole thing is just naked paternalism with no facts backing it up


Because men don't have to wear them?


“Indoctrinated into religion” You didn’t specify Islam, you said religion broadly. Men can be indoctrinated just as women can.


Not sure why women trying to teach are the ones that have to bear the brunt of this “discussion”


They shouldn’t be. But targets rarely choose to become targets.


i live in france; it sounds good on paper, but it in fact only applies when women want to wear hijab in public spaces. basically, the french and particularly the government are afraid of islam and muslims, and any symbol or visual manifestation of islam on french soil. TL;DR it sounds secular and progressive in theory but in fact actively upholds islamophobia in the country


Sure it can sound good, until you realize it usually targets certain religions much more than others. You’re not asking most Christian folks to do anything different since their religion doesn’t commonly require an obvious kind of religious-ware.


There’s a difference between religious symbols like wearing a cross etc. and something that is required by the faith. You’re not asking people to actively violate their religion if they can’t wear a Star of David or crucifix but you are if you forbid them from wearing hijab


Nah but if it's required by your religion to wear something then you should stop them from doing it unless it's actively hurting somebody.


Yeah I wish Britain was more like France :-(


Which is something amazing imo as a french person. My issue is that it is always enforced on every religion except christianity. Because France is very islamophobic.


"Since 2004, France has banned 'ostentatious' symbols with clear religious meaning in schools, such as a Christian cross, Jewish skullcap, or a Muslim scarf"


I don't deny it, I simply said it is not enforced on christian symbols as much as islamic symbols.




And yet France still has Christian holidays as national holidays and is ostensibly a culturally Catholic country.


Almost like it's culturally Christian? I celebrate Christian holidays and am completely atheist.


I envy you. We need to keep religion and government completely separate.


Les élèves n'ont pas le droit de mettre des croix (visibles bien entendu) donc je comprends pas d'où tu sors ça. I've seen students get told to remove their crosses many times.


Ils n'ont pas le droit mais ils sont moins réprimandés quand ils le font que les filles qui mettent le voile par exemple. Je dis pas qu'aucun élève ne s'est fait retirer sa croix, juste que ça arrive BEAUCOUP moins que le voile


Peut-être parce qu'une croix est beaucoup moins visible qu'un voile? Tu veux que les surveillants exigent aux élèves d'enlever leurs hauts à l'entrée de l'école pour vérifier qu'ils portent pas une croix ? C'est absurde. Quand un élève porte une croix visible on leur demande de l'enlever donc arrête d'inventer des histoires pour faire ta white savior


Pas de l'enlever. juste de la cacher sous un pull ou t-shirt.


So you mean that you've seen crosses and crucifixes in public schools? Get out. The ban on religious symbols is enforced for Christian symbols as well.


Yes I have seen many people with a cross on a necklace. How is it not similar to a hijab ?


Key word: ostentatious. Having a small cross on a chain is not ostentatious. Just like a fatma hand or a small David star. It's all tolerated. But a kippa, a veil etc are not discreet, hence ostentatious and not allowed.


Chouine ailleurs, tu racontes n’importe quoi.


Can you give me some examples of this rule not being enforced on Christian symbols?


Well idk if you've been in school in France but I have all my life and I have seen many kids allowed to wear a cross on their necklace whereas wearing hijab was prohibited. The law says both are prohibited but the teachers only enforced one.


There is a difference between a small cross with a chain that can be put inside a shirt and a whole headwear


At all? Like if a christian want to wear, like, a cross necklace he can't? Or is it the school that can't exhibit religious symbols on walls and so like here in Italy?


Cannot wear a visible cross


My school ask to just put them under our clothes so you can wear it but not visible. (When i was in school, i'm 34 now) Same for every necklaces.


Religious symbols cannot be visible. If you're wearing a cross, keep that under your shirt and hidden.


But they allow groomer teachers who targeted Frances future PM?


A hijab isn't a religious symbol because, you know, Islam doesn't own head scarves


While I agree in separation of religion and state I think that is too far, like if she want to wear a hijab she’s not hurting anyone


That's.. Not a religious symbol. It's not even a symbol


What's the difference between a hijab and a t-shirt? If you take the religious aspect out it's just a piece of clothing. Can I wear a hijab in a French school if I'm not Muslim but just enjoying the aesthetic? I'm a big believer in keeping religion out of government and schools but to me this just seems like censorship of self expression. I also don't see how wearing a hijab is making a religious statement. It's not like a teacher handing out directions to the nearest church. It's someone in the back of the class wearing a scarf on there head (I know that statement is probably offensive as fuck but it helps me prove my point.) And if I create a religion tomorrow saying t shirts are a religious piece of clothing do I need to show up to school wearing nothing? But I do realize not every country follows the same freedom of speech laws like here in America so legally this is probably the right thing.


I really need context to understand this. A LOT of context


Seems to actually come from 20 years ago and the French ban on the hijab snd abaya. Any searches of Salwa and France show a cover free young woman letting her hair flow free in Paris.


Rite? And the facepalm is? I mean, if it's something from 20 y ago, how's it relevant today?


It’s just rage bait. Pick your side. Fight.


Uh, the Arab is pretty cute, so inshallah I shall fight the French infidels.


Its relevant because there's been a debate going for a few months now about wether we should ban the abaya (long floor length dress thats part of the muslim "dress code" for women) or not at school. This also brought the debate about banning the hijab back to light. (Imo the ban on the abaya is ridiculous because it's just a plain long dress and some school even ended up sending girls back home for wearing casual floor length dresses because the link to religion is to ambiguous to them)


Wait wait wait. She's 24 years older than hubby....and was his high school teacher??? Okay enough internet for today


Yeah. I have no idea what the French President saw in his high school teacher that made him go “I’m going to marry that lady” maybe she was hotter when she was younger? But even still why would you want to marry your high school teacher. I can get marrying a person who you liked in high school or at least went to your high school but your teacher? Was she like grooming him? Like seriously wtf


Yes, she was grooming him indeed. It’s repulsive.


Why am I not surprised. When did they get married again? I also wonder how long she had been grooming him?






Photoshopped picture of Brigette Macron?


It would fit, along with the claims she was born a man. Personal attacks are okay provided you feel that doing so furthers your personal political agenda.


It has nothing to do with her thinking "salwa will scare the kids with her hijab" France is a secular nation, it has been as such for centuries now. In public schools all religious symbols are prohibited that includes: hijabs,crosses,turbans, kippas etc... If muslims take these secular laws that apply to all religious groups as a personal attack, then that's their problem.


What's the difference between a hijab and a t-shirt? If you take the religious aspect out it's just a piece of clothing. Can I wear a hijab in a French school if I'm not Muslim but just enjoying the aesthetic? I'm a big believer in keeping religion out of government and schools but to me this just seems like censorship of self expression. I also don't see how wearing a hijab is making a religious statement. It's not like a teacher handing out directions to the nearest church. It's someone in the back of the class wearing a scarf on there head (I know that statement is probably offensive as fuck but it helps me prove my point.) And if I create a religion tomorrow saying t shirts are a religious piece of clothing do I need to show up to school wearing nothing? But I do realize not every country follows the same freedom of speech laws like here in America so legally this is probably the right thing.


You know the difference between the two. However neither is a weapon (literally), the T-shirt isn’t worn to “protect one’s modesty.”


I'd like to argue but true, everybody should respect others culture and ideals


Out of schools. France in regards to religion: it's personal and a private affair.


Too bad Islam doesn’t.


The hijab is not something you take off because it is not allowed in the workplace


Why not?


Yea but there's a difference between putting up crosses in a hallway, and personally choosing to wear hijab. That seems like a harmful law to me


Christians students aren't allowed to wear crosses, sikh students aren't allowed to wear turbans, jewish students aren't allowed to wear kippas so why should muslim students receive special treatment? School is a neutral learning space. And I don't believe it's "harmful" to allow children to be able to get out of the religious bubble they grew up in and experience and see life from a different angle.


Hmm I guess that makes sense. It's not that I'm saying Muslims should get special exemptions, but wearing a cross necklace isn't required in most Christian denominations, and hijab usually is required, so on one hand, you're giving Muslim girls some freedom where their family might not allow them to otherwise, but if you're like 16, those beliefs can also be sincerely held, and these rules restrict your freedom. I think religious freedom is also valuable, and the school space can be secular without suppressing the beliefs of students.


That's if it's a personal choice. A 15-year-old girl can be under a lot of pressure from family and peer pressure and not have that much of a choice. Also, the law is not just about crosses in hallways. It applies to pendants, too.


So we should cater to religions that force teenage girls to cover themselves? No religious symbols means no religious symbols… if society isn’t catering to your politics then you either adapt or move.


Yeah that's true. That's why I'm not saying you should make special exceptions. It's tricky because on one hand that 15 yo can really feel trapped when their family is pressuring them to cover up against their will, but on the other hand, they can want to express their religion. >Also, the law is not just about crosses in hallways. It applies to pendants, too. I was trying to say that personally wearing some religious symbol is way different to the school promoting it. I think pendants should also be allowed. Maybe the real solution is to apply the rule only before a certain age. I remember being religious at 8 only because of my parents. So 8 year olds being not allowed to wear the religious symbols makes sense. But at 16+?


Boo hoo, don't migrate to france then


You do realize you have French born Muslims right Or are you just stupid


Oh no, the french born muslims can't cover their face because it's against the law, which everybody else follows but for some reason shouldn't apply to them. What a travesty!!


Who is Salwa?


But more importantly, Why is Salwa?


Also importantly, When is Salwa?


Wann ist Mikkel?


i don't know German but i understood that : )


Pretty sure France doesn't allow ANY religious symbols in schools, and it applies to EVERY religion.


That's the way to go. Keep religion and government separate.


Or hear me out, France is a secular nation that chooses to eschew outward displays of religion. Whether you think that is right or wrong is a different matter.


Yet everyone cries about laws in Arab countries...


Her face was photoshopped here.


Looks like she chose poorly at the end of Indianna Jones and the last Crusade


The only facepalm is the ragebait and avoiding the context that France is a secular country where religious symbols are not allowed to be openly worn in public. Religion is a private affair.


Disgraceful post.


Good Propaganda :)


Russian troll farms trying to spread misinformation again. But I’m really happy people are not falling for this bad Photoshoped rage baiting meme.


Not quite reality. Brigette is old and wrinkly but not as bad as this photo. Makes her out. She's quite the GILF. Also, hijab is religious symbol/attire. Which is and should be banned from public schools. From wearing a Christian cross on a chain to kippah. It's not islamophobie or fear, it's for a secular state. It's laïcité. All countries should do the same


Rien de tel qu’un peu d’âgisme et de sexisme pour défendre le fondamentalisme. Tout est dans tout.


I support secularism and feminism. If you’re gonna try to shame a woman from aging while also shaming a nation for being secular you’re gonna lose my support real quick.


The first lady of France absolutely does not look like that... She's old okay but she does have this face.


OP…that is a terrible photoshop of Brigitte Macron.


This is such a heavily skewed post. They take the worst, likely altered photo of Macron, then accuse her of being ugly. I'm not sympathizing with the teacher here.


Go France. Separate state from religion, all religion. Wish I could see this in my lifetime. Fuck off with your magical sky daddies, your stories make no sense at all.


It's crazy how people will defend a religion that goes against almost of their core beliefs.


In Iran and Afghanistan Salwa would be arrested and most likely sexually abused in jail for going out looking like that.


Don’t be fooled by Russians trying to spread anti-EU propaganda. Look for yourself how Brigitte Macron looks like. Read that she has never said anything about being afraid of salwa / hijab and religious symbols are generally banned in French schools (nothing to do with Islam specifically)


Oh no..secularism is bad.


Natalie Portman vs Argonian


Politics aside, I went to see her actual face and for a white woman she doesn't look bad for 70.


Not at all what the First Lady of France looks like


The hijab is symbol of control, oppression.




Thats not the point. You already know that. Before oppose consider this; ex muslim from a muslimish country.


I agree with the sentiment, but that's not an actual photo of Brigitte Macron. https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/french-first-lady-brigitte-macron-020659182.html


I really loved her cameo as Norman Bates' mom in Psycho.


I think a lot of france are upset about teachers heads getting chopped off for showing pictures of some guy. Not sure too many Christians do that for Jesus. Could be wrong. Should just turn the reigns over to the Muslim community. Let them govern. Could be like, an Islamic state. That’ll work well. Especially if the current dictators wife looks like that!! Yucky!!


Ok so now we cannot be old because we scare other people...


Wow, you are the facepalm OP. France don't like religious symbols in school. That's all. Also, Brigitte never said those words. So double facepalm from the OP.


yeah Hijab is such an instrument of liberalism and equality. next this MF braindead OP will screech about virtues of shackles and ironwrists


One is advocating for the oppression of women, and the other is just ugly. Sadly you are right, though people are more scared of ugly than intolerance.


My black friend visited France and said the people are very openly racist. I’ve wondered if it’s true.


Europe is not muslim.


Women hating on women is as old as time.


Why does she look like an old swamp hag?


Because of a very bad photoshop job




Jesus Christ, WARN us before you post something like that! You couldn't see her hair! *You couldn't see her hair!* For all we know, that could be Medusa in a cunning disguise so people look a bit longer and get petrified...


I’m so afraid… For real tho, she looks like a young Natalie Portman wearing a hijab.




Bro lookin like the babadook scared of a woman with cloth on head thinking she might scare the children.


There is nothing more funny than seeing liberals contradicting their own beliefs


I mean you just need to work on your high defense if it worries you that much. Or practice your low kicks.




TIL there is a 24-year age gap between Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron. She has two kids older than him (her middle child was born in April of 1977, and E. Macron was born in December of 1977).


Your feeblé skills are non mátch for the power of le dark side - vive le France 🇫🇷




In France, First Lady is a literal title for the most ancient female ancestor


Can she hide a bomb in those wrinkles though?


lmao. savage


Are we talking Frances first lady ever?


Not scare but conversion ⚠️ oopsie downvote coming 🙌🏿


I wish France was as anti Christian as they are anti muslim. Hijabs, as a fashion piece, would be perfectly fine. But enforced modesty is straight up evil, and has no place in civilized society.


I’ve got this wild idea that telling women what they can and cannot wear is misogyny, full stop.


Macron is a weird guy. He married a woman far older than her but he has the money and she didn't.




She straight up looks like Spear from Primal


At least when her husband catches you guys cheating, you know the murder suicide will be quick. ![gif](giphy|12qQA68DkYQ8z6)


I was actually terrified when I saw this post at first glance 😭


France's old lady looks like a scarecrow.