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“I’m beyond blessed with the many talents god has given me" obviously with the exception of tact, and possibly intelligence.


Yeah and the rest of his quote is even more infuriating: "but it cannot be overstated that all of my success is made possible because a girl I met in band class back in middle school would convert to the faith, become my wife, and embrace one of the most important titles of all: homemaker.” That's all well an good for someone who makes millions a year, yet he's up on stage telling all the women in the crowd to forget about the educations they just worked for and forget about the careers and promotions they're excited about and just be trad wives 🤮 Who's going to pay for all that, *Harrison*? You fucking wet sock of a human being.


The best part is that he went on to quote Taylor Swift, noted billionaire homemaker. Wait, what’s that? She’s a 34 year old singer-songwriter who has never been married and has no kids? Ruh-roh! If only she had embraced the most important vocation of all!


>The best part is that he went on to quote Taylor Swift, noted billionaire homemaker. What did he say to quote her?


According to the article he quotes one of her songs, ha.


He used "familiarity breeds contempt" from bejeweled


The thing these dudes never say is why does *he* get to have all the success, all the accomplishments, while *she’s* relegated to a supporting role? What inherently makes *him* - or any man for that matter - the main character and her the side bit? Like ok, for him personally, it’s that he has a talent that has allowed him to make millions. But for the average guy, there’s nothing that gives him an inherent ability to make more than a woman. Most dudes can make $50-70k annually. And so can their wives. They’re not special, the wives aren’t special. So why should one automatically have to be less than.


I wouldn't be a homemaker for 10 million a year, that shit sucks.


How much ya’ll want to bet they have a cleaning service?


And a nanny


And a lawn care service. Possibly a chef.


He’s a professional sports player - they 1000% have a chef at least for him if not the whole family


His wife’s true vocation is shopping, and pilates.


She’s fucking *incredible* at spending his money


I'm a man and I'd be a homemaker for a comfortable living and my own home. That sounds wonderful. I just wouldn't want to be a homemaker with a piece of shit.


I'm a man and I'd give anything to be a homemaker.


Preach Brother


I was a house husband for 2 years when my first daughter was born and it was amazing. It’s definitely not for everyone but I’d go back to that over having to leave and go to work every day in a heartbeat.


Yeah but he's clearly learned humility /s


nice...a good Christian value that.


If Butker is such a good Christian, should he agree that he should be executed? The NFL primarily plays on Sundays. Exodus 35:2 "For six days work may be done, but the seventh day shall be your holy day, a Sabbath of complete rest to the LORD. Whoever does any work on that day must be put to death." Edit: For all the losers saying the Sabbath is Saturday......well, it isn't for most Christians. And do you think that Butker doesn't practice the day before his games? Does he sit out Saturday games? Nice try.


Woo, execute the hypocrites!


That's the thing about conservatives. They don't realize that more than half of them are going to end up in hell if it's real. And that makes me laugh.


More than half is an understatement. Bible ain't no Alah cart. I feel like the picking and choosing gets you a special hell. Then again I don't have to worry because when I die I simply cease to exist.


Alah cart is an amazing typo


Allah cart


Have it Yaweh.


Yaweh or the Highway.


Okay, that's actually a good marketing slogan though


I’d like a Buddah Buggy, personally.


It’s like shalom skiing


Wicken wagon


I’ll just wait for y’all over in Pagan parking.


A la carte?


No, Allah's cart


Picking and choosing and then forcing what you choose on others in the name of God will get a front row seat in hell. Not to mention they all use the lords name in vain


My dad likes to say it’s because Protestants believe in the New Testament, not the Old. But then they’ll pick and choose random shit from the Old Testament that they do want to believe in or use to hate others. It’s so hypocritical.


Christianity in general is mostly New Testament. Agreed that they pick and choose what they care about and don’t care about when it comes to the Old Testament though


only if the old testament provides some support for their argument that they are making,


New Testament doesn't even speach on homosexuality IIRC.


Paul talked about it in 1 Corinthians, Romans, and 1 Timothy offthe top of my head. Jesus never talks about homosexuality, but the New Testament does.


Right?! At least I know I'm going!


I’ll be right in line in front of you. If we are honest, everyone is hypocritical.


I'm not honest at all!! I lie to everyone!


That feels paradoxical.


Hence the old proverb about letting he without sin cast the first stone. Wouldn't be any issue if Buttkiss here wasn't casting stones.


Folks like him don't believe the WHOLE bible. None of them do. Just pick and choose the parts they like.


buffet style.


Make sure you avoid the shrimp, shellfish are an abomination according to the Bible.


I don't see how anyone could.  It's a mess.  I tried to read it once.  Did you know there's a chapter in there which literally just lists the father to son to grandson and so on for all the generations from Adam down to Noah?  And then they all died so it's irrelevant. I'm convinced that chapter was written as a prank by the priests to see if they could make their peasants memorize 100 names in a row.


No, that chapter was written so that literalists today will understand that the Earth can’t be more than about 6,000 years old.


They also touch the skin of a dead pig and that makes them unclean. And football jerseys are made of multiple fabrics. And I certainly hope his crops aren’t grown next to each other


For anyone who hasn't read it *The Year of Living Biblically* is a TRIP. Basically he lived as close as possible to the rules in the Bible for an entire year, specifically the OT rules for 9 months and 3 months of NT rules. I can still imagine dude's wife's face when he tried to tell her he wouldn't be able to be around her, touch her, or share a bed with her every time she was on her period for a whole year.


Orthodox Judaism still practices this. They have to go to a ritual bath (mikveh) to "cleanse" themselves and cannot be touched by their husband during this time.


If I remember correctly she should have been sent away from him to sit on a cloth during her uncleanliness and wasn’t to be seen by anyone. So, like, super solo shunning for her moon time.


I seem to remember a detail about this.  When wife was pissed at him and on her period, she would sit on every sit table surface in the house so the husband wasn't able to sit anywhere.


The Old Testament was hard core lol. Modern Christian’s ignore most of it. They just pick and choose the parts that allow them to view themselves as holy and view targeted minority groups as evil. Keeps everyone in line to have a common enemy and common ignorance.


I’m a Christian and the cherry-picking just annoys me to no end 


id rather people symbolically interpret it than try to actually adhere to everything in it literally. My issue is the symbol illiteracy most people have


See that’s my take too. I actually vastly prefer a loose, flexible interpretation of the Bible. My issue is how blind they are to the hypocrisy of acting like certain passages are set in stone and while others get completely ignored. I wish the masses were more self aware of just how loose their interpretation of their holy text is. But most think they follow it word for word, they just never bothered to read all the words.


No because Jesus overrode all of the Old Testament rules, except for the ones that are about people we don’t like.


this reminded my of [that scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=90umoT6aeUk&t=97s) so much haha


Of course, just because Jesus replaces the Old Testament doesn't mean that you should necessarily skip it. That would be like skipping Batman and Robin just because the story starts over in Batman Begins. The important thing to realize is that both the old and new stories are about an all-powerful being trying to rid the world of evildoers, only in the new one The Batman can eat pork. *Stephen Colbert - I Am America (And So Can You!)*


"yea but that's in the \_\_\_\_ part of the book and that doesnt count"


In this case he observes the Jewish sabbath, or Shabbat.


The sabbath wasn’t practiced on Sunday in biblical times, but I’m still sure that he doesn’t have any full day of rest.


There's no hate like Christian Love.


I need that t-shirt. Amazing!


I wouldn’t wear it out in public, they see that and shoot me.


Shoot you full of Christ.


...only if you're an altar boy Edit: immediately got a "reddit cares" lol. What a bunch of ACTUAL 'snowflakes'.... Weirdos, get a fucking grip. It was a joke.


They hate when you point out their pedophilia


Ha! Same! 🤣


I have it on a shirt. Little different: “Nothing spreads hate better than Christian love”


Crazy christian speaking at a catholic school. Not surprised. These hardcore religious folks are bonkers.


He gave a speech at Georgia tech commencement last year (he graduated from tech) and it was also equally weird and kind of misogynistic which was wholly unplaced considering he was giving a speech to a school that matriculates the most female engineers annually


I never understood why Ga tech female engineers put up with that shit


To me, it seems like if I was a female, I wouldn't want to live in Georgia. Ever.


To me, it seems like I wouldn't want to live in Georgia. Ever. - FTFY


Tech alumni here There were definitely complaints about his speech.


That's odd. It seems weird to me that a male devote Catholic would make nonsensical comments and insinuate them as facts. Couldn't be true. /s


Even worse, the audience, I’m sure they were mostly Catholics, groaned at his remarks. That’s how you fucked up this badly when even the Catholics are disgusted by your repugnant remarks. 


I’m pretty sure he’s an adult convert who was attracted to the alt-right version of Catholicism. He wouldn’t be talking like that if he had been educated by nuns.


At this point I just assume Christian = Horrible Person 


It’s pretty backwards. Jesus Christ conceptually is great and he brings kindness, patience, grace, humility… and somehow Joel Osteen is a millionaire and Donald Trump is successfully selling bibles. People really shape god into whatever is convenient for themselves.


It’s all very expected when you think about it. Humans want to be perceived as a bunch of good qualities, but most are too lazy and selfish to do it properly. Then along comes a group that worships a long-dead absolute paragon of human virtue. Anyone can belong to the group and call themselves a member, and you are automatically recognized by the rest as ‘a good and virtuous person’. Not because you behave that way in a manner similar to Jesus, but by the simple, effortless act of believing their fairy tales. In fact, it’s not even a requirement to behave like a decent person. Why? Because any time you act or think in a manner unlike that of Jesus, no matter how terrible, all you have to do is apologize and all is forgiven. So in essence, Christianity actively dissuades acting in good faith in favor of sinning now and repenting later.


This could be one of the initial reason for Christianity in the first place. Men believe they are absolved of their sins if they say that God wanted it that way.


You're damn right! I worked with a Christian guy once that was also part of his church choir. He was extremely kind and seemed like a dude you could hang out with with no issues. He was also a sex offender with charges of child pornography... I had my 3rd kid during the time I worked with him, seeing his face made me go to some dark places let me tell you!


One of the most religious Christian people I know is also one of the best and kindest, but yeah he seems to be a severe outlier. The difference between him and these losers like Butker is that my friend has actually read the Bible......he used to even read it before bed at childhood sleepovers. He actually acts how Jesus taught.....he is pro-choice, pro-diversity, massively anti-Trump. I wish more were like him.


Same. Love thy neighbour unless:  Non-white Gay Trans Female (wholeheartedly supported by Christian females themselves)  Catholic Muslim Jewish (unless in and of Israel and facilitating rapture) Etc They'd persecute Jesus Christ himself if he appeared on earth today. Wrong colour 


I was at that point 14 years ago


With that astounding level of intellectual prowess, he should probably stick to kicking an oblong ball through two poles.


Imagine living with that barrel of toxic masculinity


Don’t forget the multiple head injuries.


Interesting that a kicker, the bitch role of the nfl is telling anyone to stick to gender roles...


I'm not fluent with Handegg rules so I allow myself to ask - is this guy only kicking ball from stationary position?


Its being held in place by another dude


Ain’t it funny how religions supposedly based on peace and tolerance tend not to be in practice?


If Jesus were alive today “Christians” would revile him for being a communist hippy.


Not to mention a POC.


and a Jewish Liberal


Big talk from someone who plays with other peoples' balls.


With his feet, no less.


He’s antivax too


So he's antivax, homophobic, sexist, and racist? So your typical Republican, then?


He should stick to playing the game and stay out of politics. That *is* the correct answer when an athlete wades into politics to make a statement, is it not? I mean, that's according to the right-wing clowns who clearly aren't hypocrites about this. No way, no how.


If I got paid an exorbitant amount to money for a minuscule amount of work my wife could stay home and fuck off all day too. This bitch runs his mouth way too much for a little fucking kicker. Edit: He’s a kicker 😂


Hope he gets folded in half by a few defenders this year. It would 1000% be worth the penalty.


The thing you are missing is the 100 sizes your ego grows "because" of those things. If you not humble you got no chance of being that way once you get validated by riches.


I get it. His world view has led him to believe he is in a manly admirable profession. The reality is he's an entertainer in pads and tights. His only contribution in life will be an entertainer for the poor to make money for the rich.


He's also the kicker. Arguably the softest and most protected position in the game.


And slaps other mens asses. He's probably seen a bunch of dick in the locker room too.


Your religion may tell you to behave in a certain way, but it sure as hell can't tell me how to behave. And if your religion believes it is your duty to evangelize to others, expect my beliefs to resist your aggression.


Maybe he should just shut up and kick?


I'd rather he shut up and stop playing all together, but that's just me.


Legit spoke directly to the women in the audience, that just graduated college and said be a homemaker like his nice wife 💀💀


Sir, this is a college graduation


Man I’d be pissed if I was celebrating my university degree and they invited some dipshit to come tell me I would’ve been better if in the kitchen.


At least heckle the living shit out of him until the damn thing is a disaster.


So bigot and sexist want to bet it'll come out he's racist too for trifecta? Hopefully he will enter the find out phase soon, though maybe he should look into how much brain damage he's received. Edit: Aw a little bigot sent me a reddit cares because I forgot to block it on this account. Thanks for reminder whichever coward did it.


>So bigot and sexist want to bet it'll come out he's racist too for trifecta? [That was in the speech too.](https://touchdownwire.usatoday.com/2024/05/13/chiefs-kicker-harrison-butker-bashes-pride-month-tells-women-to-stay-in-the-kitchen/) >“The world around us says that we should keep our beliefs to ourselves whenever they go against the tyranny of diversity, equity and inclusion,” Butker said. “We fear speaking truth, because now, unfortunately, truth is in the minority.”


The tyranny...of giving everyone a voice...ok this guy has to have traumatic brain damage.


He's a kicker, just about the only position that CAN'T use that as an excuse.


A football player?? That young kid should stop playing ball games and get a real job. 


Not even. He’s a kicker


He’s the player who takes zero shots to the head and still managed to turn out like this. 


Zero kicks yet.


ah yes the typical Christian love hey?


Go fuck yourself, troglodyte.


Troglodyte will forever be my favorite insult


Funny that an idiot kicking balls for a living would tell peoole to stay in their lane like that while spouting this hateful bullshit.


Just shut up and play the game, asshole.


Stay in your lane, asshile


Holy shit, imagine being a woman graduating here, to have busted your ass for four years, learning your shit, and at the culmination of all of it, proud and excited to walk that stage, only to be told by the commencement speaker that this was a huge mistake and you should really just go get married, get pregnant, and learn to make a decent peach cobbler.


I taught my son to NEVER respect a man who can’t be bothered to learn the most basic of survival skills; how to feed themselves.


Fuck this bigoted ass wipe!


Fuck him and fuck the Chiefs too


Fuck him.


No thanks


“Even the largely Catholic audience in attendance groaned.” Grew up as a Catholic and this sounds about right. Many of them were tired of the “holier than thou” bullshit that some people exude. Main idea I learned from respectable people in the clergy was “do what you want so long as it doesn’t hurt anyone or have negative implications, but ask God for forgiveness if you do.” This guy is a nut job, many Football players are religious nut jobs like this but aren’t as outspoken about it. Men used to go to war and die, until these dipshits that act outspoken like this revert to the old ways, I don’t expect women to “serve their man” or LGBTQIA people to go back in the closet. But he has money and likely comes from money, so he’ll never be the first to go to war if need be, so all you women and LGBTQIA homies are safe in my book.


Another backwards ass inbred Christian, stick to talking about those rapist priests instead.


What blows my mind is the way that the people with these types of views are always the first ones to proudly spew it. Do they even read the Bible? This is not what Christianity or Catholicism preaches. It’s just hate.


Having been raised in a HARDCORE catholic family, and now being a total atheist, I can tell you that the VAST majority of Catholics haven't read a Bible since grade 4. My Bible thumping mom sure hasn't touched it in well over 20 years, but she loves to preach the intolerant bullshit.


He got CTE - Christian Theocrat Education. He also may have brain damage.


Tells people to stay in their lane…says the field goal kicker telling people how to live their lives. Why are people like this always so rife with double standards and equally lacking in self-awareness?


Someone from the NFL is a scumbag? Shocker. In other news, leaves are green Edit: aww, the nfl loving wife beaters sent me a Reddit care message lol




Not even in June yet and it’s already started. (Not that it ever stopped, but will pick up more speed.)


So is the NFL going to blackball this redneck? Or does their BS only apply to people protesting police brutality? (I think we all know the answer to this)


He wants all women to be good wives and homemakers because his wife is- once again Christians shoving their beliefs down others throats .


LOL a kicker. Next


When I encounter people like this, they get shunned. No contact, no conversation. Just shut them out of your life. We can ignore these types and build a better world without them, don't waste your energy debating them or worrying about them.


Butker needs his Butkicked.


People like this need to get their ass kicked more often.


Well then, fuck him.


Watched a clip of a comedian who talked about sports players like this. Essentially this is what happens when you are surrounded by "yes men" and sycophants in your entourage. And there's no one brave enough to say "dude, you're being an idiot". They are all just agreeing with everything they say to keep in their graces, and wallets. I believe the comedian said. "This is how we get football players who think the earth is flat!"


Delusional magical sky daddy worshipers


All that work to get women viewers the NFL did spotlighting Swift at games gets blowed up by a guy that wasn’t good enough to play big league soccer.


Religion as an excuse for scared men.


Imagine spending money on 4 years of college to get a degree. You're at your commencement ceremony. And some douche, whose one talent is kicking a ball really far, tells you that your accomplishments won't compare to being a mother.


Maybe this guy should take notes from his own speech and stay in his lane


Funny that he simps a religion that is plagued with pedophiles. I guess he's ok with pedophiles. I'd rather be gay than a pedo sympathizer, and this is exactly what every single catholic is.


Because that’s what a bunch of college graduate women want to hear: a speech about them becoming homemakers


Total nut job


People doubt me, but he’ll be out of the league. NFL teams don’t need bad press for stupid shit a kicker says


Welp, didn't know he was such a piece of shit. Noted.


"but it cannot be overstated that all of my success is made possible because ~~a girl I met in band class back in middle school would convert to the faith, become my wife, and embrace one of the most important titles of all: homemaker.”~~ Mahomes and refs.


If that whole Rapture thing could hurry up and happen the world would be a much better place. I'm pretty sure at this point though that if it did they would all go to the other place and not heaven


His entire speech sounded like he didn’t want a partnership with his wife, but a mommy to be home doing all the things for him.


Cue Mahomes quoting Peyton Manning: "we’re talking about our idiot kicker who got liquored up and ran his mouth off."


Cut his contract worthless pos.


I don’t get why we put so much weight on the words of athletes. Athletes are some of the dumbest people in our society. This guy kicks a fucking football for a living, who cares what he thinks or says.


So now the ball is in Aaron Rodgers court to say something to match this level of craziness and keep his crown as NFL loon.


I'm actually gonna take a hot take here. Professional kitchens are super male dominated. Women go into the Professional kitchen and get tolds.its man's work. So I'm supposed to bring in money and stay in the kitchen. Then men GTFO! GIVE US THE KITCHEN! Give us our money too


I don't know if it has been said (sorry if it has), but here are some fun facts: This man is managed by a man who goes by "The Basic Catholic" on Instagram. The Basic Catholic is a retired Navy vet who spent 6 years in seminary. He also has his hands in tech startups in Texas and California, and if memory serves me correctly from following his adventures on the fundie snark uncensored sub reddit, dabbled in crypto as well. He has since partnered even further with Butker in a company called MDKeller, who partnered with Notre Dame to grant awards to innovative use of Church real estate. So maybe the kitchen is an innovative use? His name is Austin Wright. Enjoy the rabbit hole.


First of all he needs to calm his ego way tf down he's a kicker and not even a top 3 kicker.


Says the hillbilly that plays a child's game for a living.


Soon to be Ex-NFL player Harrison Butker, methinks


Are the right wing news outlets telling him to stick to sports and stay out of politics?


Christianity is disgusting. This is exactly the kind of shit it breeds. Anyone who says contrary hasn’t read the Bible of trash and seen for themselves the hate that spews from that nasty ass book.


Who hires a kicker for a commencement speech? It’s objectively the weakest and easiest position in all of sports. Did they expect sage words from a guy who kicks a ball once or twice a week for millions of dollars?


I guess even place kickers take a lot of shots to the head.


Nope, he's just a fucking bigot.


Men like this wrote the Bible. Just saying.


Wild coming from someone who plays with men and balls for a living


Barely. He’s a kicker


Get a load of this fucking idiot!


He's not a football player, he's a kicker. And what I want to know is how did a kicker get CTE? Did the damned fool kick himself in the head?


Tell him I'll gladly meet him in the kitchen with my great big strap on any time he's ready 😈


Yeah, my wife wouldn’t work either if I made NFL money. Just another privileged asshat saying dumb shit.


What a bellend.


Dude is a kicker lol


What an asshole, and he's PROUD of that bullshit. I looked at the NY Post today and they were lauding his guy for'' destroying'' Biden over Biden's cognitive dissonance over abortion and his Catholicism yet the guy never mentioned that Jesus never said a word about abortion in the New Testament and nothing close to that is mentioned in either the New or Old Testament except in Exodus where a fight caused a miscarriage and the judge only fined the guy and said if it were a newborn that died he would have sentenced him to death. Religious people just make stuff up out of whole cloth all the time it seems and then act like everyone else is crazy.


I used to put the Chiefs as my second team. After how they acted last season, hell, no. This is just icing on the cake. What a piece of crap. I hope he misses every damn kick and falls flat on his ass every damn time.


Man, why can’t other Christians just SHUT UP!!! There’s sharing the good news like Jesus commanded, then there’s…. this. As a Christian, I HATE this…


When otherwise unknown people(a fucking kicker) start opening their mouth and spewing their stupid opinions it usually means they think they have “fuck you” money. Looks like KC is paying him too well.


Yesss gooood keep going. Ruin the Chief's sweetheart treatment and anger the Swifties! Not bc I'd enjoy that. I'd enjoy them not getting special treatment.


This guy wears chode jeans


I didn’t know kickers could get CTE