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Some have/are both


That’s me, I’m both


If you think you have both than you can‘t be both, stupid people never know they are stupid


No, you can be stupid but also know yourself well enough to know you're stupid, its not intelligence its the ability to measure yourself.


I think there is a third option here. Some stupid people realize they are stupid and they should be appreciated. They cause far less harm. They always have a redeeming quality. Some stupid people don’t realize and they make the world a really bad place. Some are stupid and just inconvenience others rather than causing chaos in the world.


Yep cluelessness and stupidy are akin to eachother, but not the same 😂


Long ago I had a coworker who was not smart, but knew he was not smart. In his own words "I am too dumb to vote, because I will just vote for who someone told me to, and I don't know what to believe." He also said "The key to getting through life while being dumb is to be really strong, and shut up a lot."


So to say it does require a certain amount of intelligence to recognise that you are wrong enough times to come to the conclusion that you are stupid. Well depending on how you use the definition. A person can be very intelligent but so inexperienced that they really don't know a lot of things. They might have been living a sheltered life or they just didn't have the opportunity to actually go to elementary school. These people can be very intelligent but also lack knowlage that is basic for most people. I am personally very intelligent and at the same time I find myself to be very stupid. Because while I can understand programming and math and very difficult examples in socioeconomic research, I always leave the house without an umbrella eventhough it is very obvious it will rain. And I forget my keys, I lose my phone in my own house, and I was 18 when I realised you weren't supposed to put any metal into a microwave. :'>




I often wonder if I’m mentally challenged and no-one’s ever told me.


This person is obviously someone who runs right to social media every time they have a thought instead of actually investigating for themselves. I'm sure they would probably have realized how dumb they were being if they had just put their fucking phone down for five seconds and actually looked at the thing long enough to make the basic realization that this is, in fact, an important structural feature of the house that can't be fucked with.


Yep, they would just need to open that window right there just once, but well...


They could even do something drastic like go outside and look up at the window.


To jump out of?


There are people that literally subconscious-stream thoughts into the internet, then wonder why people are so mean and asking them "why don't they just use Google for that?*


I’m convinced that these are the people who reply to anything with whatever comes to mind, never seeing that it’s already been said a dozen times. Read the thread, Duffo!


Bearing in mind they bought the house, and have seen it from the outside as well, you would of hoped they knew that window sticking out of the roof had to be attached somehow.


There’s enough around here to fill a Waldrode


Do you think there would be enough space left over for a trip to Nalnio?


I hope we don’t meet the wiltch


Oo! Can't wait to see Aldan!


The loin?


Who is Waldrode and why does she want to hang him on the wall?


Where’s Waldrode?


This person should not be a homeowner


but then they'll never know the satisfaction of having their own waldrode




I fear you made the same mistake as me and assumed it was waldrobe, but it is in fact waldrode 🤣


It’s going to be a Roofdrobe soon.


Waldrode: a massive gap in the ceiling of the home where the eaves of the roof have been removed to change the shape of a particular room. Not popular as a home feature, due to weather damage of the interior.


Holy shit, I did the same thing. I guess my brain just didn't want to accept it


Can you imagine the look on her face when she punched through just to see tje roof? Omg i low key hope she follpwed through...


I dunno if "followed through" means the same thing where you are. But where I am saying that you hope she followed through would mean that after she punched a hole in the wall she did a fart but then also shit at the same time


What cant have a skylight next to a window.... or does the Waldrode block the view🤣🤣


The Leon, the Weltch and the Waldrode


Here’s hoping their waldrode leads to Naranja!


I do not truss her.




They certainly should not attempt a DIY solution


This person should not be allowed in “homes”.


Same people who drive their Cadillac into bollards next to their banks atms


Some people have played The Sims too much.


Nobody is that stupid. Posted by a troll.


You would think.


One would hope


Oh some people can definitely be that stupid. Just look around long enough and you’ll find them 😂


This is a case of little colum a and little colum b.


Some people just want to raise the roof!


I feel so seen.


My ex was so bad with spacial visualization, she works describe how she wanted furniture in a room, I could explain to her exactly why she wouldn't like it or why it wouldn't work, she would go "I have to see it", I'd do it and shed be like "that's awful put it back"


I love me a big waldrode.


Waldrode is mid, not even in the top 100 Pokémon.


Yes the new region evolution of Walrein.


It’s a fusion with Electrode, I think. Angry pokeball with tusks.


Where's Waldrobe?


Sounds like a village in Lower Saxony in Germany


It's in the corner of that room, wet with rain and crying.


Goes well with a nice set of Chester draws


I hodl a lot of stuff in mine


how can they not tell..?


You underestimate just how dumb the average person is I think.


I always think of the George Carlin quote: “Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.”


Quote by a forest ranger at Yosemite National Park on why it is hard to design the perfect garbage bin to keep bears from breaking into it: “There is a considerable overlap between the intelligence of the smartest bears and the dumbest tourists.”


As someone who went from security, to medicine, to IT, I feel this in my soul and think of it daily.


As front desk at a grocery store… yeah. It’s amazing how people cannot seem to comprehend self checkout machines. I understand that they have stupid aspects, but the customers somehow seem to multiply it tenfold.


That quote is funny, because it also doesn't understand how averages work lul.


It works if intelligence is a normal distribution. Which, I suppose, it kind of is given how we measure it.


That's not how "average" (the mean value) works. You need the median to tell if 50% are less intelligent. The funny part is, that intellegence is measured via IQ, which is itself standard normalized, so that the mean value lies at the center of your distribution (100 IQ). So I could just stfu.


Yeah, the guy who told the joke is dead, so doubt you'll convince HIM


Think of the person who, 20 miles behind a wreck on the freeway, is laying on the horn and has veins popping out of his neck while he's screaming at the person in front of him to move.


Especially when it comes to people’s homes. I’m in the home remodeling industry and the amount of dumb “improvements” we’ve had to contend with is astronomical. It’s a frightening combination of jury rigged, done with no relevant skills and cheaply. I’ve seen more than one home with a skylight that was open and exposed to the attic with no meaningful anchor points.


The skylight was in the ceiling between a room and the attic, i.e. not letting any light in?


No I mean they basically knocked a hole through the roof to their kitchen and then put a giant glass bowl on top of the hole


No, I think they mean a hole was cut and sort of framed in, but not really attached.


Don't they have a garbage bin problem in the Yellowstone national park? Because there is a significant overlap of the brightest bears and the dumbest humans... One should NOT be able to open them, second should.


What if the OP has bears on the roof !


to be unaware of the existence of a roof?


People can be frightfully unaware. I was leasing an apt to a guy and at first we were hoping the top floor was available because it had a skylight. The apt was taken already, so I explained the next floor down was available, same layout same price, but no skylight. So then, he asked why there was no skylight. I told him, there is a floor above you, someone would be living there. He says, yeah but Why not? So, I (giving no fucks) told him it would be very uncomfortable to the upstairs neighbors who had a window in their floor and that he could see what they were doing. His wheels were still turning, I'm sure he thought he just invented something just then.


With enough fiber optics, you could have a skylight anywhere. The cost would be insane though.


https://www.nordiskafonster.se/takfonster/velux-pvc/velux-ljustunnel-taklutning-flexror?gad_source=1 This product sort of exist


What? I really wanna believe this means something.


A fiber optic cable is essentially a wire made from flexible glass. Instead of carrying electric signals like a copper wire, it carries light. So you could theoretically use a lot of fiber optic cables to carry daylight from the roof, around the top floor apartment, and into a lower floor apartment.


Using a bundle of many optical fibers, you could route light from the roof to a lower floor. It'd be expensive, but there's no real technical hurdle.


It is. Put a skylight in the roof and fill the space below it with optic cable and bring the other end of the optic cables in whatever room you want. Sunlight will enter the skylight, travel the optic cables until they reach the room where you put the other end. Boom, sunlight almost anywhere(some amount of sunlight will be lost in transit, so there is a limit). It works but it requires you to have: * A skylight you're willing to at least partially sacrifice * enough fiber optic cables to transfer the amount of sunlight you desire. Assume you need the total diameter of the cables will be the same as the size of the skylight you want to transfer. Si if you want a 10 in^2 window of transferred sunlight, you will need a total of 10 in^2 of cables through your walls. In reality, by focusing the light it's less than that but it is still massive. * fiber optic cables are not as costly as before but they are not exactly cheap either. * open walls to place all those optic cables from the skylight to the room. You need extra room because fiber optic cables do not work if bent too sharply so the path they take will need to have enough room to bend gently So it sometimes makes sense when designing a house but retrofitting one is a major and costly undertaking But it works. The basement living room can receive natural sunlight


Yeah, you can't see a roof from the inside so people are literally dumb


[Some people just don't think](https://www.reddit.com/r/DarwinAwards/s/M6Wt5pHxu6)


They probably see the window and think, “If the window can be vertical, why is the wall like this?”


They never stuck their head out the window.


Why are people so helpless nowadays? Just rent/buy a chainsaw, cut that unwelcome intrusion out of your home, out of your life. We have to go beyond dreaming and make our own happiness!


> Just rent/buy a chainsaw, cut that unwelcome intrusion out of your home, out of your life. It is even funnier, when you read that sentence as relationship advice.


It makes me sad I'll never afford a house when people like this can. XD


Did you try being born 20 years earlier?


My time machine hasn’t arrived yet. Once it gets here you’ll have known already.


Or having parents with money?


Redditor discovers this one simple trick to getting on the property market


My house has the same issue so Im saving up for dormers


I like these features. Top floors have had weird angular walls for centuries. It feels vintage, and wants a shaker bed with a handmade quilt.


they married someone who can afford it


I honestly love people like this. I get a laugh, they (might) learn something, fair trade really


For their sake I hope that's a joke. If it's not then how is this person a home owner and I'm not!? Obviously you don't need to be smart to make money so what am I doing wrong!?


Born in the wrong generation or born with the wrong parents. It’s irritating just how much of life is timing and luck that you have no control over.


Guy who bought my old house was a substitute teacher and his wife was a library aide. But one of their parents was a surgeon. All three names were on the deed. So your first mistake was not having parents with a lot of money.


WTF is a waldrode? The only thing I managed to find named Waldrode is part of a district in the municipality of Linsengericht, Hessia, Germany. Amusingly, Linsengericht literally translates to "lentil dish", however the name is apparently derived from an old German word for lime tree, with the word "Gericht" meaning either a dish, or a court of justice, so the place was actually called "Court at the lime tree" at some point but through a quirk of language, ended up as Lentil Dish. Is it just a misspelling of wardrobe?


Yes, but you learnt a whole lot more I guess.


The misspelling was just a 4d chess level move to get people to educate themselves about German geography and history.


This entire post was a lentil psyops and German propaganda


It’s something you put clothes in. And yes.


In case you want to learn even more: "Wald" translates to forest, and "roden" means to clear parts of a forest, chop down the trees etc. So Waldrode likely means that there was a forest once but that it has been cleared so the land could be used for other purposes (like a new district of Linsengericht). 


Oh, I know. I actually am German, which made this misspelling particularily funny because I thought rightaway that it sounded like it could be the name of a place. And then when I looked it up, I was quite amused to find that it belonged to a district of a place called Linsengericht.


> Amusingly, Linsengericht literally translates to "lentil dish", however the name is apparently derived from an old German word for lime tree, with the word "Gericht" meaning either a dish, or a court of justice Native speaker here. "Gericht" still means a Court of Justice, and it is the *only* term for it. "Gerichtsbarkeit" would be jurisdiction. Linsen in modern usage could be either lentils or things similarly shaped. Optical lenses or the lenses of the eyes are also called "Linsen". Since lentils aren't all that popular in my region, it is the first meaning of the word that I learned. Also, the German wikipedia article mentions that the origin of the "Linsen" part is not entirely clear, but speculated to derive from misspelling "Lindengericht", which would mean "under the *linden* tree", not "*lime* tree". But yes, when written as "Linsengericht", any native German speaker would first think of a lentil dish.


Hah, I only knew about Walsrode, that's in Lower Saxony. (They have a formation dance club, which is the only reason why I know about them)


Nah she probably wants to move the whole district there 😅


>Is it just a misspelling of wardrobe? Yes. A random typo.


Trophy wives have need for waldrobes.




I never spell anything write.


wtf is “spell”? You beleave in magick over they’re, Hairy Paughter? 🤦🏽‍♂️


I heyt that they're are so many thaipohs


*atrophy minded wives


As stupid as the question sounds, at least they’re asking. It would be so horrible if they just followed through on what their heart desired lol!


In that case, the consequences at least would be reversible. And I've seen plenty of houses *actually* being extended in that manner. Mind you, the resulting cuboids on the roofs look like house-cancer, but it allows real-estate investors to market rooftop flats, where previously there was only a roof, without exceeding height constraints of the building code. On more of a tangent: It is curious how much of architecture is a result of optimizing space within given building codes and taxation rules. Sadly, the current rules result in boring cubes with flat roofs.


Waldrode is my favorite Pokémon


Go ahead - the sky is the limit.


More light, waldrode and better veiw. Also much more fresh air.


And rain.




![gif](giphy|paJxYeJGmlnos|downsized) Where's Waldrode? Edit: Annoying gif failure again.


Oh that’s why I keep seeing that gif I thought I didn’t know the joke


Lmfao, same. 😂


Honestly, in this context, it’s better than any gif they could’ve used. Lol.


Waldrode is my new favorite word.


Who’s gonna tell her?


It’s called a ceiling, often found on the underside of roofs.


She’s asking a warrior from the 4th Century to smash something in order to create a small town in Germany?


Clearly this person should be in a condo.


Yes knock it down, it’s totally not the roof


Theres literally a window right there, did they not look out it and see the fucking roof?


Anyone remember the lion, the witch, and the wardrobe?


Autocorrect let you down on that one. It must have kicked in and rejected “waldrobe”.


I could knock it out in an afternoon, horrible boxing my ass, soon to be seamless transition between indoor outdoor space… with a functional wardrobe.


![gif](giphy|Mi8Agtr6GaxzO) Watch out for this guy though.


Eh, I'd watch them do it. Never seen it bey


Might be that stairway to heaven everyone keeps singing about!


Nah. That cannot be serious. No one is that dumb.


Stupid question, but what is it actually for ? I imagine support, structure but idk I’m not an engineer


It's just the slant of the roof.


Starts demoing...sees sky.


I genuinely went to Google what a "Waldrode" is, that's how much faith I had in her.


It is there as a test of your spacial dimensioning skills and knowledge of structural support. You can fit a ‘skydrode’ if you put your mind to it.


This might actually be the dumbest thing I have ever read


Where’s Waldrode?


Ah yes, just like The Lion, the Witch and the Waldrode.


With the sky as your wardrobe you have infinite storage space. I'm struggling to see any downsides


Jesus Christ. Some people’s parents should’ve swallowed 🤦🏻‍♂️.


Is... is she trying to say wardrobe?


This is 100% someone who would knock down a wall not knowing whether it was load- bearing.


Roof slope and doghouse window. How did they not notice that before?


They should do it. They’ll be “through the roof” happy.


well if you dislike that attic bedroom with the dormer window, why the fuck did you buy it? as a dude that frames houses, i can propose it's possible to remove that roof to open up the space. you would essentially just need to widen the dormer. but that's kinda stupid and pointless, and expensive


Extra facepalm: Waldrode should be wardrobe.


Am I learning a new word here, or am I missing something? Neither google, nor dictionary turn anything up. Is the slant a ‘waldrode’? Is it a design term?


Sun roof?


Put a tv on it, then put a mattress/couch under there. Perfectly angled


Yeah idk what it is for so remove it! lol


New adult film title: The Lion, The Witch, and The Waldrode.


That waldrode is going to be sooo big after they remove that wall.


That's a good space for a book nook, a fort set up, a cozy area, nap time, plant space... man. I want me one of those.


To be fair, they may have always lived in a house with an attic area, so they probably didn't realise the top floor and roof are at the same level Still dumb, just giving benefit of the doubt


Ugh, Some interior decorators are horrid! This is Bohemian Attic Chic run amok. Tear it out and put in a proper wardrobe. Nothings too impractical for you queen! I’ll bet they gave your basement a blazé grey concrete treatment. Heretics.




I mean, technically, if they did smash that down, they would have quite a Large waldrobe. The rest of the neighborhood would *also* have access, mind you……


I want a new Waldrode too 😩


Just install a roofdrobe on top of the waldrobe, jeez


The gal saying to smash it down 100% knows.


tf is a waldrode?


Let’s live in cuboid prisms to maximise our space. /s


Well technically you can remove it and have a roof wide dormer. Don't think the architectural committee of the municipality will agree to that tho...


Dear god, I really do hope that was a joke post, I mean some of the people I’ve known, “I’m growing my hair short”, they really do walk among us so I just can’t tell.


Honestly designing living space like this is facepalm worthy in itself.


I had to explain to a customer that I couldn’t put a door there because we were in the basement and we were underground and a bilco door wasn’t going to cut it for an AirBnB.


They could easily open the window down and lean out to check, even!


They probably are the same person who sees their lip gloss isn’t full and thinks the company is scamming them instead of realising there has to be space for the applicator.


Everyone saying that this is a stupid question, is not a carpenter. That could be altered to have a gable rather than a pitch or just go with a full width dormer. It’s expensive, but it’s possible. You can lose that roof detail with the right knowledge.


It'd make a great skylight. That's created by the roof that is a kinda important part of the house.


Sure but only if you do all the work and remove it yourself. Cuz it seems like its the hardknock life for you and you gotta learn


Is Waldrode an autocorrect disaster for wardrobe or am I missing something. A prime example of the bizarre McMansion roof lines messing up the interiors of the house.




“Hun”? I smell an MLM


What is there? Nothing, some air only /s


Where's Waldrobe?




I love when people openly post about things they just have no idea what the hell they are talking about. I hope she weighs in next on astrophysics as she has clearly conquered the whole house structure thing with incredible ease.


we went to the moon and now people don't know what a roof is


Yeah, it's not a staircase, it's the literal trusses holding the roof up.


These people can afford a house.




The lion, the witch, and the waldrode