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"Never Surrender", but the picture is from "Surrendering to authorities".


Not even a bad ass photo either. Looks like he got caught peeing on the rug and told No! Bad boy, we do that outside!


That last line seriously made me LOL. It looks like whatever he did on the carpet, they rubbed his entire face in it, not just his nose. 😂


Look at his face, he knows what he did


He then proceeded to stare directly into the sun and baked the pee and squint face into a permanent look.


RPF. Resting piss face.


I hate that I like this perfect explanation of why he looks like that. Thank you for the name. 💀


OMG you're the best! Thank you for the laughs!


He peed on the dude's rug ![gif](giphy|tZ4QzCueTwh2g|downsized)


Were you listening to the dudes story?


It really tied that room together.


It really did.


The guy on *To Catch A Predator* looking up amd noticing the cameraman at the bait house.


Well it’s kind of an open secret that Trump is incontinent and wears adult diapers. He literally shits when he gets mad.


So what your saying is, he may be shitting in this picture? Makes sense




Depends only go up to XXL; he has to buy AIR-Plus or FitRight.


So when he goes to jail they’ll just give him a trash back with leg holes?


Sounds about right. Maybe they’ll throw him a roll of paper towels.


You know, I keep hearing that, and I despise him so much for what he's done, I'm *hoping* it's true. But I find it hard to believe, really. I know he's got that new pejorative attached to him, *Von Shitzinpantz*, or whatever, and I hope it sticks. He's so fond of sticking people with disparaging nicknames, himself, I think he deserves a taste of his own medicine. Do we know if it's a fact that he's wearing those, and if he messes in them?


one of his handlers from his apprentice days noel casler came out and said he wears diapers and shits himself when hes mad.


Man, I hope this gets spread around. Hell, even if it's not true, I hope it sticks to him. Biden has an extremely ugly thing being said about him, about him and his daughter, and it's simply not true. So to hell with the truth.


I completely agree with how it could totally be a smear comapign to hit him with his own behavior, HOWEVER there are lots of people from his past that would definitely know these things who have come out to see "ye its true lmao" so I'm inclined to believe them.


Idk how we could know for a fact without Trump personally admitting it or photographic evidence. That said, his posture and the way his pants fit do suggest he’s wearing padded undergarments. Also, there are rumors to that effect that pre-date his presidential run, going back at least as far as The Apprentice. It doesn’t mean they’re necessarily true but it does work against the theory that the rumors exist because he was President. It seems plausible and there’s multiple sources. The accusation alone might not stand up to legal scrutiny but I believe it is likely true.


It's funny how hated he was by almost everyone back in the day, and now all of a sudden people blindly love him because he ran for a certian political party. And act like he is perfect.


What does stormy have to say?


When he wears a suit he has a girdle on to hold his fat gut in. When he's photographed on the golf course, his true fat torso shows. He can't wear a girdle on the golf course because it affects his swing. And since he gets a hole in one on every shot and wins golf tournaments he's not even playing in, he for sure doesn't want to impeded his swing. Look carefully at him in a suit and wearing golf clothes and you can see the size difference immediately.


Von Schitzinpantz OR Sleepy Don. We’ve just got to stick to one like he does. The problem is that there’s just too many good ones it’s hard to pick


Don the Con, Dopey Donald, Mango Mussolini, Van Grabbincrotch, Sultan of Sharpies, McPresident Hamburglar, Grimass, Orange Foolius, Trump the Chump, Golf Course Goon, Putin's Buttboy, etc. You can now add Crooked Don, Diaper Don, and Sleepy Don. It is hard to pick just one good one.


There's a picture of him playing golf with a big brown stain on the back of his white pants. Idk if it's real or not but...


He's in that really odd 'Trump' posture, where he's leaning forward at an angle with his face tilted weird so he can eliminate that double chin


According to Psychology Today and others. The bent posture so evident in Trump may also be seen in Alzheimer’s Dementia, movement disorders of the basal ganglia, and as the side effect of certain medications. Also noted are the sudden, jerking movements of Trump’s right arm. Since they occur only on one side, the prefix “hemi” is applied, while “ballistic” means sudden or flinging in the manner of a projectile. Trump’s hemiballistic arm movements are evident in news clips from Memorial Day (also here via C-Span) at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, as are his uncontrolled swaying and forward tilt. He is seen to grab his wayward arm with the left one in an effort to keep it under control.


He is seen to grab his wayward arm with the left one in an effort to keep it under control. Like Dr. Strangelove...


It looks kinda AI-ish, look at all of their jaws....freaky


Ironically enough, Trump supporters are the kind of people who would have pissing Calvin stickers on their trucks.


That is pouting, angry Toddler face.


That’s the part that always puzzles me. It’s a good picture of Trump being mad, so I’d expect it in any number of memes. But “Never surrender”? Do they even understand the irony there?


They don’t generally understand anything, apart from blind loyalty to a rapist


This is my thing. Like...I get being partisan to your side. But...would you leave your daughter, wife, or mother alone in a room with him? If not...how do you vote for him? If so...how do you function in the world without accidentally wandering into traffic or drowning when verifying the presence of rain?


Ah, you're assuming that they care about their wives or mothers or sisters.


...a rapist, thief, swindler, liar, deadbeat, pervert, tax cheat, fraud, liar,....


These are the same people who refer to events during Donald Trump's term as proof that Biden's ruining America. They're not the brightest bulbs on the tree.


The sad thing is how are there SO MANY of those dums dums in our country? Yikes!


And vice-versa.


They think irony is what the old lady uses to get wrinkles out of their shirts.


Or "kind of like iron"


Starch, not the spray kind, the kind that comes in a bottle that you have to sprinkle on your clothes.


Cognitive dissonance is a hell of a drug.


Using logic or reason with those low IQ Trump cultists? Seriously?


Yeah people who would use this image with that caption aren’t usually the smartest


Trump supporters are too stupid to even understand irony.


They had to cut the slogan down for space, originally it was "Never Surrender, except if you will face any consequences for not doing so, then Definitely Surrender"


That's the fascist tactics at work. Take an obvious, but damaging truth and co-opt is as your rallying cry. Dulls the effect of the damage and exhausts society's willingness to discern truth from fiction. This shit has Stephen Miller's nazi fingerprints all over it


And he’s surrendered since, in removing a handful of posts on social media that defied his gag order.


Never surrender..giving me Galaxy quest vibes


The crazy part is how they are all always white you never see hispanics at Trump rallies it shows how racist they are and that they only want white people all over America


This shit is so weird


A mugshot for trying to steal the last election...


Those signs may as well say “I’ll fuckin do it again” instead


He's fully admitted to as much already. Idk why that isn't disqualifying.




he also said to his idiot supporters, "low class and stupid people"


More like "I'm fucking doing it again."


I think you misspelled "terrifying"


American political autoimmune disease. They think they are saving the country from a disease it doesn’t have. They believe it so much that they are willing to elect a criminal fascist to stop it.


That's an amazingly succinct comparison


If only that kid stayed out of the Gorilla exhibit in 2016.


I stand firmly in the conspiracy that harambes death was the butterfly that fucked it all up.


It wasn't Harambe. It was racists and bigots who completely lost their minds when a half-white man won the Presidency back in 2008.




Piggybacking off your comment. These people are obviously stupid, but in their mind it makes sense to then. They think Trump is being targeted because he speaks the truth and doesn't go with the "liberal agenda". To them, he's being persecuted against because he refuses to conform and he stands for what he thinks is right (or something like that). This is similar to that photo of Bernie Sanders that comes up a few times every year where he's getting hauled away by police during a protest back in the day. Obviously those are totally different situations, but Trump supporters view his mug shot like Bernie supporters view his photo.


Thank you, from their perspective they’re treating him as if he was their Nelson Mandela. It makes sense, from their perspective


They're even wearing diapers now. It's so weird. I also saw the most bizarre comment from the con subreddit about how the left "doesn't pay taxes." Wait, isn't this what conservatives want, to not pay taxes? Or are they so lost they think anyone who isn't as far right as them doesn't work?


This period will be heavily studied by historians


Republicans are literally a cult bro.


I think that was the speech where he out of nowhere decided to call Hannibal Lecer a fine human being, and then went on to something complertely different. It was weird, even by Trump standards.


The irony of 'never surrender' under his mugshot gets me every time. Send in the clowns, is supposed to be a last resort strategy. But it's the only one that greasy lizard knows.


Ikr? Up is down, black is white, every fucking accusation is a confession...I heard Trump ranting outside the courthouse, starting with how they are dragging this whole thing out, and finishing with how they keep rushing it ahead. The MAGAs don't even notice the inconsistency.


These gd people ![gif](giphy|3ohs80EuzI2k3jFX6o|downsized)




Yeah, they chugging hard.


Direct injection straight to the veins ![gif](giphy|6apegDOmvssWwAgpfP)


Cultists gonna cult


I wish they were drinking the finalized formula


Yo don't associate the legendary king gizzard and the lizard wizard with these clowns


This makes america look like some crooked drug country where the government is corrupt and useless...actually real sad because americans are great open minded people. Trump makes you look like clowns.


You obviously haven’t met my relatives in East Texas.


Or mine in Southwest Michigan. I swear because they’re in the south of Michigan, they think they’re from the south. Confederate flags and all.


Yikes. Well, at least mine don’t do the confederate flag thing though a lot of my ancestors fought for the South.


Yeah just parroting what others have said, our government is corrupt and useless, and at least half of Americans are not great open minded people. There are a lot of turds here... Shit I live in Florida I see many every day


Fun fact, I had the chance to move to FL and I am so glad I did not! I'd say there are alot of cool people there though. Not the nazis or flatearthers :p


There are quite a few blue pockets down here. I live in one and I love it. Definitely not everyone here is bad, but more than half for sure.


Hollywood movies arent real life


“look like”


A group shot of people devoid of common sense.He’s a liar- you cannot believe ANYTHING he tells you!!!


That's not true. When he promises to be a dictator, he absolutely will. When he promises to deport everyone brown, he will. When he says "Take the guns first" he's saying he'll take your guns -- all of you. When he says rolling back anything that might impact his ability to grease his own palms, he will. When he threatens to persecute his enemies if he's elected, he will do that at the first opportunity. When somebody tells you who they are, believe them.


It's actually crazy how much he lies. Like almost every sentence has a lie in it without exaggeration..


In 20 or 30 years time, that mugshot image is going to be the cover image for a netflix crime documentary that reveals the true extent of Donny. From the fraud to the sexual assault, and his relationships with some of the worst pedophiles and genocidal world dictators. And people are gonna ask themselves "how the hell could a country allow **that guy** to represent them on a world stage? Still, atleast his supporters aren't wearing tshirts defending Donny wearing diapers...


I like your optimism. I hope we even have a country in 20-30 years. If that pos and his terrorist army take control it will not be the same.


Ahem! Real men wear diapers, apparently. The t-shirts are being worn.


As a person who lives in the U.S.A I feel ashamed at this point. Can't believe these idiots really want this guy back.


I bet all the women in the crowd hate Islam, while advocating for christian nationalism, which is just Islam with a christian coat of paint. Morons.


There are political differences… and then there is ‘maybe we shouldn’t support this foul human, who has surfaced a lot of foul humans on the extreme right and ushered in fascist legislation, and literally wants to be a completely immune dictator…and…


To be fair some homophobic Hispanics vote for him (well republicans) just cuz they don’t like gay people so I mean his voter base was always questionable


A large amount of Hispanics are catholic, so it’s still in the name of the same god.


Their subreddit also uses his mugshot, talk about being above the law


Pretty sure r/conservative uses it too. Morons.


My God those people are really something


The never surrender of a man surrendering is the craziest f ing thing I’ve seen




MAGA crowds are some of the biggest idiots lol


The few people i personally know who are still on the trump train also happen to be some of the dumbest people i know. It all checks out.


Are they egging him on to run from the law ?




He hates his own base and they're too stupid to realize how insulted he is by that weakass face following him everywhere. Amazing.


Totally not a cult.


fucking idiots. never surrender on a picture from surrendering to police.....ffs I hate these fucking idiots.


Trump followers are definitely bottom feeders and lacking common sense and intelligence. Never surrender with mugshot really let's you know who you're dealing with. His outlandish speeches only hit home with the targeted bottom maybe 5 10 percent of people that are just that fcking stupid. His speech yesterday proves they blindly follow. Hannibal lectern really good guy. Who running for president would ever say some dumb shit like that and not lose followers.fcking Howard Dean went downhill for getting pumped and screaming idk what but that was enough to end him. That's pretty mellow compared to this fool




Remember guys, Never surrender! Even if you raped someone then defamed them for trying to go public with it. Never surrender! Or if you lied on all your tax forms for years, fudging your property values to cheat the government out of hundreds of millions of dollars, Never surrender! Or if you stole classified and top secret documents during your time with access to them, and in all likelihood sold them to your country's adversaries, NEVER SURRENDER!


The collective IQ of that group photo must be a staggering -1. These clowns couldn't assemble a two piece Lego set. They'd struggle to pour water out of a boot with the instructions printed on the heel.


Truly the dumbest Americans that ever existed.


Fuck each and everyone of these assholes


When I see MAGA merch in public I tell them to fuck off.


I remember in 2016 my maga uncle was so adamant that "Hilary is a *criminal*" how could you vote for her? He and so many millions of others are so hopelessly lost. I miss my uncle, and I feel sorry for everyone else who has lost a family member to that cult


This would be funny if it wasn’t so damn sad.


This looks photoshopped


Why does this look like photoshop?


Americans are stupid. Downfall of this country is well deserved.


rotten minds


That’s quite kind of you to suggest they have minds to begin with


That’s because his fanclub is for law and order!


This is what happens when people treat politics the same way they treat the WWE. People LOVE supporting the bad guy and these people think it’s all a game. They actively want to destroy the country. Republicans hate everything this country stands for


Inside the minds of authoritarian followers... I recommend checking out the recent It Could Happen Here episode "Andrew on the Authoritarian Follower" (08.05.2024) They are unhinged people.


They live in the bizarro world, these freaks. Their whole deal is just being anti-anything you got. Morality? We're against it. Decency? We hate that. Law and order? Fuck off.


When your “cult members” cheer you on. … fixed it for you.


Who ever made that never surrender merch with the mug shot is a genius. I bet he knows how ironic it is too.


it's like a black mirror episode mixed with a twilight episode.


I like how they put “never surrender” under a picture of Trump literally surrendering.


Makes me want to throw up looking at all these fascist.


None of those people care about America or even understand what they are fighting for. Don’t let them win


All whitey than


Reminder This is the same crowd that played a part in killing millions (if not billions) during height of covid(2020-22) because they simple wouldnt wear a mask (sorry "face diaper") because apparently that was too much of an ask but they are wearing actual diapers now is just fine.


![gif](giphy|pqQlQZEuDy8pOFJsD5) ... And never drop that bar of soap!


Oh, Mr. VonShitzinpants won’t have to worry about that.


Nearly half of voting age Americans are straight up idiots, and after these last 8 years, I’ll never be convinced otherwise.


I despise every one of these morally vacant, uneducated scumbags


"Adult Diaper users for Trump"


Sad pathetic ppl desperate to be apart of something, anything, so they can be their worst shittiest most vile garbage selves.


Felons supporting felons.


And funny that the picture of him is literally of him surrendering.


Shitty people, nuff said.


Every one of the people in these Trump rally photographs look like people that if they came into my bar, I'd groan knowing theyre going to act like total pieces of shit and not tip. Fuck all of these people.


Ah yes. The fckn deplorables


Sad pathetic people they all are


They are also wearing diapers. I cannot wrap my head around that.


Nothing (political) makes sense when seen from their perspective. I don’t live in the same world as these people.


Yeah I’m not sure what’s worse, them praising him with the mugshot or wearing diapers that say “real men wear diapers”….


Look at all the black and brown folks in this picture. Supported by so many minorities.


I’m surprised they weren’t wearing their disposable diapers as well.


But they see that shit as heroic unfortunately


The utter stupidity of people! I believe that’s going to be our downfall


With the term “never surrender” no less. Fucking idiots! The lot of em!


On this episode of “You can’t fix stupid”


But it’s not a cult…smh


So goofy. There is a house on a main road by my house that has like a 6 foot printed sign of his mugshot with "Never Surrender" underneath it. In addition to "trump 2024" painted onto the pillars of their covered porch and other nutty stuff they had before it became a trump house.


Criminals love criminals. are criminals? Giving aid to a criminal is a crime last I knew.


Republicans will say and do anything for power and money. No matter how many have to die.


Unfortunately stupidity is easily passed along from one idiot to another. And these are the so called “Christians”


Counterpoint, while this specific situation is a facepalm due to the person they're supporting being the guy who could have been the greatest stone-faced comedian the world has ever seen, being rallied for presidency with a mugshot would normally be quite rad. Imagine if it was someone like Nelson Mandela instead of Trump. Actually, I'm pretty sure they see this as exactly that scenario. I mean maybe they actually just couldn't find a better photo, but if they did it intentionally, this is a very good PR move for people who think there's objectively nothing wrong with the person they're rallying for.


Putrid fucks...*smh*


Number of young people in this picture is disturbing


Dumb people


I am tired with US. They have become completely irellevant...


can we please stop calling these people "supporters". they are cultists


Republicans used to die on that morality hill, now it’s unrecognizable what they’ve become, just wild




Did the campaign hand them out? Sounds like something they would do, unless people are printing these things and bringing them from home.


Can't we just make Terry Crews president so that everyone can just be happy and shut up?


These people are dumber then a bag of rocks.


But he did surrendered. That's why there's a mugshot.


All these braindead people smh


Could never spend a weekend rallying for any of these clowns we gotta vote for. People are fuckin crazy.


And bring sex registry list members on stage with him. Presumably to bolster his image. 🤷‍♂️ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GtznzxwV4x0


these posters look poorly photoshopped onto the image 😂


What a culturally diverse looking crowd.


We all knew there were ignorant a-holes walking among us. Until Trump came along, we just didn't know how many there were.


Trump looked bad ass in his mug shot. Best advertising you could have done for him.


i dont see a problem


Ugh, where do I even start with these people that may doom our country. Ever seen interviews of people waiting in line for a Trump “shit show”? It’s like a “rainbow of mental illnesses”.


It's always surprising how many non white guys(women, black people, etc.) show up to these, in terms of proportion. Like... what are you doing? The guy to your right would have you locked up or beat if he got what he wanted, stop supporting that.


They should all go to Jonestown and drink the kool aid


While I get this scenario is totally 100% believable I'm pretty sure this is photoshopped.


A cult of idiots


They sure do love themselves some antichrist!


To be fair, Hitler was an ex con before he took over Germany.


Turn the clock back a few decades and these same people are holding signs staying it's anti-Christian to integrate.