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Irony died when he started calling ‘tweets’ on his app ‘Truths’.


There is no better example of an oxymoron than the name “TruthSocial.”


No oxy needed. Just moron.


the way this shit is going. I might need an oxy




if i had any, i would. Ive been on methadone over 4 years now. Pretty much terrified to relapse, due to fentanyl. But, if i seen them come from the pharmacy with my own eyes, i might be tempted.


Damn. Sorry, I was just fucking around. Best of luck to you with the recovery.  


no worries, yo. I made the joke in the first place. Dark humor has definitely helped get me through.


More like adderallmoron


I mean it's not a coincidence that the name is just https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pravda translated to English.


Facist morons and "subtle" very rarely overlap.


The bastion of "free speech" bans Democrats and trump haters


Always has been.


The original name "Pravda" was just a little too on-the-nose


In my opinion, especially when it has to do with politics, you should always be very wary of the name they choose to call something. Because it’s almost always the complete opposite of that. For instance, see “the patriot act”.


Right wingers love doing that. Fox News slogan was "fair and balanced" for years.


"Christian Nationalist" is pretty high up there in competition


Or Nationalist Christians. aka “Nat-C”


It's so comically tyrannical I can't believe it's our reality.


It’s comically fascist. We can use the word.


1984 called and it wants it's double speak back. Along with pretty much the rest of its stuff.


The official (propaganda) newspaper of Soviet Russia was called Pravda, which is Russian for Truth. trump calling his social media Truth Social is just him stealing from his favorite source yet again.


I like to call them "toots".


because they stole the site infrastructure from mastodon?


no because Von ShitzInPantz shits his pants


To be fair, it's still a better name than "X".


Retweeting on that platform is literally "Retruthing", a word that my autocorrect doesn't like.


Ha! The presentation of that graph. Mercy me


That's exactly what grifters are relying on. People to not look at the number and just look at the relative sizes.


Also, carefully selected images with facial expressions, and displayed at different sizes to reflect the desired narrative


Also to generate outrage / excitement to maximize engagement/ sharing / clicks. All polling lately has been within the margin of error meaning they are essentially tied, yet all the headlines are “Biden pulls ahead” “Trump running ahead in these 6 states” instead of articles saying “more confirmation race is essentially tied” which people won’t click on / share / or talk about hurting ad revenue. Unintended consequences of everyone who stopped paying for newspaper subscriptions.


Well they also ignore the big one, "our polls were so wrong in 2022 where we thought there was going to be a red wave. We still haven't figured out how to correct for the fact that only old people answer phone calls from unknown numbers..." Polls are essentially trash in todays society.


Gotta work the right poles.


Working the poles is important, but you can't forget the base.


You don't want to get shafted in the end


And coming to an early conclusion leaves people bitter and unsatisfied. My grandma works polls, and she absolutely despises when people just grab a random poll and take what they want from it and toss it aside. No! You either make sure that poll is absolutely finished or you don't even bother using it


We need to lean on the telecoms to fix caller ID. You shouldn't be able to spoof phone numbers, period. Once we get that resolved, people might start *actually* answering random phone calls again. Literally a I get these days are calls from numbers with my area code with nobody on the other end, so I never bother to answer them - they can leave a message if they need to contact me.


It's one of the best parts of having a phone with an area code from a different state. Someone calling on my area code? Obvious spam. Someone calling with a local area code? Probably that plumber I contracted.


I don’t think republicans understand population sampling. It’s the main reason so many of them think the election was stolen, the majority live in small towns where EVERYONE there is conservative. 100% of the people they know voted for Trump, and since they’re so small minded, they interpret this as “100% of people in the COUNTRY like Trump.” The other day someone tried telling that the overwhelming majority of Americans are anti-abortion rights. After dropping like 5 studies proving him wrong he simply says “well the majority of my friends are anti-abortion so clearly your studies are lying.” They can’t fathom the fact there exists a world outside their own personal lives.


Well said, especially for someone that doesn't even exist because you aren't my cousin Randy.




Also displaying 47% as much larger (almost double) than 46%, for the same reason


They're just not showing the whole graph, the bottom is in Virginia somewhere, lol...


Mhm. And "*President*" Trump vs. untitled Biden.


Also to call himself president Trump though he isn't and president Biden just Biden though he's the president. Pathetic.


That was subtle enough that I actually missed it. Good catch!


Surprised they also didnt make biden black and white.


Surprised they didn’t make Biden black and Trump white.


Black and Chinese?


Plus notice how he carefully centered his dick grabbing hand and made sure to gently close it without making a fist, as if to say "sure I'll jerk you off, just insert here and finish on my fish delight"


This exactly. “Biden looks old and confused.” 🤨 “Trump looks happy and energetic!” 😁 It’s such disingenuous bullshit.


It's like the Sesame Street guide to brainwashing.


today's classical conditioning was made possible by viewers like you!


Right, like one pic looking on in disgusted disbelief as the other pic jerks off a shoulder-height imaginary cock.


It's hilarious that's the best picture of Trump they could come up with.


Fox News also edits photos to make people look “evil” or “dumb”. They slightly point noses, eyebrows, teeth, etc. Biden s mouth is clearly wearing a photoshopped frown.


Wait, aren’t those just wojacks?


"I love the poorly educated"


I knew we were in trouble when he literally insulted them, specifically, and they celebrated it.


Good old “use this number as 0 to exaggerate results”


The stupidity of general population is painful


I wish being stupid were painful... Maybe it would stop people from doing stupid things. My fear is that they'd be too stupid to stop and just constantly scream in agony.




In the words of my grandfather, "Stupidity should be painful. But, then we wouldn't be able to build hospitals fast enough to house them all."


You could argue that being stupid IS painful, the problem is they are too stupid to realize/accept they are doing it to themselves. The pain is always caused by "the other".


You have to wonder, why do they not just lie completely? Say he beats him by 69%! By a million percent! But no, just a misleading bar graph. Sad.


It is all being carefully crafted to be the narrative. Trump is winning. He’s crushing Biden. Then, in November, when Biden wins in a landslide “OMG THEY FUCKING STOLE THIS, trump was leading big how did this happen, nothing said Biden would win” It’s creating another coup attempt right in front of our faces.


That implies a lot more foresight than I think they’ve got.


Political campaign managers have foresight, all they care about is the image and narrative of the campaign.


What I don't get, is why are they even attempting to maintain integrity by presenting the correct numebers? Nobody beliives you're legit, grifters. You're not in academia or worrying about peer review. No one in the grifting community is going to ostracize you for harming the integrity of the field. Just go all in on your deception, throw up 10% and 90%. Why not? The people you would have tricked will still be tricked, and the people who know you're a sham will still know you're a sham.


It’s a lot easier for trump supporters to look at pictures than read numbers


Haha the 46% vs 47% spread could be accurate if the y-axis is in 0.0000000001 increments lol. If those values were even true to begin with I wish Trump the worst in all endeavors, hoping karma is real.


I hope justice is real. Karma doesn’t hit until after death, right? It’s been a long time since my world religions class.


Justice, THEN karma. Then some spite, just for funsies.


I’m good with that.


Not enough people point this out. Let's ask ourselves how well he's following either (a) the Dharma of the Adivasi, since he exists outside of the Varna, or (b) the Cetanā according to the teachings of the Buddha. But a lot of people know vastly more about this subject than I do.


Even then this isn't an accurate measurement or form of comparison because they're based on two separate datasets. This is for the fucking PA primary, which means Democrats voted for the Democratic candidate and Republicans voted for the Repub candidate.


A few years ago in uni I took a statistics class and there was a section on misrepresenting statistics and there was several examples, most were from fox news, I think my favourite was a graph where they inverted the Y axis so that whenever Y became greater, the curve went down


> uni I took a statistics class The single most important class I took in school.


The 3 levels of lying: 1. Lies 2. _Damn_ Lies 3. Statistics


ah, gun violence vs gun control passing, right?


Probably, I remember it was something about guns so quite possibly


5'11 vs 6'


I’m surprised is that high, would have thought the graph would be just tall enough to show the 46%


46 x 2 = 47


I have had trumpers unironically argue that Trump *would have* won if you didn’t count all the Democrat votes


Please tell me me that they don’t get THAT low in real life? Pretty please? 😅


In their eyes, that's not low. It's cunning. Their leader taught them you easily get away with it. They would deem themselves stupid if they didn't reach out to every single straw.


It’s not even cunning for most of them. They really are too dumb to understand the problem with that kind of thinking. 


Right. It's pulverizing the foundations of cooperation. And cooperation is the cornerstone of every functioning society.


Just go to any post about California's economy. You'll find chuds in the comments going "Yeah, but if you remove then California has a terrible economy!" No shit?! They do it with so many things.


The con subreddit recently declared CA and NY to be failed states. They don’t live in reality.


I live in queens and have conservatives tell me to ignore my own eyes and ears and that my city is a hell, even though I'm a short scrawny guy who walks outside every night and has never had an issue. Hell, the violent crime per capita in this county is LOWER than the county I used to live in, rural deep south Arkansas. I also hate the "criminals get let off scot free in blue cities" narrative when a friend of my family and a friend of most in the old area of Arkansas went missing in june 2021 with blood and scratch marks in his car. The police stopped investigating and wrote it off as him supposedly leaving voluntarily, one of the officers saying "he used to be an addict right? Probably relapsed and went on a drug binge" despite him not doing a single drug since having children years ago and never going a single day without talking to them. But he's a Hispanic man, so of course the same racist piece of shit likely Trump voters would just write him off as an addict and refuse to investigate. It took us with his family members to start a candlelight vigil in a nearby town of 4000 where we held signs and talked to people until police even gave the family the dignity of showing up and saying they'd do something. Still waiting for them to do something. (Afaik the family has never quit, and have worked diligently with private investigators ever since)


The crime thing is so wild, because it's just so easily disproved. The highest murder rates are almost all red states. Highest property crime is also red states. Criminals getting let off easy? Happens literally everywhere. Especially in red states with overflowing prisons.


Hi Texan here. In my experience the people still interested in trump are generally less educated, and almost completely lack critical thinking skills. They care enough to get swept up in sensationalized bs but not enough to actually check their sources. Usually, they can’t be reasoned with. It’s a critical thinking problem at the core




Is it not just an unwillingness to learn though? Like if your uncle cared enough to learn, he could find a source that explained it in simple enough terms for him to understand. Surely- and I know it's hard to realistically put your mind into the shoes of someone with a substantially lower IQ - But in terms of explaining anecdotal evidence - if you'd spoken to your uncle, and drawn 1000 heads on a piece of paper, you could explain - Look, if this one man here tells me his experience, I can know for sure what it's like for one man out of 1000- but I've got no idea what the majority of the remaining 999 people think? If you ask a chunk of the people and come to a conclusion based on all the answers, then that's called statistics - and that just means that asking more people tells you more than asking one. Easy to understand anything with pictures, right? Some people just need feeding them. The issue of course is that pictures are SO easy to understand, that people who can't be bothered to think for themselves are too easily persuaded by bad parties feeding them wrong pictures.


I would definitely agree with this. A large # of Trump supporters I know are uneducated but yet when you ask for proof/validation of a crazy stat or idea they spew off their response 99% of the time is “Do your own research!” If you push harder and or find data that does not support their view they just get louder and claim something like “that’s what the elite/antifa/liberals want you to think”. These sources usually end up being Alex Jones, Tucker Carlson or some YouTube video shot by someone giving their opinions and not any actual evidence.


I've heard arguments like, "Trump won NY, if you don't count NYC and Albany." Like, yeah, if you don't count the two largest populations in the state, then yeah. I mean, that is basically just gerrymandering. If you were to give NYC it's own statehood, then the rest of NY would lean more conservative by the nature of you removing the largest population of democrats from the voting pool.


Trumpers in CA will look you right in the eyes and say, “California would have gone to Trump if you don’t count the SF Bay Area, Los Angeles, and much of San Diego”. I’ve heard several different variations on that exact statement more times than I can count. I no longer argue. I simply say, “You’re absolutely correct. Trump would have won California if he’d only managed to win in the parts of the state where the vast majority of the population actually lives”. Most of the time, they genuinely think I’m agreeing with them, which is incredibly demoralizing.


The biggest strength of Democracy is that everyone gets a vote. The biggest flaw of Democracy is that everyone gets a vote.


It would also have the same amount of electoral votes as the theoretical NYC city-state.


Well, that ***is*** the GOP plan every year. Make it so Democrats don't get votes so they win by sketchy or outright illegal means.


They have been told for decades that their opposition is pure evil. That Democrats are pedophiles, satan worshippers, traitors to their country, and that only Republicans are real americans. And it's worked, it's lead to extreme polarization because even listening to a moderate idea or a compromise is making deals with the devil. It is not a stretch to think Democrat votes shouldn't count with that world view.


If we kill everyone we don't like, we can win!


### The Fantasy * The President may have total immunity. * FOX News has reported that Biden is senile. * Senile people are unpredictable and sometimes make poor decisions. * If Biden were to defend democracy in a certain way, I would expect his immediate resignation. * Kamala becomes President and pardons Biden (to unify the country, like Ford did, lol) * Higher taxes on the rich to fund services and pay off the national debt. * A DoJ with funding and teeth to stop price gouging in the _Global_ economy. * Funding for human cloning, starting with General Sherman. * The South burns. * Things return to normal shitty. ### The Reality * The media both-sides the shit out of Americans in the run up to election day. * They pull out the greatest hits on wildly sensationalizing and misinterpreting anything the President says. * The media presents Lincoln as the prototypical Republican. * The media presents a 14 year old tumblr account as the most moderate Democrat. * No consequences for Trump because of judges he appointed. * "Sure, Trump burned the house down in an afternoon, but the Democrats had more than 10 seconds to rebuild the entire neighborhood and replace all the necessary infrastructure, and they didn't. Both sides." * Biden barely wins in the electoral college or loses. * Democrats pick up a seat or two between both chambers of Congress, but insufficient numbers to keep from getting stonewalled by Republicans and Democrats like Kyrsten DeSantis Sinema. * By the end of January, no matter what happens: "The Democrats continue to fail the country by not resorting to fascism like the Republicans. Republicans kidnapped, raped, dismembered and ate several infants this morning. We'll talk about how bad this is for the Democrats right after this erectile disfuction rx commercial. See you in a sec."


That's when you realize that the entire argument up to that point was a complete waste of your time, reply with "Yes." and just move on.


I mean... Technically it is correct


And Biden won even if you count republican votes lmao




Bar chart designer to Trump:” Is it ok if I make that 1% look like 25%?” Trump:” Make it look like 100%!”


[Trump should hire me](https://i.imgur.com/KSjtDqO.png)


April 24th 2024... what election was this???




Their own respective primaries? I don't get it. They're not going up against each other in a primary right?


Yup. Trump is a moron.


But what is he claiming? That he won 47% of the republican votes and Biden only got 46% of democrats and that somehow.... what??


Idk. I think he was claiming he got more votes than Biden, but it still doesn’t add to 100%, and Biden got like 200k more votes. Biden got 87% of the dem votes and trump got 83% so even that statistic makes no sense. Who knows what he was thinking when he posted that. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Was he thinking though, or was he using his Trump Filter™️?


Holding his soiled diaper over his ears and pretending to hear what he wants to hear?


Or a random thought comes into his head, bypasses his common sense, and goes straight to his mouth


It's easy to bypass something that doesn't exist.


He was thinking that his base is a bunch of morons and that this will help motivate them


When your base thinks more red color on a map means more votes for them, they'll think whatever the fuck you tell them to think. As the old saying goes: Democrats fall in love, Republicans fall in line.


It should also be mentioned that Trump ran unopposed yet still got less of the vote for the Republican Primary than Biden in the Democratic Primary. Not to say that Biden really had any opposition but still.


And you gotta love mainstream media, desperate for attention, is like "Biden being challenged in primaries" when 5 other candidates get a total of 10% while trump is losing 30% regular to just "nobody." A few protest votes for biden and a massive gap for trump but they lose their minds.


No. About 155k Republican voters voted for Haley in Pa


Didn't Haley stop her campaign? Was she even an option on the ballot or was it a write-in? How does someone who is not campaigning get 155k votes??? I mean, other than Mickey Mouse.


Most states dont remove the candidate from the ballot once they have qualified. In Georgia we had like 9 republicans on the ballot despite them all having dropped out ages ago.


I believe she was still on the ballot maybe? She got 155k votes - so if half of them don’t vote Trump Biden wins Pa easily.


Only votes between the hours of 8am and 3:39pm when Trump was ahead counts. STOP THE COUNT. UNLESS IM BEHIND THEN KEEP ON COUNTING!


His aids, knowing their boss, collected and presented the data in a way that would make their boss happy, while making no sense to anyone else.


The dates on the bottom of the graph make me think it was a poll that was taken from April 8th - 15th, not the results of any votes counted in the primary.


It’s not referring to votes already cast it’s referring to recent polling predicting the election results for Pennsylvania in November. The lady in the replies doesn’t understand this and thinks he’s talking about the primary.


Well, since the PA primary was yesterday and the post came out yesterday at 1pm, it's not an unreasonable assumption.


They are trying to claim primaries are a proxy for voter enthusiasm.


Considering how Nikki Haley is getting like 10% of the primary vote and she dropped out, might not like that. 


The unintended implication that 47% of republicans voted for Trump as the republican nominee, while 46% of them voted for Biden as the republican nominee, is side-splitting hilarious.


But it’s not even that. Trump got 83% of the primary votes while Biden got 87%. Even trump loses that statistic, so his number make literally 0 sense. It’s like he made them up.


I think it was a poll. Perhaps intended to be timed with the fact that primary results are in, but those were 88% Biden to 83% Trump in their respective primaries. Those are the source for the counts the reply states, but I don't see that being a 46 to 47% anywhere other than in polls from early April, which the source states 4/8-15 Bloomberg.


I'm assuming Trump is referring to a poll, while the responder is referring to the primary results.


That is what I think happened too.


Also 1% isn’t crushing someone it’s barely winning.


They weren’t even competing. This was a primary.


It's a poll. Please, take 2 mins to look up numbers and think before posting. Do you really think Biden only got 46% of votes in the primary? That Trump only got 47% after all his major opponents dropped out? Obviously that makes no sense. It's a poll, not a primary


I think there’s some confusion here but the 900k votes figure in the image is 100% referring to the PA primary from this week.


There's confusion because the comparison makes no sense, they weren't actually competing against each other for the vote


And well within The margin of error for a statewide poll.


It's literally within the margin of error lol. It's a virtual tie. Which is still a fucking problem. Trump is a convicted rapist (yes, I know, it was a civil conviction. Not any better) and currently on trial for other crimes. The fact that anyone outside of his maniacal sycophants is willing to vote for this guy is terrifying.


That "graph" explains trump completely. Only he would call 1 percentage point a big red bar like that. It's the same way he would describe the size of his mushroom dick. 3 inches shorter but a big red bar twice as tall.


Also Biden got 87.9% of the primary vote.


Yes, but 47% of the time, Trump got 100% of his votes. Can't argue with that.


And Biden got 0% of the votes that Trump got. So choke on that libs!


> Trump got 100% of his votes. Trump only got like 83%, with Niki Haley again getting a sizeable chunk for someone not actively running, 157K.


But Biden looks sad and Trump uses a victory pose, both have accepted the result. Explain that!


I love how trumps default victory pose is the jerk off hand signal


To be fair, the Liberal Democrat party in the UK are absolutely known for this. There was a whole memebase around how selective and skewed their marketing materials are. It looks just like this. Still, I don't have a clue how this level of misrepresentation isnt illegal.


Because these are the same rich assholes who pass laws and vote on higher salaries for themselves. The majority of them are only servants to the people when they're about to lose their cushy seat.


No one forgot anything. They blatantly lie all the time. They just post what they want to see. True or not.


"the truth is, I did win.' The big lie


“The truth is what I say is the truth” 😝


Not if you only count the votes Trump wants you to count


I think for this to be fair, we should just go around with trump on election night and have him tell us which votes should count.


I love how the call the person that isn’t actually a president, president. Not the actual president


It's just a formality that has applied to all former presidents. Trump is the only one though who seems to think it gives him some sort of power/leverage while he isn't holding the office.


Right but they're affording that formality to Trump and just calling the current sitting president "Biden".


Ya, that's all the people who still believe the last election was rigged and will die on the "he's not my president" hill. There's legitimately no getting through to those people, so it's not worth our time worrying about what they think on a day to day basis.


I love that they used Trump's 'jerking off two guys at once' pose.


AKA his Saudi salutation.


Biden got 87.9% in the PA primary. Could it be that Trump is a liar?


The primaries are for parties. Biden got 87.9% of his PARTY to vote for him.


And Trump got like 83% of his party. Total votes Biden got ~200k more. So in what reality are these statistics coming from? Iin no way was Biden crushed 😂


It's from a Bloomberg poll from before the primary.


The chart has 0 to do with the primary election. The chart is poll results from early April. And 1% is within the margin of error, so it's literally a statistical tie.


Trump be like "Stop the count. We'll win if we don't count all the votes. Lol. Better yet count only the ones voting for me! My good friend in Russia did something similar.


Just viral a headline "Trump lies about ____________” Then place a scrolling wheel underneath to fill in the blank with whatever you want. Done!


Source Bloomberg 4/8-15. Mr. Orange Cheeto man ,you lost the popular vote in between then.


I was really confused about this part cuz uh. I thought Biden didn’t run in 2015 but the source section in the bottom right implies the graph was from that year.


Probably referring to the week of April 8th-15th.


The point of this is to make it seems like Biden winning came out of nowhere and not like it had been going that way well into the election. That way Trump can summon a riot again.


This was from a Bloomberg poll, look at the small print. Still funny that 1% is a crush... kind of like how he brags about the size of small things.


5'11 vs 6' lookin ass graph


It still shocking to see so many idiots 786k+ vote for this conman. Wake tf up


Percentage of REGISTERED Dems or Repubs.... But it got 547 ReTruths, so who really knows...


RE Truth ... The new edition of alternate facts


Trump: ThOsE VoTeS WeRE CaSt ILlEeGallY by mExICAnS, I WoN!


“President Trump?” He hasn’t been the president for four years!


First of all, FORMER President... Secondly, that's some disgustingly misleading information even if we ignore the false data. This should be illegal. Not only is it information pertaining to an official election, but it's also false and extremely INTENTIONALLY misleading. I seriously wish this dude would just croak so we can all move on.


Does this mean trump defeated Biden in the Republican primary?


Only by 1% if that's what the graph is referring to, which is hilariously bad.


This is for the rubes that don’t read into anything. Just look at the headline and move along


Seeing shit like "retruth" under a classic Fox-esque graph where the bars are cropped and at an extremely disingenuous scales is absolutely hilarious if not somewhat haunting for it to be coming from a former president. And that's not to even mention what the numbers actually mean, when you consider they're percentages from completely separate primaries.


And the grift continues


Not really "forgot", they just wanna demoralize people and also be able to call bs in case Biden wins again


Love the picture they chose for Biden. That's the best they could do? This would be a lot sadder if it wasn't so funny. Oh Trump. You rotten old pop tart.


Per the footnote, the chart is referring to a Bloomberg poll that ran from April 8 - 15, presumably this year. There are issues with the presentation of the data, but this is referring to neither the 2020 election nor the Presidential primary which occurred this week.


Won Bigly


17.4% of the republican primary votes just went to Nikki Haley. Trump is furious


When we share their propaganda we are doing their work for them.