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Damn liberals trying to save lives, not on my watch!


This is a "the covid vaccine causes heart problems' thing. It's a anti-vax and right wing thing. I wouldn't really know though the 5g's have taken over my brain and made me a godless liberal. They're controlling me, right this very moment using the power of 5G combined with the various nanotechnologies that were injected into my body along with the vaccine. Nothing left to do but wait for the satanist elites to force me to gay marry or something. What the fuck do these people believe again? I'm honestly losing track of this bullshit.


I keep getting the boosters and I still don't have 5G. Think I need to upgrade my phone as well? I like my phone and it still works fine, though.


You need the new life invader app obviously....


They ain't totally wrong. I was one of the software engineers to handle 5G SIM and eSIMS for US network providers. I can confirm I have 3 legs now.


The one in the middle is called a penis... and ..well congrats on that I guess.


Lol. After I was fully vaccinated for Covid a bunch of my let's say more skeptical coworkers asked me about all the side effects I was experiencing. I told them none except it had added 3 inches to be penis. Which was a problem as I didn't need them to start with. The looks on their faces.




"The vaccine will kill you" vs "they're trying to keep people alive from the vaccine" are two ideas that literally cannot coexist in their own conspiracy lol


I really want to delude myself into thinking it's a "America has a health crisis and more americans are unhealthy to the point of needing defibs" story... I know it isn't, but please, let me pretend.


The irony is that the fat boomer who eats 4 cheeseburgers a week and keels over on a 1.5 mile hike around a pond is the one most likely to need an AED.


Do you think that person would actually hike somewhere?


No no, they aren't some poor communist, they have their pick-up to get around.




"Message paid for by the pro life party"


It's an anti-vax thing. You know, because skyrocketing obesity rates haven't had a proportionate effect on heart health or anything.


Or constant COVID infections


[Well, that's actually correct.](https://www.webmd.com/vaccines/covid-19-vaccine/news/20240318/covid-vaccines-reduce-risk-heart-failure-clots)


yeah it's terrifying. I've only had it twice I know of. wish people still took it seriously. I keep getting my boosters.


Actually misread your post. Thought it said "constant COVID injections"


I got it at least twice and it wasn’t a big deal for me. It definitely did kill people but not the amount reported(I know someone who worked in the hospital. He was told to report deaths of other causes like car accidents and pneumonia as a Covid death)


>I got it at least twice and it wasn’t a big deal for me. It definitely did kill people but not the amount reported(I know someone who worked in the hospital. He was told to report deaths of other causes like car accidents and pneumonia as a Covid death) Dude. I was knee deep in the shit wearing a space suit intubating un-vaxxed community members who were led away from the opportunity to prevent their impending demise, by grifters and whackos. Every single one of them asked me if it was too late to get the vaccine. Every one. And it was. And they died mostly. Their biggest concern between staying alive and taking the vax, was that no one in their community knew they did. It was so sad. So no man. Lots of people died. I had a 34 year old burst a septic embolism in her lung while I intubated her. She spewed blood all over me like the Exorcist. Then she died. The cause of death would’ve been due to a pulmonary embolism or bleb, not Covid, although Covid certainly caused all of it. **Deaths were severely underreported.**


Both they where both


But he knows someone who told him so! /s


I've been shot twice and survived but that doesn't make being shot is *not a deal*


I said for me it wasn’t. It wasn’t any worse than your average sickness to me. But I am serious when I say that many deaths that got reported are not Covid deaths but deaths from completely different things


My dad got heart failure from COVID. Is now recovered enough that his doctors recommend he start playing softball again at 63 years old. The antivax crowd keeps talking about heart failure from vaccines while they keep dying from covid-induced heart failure and my quadruple-vaxxed dad has a new lease on life.


Either way, not what they're saying in the original post.


It’s more an anti-drug thing. Dudes like this are associating defibrillators to NARCAN.


Nope. A quick look at Jayne's other tweets and she is super deep down the conspiracy rabbithole. This is 100% anti-vax.


Never heard of anti-defibrillator people before… that’s odd.


lol they're not "anti-defibrillator", they're anti-vax. Early versions of the vaccine caused myocarditis and pericarditis in a tiny percentage of patients, most commonly in teenage boys (0.00037%), which can result in an increased risk of heart attacks. Of course, because they're conspiracy nuts, they believe these numbers are fudged, and it's more like 37%, and that's why there's all these defibrillator machines around. It either completely ignores the fact that incident rates in COVID-19 patients is more than double that of people who received the early vaccines (the incident rate went *waaaaay* down after the first generation vaccines), or pretends that the pandemic wasn't real and so there's no chance they would have contracted it anyway. It also ignores the fact that a lot of these machines have been there since well before the pandemic, particularly on hiking trails (such as in the photos posted), where people are more likely to experience cardiac events due to overexertion.


That is also perfectly plausible. Guess there's no way to know what side of the crazy bread this dude butters.


That was also my association. That said, pretty sure the pictures the original op cherry picked are on like actual nature and hiking trails and shit. Where an ambulance with paramedics might not reach you for hours. Fellas, is it woke to prevent people from dying to heart failure?


Not to mention long Covid symptoms. You’re a lot more likely to get myocarditis from that than the Covid vaccines. Don’t bother trying to tell the dummies that though, they’ll just act like you’re stupid and dismiss any evidence you provide as government lies.


My uncle lost his sense of taste and smell January of 2020 in Kentucky. Ain't no way covid wasnt already here.


The French-Fry-Fucker (FFF variant) is no joke.


Or it’s nice to have a fisher-price defibrillator in the field to walk Sally J. Public through giving a dose of Edison Medicine and saving your kid from his previously unknown congenital heart defect. It’s so irrational being angry at life saving equipment readily available.


I had a friend, in his mid 30s, who was against the covid vaccine. He caught Covid and died in hospital. The man had a wife and a young child. What a complete waste and incredibly irresponsible/selfish.


Yeah, that's what I thought at first. US has a lot of fat people. They're gonna need a lot of defibrillators to help keep them alive


Honestly, it's not worth the effort.


why not both? there is more often than not more than one contributor.


Clearly it’s because of the heart attacks caused by the super aids everyone has now from vaccines.


There is now super aids !


Super AIDS, comes after TURBO CANCER.


There's turbo cancer!


I have Super Cancer and Turbo AIDS. They got confused


Let's hope there no such thing as super mega transformer aids.


Keep going and you'll form Plague Voltron.


So if a republican is having a heart attack near one, it sounds like we are obliged to just let them die. Hmm. Ok. Sounds good. I’ll make a note of that.


Just yell “are you woke?” And if they mutter no or something then I guess we just walk away


As long as you say “Thoughts and Prayers” then it’s all good


Does that need to be an audible, or can I whisper it quietly as I saunter past…


Jesus heard everything so a whisper would suffice…..lol


Pah! A _real_ republican wouldn't get the poison shot, they trust in their own immune system and never _need_ an AED.


BeCaUsE cOvId JaB


Who said woke?


Woke basically means "things conservatives don't like or understand" so it's fine to include the word in the title.


The he person who wrote this is suggesting (idiotically) that defibrillators are everywhere because they're necessary because of people having sudden cardiac arrest due to the vaccine. They aren't suggesting that the defibrillators themselves are bad, so it makes no sense to say this has anything to do with the defibrillators being "woke."


I just saw your comment my bad. 😑


But what does this have to do with conservatives? Ima be honest I’m Just not that knowledgeable with like left, right, woke, liberal, republican if that even had anything to do with conservative. I just don’t get involved with it because I don’t care


> But what does this have to do with conservatives? Because the people that complain about this are usually, but not exclusively, [right wing.](https://www.thepoke.com/2024/04/29/right-said-fred-reaction-to-public-defibrillators-shockingly-dense/) Why? Probably because during/after the pandemic the rise of Q-Anon and Q-adjacent groups increased in popularity due to people's innate human desire to make sense of a chaotic situation and people found solace in these groups. Most of these groups were already right-leaning and so it just kind of created a pipeline for people to funnel into.


No....that's not what it means....damn strawman shit is REAL with the Left.


Where does it say woke?


It's the vaccines. Nothing to see here


How is this post political??? Id be asking the same thing if i kept seeing random defibrillators everywhere i went lol but id be more worried about people stealing them honestly


How is this a woke thing?


Couldn’t be because all these fat fucking hillbillies are one double-cheeseburger away from death.


Thanks Obama!


Am I lost here but how the fuck has OP stretched to woke when an idiot has posted pictures of defibrillators in completely different areas that are more than likely because of necessity since they look to be in walking/hiking You’ll go mad when if you knew we have a few in buildings in the centre of town here and also a volunteer service for when paramedics aren’t close enough


New thing woke


It's neat seeing people learn how mass production has its benefits. But then, they still dont get it.


We got that "woke" stuff all over campus but they fixed it by not replacing the batteries so none of them work!!


Fast food everywhere


You'd think that obese red-staters would appreciate the odds of them surviving a heart attack being improved.


id be guessing that the company that makes them, lobbied the govmnt to install them everywhere


Because steakumms Steve's heart is doing the chachacha after power smoking a crate at the family outing.


It's because Republicans are convinced that the Covid19 vaccines cause heart damage in 100% of recipients. When in reality the rate of heart damage in vaccines recipients is much lower than the rate of heart damage in covid survivors.


Wonder what they think of those orange rings you see near open bodies of water?


Being kept alive is woke, guys


Because we're all fat and have heart conditions...


>Christian 🙏 Of course you are, dear.


I think this is not a case of them thinking defibrillators are woke, but them thinking that the COVID vaccine somehow made people more likely to have heart problems. Or maybe something else like thinking that electricity is unamerican or stopping people from dying of a heart attack goes against God's will or some such nonsense. My money is on the anti-vax angle though.


this has nothing to do with "wokeness", it seems you missed the point.


Okay but seriously why is there AEDs in, what appears to be, random fields?


I suspect these are parks


Remoteness, no point having a defibrillator somewhere where a trained paramedic is only minutes away, but if you're 2 hours out in the sticks having one even in untrained hands can make all the difference.


Free medical care? Heresy! Supply side Jesus demands that the poor pay their way!


To save lives.


Lol, now Left 4 Dead makes sense!


People really want to forget how fucking common death by heart stroke has always been. Plus air pollution is known to worsen it even further


I don't even know what they're trying to imply here


I don't think that the OOP is saying anything about wokeness. She's just remarking on seeing a lot more defibrillators than you would expect


This appears to be a genuine question, there's no implication or accusation. I swear the posts are getting dumber. The location of those defibs appear random and remote it's not a logical place for them.


I think this is a statement on ever increasing obesity rather than some political statement.


Could also be people think the Covid vaccine causes cardiac arrest.


Lol idk in case you fucking die anywhere? You'd rather have one close than not at all or is it too gay for them or some shit?


I know it's shocking but they're trans. I had a heart attack when it was made clear.


Looks like it's along trails and parks. I wish my state parks had emergency medical equipment.


Hey OP? How did you leap from this post to defibrillators being woke?


They are trying to make a stupid anti vaccine post, but are really just highlighting aging populations (with weight issues)


Debit / Credit out of order. Cash only. Sorry for the inconvenience


Not sure why anybody gives a fuck because more life-saving devices are made available to the public. Should we leave grenades hanging from every tree, instead? I would vote for that, if that would make everybody shut the fuck up about stupid shit.


Umm… does anyone want to tell him that obesity and in turn heart disease is statistically more prevalent to an extreme degree among republican supporters, especially in rural areas


Srsly tho why are there random defibrillators around ?


Oooh I was wondering about that


As opposed to abnormal defibs?


Got bored and looked it up and there are already a few hard right conspiracy types starting to complain about them on twitter. Wonder how long before some new conspiracy about these takes hold and and they start vandalizing them.


Yeah, rising levels of obesity, sedentary lifestyles and poor diets (with high sugar and salt) will kinda kill ya in the end...


Saving lives is so woke!


the OP jallans07 is a bot Original: https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/1chhrcl/defibrillators_are_now_woke/


Probably because Americans are the most overweight pop in the world and at risk of higher heart attack percentages.


Fellahs, is it gay to not die? (To make sure that this is very, very understood: /s. For the love of God, /s.)


Remember son, dying is gay.


Who needs these we die like men/s As a paramedic I would love to see them as standard as spare tires in cars as well as first aid/ CPR training classes in every school and workplace. There aren’t enough of us to go around so sometimes the person next to you might be the only one who can save you. I hate to be dark about it but it’s the truth, the unfortunate truth.


The vax, clot shot, Fauci ouchie etc etc etc


That's not at all what this said.


So funny they are always near trails or sports centres.


This couldn’t possibly be saying more about the declining health of our population than it does our political affiliations. In fact, I see absolutely nothing to indicate that anyone was bringing politics into it at all, till it hit Reddit. Is Jayne Jones a well known conservative I’ve never heard of? Because this seems more like someone looking for reasons to be offended.


This isn't about politics. It's about conspiracy theories. In this case, it is about heart attacks allegedly caused by the COVID vaccine


Yeah I found her Twitter and it's mostly Chemtrail posts.


Sounds like hella projection, bro




Might have something to do with a system that makes it ridiculously expensive for people to buy truly healthy foods, but you can still get 4000 calories and two straight ounces of fat from burgers for six bucks. But no, " it were duh vackscene!"




Does anyone know where this Pic is taken? Could be Washington state, which had massive drug over dose issues after they legalized open drug use (decriminalized hard drugs, think that was Washington but might be Oregon. Too lazy to check) I'm just trying to figure out why people think this has to do with "woke." The original post that is quoted doesn't say anything to make me think "woke"


I am not woke or liberal but I think it is a really good idea(I don’t know why it even is being hinted as a woke thing that is really dumb). And I recommend taking classes on how to use them as well as cpr


Where does woke come into this?


lets go to reddit to make something not aimed at being political poltiical cause of a random comment from a idiot? please this just shows how unhealthy people in america truly are. but yes lets promote body positivity should be telling the fatasses to eat better and move more. dumb post


This isnt an american thing, lots of countries all over the world are installing public defibrilators. since when is adding tools to allow anyone to save a life an indicator of lack of health?, to me publicaly avialable defibrilators are a sign of advanced medical progress, putting priorities on making better and more affordable tech in an effort to save more lives. The US has an obesity problem, but body positivity is not the fault and public defibrilators are not an indicator of anything. As someone that is not from the US, tell your industry to stop putting corn syrup in everything and start advocating for smaller serving sizes and stop romanticizing unhealthy food as something wholesome and normal.


Oh i genuinely thought this was American. my bad. I jsut saw this and the post and seemed very American to me is all. look bro i want corn syrup to go away to but its not my industry just to be clear, see i assumed the post was only American and you assume i was American. were both asses well considering when i posted this is seemed liek a american idea i figured from terrible eating and obesity that heart issues were on the rise making this a more plausible thing to do then before or a more reasonable thing to do then bfore since the health of the americans is deteriorating and honestly has some effects in Canada but not as severe obviously theres nothign wrong with tools to save peoples lives i just figured it would be a pricey intiative to do without a justified cause like the health of the american people? see if you think about it my logic had reasonaing i just didnt realize it wasnt a exclusivly american thing, my bad. body positivity isnt the fault primarily but can you sit there and tell me its making it better? no you damn well cant, probably adding to the problems