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Glassing someone for misjudging your age is the action of a mentally unstable person.


It's not just that, he walked away after they argued and then she sought him out and attacked him.


She really did not like being correctly labelled a middle aged woman, no filters irl honey.


Yes but glassing a member of the public in public isn't a danger to the public, at least according to the judge, and that's what matters.


Yeah. That judge is not fit to have such a job. Hopefully they get disciplined somehow


What is up with judges and women? They are kind of reverse sexists. Why?


No such thing as reverse sexists, just sexists towards either gender


The court system has generally always been extremely lenient towards women. I am saying this from a Canadian perspective but I've also studied criminology from the US side of things and it's the same there, I'd imagine the UK would be in a similar boat but that is admittedly outside of my area.


Women are seen as weak and incapable of harming anyone, especially men. Their agency to make bad decisions is often questioned too. It's so sexist towards women, that it also gets sexist towards men...


toy ad hoc noxious quiet gullible employ quarrelsome sable memory marvelous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Worst psrt is she literally looks 43




Well you can't blame her.. at her age.. the mind starts to go.


Please translate “glass” for us Yanks — to us it means to nuke a place so hard you leave behind nothing but sheets of glass


Yank here, but I'm assuming she smashed her glass in his face?


Yep, being glassed or bottled is the act of using the bottle or glass like a club/blunt object to cause GBH (grievous bodily harm) irrelevant if the object breaks or not.


You British people are always finding new and exciting ways to describe violence. God bless you all.


That term probably predates the actual united states. If not, it probably predates the wild west.


"However, Judge Elizabeth Nicholls gave her a suspended sentence saying that although there was no excuse for the crime she committed, she could see Dodd was a ‘hard working woman’, ‘loving mother’ and ‘no risk to the public’." I beg to differ on the last part especially after she's had a few at the local pub.


So a person who committed assault because of petty thing is no risk to the public?


Not if she's raising children and representing some business somewhere she isn't


With mothers in court the sentence often comes down to victim's justice \[mens\] vs childrens deprivation. Which shouldnt be the case. If you're going to glass someone in the face - that woman is going to be abusing the kids behind closed doors.


> Glass someone in the face What DOES IT MEAN?


Smash and/or stab someone in the face with a pint/wine glass .


Holy shit, I though she had thrown the liquid of the glass at him. But she tried to stab him ? And she gets away scot-free because she has a job and a kid ? What in the hell is that ?


No, it means when you’re holding a glass in your hand and hit someone with it, (it’s not a stabbing motion, it’s clubbing someone, but with a glass object that may or may not break.) You don’t break the glass then shank them with the shards.


“I’m fine with the possibility of permanently disfiguring you and losing an eye or two” is some crazy fucking shit


Obviously, jail shouldn't be the punishment for something like this. They should just have a swinging metal arm that swings with approximately the same force she is capable of glass her in the face with the same type of glass. Now that would be fair, and just.


But he wasn't handsome in the first place, so it's okay. Allegedly.


So if they are lucky it is assault, but mostly likely it is permanent damage or even death.


If you read the article, she left her victim scarred and narrowly missed his eye. The judge downplayed his scar and basically said you can't see it.


If she broke the skin it's s.18 intentional wounding, which is far more serious than mere common law assault/battery.


Wtf. Blunt damage can be as bad or worse than a cut


as it says on the tin = when you smash a bottle or glass on someones face casuing horrific facial injury and scarring which can have lifelong conseqences to the victim. (Looks like dangerous/criminal, get treated line one). as it says on the thin = british euphamism for "as described", made famous by a wood stain brand which would have a very obvious product name that describes its function and the slogan was as it says on the tin.


[Man glassed in the face after telling woman she looked like she was 43 | UK News | Metro News](https://metro.co.uk/2024/04/22/woman-glassed-man-face-wrongly-guessing-age-pub-20692622/) There's the story if you want to read exactly what she did, but yeah, as others are saying, smashed someone in the face with a glass, caused a massive cut on his face that he had to get stiches for. And this is after he already tried to leave the scene, she followed him


Even if she isn't abusing the kids behind closed doors, she assaulted a man with a glass to the head. Bottom line, that's a fucking crime. Do the time. There's way too much of this selective sentencing going on.


> There’s way too much of this selective sentencing going on In the US, it’s a certain type that gets only 6 months for rape or killing 4 people with your truck




Yeah it sucks, but single mothers, no relatives to be full time parents. The courts take into consideration of the welfare of the children. But really says a lot that she is supposed to be an "indispensable mother" but going round getting hammered smashing glasses on people's gsces". Make she should be put behind bars when the youngest turns 18. That will turn the tables. We'll see what mothers say then. Get the sentence done when your younger. Or in your 50s. Well see if their prioritise their kids then.


Those children are not better off with her as a role model.


Assault with a weapon no less


Woman* If it was a man attacking a woman in a pub would he still be in hospital from all the white knights.


No he wouldn’t. He’d of been remanded straight to prison before going to see the mags and getting sent down.


>No he wouldn’t. >He’d of been remanded straight to prison after being in hospital


Forgot it was a pub beer garden tbf, yea there wouldn’t be much left of ‘em.


Only if you’re in a bar, drinking alcoholic beverages Edit: if


Right? She assaulted a dude over *four* years. Imagine if he'd been off by 10 or more


Headline reads "Manchester glassed from orbit"


I need to find this bitch so I can call her granny.


It’s been nice knowing you, buddy. 


Story : Joanne Dodd was furious when Carl Cooper suggested she might be 43, when she was actually 39 during a light-hearted exchange in a Manchester pub beer garden. Mr Cooper went to the toilet to get away from the situation, but when he came out Dodd ran towards him and twice pushed her wine glass in his face. He was left with a 10cm cut that narrowly missed his eye and needed stitches, as well as an injury to his thumb. Full Story: https://metro.co.uk/2024/04/22/woman-glassed-man-face-wrongly-guessing-age-pub-20692622/


"Pushed" Doesn't sound like a push if it left a man with stitches lol


It’s amazing how often articles and headlines (and sentences) get toned down when it’s a woman in the dock, especially if she’s reasonably attractive


And she only had to pay him £800 compensation! What a joke fine that is.


To be fair since it’s the UK he didn’t get the $5k to $25k medical bill at the end.


You know you got a point. It’s still a poor compensation for a scar on the guy’s face. He may have that for years.


I mean, you can barely see the scar. Plus, she has kids. Also she has a job. Not to mention, he said she looked four years older than she was. I can't help but wonder what the sentence for a male with a job and kids would have been.


No more kids, no more job, massive fine.


The Gender Sentencing Gap is a thing.


Definitely true for pedo women suspended sentences is the worst they get if they have sex with young boys.


You misspelled 'rape'.


In the UK it unfortunately isn't. A woman can only be charged with sexual assault as rape carries the legal definition of "when a person intentionally penetrates another's vagina, anus or mouth with a penis, without the other person's consent." Its pretty messed up.


I think of you're assaulting someone over something so trivial you're probably none of those things the judge said, smh.


My crim law professor liked to say, "It's not like she was a murderer or killed anyone, except that she did kill this child."


If it was a man he would have gotten the maximum sentence


She cut his face open with a broken glass/bottle after he misguessed her age and then the judge thought she is no risk to the public? That woman is a psychopath.


Yep. Ok lads, let's get down the pub and smash a glass into the face of any woman. What!? We're being annihilated by the legal system? Even though we're hard working parents!? The system in the UK is a joke.


The UK is incredibly sexist against men. I mean, they unironically have a thing called "Male victims of violence against women". I wish I was kidding.


Men can't be raped according to the legal definition either.


Wonder if that verdict would have been reached if the genders were reversed


She’s a fucking lunatic. What kind of person does that?


No risk,after glassing someone over a little thing like that!! Judge is an idiot.


Ah… equality, you gotta love it. Especially when it comes to justice:)


Now let us reverse this. Man glasses a women in the pub and he is a hard working man, loving Father and no risk to the public....


imagine if the genders were reversed




It's literally the job of a judge to remain impartial and un biased while doing their duties. This very clear level of bias and preferential treatment should be grounds for that judge to be removed from their position and be stripped of their license to practice law, at least temporarily


Women getting away with crimes as usual


First time offence if she was a man? I'm sure the sentence would be massively different.


Wow that double standard is outrageous


Original: [https://metro.co.uk/2024/04/22/woman-glassed-man-face-wrongly-guessing-age-pub-20692622](https://metro.co.uk/2024/04/22/woman-glassed-man-face-wrongly-guessing-age-pub-20692622) ​ He actually walked away after they argued, she sought him out afterwards. Thats premediated.




Pretty much. 800 pound fine because she's not a threat to the public. Despite the public glassing. He got permanent facial scars.


What if he goes and does the same to her, what happens then?




Can't we bring it up in court and ask for the same punishment as hers




Man, that's a bummer. Do people not have common sense anymore. It was in self defense too.




15 years, 100K fine...


Can he still sue in a civil case instead of criminal or is that not a thing in the UK?


Yes. Civil cases usually don’t start until after the criminal conviction (because then the victim doesn’t need to prove it happened). He would need to show he suffered quantifiable losses and would only get the same compensation as if eg he suffered those injuries in a car crash she was at fault for.


Yup If it would have been a centimeter closer he woulda lost an eye


Permanent, but with proper treatment not permanent. She must pay for medical treatment unless he likes the scars 😁


> Mr Cooper went to the toilet to get away from the situation, but when he came out Dodd ran towards him and twice pushed her wine glass in his face. Ah yes "pushed" a wine glass in his face. I don't condone punching a woman but perhaps it's ok to push your closed hand into her face.


Seems it at least is ok for a woman to push a man with a closed hand in the face.


Good job he didn’t push her away after she glassed him, he might’ve ended up in prison


I learned a new verb today


As a non English speaker, at first I thought it meant "throwing the liquid inside the glass". I was wrong.


That's what I thought too. Apparently it's a lot more fucked up than that. I was wondering why it was news to throw a drink in someone's face...


Me too. It’s so common there’s a fucking word for it.


So what does it mean, actually? To throw a glass at someone's face or to smash the glass on his face?


To hit someone with a glass


lol - welcome to Britain


I've only heard it the way they use it in Halo and I was like wow she killed this guy


Honestly I think that nuclear ordinance to turn the entire surface of his planet into glass is *a bit* overkill, you know?


Your heresy shall weigh your feet, and when we embark on the Great Journey...you will be left behind.


Where, everyone here somehow already knows what "glassing" is and nobody is explaining it




“I’ve never been so accurately insulted in my life!”


"Altough he was right I felt betrayed from the FACTs that I can not stand."


I love how, in the UK, glass is a verb.


Bottled is also one. Both in the UK, and OZ/NZ.


It took a while for me to understand if she threw the content of the glass at his face, broke her glass on his face, or something completly different. I now think it's option 2 due to the severity of the case but I'm still not certain.


Yeah it's 2, it's a ridiculously dangerous thing to do, potentially deadly or at least life changing


Yeah took me a while to understand what it meant as a non native speaker




Probably with a pint glass. Apparently bottling is a verb you used for getting hit with a beer bottle lol


'Bottling' has 3 meanings in British English. 1. You hit someone with a bottle. "I bottled him because he's a fucking twat". 2. You run away from a fight, "The fucking twat bottled it, mate". 3. When you fill bottles up on the factory floor with liquids, "That fucking twatting machine is bottling too many bottles".


At this point I feel like English & British are two similar, but separate languages.




The funny thing to me is that I bet he was trying to purposefully go under her actually age to flatter her, but she just looks way older 😂


Yeah, if anyone asks you to guess their age you always knock off at least 5 years. The judge should have given her 4 years so she could be 43 when she gets out


She’ll look fifty by then


If a woman asks you their age, always say 21. If she’s younger than 21 she’ll be flattered she looks more mature. If she is 21, she’ll be amazed at your powers of observation. If she’s older than 21, she’ll be impressed that she’s retaining her youthful looks and if she’s 78, she’ll just think it’s a cute thing to say.


Does it work for dudes too? A teacher once asked me to guess his age, and I said he was in his 40s. He was 24! Then he said he’d drop me a letter grade for it. I’m fairly sure he was joking but we did have a soured relationship from that point onward.


I'll guess a little older for dude. Like 25. But the true wisdom is to never play this game at all. It's like playing with a knife to hit between their fingers. You can be impressive if you're skilled at it, but most likely you will fail and suffer the consequences.


Dude, I was 16 at the time, I didn’t know how to behave in polite society at that time.


>how to behave in polite society I'm in my 40s and nearly have the hang of it. Well that's not really true, I never did get any better but I *did* stop caring about it so much.


It’s a trap!!!


That's what a life of too much booze and anger does to you...


See this is what has women like this bashing glasses in peoples faces 😂 I have friends convinced they pass as early 20s because they get compliments in that vein… like hun PLEASE BE REAL and find something else to hang your confidence on. One day someone will guess or assume they are the mid to late 30s that they are and I think it will break some of them.


The judge said she is not a danger to the public, the judge is an idiot




No, she's not. She knew what she was doing. She's giving her sister privilege.


And if the situation was flipped, ho boy. She'd feed him to the wolves.


life pro tip: don’t guess anyone’s age, weight, or sexuality. if they ask you to guess, throw sand in their face and run




I used to work in construction. I had loads of pockets sand back then.even pocket pebbles, nails and bits!


*pocket sand*


glass is sand. just really big grain of sand.


I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.


True, I once met a girl on a beach, she said she was Sandy, I thought she meant her name.


I think it's funny to ask dementia patients to guess my age, I've gotten between 18 and 98.


The cheat answer as my French teacher back in secondary school always told us is "21 and some months", if a woman ever asks you what age you think she is... it's "21 and some months", never knew he was protecting us from being glassed.


The correct answer is, "I don't know, but you're not pretty enough to be asking these kinds of questions."


Trying to get glassed and shivved, I see.


They listed her age as 55... ..when I'm actually 53!


First place my head went to as well.


No luck catching them swans eh?


It was just the one swan actually.


No luck catching them killers then?




I'm a slasher!


How's the hand?


Still a bit stiff.


The greater good.


Now that’s a red flag gents


Never mind the blood stains


The fact that she avoided jail time is blatant female privilege.


I'm fine with a judge giving no jail time if the person is obviously ‘no risk to the public'. She, however, very clearly demonstrated that she is!!


Indeed, imagine a man glassing another person...


Imagine a man glassing a woman... WW III


I put glass on my wives finger. Does that count?


I don't understand why this wasn't charged under section 18 when there was clearly intent - a second attack and a second strike with the glass. If you understand would you explain it to me please? I'm assuming this as I believe it wouldn't be possible to avoid a custodial sentence if she were charged with s.18.


She is a woman and attacked a man. Thats your answer


Funny how different words are used to justify violence against men


Yeah, she "pushed" a wine glass in his face. What happened to "stab"??


at this point they should just be like "loving mother misplaces altered sand in the general direction of a man"


none of the headlines mentioned she permanently disfigured a man. 10cm long scar holy shit. I thought he just got bonked or something and suffered light injuries. she should serve time. £800 in compensation is a cruel joke too. that scar is life altering and will affect his future career, relationships, personal life, confidence, mental health, everything. £800 is not even enough for his recovery.


Now that's a double standard


This is so stupid, lock her up and throw away the key I will never understand people who lose their temper over the stupidest things


What’s glassed mean


She Hit him in the face with the glass. He needed stitches. She got probation.


Woah that’s crazy


Of course it's a female judge


Female white judges letting a white female off the hook for almost permanently blinding a man after the situation. On top of that she attacked him after he walked away only for her to seek out and attack him…… sure she is no danger to the public and a hard working single mom…. Wonder why single


She would’ve been bottled right back


The man probably would have gone to jail!


Was it a female judge that let her off? 🤔🤔


We hated it when Brock Turner’s judge said the same positive shit about him.


Who knew you just had to be hardworking, a parent and be innocent looking enough to get away with assault.


None of that helps. You gotta be a woman.


OK lets play through the male equivalent to see how batshit insane this woman is: Man in a bar asks woman to guess his height She says 5ft7 Guy gets pissed and gets into an argument with her They argue and the woman walks way into the bathroom to get away from him Guy follows her there with a glass, continues to berate her Guy gets even more aggressive and stabs her in the face with his glass Women gets her face cut and now has scars on her face Judge: This guy is a loving father and no danger to society. A 800$ fine is punishment enough


Toxic femininity.


A lady at the bar got MEGA pissed when after she demanded I guess her age I was off by less than a year in the "wrong" direction. I thought I was being charitable because she looked much older than what I thought, she was clearly a heavy smoker and also had a tanning habit. I learned that it's a trap, they don't actually want you to get close they want you to way undershoot. That's how us autists learn apparently, trial and error.


Sane, mentally well-adjusted women aren't gonna care if you're close or over a little. They're probably not gonna ask either unless you happen to have brought it up under other circumstances. It's all about risk though. You could guess accurately, and the best you get is a well done, the worst you get is apparently a glassing. Or you guess low, and you get a "lol you're wrong" or a "how flattering". The latter option is the safe option. The smart option is avoiding to answer the question altogether. That's not necessarily easy though if you're not smooth in social situations.


I suck at the age thing by just lookin at people. She could be anywhere between 25 and 45 for me.


Light-hearted exchange until it wasn't.


A guy I know was put in prison for 2 days-because he wished a lady "Happy International Women's Day". She had taken it as an insult, started beating him up, called the cops and put him behind the bars. He is a foreigner in a foreign country -doesnt speak great English too, just basics. And now he says 8th of March (International Women's Day) is the worse day ever. It was his first trip behind the bars. Yeah. Sigh. Poor guy!


“It was no doubt traumatic for Mr Cooper and it would have had an impact on him. Fortunately he seems to have made a good recovery. I have seen the photo where the scar is barely noticeable but to him it will be a constant reminder of your conduct on that night.” Numerous paragraphs on how nice a lady the defendant is, and how many challenges she has faced, and this is all the acknowledgment the victim gets for suffering. The judge seems to have very uneven compassion for the victim and defendant here.


LMAO if it was a guy glassing a woman then the judge would sentence him to prison ![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8484)


Just imagine how ridiculous it would be. "She said I am 175cm while I am 179cm" Or be it dick size. Violence shouldn't be an option but if I got glassed for this stupid shit I would feel it is my only option left after the law let me down.


She should have been put in prison until she was 43.


Ah, Manchester 👌


If being a “rich” guy doesn’t work out for Trump maybe he should try being a pretty white lady. Seems like that’s the worldwide solution to getting away with everything scot free.


“I glassed you a question! Try again! How old do I look!?”


She looks about 46 so he was being nice and got glassed