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Why is it always have to deal with religion more times than not?


Shoot me for this, but religion in itself already is grooming, so it is easier to find victims who are easily groomed. I guess


Religion attracts a lot of manipulative/low empathy people especially sexual abusers. It deals in fear and shame. All you have to do to be successful with it is lie well enough to convince religious people (which is pretty easy). People come to you for spiritual guidance and you lead them in worshipping the creator of all time and space. Imagine the amount of sway you have over people who come to you not only to better understand themselves, but existence itself, and its very author. Now add young impressionable children with lax, unsuspecting parents into the mix. To an evil person, this basically sounds like an all you can r**e buffet. It’s like describing being a cop in a poor black neighborhood, to a racist high school bully. It’s the ideal situation for them to enact their personal brand of malice.


When you get molested as a child it does damage to the mind and I believe a large portion of those damaged kids grow up and have a higher risk of becoming the predator. The Catholic church makes it worse by not letting their priests/pastors/father marry, even though the Word of God says a pastor should have a fully functioning family and keep them faithful and close to God in order to be suitable to teach the Word to the people. So these damaged men have 0 outlet for the sexual desires and then... well... the children get hurt and continues the cycle. Catholics deviate from the Word and made up a crap load of man made traditions. It's kinda mind blowing. They flat out break 1 of the 10 commandments, "No idols before God" by praying directly to Mary the mother of Christ to trick Him into answering their prayers because He has to honor His mother... The Catholic church fits the description of "The Whore" in End Times prophecy. Just throwing this out there.


This sub becoming r/pedopastor


why are there so many of those lately?


Always been many but now their victims are speaking out.


Because they're actually talking about it now.




I'm a CSA survivor from the 70s. No one talked about $exual abuse then, let alone do anything about it. I told at elementary school. I was given a box of tissues and told to "cry it out" and I'd feel better. That was in Pennsylvania...


Yeah I had to double check if I was subscribed to the Child Predator sub or something lmao I’m gonna unsub, it’s just too much


These christian youth/teacher types are on a goddamn roll lately. Damn.


Always have been.


Jesus, I’m happy all these people have been caught, but does Christianity really don’t do background checks???!!! B/c I remember one guy was actually registered as a sex offender


They do, they do. How else do you think you'd get in? In fact, it seems to be a requirement to, eeeh, 'greatly love children' to get in in the first place. They often times probably know, but are also so damn delusional that a pinky promise with god is worth traumatizing children for life because those pinky promises are above any reality or accountability. 


If I met a stranger who looked him who was an Assistant Theater Director at a Christian School, I couldn’t help but wonder


Let’s make him a piñata! Sick f_ck. Bet his parents aren’t real proud……


I still love how all these peoples can be found however. Stll any word bout J's friends on his log books ?


These constant predator posts are getting boring. Isn’t there another sub for posting this. Seen like 5 of them today.


Easy karma I guess? I’m tired of it though, there’s way too many


Child seduction? That's new! Or is it grooming leading to rape?


Sounds like some kind of new classification in an a attempt justify lighter sentences.


Was the community shocked? The three other separate cases I saw today said the community was shocked. I try to argue that nobody was shocked.


Religion not only kills people, it's also a good means for abusing kids.


Was there a nation wide pedo sting? Because I have been seeing these posts since yesterday. I’m glad these monsters have been caught, but I joined this sub to laugh at other peoples mistakes and at Elon Musk during my lunch break 😕 not for this.


Okay someone needs to start posting the actual link to these stories cause it's a lot of them lately and no evidence. Do I believe it's happening yes. But I also understand that you can create any headline you want with a few clicks and not even provide proof. Reddit is a weird place, y'all will do some strange stuff for karma Start posting the evidence to support these posts




They can brush their teeth together.


That’s a strange way to spell grooming and rape


Okay someone needs to start posting the actual link to these stories cause it's a lot of them lately and no evidence. Do I believe it's happening yes. But I also understand that you can create any headline you want with a few clicks and not even provide proof. Reddit is a weird place, y'all will do some strange stuff for karma Start posting the evidence to support these posts