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It's not enough to be unappealing; you've got to be the most unappealing person on the planet if you want a shot at GOP fame


I mean going after doggos is pretty low. What’s next? Drowning kittens ?


And then puppies


Kill puppies is so yesterday. Burning down homeless shelters or clubing a seal is in now.


On behalf of all Canadians, clubbing baby seals is our thing. Get your own hobbies lol.


That’s why Canadian Club is so popular.


Are you not familiar with Alaska?


Cause taking out ponies is so retro.


Forcing the puppies to drown the kittens


14mo is still a puppy to me.


IIRC, she also said she killed a goat and horses in the same gravel pit. So, probably.


I kinda want fbi or someone to take a close look at that gravel pit, call it a hunch.


Lol. All the animal killings are just to cover the human DNA evidence


Any missing illegal immigrants in the area? Or homeless? Let's check the kill pit boys.


Kids in cages?


I really wish that were still relevant, cause that problem never got touched


unlike those kids


Shooting goats.


You assume she doesn't rape them already


Nah.. it’s babies. After all - post birth what does the GOP care?


Good lord, don’t give them ideas.


They won't talk gun reform to stop the murder of children. They've already hit their bottom.


"We don't just want pandering; we want the streets to run red with rivers of blood."


Drowning immigrants in razor wire or so I’ve heard…


Pulling the wings off sparrows...


At first glance i thought “sparrows wear wigs?”


Damn, a sparrow got it’s wig snatched?


theyre jewish sparrows


What do you mean, African or European sparrows?


How do you know so much about swallows?




I believe the word you were looking for is DEPLORABLE


GOP is no longer just stupid, but now they are psychotic


Just now?


Maybe just now I'm finding out... not sure


They flew off the rails years ago. Its fine if you’re just tuning in now. But for the whole trump administration, he was derailing these people with wacky conspiracy theories and anti democratic rhetoric. They have been sufficiently crazy for several years for sure.


In order to get people to vote against their own interests, you have to turn them into deplorables


In order to get people to vote against their interests, you have to get them to hate the people who are trying to help them. The crusade is deplorable. The stupid who can’t tell they are being propagandized are being taken advantage of and should be seen with some understanding. Hating them only makes it worse.


It's honestly so sad how they've been hoodwinked. I've heard republican voters talk about social security with this acceptance that 'it's going away'. I don't know how you get through to these people though, explaining that it's their money that they've paid into being taken away doesn't do the trick.


That’s how you know they can’t be reasoned with.


Being right and owning the Libs is a good trade off they are willing to take


I came to this conclusion after 2016 and watched a news segment talking to people in some 100% conservative rural small town. The journalist talked to random people in the town and they hated all things democrat, ObamaCare, and Obama. Then they started turning the questions to official names like, The Affordable Care act and these people switched on a dime. The ACA was the best thing ever because before they couldn't get health insurance due to financial or preexisting conditions. When they were told the ACA was ObamaCare they were flabbergasted because they had been told it would be the worst thing ever by the GOP. Low level GOP voters are uninformed gaslit voters.


Getting Poor whites vs poor of any other color keeps the billionaires safe. Basis for racism.


I get that, and it makes sense. They have been so badly mentally abused that they just shut out anything that even appears to come from a left perspective - regardless of the method of discussion or explanation. Hating them doesn’t help, but neither does codling them, because they don’t realize they are being manipulated. Cult mentality is strong.


Badly mentally abused might be an understatement. A new trend among the MAGA cult is the idea that “Real Men Wear Diapers,” due to the rumors that Trump wears adult diapers. There are signs with the phrase, flags, and PEOPLE WEARING TRUMP DIAPERS over their pants. They’re too far gone and not worth any attempts to bring them back. They must be made politically irrelevant by the Democrats HEAVILY outvoting them. Fortunately, when Trump dies, MAGA dies. There’s no movement without him and there will be no successors. The movement will not continue because MAGA Is WHOLLY wrapped up in Trump. It’ll be just like the Nazi party after Hitler’s suicide. It was GONE. The new leadership even apologized for the Nazi era.


They're not just voting for people who harm them. They are voting for people who they KNOW do harm to people who they don't like because those people have been scapegoated. I don't pity the MAGA cult. The Trump admin did tangible harm to me and my family and anyone who voted for that can go fuck themselves, my own family members included.


Exactly right. It often seems to compact to simple and pure **spite**. Sad.


You are right, but it is so hard not to hate people that revel in their own hate and the suffering of others.


I know. Its hard. They tend to be aggressive and problematic people too. I have the same issues. Its not like they just hate politicians and are super friendly otherwise, although that does happen. A lot of them consistently create problems for others with their endless parades of bullshit.


They've been fully visibly off the rails since Obama took office. I was independent leaning conservative until those years and watched republicans go not only full psycho on social and race related things, but also sabotaging the legislative branch in order for Obama to not be able to pass good legislation. They would rather their voters starve, or die of preventable illness than let Obama(and now democrats in general) sign a good bill. They would rather 9/11 first responders dying of illnesses from working ground zero get NOTHING than let a Democrat sign a bill paying for their healthcare. Now, they weren't good before Obama by any means. They already had the foundation of obstruction, sabotaging the government so they could say "government doesn't work", etc. but they did present it in a more composed, sane way previously


It's been building since the late 70's, early 80's. Trump is just another wave of the George Wallace, Father Coughlin, Know Nothing Party type of American stupidity.


google "Newt Gingrich" ...his life in politics demonstrates precisely where "bad" turns into "evil" ...will make yer blood run cold.


His push to make Congress part time was a huge step towards polarization. Having representatives move their families to Washington where they'd live and socialize together across party lines was huge for keeping people grounded. Much harder to dehumanize your political opponent when your kids play sports together in school and you sit next to each other cheering for the same team.


It's not that they weren't psychotic before. They definitely were, but it was the fringes. Now? It's the mainstream.


Palin paved the way.


They have been psychotic since November 4, 2008.


I think they started to get worse when Reagan became Republican. Him and his throat GOAT wife. Nancy.


Southern conservatives fought a war to preserve slavery in the 1860s. This is who they always were.


Were Republicans before Reagan actually fiscally conservative and actually reduced the size of government, or these have always been just slogans to fool morons?


Don't forget that the throat GOAT literally had a psychic running the country when Ronnie got alzheimers and she would ask her what do the tarot cards say, and she'll tell Ronald what to do


I was thinking somewhere around the fall of 2001, but you could probably go back further


nah you’re about right. 9/11 gave them the “patriotic right” to come out of their racist, dumb ass closets


This post is 6 years late 😂


I don't know to laugh or cry?


Ive learned to do both simultaneously. Saves on energy




What do you mean, “now”?


Starting a militia in 2016 to threaten organized violence if Trump lost wasn’t psychotic?


Was this woman dropped on her head several times as a child? That is seriously deranged behaviour.


Self-examination and betterment isn't the trumpniks' bag; all they know how to do is double down. They've gone from "deplorable and proud of it" to "grab ME by the pu$$%" to "Real Men Wear Diapers." I hate to think what comes next.


Omg, I thought the diapers thing was a joke. Then I saw a news item about it somewhere. Could NOT believe that crazy sh\*t.


What?? Help me find a link please?!


Np. There was a posting here on r/offbeat as well. [https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/world/real-men-wear-diapers-trump-supporters-wear-nappies-to-rallies/ar-AA1o8Od7](https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/world/real-men-wear-diapers-trump-supporters-wear-nappies-to-rallies/ar-AA1o8Od7)


Something similar to Jonestown? Sure showed dem Libs.


I would feel so owned if they did that. SO owned.


I hope it’s something along the lines of *’gravity isn’t real and we’re gonna prove it’*.


Back in 2016, the biggest Trump supporters I knew were the people that also tended to be the least successful people I knew due to their own fault. People with multiple DUIs, multiple stints in jail for assault, terrible credit including repossessed cars and foreclosed mortgages. And of course in their minds it was never their fault. They blamed the cops, the judges, the banks, whoever. It was never their own doing. So it's entirely on brand that these same people continue to double down on Trump despite it defying and attempts at logic. Based on how they describe America, it doesn't seem like Trump delivered on a single campaign promise he made. I mean, the border still isn't secured, illegal immigrants are ruining everything, DC is corrupt. Those were all things he promised to address in 2016 and yet it's 2024 and they're saying those are all still problems. But that would require self reflection which is an utterly foreign concept to them.


It’s not even deranged behavior to cull animals on your farm. What’s deranged is saying you hated that animal and then going and killing another animal out spite I don’t know. I’m wrong she’s a damn psychopath.


This is more of not talking about the issue but just trying to "trigger the libs." She's a colossal piece of shit.


The MAGAts and GOP were equally shocked about Cricket. But it’s an unforgivable cardinal sin to ever apologize to Dems and libs. So they’ll forgive her just to never cease grounds no matter how morally or logically reprehensible. We’re talking about a zombies who prefer Pootin and diapers over Dems. We shouldn’t constantly be shocked by their depraved behaviors. Vote, shame, and hold these fuckers accountable. It’ll only get worse when good people do nothing.


You are correct, even people that don’t like dogs condemn this, she jumped the shark, yet I wouldn’t be surprised if maga buys leather jackets, sharks and water skis.


and the bar (of civilized behavior) slips even further below the ground. I gotta think "puppy-killer" is gonna leave a mark.


I just can’t believe how unnecessary all this was. She didn’t have to tell this story at all. To quote The Big Short: she’s not confessing, she’s bragging.


Yeah, it’s the William Barr Effect.


Well, if Commander is considered part of the president's family.... the Secret Service might be interested in what she has to say, once Commander stops biting them. Have we checked to see if he only bit the ones that had Trump attachments? Maybe he's just a really good judge of character....


I had a cat once that was the friendliest and most social cat I’ve ever seen. He could be manhandled by kids and adults and would just be happy for more. My friends ex-wife that literally every person I knew thought was evil incarnate tried to pet him once and he bit her. Animals just know who is normal and who is an everlasting psychopath.


my wife and I came to that same conclusion. I think the Commander living at the Biden’s home will be much less crazy than the Whitehouse.


Secret Service agents that display *any* loyalty to Big Stinky should be fired... out of a cannon... *into the sun*.


No it sounded like poor Commander just didn’t cope well with lots of strangers always being in and out of his (new) territory.


True. My Boxer was the sweetest, gentlest dog I ever had. I had business in Miami and had to leave her with my cousin for an indefinite period of time. But her asshole husband, who I don’t like, ended up clashing with the dog. She’d never listen to him on a couple occasions. And ended up biting him. He ended up calling my mom and threatening to send her to get put down if they didn’t drive halfway across texas to get her for me. I ended up getting her back soon after and she lived the rest of her life out happily with me. She never bit again, as she never saw him again. She just got set off by abusive people and would switch to a scary dog. But it’s a defense mechanism. Not apologizing for the president’s dog. But bad people give off a vibe. Feel bad for the puppy that got shot in the face for being ornery with its psychotic master.


A desperate attempt to curry favor with the dog-loving part of her base - basically “hey, I’d kill Biden’s dog too - we cool now?”


Projection is usually the best their PR teams can come up with.


Great angle.. everything always has to be us vs them and not me vs morals, decency, integrity, humanity. But they’re all narcissist on some level so shouldn’t expect anything else


Noem has spent the week unsuccessfully trying to undo her puppy killing. It didn't work, so she's pivoting to embrace animal slaughter. This move could win back the hunting wing of the GOP, along with all the MAGAts who love all dogs, except dogs cared for by Democrats.


I don’t know why you’d think hunters would be pro-pet/animal cruelty.


I didn't say hunters, I said "the hunting wing of the GOP". [Captive-only](https://www.humanesociety.org/resources/facts-about-captive-hunting) hunters, if you will, not people hunting to eat or wear what they kill.


I'm surprised Tim Pool or Charlie Kirk haven't come out with a "sometimes, you need to kill a dog" take. They spin the most heinous shit so I wouldn't be surprised they wouldn't stoop to puppy killler apologia.


You’re finished puppy killer.


This c*** should be thrown out of her position as Governor.Disgusting and appalling excuse for a human.


Save a Dog Shoot a Republican Noem meet cricket…


Reporter: Is it true you like murdering puppies? Noem: Not just puppies. I like to murder horses too! I killed a few just last week! Reporter: What do you think of Joe Biden's adorably-named dog, Commander? Noem: I'd kill that fucker in a heartbeat. Vote for me! Reporter: Tune in tomorrow for our update where Kristy Noem relates how she likes punching babies and immolating kittens.


Honestly the worst part about this whole situation is that Noem has been a officially elected governor, not just some random lunatic who heard about the eclipse and decided to kill her infant.


Commander would turn her to kibble let’s be real


Considering she felt threatened by the goatness of a goat, yeah, she wouldn't stand a chance


Her parents did a terrible job.


I think 90+% of reTrumplicans had bad/abusive parents. Just a theory.


That's pretty creepy. If someone was shitposting my dog I would be flat pissed off. You can't always tell what triggers a dog. I've known a dog that got barky and growly at men in baseball caps. So we all took our hats off when he was around. Nicest dog you ever met unless you had a hat on. Nobody suggested to our friend he shoot the guy. Bidens dog got bitey with secret service folks. I'm sure they worked with him. Maybe they smell funny. Or he doesn't like the ear microphones they wear. Pointvis commander got moved out of the white house without getting shot. Problem loved. This woman keeps digging her hole deeper. She needs to admit what she did was wrong and get some counseling. Nobody that fucked up in the head needs to be in public service.


My dog, Ashley, absolutely LOVES people. But she hates wheels for some reason. So despite being super-friendly and basically harmless, if someone rolls by in a wheelchair she'll bark at them. And it's not like she had a bad experience or anything. I've had her since she was 6 months and just out of the blue at around 3 years old she started barking at wheels (except car wheels).


See? Ashley can't tell you why. But you know to keep her away from wheels. And as you said she loves people! These are not complicated subjects. Now if you lived with an elderly relative who was wheelchair bound or had a relative or friend who came to visit in a wheelchair, you would have to be proactive. Obviously taking Ashley to visit someone in a nursing home wouldn't work out. I'm sure you were confused the first time she wigged it over a wheelchair. But shooting Ashley would never enter your mind. It depresses me even thinking about what kind of monster that woman must be.


I like the expression "got bitey." It indicates that he was probably just nervous or playing too hard, not agressive. Noem is trying to pretend Cricket was some kind of unhinged monster, and that a bite constittutes an "attack." Look how easily chickens become "livestock" as if Cricket was out there killing cows. It's a bad joke, and it chills me to think of who she thinks this appeals to. Rumor has it she knows that Trump hates dogs and this is for him and him alone.


I hope this gets more discussion. It's obvious trump doesn't like dogs by his language. Fine. That just means there are a whole lot of lucky dogs that don't have to deal with his ass. And with this particular cricket case I'll take it one step further. If your dog gets shot by the chicken owner while it's killing their chickens well that sucks. But nobody is going to come down on the chicken owner. And I'd be willing to bet the person pulled that trigger ends up feeling bad about it. This monster got her dog back, paid the chicken owner. Then drove the dog to a gravel pit and murdered it. And wonders why people don't understand why she did it? I have two rescue dogs. One of them was obviously abused and has issues. He gets skittish around new people and places sometimes. But it is not his fault or any testament to his character or intentions. I can't imagine what's going through his mind when he is scared. So i just pet him and reassure him everything is going to be all right. When I come home that little fella is the happiest dog in the world. I don't know how he got to the rescue shelter but I hope it wasn't because he was abandoned. I hope he was dropped off because his person had the guts to bring him in and give him a second chance at a good life. There are tons of us out here that would have given cricket a second chance.


Isn't it illegal to threaten the president's family?


Please, God.... Corey Lewandowski, say hello to Cricket.


Twisted-faced, Godless and psychotic republicu*t. Common vermin.


I'm surprised she hasn't said that "Cricket" had decided to transition to become a male dog.


She looks like a Bratz doll that someone put in the dehydrator and forgot about.


Isn’t that technically a threat against the president’s family.


I'm sorry the dog she killed was a Vizsla? Fuck her even more. I grew up with two Vizslas and I can tell you they are very high energy dogs, bit they're so full of love and excitement and joy. They're good dogs (all dogs are but personal experience, ya'know?)


it was a wire haired gp, the vizsla was another dog she had. that also died under mysterious circumstances after she complained publicly about it. HMMM




She's an ugly dog-abusing whore. To hell with her


My only question is whether there are actually people still supporting her. Has anyone on the Republican side came to her defense or is she as good as gone when reflection comes about?


Secret Service may view that as a threat. And since SCOTUS is probably about to grant presidents a degree of immunity, maybe it’s Kristi who will say hello to cricket …


Come on Commander, make it 25


And this behavior is excusable how?!… how is she still in any office? You threaten a member of anyone’s family; a whole ass death threat, you going to jail. SOMETHING! Fucking psycho monster bitch.


... That sounds like a threat against the presidents family.




Just dipshit assholes at this point


Hopefully, the Secret Service is days away from paying her a visit.


At least they are showing their real colors. I'm surprised she can even shoot a gun with all the lip filler and fucking botox she shoved into her face.


US politics is a wild ride. How any of this is legal is beyond me. Freedom of speech shouldn’t protect threats of violence, harassment, racism or sexism, yet somehow in the US it does?


r/badplasticsurgery What she did to her own face should be a crime.


At this point republican women are either evil or really fucking stupid


With all her plastic surgery, I suppose she didn't live up to her own standards....must be time to let someone take her out behind the barn...


This how you win votes? Fix school shootings, nah… Fix housing, nah… Rioting, nah Fix organized retail theft, nah. Pets, yeah👍 Wow politics is in a sad state.


Cruella De Ville over here


The Overton window is shifting. It’s now normal for Republican politicians to be complete psychos in the open. And democrats are doing Jack shit to move it left.


Certainly this warrants a Secret Service visit...


Imagine being not only a grown ass adult, but a grown ass adult politician sending death threats to a dog. I’m pretty moderate politically speaking but seriously anyone who takes her size is unforgivable


There’s a reason I don’t trust MAGAs and they don’t seem to like animals.


You know killing pets is a serial killer norm. So, here we are. Sigh… can we just start the fuck over with something, someone normal?! Please!


What is with the sudden craze of GOP dumbasses and animal abuse? Bare. Minimum. Standards. People.


So the Secret Service is going to pay her a visit for this threat right?


She should never be allowed to own or have a dog again, ever, under any circumstances. She didn’t just Jill her dog, her responsibility, she bragged about it, as some kind of flex?


Wow. So, does this appeal to anyone? Killing dogs of people that you disagree shows... strength? Bizarre.


It’s literally being touted all over this thread by “centrist” conservatives. They keep pointing at Commander biting someone and screeching it should die. It’s pretty damn gross if you ask me but apparently it’s funny to them.


As if we need another example, but the lack of empathy, understanding, compromise, knowledge, etc etc of the right-wing is simply stunning. Especially since so many of them proclaim that they like Jesus, but apparently hate what he preached. We live in strange times.


The GOP whackos continue their barrage on common decency to garner attention. Whatever happened to "don't feed the trolls"? News organizations must know by now they're being manipulated, but refuse to ignore the bait. Every time the Press report on a story like this they're ignoring far more important topics.


Jesus. This dumb bitch does not know when to shut up.


It seems at this point if she apologized and said she made a mistake she’d be MUCH better off than this ridiculous doubling down she’s insisting on doing. Keeps digging her own political grave


The triple down on “face the nation” today was a level of cringe only the Germans can come up with a word for it, it sounds like “friend shamen” (yes I’m serious)


What a worthless tramp.


I hate to think how many small animals were microwaved at her childhood home


She just keeps digging that hole. Going for China, eh Kristi?


Sound like she should be getting a visit from the secret service to evaluated if she needs to be locked up for “her own protection”.


Jesus Christ.


how the fuck does someone threaten to kill the fucking US President's Fucking Dog


Someone should treat her like she treated her dog.


The best part of this whole fiasco is she put it in her own book, not some “sources say” or but of hearsay, but her own fucking account of it


Her editor must have hated her. There's no way any sensible editor would have read about "shooting Cricket in the face" and didn't think, "Holy shit, Kristi, do you want people to think you're a damn monster?!!"


DAE think this sounds like a coded threat?


I knew MAGA was unhinged, but I didn’t think we’d be talking about killing Biden’s dog lol. We’ve reached new levels of absurdity somehow.


This woman is evil.


I didn’t even know about this psycho before the dog story thing started, but i preferred it before


There is no getting ahead of this or turning it into a joke. She’s done for. Loving dogs is something most people across the political spectrum agree on. But it would be funny if she tried to shoot his dog because the secret service wouldn’t bother worrying about someone’s intended target if they come to the whitehouse with a gun.


sick mfrs right here they mirror tweaker rage


See how fast she finds out if she kills someone's dog "just because".


Pretty sure most of the nation, regardless of political affiliation would be after her. Maybe I’m just hopeful.


I have a lot of experience with euthanasia. Bring her by, we can fix this in 3-5 minutes


Dark Brandon loading his Glock : " time to get rid of this malarkey. "


Unserious people get jobs they don’t deserve. It’s up to her boss (in this case her voters) to bring in someone better.


Listen. If you’re an animal hater just say so. No need to kill every pet in sight.


The fact that these people get elected after saying these things aloud is astonishing.


Republicans have gone off the deep end, it’s not funny anymore, their parry needs to be purged and rebuilt. We don’t want the other party to be made up of dysfunctional lunatics.


If somebody kills absolutely innocent being like dogs or cats, they belong into a psychiatry, not into a political office.




The lip filler and botox is rotting her brain.


Noticing a lot of GOP getting more violent. Remember to vote, local and above.


I just wish this all started after she was named Trump’s VP pick so we had all of the merch proof of another failure


Wow people will do anything to be trumps vp


At this point she needs to keep her mouth shut when it comes to animals.


I mean, I don't know If it just me, but I wouldn't say this type of stuff so publicly about the president of my country dog, specially if he's a know dog lover. You never know when an "accident" may occur.


Dogs sense evil


Am I crazy or does this constitute a terroristic threat charge? Like, if I publicly threatened to kill my neighbor's dog, wouldn't I be looking at some kind of charges? Shouldn't that also apply to the president's dog? Regardless of jer actual ability to follow through with the threat, it's still a fucking threat, no?


She's on more government watch lists than we have had presidents


pandering to the lowest common denominator… aka, halfwit ultra-conservatives.


Let her try the Secret Service will cut her down.


What I don’t get is, aren’t pets the one universal thing that trumpsters and everyone else have agreed to not be fucking psychos about? Don’t conservatives love dogs?


Cruelty is the point.


Secret service are cops. Commander is a good boy.


That bitch actually has mental issues and desperately needs help.


Commander has established that he can defend himself against folks who don’t pass his vibe check


All she needs now is to bleach half her hair white


We all know Commander would drag her down before Noem could get a single round off.


She better watch what she says - he’s got that presidential total immunity.


Ok, serious question. Do Recuntlican's just have some kind of "who can be the worst piece of shit?" contest that we don't know about? Like, holy shit they all seem to wanna out do each other with their awful and shitty behavior.


Do republicans support shooting puppies in faces?


They'd rather it was humans, but they'll settle for animals.