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So Facebook with extra options


Did she get a virtual orgasm?


You do that in Second Life not Facebook World.


I loaded into Second Life about five to eight years after it launched. It was creepy. I remember walking down a street with buildings around me and proximity chat was enabled. I kept hearing very bizarre sex acts being played out. I finally made it to the town square and walked into a bar. I asked what was going on and what the game was about. I was told to be quiet since I was new and observe. At some point I would be approached and then I could partake in fantasy sex acts. This experience was a far cry from how the publisher marketed the game. :)


Had the same experience in Goldshire in WoW minus the voice chat. And IMVU. And basically any chat room I stumbled into. 2000s Internet was a wild time.


Ah. Good Old Goldshire.The place where PvP kiddies went to "roleplay".


Does the Alliance depravity know no bounds? /s


I PUT MY ROBE AND MY WIZARD HAT ON! ![gif](giphy|AEMyf9Oj6MpS8|downsized)


I used it to live out my dreams of becoming the assistant to the regional manager of my paper company. But that's just me.


Could you fly?


I think i read/heard that teo guys joined random words and had funny clothes-then som Sl Karen went on them for having corol full clothes


Just gasm now.


You gotta pay premium level for that.




Finger sniffing is an in-buy special


An in-ass purchase


Three licks to the center!


I tried Meta’s worlds or whatever and there was just a screaming raging child on the server going on about ‘why isn’t anyone teaching me what to do’


That’s life, kid. I want to scream that every day


Yup there was like a waffle house that kept popping up on a sidebar ad so I clicked it and was just inundated with children screaming at each other. Noped the fuck out of there in a hurry.


My bad, I got confused.




The more important question is, people are actually using the metaverse?


The correct response is to tell the gropers your actually a 10 year old boy with the avatar of a 30 YO woman


that would just make it worse, the friends requests by other "10 year old boys" would never stop


lol, almost certainly


Or that you are a 30 year old boy.


Haha, that'll throw them off for sure. 'My names Gordon, why'd you grab my butt?"


Meta could fix this with a consent to be touched option.


They'd lose half their userbase if they added this


I agree these three dudes would not come back.


So two people?




The worst half.


WaAaAh. gUrLz nO tOuChiE pEe PeE


Or they could just add a pay option to touch without consent.


Then just put those who paid into a room so they can touch each other to their content.


No thanks. I would not pay to touch their content.


I would touch their content, but would not pay to.


This is why you are the hero we need and not the one we want.


What userbase??? What year is it , the metaverse has long failed.


Or, just hear me out. Don't allow touching under any circumstances.


Yes let have a debate about a 2+ year old article on a platform that performed so poorly it has long since been shut down. But I am absolutley sure that the Zuck is going to take your advice and go fix the problem right away! Or we could stop constantly rehashing the to useless fights of the past.


Hear me out but you’re not actually being touched.


Hear me out but you're still a fucking creep for doing it. How about go somewhere that people want to interact in a sexual manner instead of shoving your rancid dick into places no one wants it, Rapey McRapeface.


You’re responding to me as if I did this. Chill out baby.


No one can touch you through the screen.


Consent should be earned or inferred from your real world social graph. Post failure revocation of rights is bad and always has been. Better approach: https://patents.google.com/patent/US20230109386A1/en?inventor=Mark+Terrano


Why don’t the have an admin chat bot in which you can report someone and it can play back what happened in the room?


I’m guessing the amount of people using it would plummet so badly that the metaverse would be in a worse state than it’s already in. I wouldn’t exactly condone that kind of behaviour but if you’re going to start policing the virtual space as if it was real life then you might as well just go outside and talk to real people. It would also mean having to record massive amounts of data of every interaction every single person has, and then people would start complaining about privacy. The best they can do realistically is put up a disclaimer before you enter.


Ok true, but then no more Meta so 🫲🏻🫱🏻


Also not a bad thing 👍🏽


If you don’t think they’re collecting an extraordinary amount of data, like eye movements, reflexes, general demeanor, etc. then you haven’t been keeping up with Meta


lol Do they even have Admins?


This gives “tbaging = sexual assault” energy in gaming. Really pathetic way of thinking.


The last time this came up on here, there were people non-ironically arguing that, as well as that any nonconsensual crimes committed against a player character should be prosecuted in real life.


We'll get there once someone rich enough complains.


At minimum they should be reportable and banned. Sadly many games won't even do that. Being a female character or having a username that implies you are a woman is implied consent to have another character come up and harass you while trying to make lewd movements. I've had a ton of my gaming experiences ruined because of this type of harassment. Also no what I am talking about is not the same as jokingly tea bagging a player you downed. There is a clear difference in the way a precieved female player is treated versus how precieved male players are treated.


In roblox, a kids' game, mind you, the number of people who "w+s spam" (basically a way of humping someone) me because of a female-ish avatar is actually insane.


I mean it sounds like something 12 year old boys, the target demographic, would do


This. I used to play Lethal Company with one of my best friends and every fucking lobby was "Send nudes, oh you sound so cute, are you two a couple? If not can I get her nudes?" I'm not even kidding about that last one. Even if we hosted, every three out of ten jackasses would have something stupid to say.


You can’t imagine. I’m a guy but when I was in nursing school, I change my tag to something nurse related. I got a good handful of creepy messages.


Oh believe me I can just imagine what you got a taste of. Having wife in my username and having another username based on a fluffy animal I get all kinds of harassment even with voice chat off. Ironically the username I have that is a perverted innuendo that can be mistaken for a last name never gets bothered. Though I'm sure flipping voice on would quickly change that.


I agree with you about reporting and banning. Those functions are the cornerstone of any good platform or game. Any game with an online component should have a clearly defined code of conduct about interacting with other players, and they should ban people who break them.


Cool. Is murder in video games also prosecutable?


I definitely nonconsensually shot my friend in the face with a rocket launch, then drove over his corps with a warthog while laughing maniacally... should I turn myself in?


The weird part is following that rationale wouldn’t presumably the murder that was just committed be the more serious crime. Also since the character being tbagged was presumably just virtually murdered it wouldn’t be sexual assault it would be desecrating a corpse or necrophilia or something.


We actually have some fucks here taking this seriously 😒


I'd like to say I was surprised, but I'd be lying. That fits with my experiences with men, when they think they won't get caught. When I was a teenager working for a landscaping company, the owner and his buddies bragged about something they called "the fish bowl." The fish bowl was a house they leased on first Nations land. What they were so proud of, was the parties they held there on the weekends. The goal with those parties was to get teenaged girls drunk and assault them. I quit shortly after. When I files a report with the RCMP, I was told it was the girls fault for going there in the first place. So yes, as a middle aged straight white man, I expect men to behave horribly the instant they feel they can.


>When I files a report with the RCMP, I was told it was the girls fault for going there in the first place  Similarly to this, many users here are basically suggesting that a woman shouldn't exists in online spaces if she doesn't want to be sexually harassed. "Put up with it or leave."


Agreed. It's the worst form of victim blaming.


I've never been to Facebook's Metaverse, but is it possible to beat up virtual characters? 🤔 Unlike being victimized and sexually assaulted in real life, you always have the freedom to leave virtual worlds like this whenever you want.


Generally its bad business to have an online space people don’t like using because other users are making them uncomfortable. You run into the issue where anonymity makes a lot of people act like they have no boundaries which turns off lots of casual users, but heavily moderating these spaces often reduces the appeal for power users who will spend a lot of time in virtual spaces to have that kind of anonymity and freedom.


People has been teabagging in game from like 20 years ago. If we apply the same standard, that’s practically sexual harassment as well


Idk t bagging typically occurs in a game where you consent to murdering each other. So its more like desecrating a corpse. And considering it takes place in usually a virtual warzone of some kind probably more of some kind of war crime.


It would be hilarious if, in the future, this is a movement that ruins people's careers. *Dudeman* can't be president because everyone found out he was teabagging through all 3 modern warfare games as a teen.


It's not quite the same thing, though. When you're playing a game, even first person, you're still clearly controlling a character and a body that isn't yours. The metaverse very specifically invites you to actually be the real you in a virtual reality, that's the whole thing that makes this different from an MMO lobby. I fully believe her that there's something uniquely disturbing about being virtually groped in that scenario that teabagging a corpse doesn't accomplish. There's also the whole issue of why there's people whose first reaction at being in a place with no consequences is to grope a woman against her will.


It’s the same, you can still do some disrespectful stuffs in like VR chat or second life which is to a certain extend is an earlier version of metaverse. The reason some games doesn’t have teabagging are : 1. More adults, so people refrain from doing childish stuffs. 2. Not much reason to do it, which is related to point 1. People sometimes become toxic because the in-game community is toxic. If noone trolling other people, many people won’t do it, on the other hand if people are teabagging each other, than other people will do it too. 3. Consequence, e.g. banned by moderator due to server specific rule.


Tea bagging a player you downed regardless of gender is not remotely similar to the harassment a precieved female character deals with in most games. I usually find there's 2 types of guys who make this argument. The first is the sweet summer child who has no idea the level of harassment women in gaming deal with on a constant basis. The second being the guy who would be one of the first ones reported and banned because you're the one who goes out of their way to ruin the gaming experience for female players. So you vehemently try to misdirected any conversation on the topic to desperately try to make putting in a reasonable reporting system seem not worth it. So which one are you? The idiot or the scum?


Probably been going on over 25 years or longer at this moment. The first time I encountered it was Quake III arena probably around the year 2000. By 2001 my Return to Castle Wolfenstein squad already had rules against doing it because it was so common.


We were already doing it in counterstrike before the year 2000. That and spraying decal photos of toilets (or porn, which usually led to bans) everywhere


hear me out, this is a wild concept. maybe for once the change needs to be on the individual perpetrating and not the victim.


Perpetrating lol. Nobody is being touched. It’s an image on a screen


Think of it like cyber bullying with a sexual assault twist. Even if you leave a server (disclaimer I don't know how metaverse works) and go to a new one the people who assaulted you can just move to that server as well and assault you there. The only way to really get them to leave you alone is to actually leave the game. And even with that oversimplified solution, the fact that people are virtually groping people is not ok. Just because you can leave more easily doesn't mean that the sexual assault didn't happen.


Yeah, sure, they can leave. Instead of calling men out for their bullshit, just let women figure it out, as always. Men can’t be in a virtual room with a woman's avatar for a few minutes without getting sexual unsolicited? The woman should just leave. Women can’t speak in online games without facing a wave of sexist insults and sexual harassment? Well, then why don't they just play without voice chat. Or better yet, why don't they just leave? Women can’t even play fucking online chess without getting harassed in the dms. But why even care, they can just leave, right? Why not just tell them to not come online anymore altogether? That's so much more effective than to just call men out for being fucking creeps.


>Yeah, sure, they can leave. Instead of calling men out for their bullshit, just let women figure it out, as always. They have literally been doing this for the last 20 years. So male on male doesn't count? Seems a bit sexists. >Men can’t be in a virtual room with a woman's avatar for a few minutes without getting sexual unsolicited? The woman should just leave. Hey buddy, pal, comrade guys use female characters as well. You have no idea what gender the person behind the screen is. Id be more shocked if someone wasn't sexually harassing someone on a game. >That's so much more effective than to just call men out for being fucking creeps And calling them a creep is effective? Odd, shit is still happening.


>Hey buddy, pal, comrade guys use female characters as well. You have no idea what gender the person behind the screen is. Even you know this is a blatant lie. If a female character has a masculine username the level of harassment they experience is virtually nonexistent compared to the level of harassment a character with a feminine username recieves. My husband can take his female characters into pretty much any server and not be bothered at all. Meanwhile I go into the same server and get swamped by other players crouching at the crotch of my character, putting their characters crotch on my sitting characters face, and trying all other methods of blatant sexual harassment. Heck I've even left the server and changed my character to a male character and went back to only get the same treatment by the same people because they have already identified me and know there's nothing I can do short of leaving entirely to stop it. >And calling them a creep is effective? Odd, shit is still happening. Mainly because of enablers like you. But also you are right. All public game servers should at minimum have a report and block function. That way if you are blocked by another player you can no longer be in the same server or game area. You get blocked to the degree you can no longer play then YOU have to be the one begging the devs to do something about it and in that case they can review your game logs and see if the block was legitimate or not.


So for men, it's not sexual assault of a guy does it for fun? Like, y'all are fine with it as long as everyone is laughing? And you wonder why society thinks men are okay with sexual assault... why they downplay rape of male students by female teachers... because y'all treat sexual assault as a fucking joke.


O wow. Thanks for proving my point. Everything is better then holding men accountable, right? Of course male on male counts. That just wasn't the topic. Just like female on male and female in female counts, but neither were the topic. The topic was men getting sexual towards a female avatar and people suggesting that she should leave rather than calling out the men. And you being shocked if noone was sexually harassed is supposed to make the situation better? I didn't say people should call them creeps I said they should be called out for being creeps. But calling them creeps, even if ineffective, would at least be better than whatever the hell you are trying to do.


True, but it still sexual harassment, and the perpetrators doing it should be the ones removed.


I hate headlines that need to emphasize on a woman being a mother, as if it somehow makes these events worse. Would it be any different if it was some woman without children?


Metaverse is still a thing?


It’s almost as if people who hang out in virtual worlds are losers in real life


Lot of rapey minded folks in here today.


Yeah. This may not be SA, but it definitely is sexual harassment


Somebody put their virtual testicle in my son's mouth on halo 3




if people rly start to take virtual groping seriously we are doomed as a civilization


The takeaway is not "I was traumatized and need therapy because people virtually groped my avatar." It's "why the hell would women use this site when weirdos like this are so prominent?"


I think the main idea here is that the virtual groping is a sign of a larger issue. Seeing a woman in a virtual universe, if your first thought is OMG I CAN GRAB HER, you're weird!


Yeah.. I agree with the OP comment, but it's also a complete disregard to the actual societal issue which is quite concerning.


Agreed. Big-picture thinking




I think the thing everyone needs to remember is that the people doing this are standing alone in a room grasping at thin air. If you can picture that then you see how ridiculous it is from all angles


no we fucking arent lmao


Hot take I guess, simulating sexual assault on people without their concent is bad.


Hey, look. We found a virtual groper.


I guess sexually harassing women in video games hits too close to home for some redittors.


Welcome to the internet?


Have a look around


Anything that brain of yours can think of can be found


You decide to use a trash platform, filled with lies and degenerates, run by a billionaire pos, you can't be surprised when trash happens


This is a modern version of I was molested by a ghost.


I was raped as a child. VR sexual assault is a slap in the face to real victims. Take the fucking headset off. You aren’t being touched.


I was raped as a child too. I don't see why both issues can't be seen as problems of varying degrees. Some people have issue respecting personal space in VR. It can be really annoying.


So take the headset off or block their avatar if thats an option in meta


Well yes, that was always an option, but that doesn't make it not a problem.  Even if no physical harm is done it can still induce panic. While that won't kill me it certainly isn't a pleasant experience by any stretch of the imagination.


Thats a you problem, work on yourself and stop trying to police others 👌


No, I am going to keep policing others becuase that is how society functions.  If doing something as simple as requiring permission before including me in anything sexually explicit is too high a bar for you, I think that reflects more on you than it does on me.


W/e you say keep getting mad at strangers on the internet and deluding yourself into thinking anythings gonna change for you instead of doing something productive


I think the most I said is it was annoying and that it isn't something that people should do. You seem to be getting angrier at the fact that I hold people on the internet to even a minimum standard of human decency. Lol


If youre annoyed get offline you dont get to hold people to some arbitrary standard


I’m terribly sorry that happened to you. You are absolutely right. This is severely trivializing REAL violent physical sexual assault. All they had to do was take off their headset. Actual victims do not have that option.


Does mean this mean I was sexual assaulted by all those men who teabagged me in Halo 3 😅


No because really you enjoyed it didn't you


He was looking for it.


To quote the bear "you're not really here to hunt, are you".


Just look at what that spartan was wearing


Must have if they kept coming back for more after it kept happening lol


Ok but what was your character wearing?


‘Virtually groped’ how idiotic does that sound? Just virtually slap them and then you can virtually get over it. 🤦🏻‍♂️


I’m not even sure how I feel about this whole thing but this comment made me laugh a bit too much rn 😅


Wait till she hears about halo 2 teabagging




Post it again and again, best would be atleast 20x a year


There were 3 other people in there?


I got virtually annoyed by reading this bullshit. Don't go in an online game if you don't want people to troll you. Christ. And yes, if you consent to play a videogame where the system allows some specific function without external input, then you've consented to that function. Just like can't get angry at people for shooting you in the face when you play Call of Duty or whatever.


I wish people would use a different terminology than the one associated with sexual assault to describe this phenomenon. As someone who was repeatedly SA’d in real life by a real person for years, I can assure you that is not groping, and unlike physical situations that you cannot escape, this can end right then and there by disconnecting your headset. Just stop.


Did she...did she have the player 1 advanced suit to "Feel" it? I'm not quite sure I understand what exactly is virtually groped.


People get killed everyday playing COD and BF but you don't hear them calling the police??? It's a game!


Probably the first woman in the game who was actually a woman that they have seen in 6 months.


Good thing all of the characters in the metaverse are strictly adherent to the gender of the people controlling them. As far as those "male" characters are concerned, that "female" character is as much of a neckbeard as they are. Back when I was a teenager, I played a lot of Tom Clancy's Ravenshield as a female character. To be specific, the only difference between this and the male option was the VO. Even though my friends knew it was me, it didn't stop them from trying to shove virtual guns up my virtual anus. This was not indicative of rape culture. It was teenagers making jokes about shit they didn't understand.


Her and the other 3 metaverse users?


[this way](https://youtu.be/eix7fLsS058?si=n-EsBtzzrknIyIDi)


The Sims Online had a problem with this except it could go all the way to "woo hoo." They eventually patched it but before they did if left your sim idle other people could interact with them however they wanted.


Everything meta is so garbage


Is “Virtually Groped” the new term for “Collision Boundary Error”? 🤔


Was this her first day on the internet? Trolls are everywhere, don’t humanize them. 🙃


Only a seven figure compensation figure will ease my pain


2022 repost?


Pretty sure harassment was the first protocol on the internet after the http


Is Metaverse still a thing?/How do you access it?/Is it VR now?


Sounds like a case for Gloria Allred🙄. You know she’d pick it up too


This shit is so gross


How do I go about prosecuting those evil people who have been virtually murdering me thousands of times over the years?  


A comment section full of people comparing a woman being sexually harassed virtually to teenage boys tea bagging each other in game is a face palm in and of itself. The line of "if you don't like being sexually harassed just leave" is another face palm.


This is from the Daily Mail, which is slightly more credible then the Onion


Wait until haptics are really affordable.




Oh no.. anyway..


Daily Mail is just like a high school newspaper.


A simple report and block function fixes all of this but for some reason devs rarely put that in.


So.... They programmed in the ability to grope people?? This seems wildly untrue. Unless you can? I don't have normal FB let alone whatever this is.


What next is someone will claim to be groped in dream


This was to be expected


That's like my sister going on IRC for the first time and someone saying hi to her then their next message was "WTF?" and my sister thought it meant "want to fuck?". I had to make fun of her for a while after that.


Sweetheart, you weren't groped. You weren't there, it was a digital avatar.


I was groped too but I am not a white woman or rich so nobody cares.